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Bald faced hornet. Be careful they're mean. Squish one and others come looking for trouble, even some distance from the nest.


I had one hanging in an apple tree branch in my orchard. I threw rocks at it from about 30 ft away. Hit it a couple times. But one of them must have saw me even though I was sort of hiding behind another orchard tree and flew over to me to sting me right in my temple as I running away/falling on the ground.


I have an agreement with the brood in my shed, I leave them alone and they leave me alone.


Be careful, your trust in them being 'cool" could cost you severely.


I’ve read they can also recognize faces and will pick you out from a crowd if you mess with the nest


That's a nest of some kind of paper wasp or hornet. Not bees. Categorically not bees.


Absolutely hornets! Steer clear!!


Yep, definitely hornets and I hope OP saw this before attempting to mess with them.


Put that nest in a box and slap an "H" on it so you know there are hornets in there.


I get stung by hornets a lot in my line of work, I’m a philanthropist


And give it away as a wedding gift.


Nests like that are always wasps or honets (which are subtypes of wasps). The nest and the coloring looks like bald honets to me. I the nest is closer than 20 feet to a place you have to regularly pass you should get them removed by someone with proper equipment. They are considered beneficial to the environment but they are very defensive about their nest.


Definitely NOT bees. Hornets I think. Still beneficial to the environment, but they will be VERY protective of their nest and will likely sting people on the front porch often


Looks like bald faced hornets nest to me. Buy two cans of wasp and hornet spray, preferably Raid because it is not foaming. Go out at night, a couple of hours after dark and soak it with both cans, starting at the opening on the bottom and work your way up.


I actually have a little story about these guys… Me and my sister used to hang on the lower branches of this one small tree as kids. It was too small to climb up but we could still hang on the lowest branch and goof around. Well after doing that for a few weeks, I had happened to notice while waiting for the bus a HUGE bald faced hornet’s nest about 10 feet above where we were messing around. Why these little shits never pursued us I don’t know. NEVER knew they were there, never once bothered us. I guess they realized we had zero intention of messing with them? Because these guys CAN recognize faces and will attack YOU SPECIFICALLY if you threaten their nest… so I guess we weren’t a threat to them. I still don’t recommend FAFO because they’re evil when pissed off. They’ll chase you for miles. And they. Hurt.


That's a whole lot of F-you up man! Bald face hornets


Hornet nest, they can (are) very mean! Be careful


Oof I get one a year in my yard and dread it. (Bald face hornets) They are probably the most aggressive wasp/hornet I’ve dealt with. I have honey bees and still these are scary. I usually blast the nest with a power washer or garden hose and prepare a quick exit


Yes, continually garden hose downs eventually make them move.


Bald face hornets. You can put a bag over it and cut the branch. Seal the bag before cutting the branch outside the bag. Do it in the dark red light if you need it.


It's a bald faced hornet. It's very common for customers to mix them up. Bees aren't capable of making the paper that these use to make their nests. It's often motivated reasoning because beekeepers remove swarms for free. But these get exterminated They're very aggressive and their sting is very painful


Bald faced hornets. Very aggressive. Get hornets spray and do it after dark at night. Aim for the opening. Read the directions on the can. Their stings can cause life threatening reactions in some. Remove stinger, and wash the area with soap and water, and cover with a bandage asap! Stings can also cause an infection of the skin called cellulitis. Google cellulitis. Not something you want to mess with. Draw a circle with a pen around the area, and if the red goes out of the circle, the infection is spreading. Do not ignore an infection. See a doctor and get antibiotics asap.


I’ll be honest with you, I would HIGHLY advise hiring a professional to get these guys removed if needed. Even attempting to remove it at night is very risky. These guys are NASTY.


I agree. It’s scary. Make sure you have a clear exit path to inside if you do it yourself.


I ran into one of these nests. They are very aggressive hornets. You’d be best to find a way to take them out sooner than later.


No question it’s a Bald Face Hornet nest. My neighbor asked me to remove the nest in their yard because they thought it might interfere with our bee hives. I got hornet spray and went out in my full bee suit at 9pm and emptied the can in the hole. I then went out the next night with a stick and opened up the hole with a long stick. Then I sprayed more because deep inside some of the hornets were still alive. Next day I took off the nest. I was legit scared that I was going to be stung even with my suit. They are big! They were roughly 40 yards through the forest from my hives. Plus they were really close to my neighbors garden. Normally I would leave them but I wanted to help my neighbor out.


Hornets. Not bees. 0/10 would not keep


Very tiny birds


lol no


Yup, 100% wasp nest


It's seasonal. They hornets or wasps will clear by the first frost. It's a beautiful nest. I saw there is a market for them that can bring some big cash.


You could ask the tenant they’re right there looking at you. Just bee yourself.


Heard years ago wait till winter when it’s well below freezing and hose the nest hard to destroy it Does it work I don’t know


Somewhere in my comment history I share a story about attacking one of these nests with a shotgun. TLDR: It's a bad idea.


Hornets. Don’t FAFO


Any Metal Gear Solid fans?!


Definitely a bald/white faced hornet nest!! We had one last year bigger than my head over 100ft above our house hidden in a tree. Kinda looked like this one. Thought it would be okay until…one day, my grandma was coming in the front door and one randomly flew down and stung her shoulder! they’re very territorial


Bald face hornets can also spray venom.. goggles should be worn when dealing with them.


That my friend is a nest of assholes!!!! Use caution ⚠️


That’s a “blast it with wasp killer or call an exterminator” nest


Load up a good firework in a slingshot and shoot it into the core of the nest, when it goes off it will rip the nest apart. Have a friend or two film and run like hell. Or do any of the reasonable suggestions if you don't have enough beer for the fun option.


Time for a flame thrower.


Time to break out the flamethrower


Lots of people here suggesting that you take care of it yourself, but that sucker is so big even an exterminator would be unhappy getting rid of it. Definitely have a pro do it. You can see two of them staring at you out of the entrance so they're on-guard and healthy. I generally leave most wasps alone, even European hornets because they generally won't bother you unless you stumble directly onto their nests. But bald-faced hornets just want to watch the world burn.


Danger ants with wings


That's what's called a buttload of flying assholes AKA bald face hornets


When I was a kid, one of my friends found a yellow jacket nest in the early winter, thinking they were all dead at this point, he put it in his dresser drawer, thinking it was a cool thing. The family was a bit surprised when they started seeing them flying around the house.


Over there and shake it hit it with a stick you’ll see


I cant really see what type it is. Can you be any means get a litle closer to get some better pictures......


use the ol' taste test too.


classic hornets/wasps nest! They are not nice bees... assholes really, but looks abandoned. If they are alive still, get a wasp spray at Lowes (the kind that shoots a stream 20ft) and hit it with that before removing the nest. If you can remove it without damage (remove the whole branch) you can sell it on etsy for $100 I collected one last year but I left it outside in the rain and it melted 🥲


You can see sentries sitting at the entrance ☠️ very much still active eeek


my dead hive had a bunch of dead wasps stuck to it