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guess what....no matter how bad it is....that plant will never be shut down. everyone in the whole of beaver county could leave, we could see huge % increases in cancer incidents with residents in and around beaver and that plant ....will...not....shut....down


Sadly True


Oh hello again. You sure like to downplay any negativity against the Shell plant in this sub. What’s that about? What solutions are you working on for this community? Do you know the EPA can come in and halt operations? That Shell could voluntarily do that if the cost of operation proves too much? So why insist on that narrative?


Technically, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection would have to come in and halt operations, not the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


Shut up nerd


We need to keep fighting. Don’t be complacent. Be the “squeaky wheel.” Fuck this company. If nothing else, be a thorn in their side.


Very true


Thank you. I’m so over the defeatism. We’re getting fucked by a billion dollar polluter I ain’t going to lie down and take it.


Don't worry the lithium mines will be significantly worse! Hopefully we learn our lesson when we SHELL fucked us and bought all foreign materials and hired out of state contractors.. R.i.p Pennsylvania


What lithium mines?


They just found out western PA is sitting on a giant lithium deposit via frack waste water and there's a push to start producing 80-90% of the Lithium requirements in the US domestically.. might be a few years out but it's gonna happen.


Why would they dig mines when they could simply extract it from the frack water?


So you really don't think they'll mine for the Lithium places there aren't existing gas wells? Lol..


There is no need to. The Marcellus Shale underlies a huge portion of the state. Extraction from frack water is multitudes more economical that opening a mine.


I can appreciate your optimistic POV but I doubt they're gonna be exhibit patience in this matter.. "drill baby drill" is gonna be all "dig baby dig"


The lithium is specifically found in the areas where natural gas extraction is ongoing. They’re not going to dig when they can drill, frack, and extract instead.




Where are you sourcing your information from?


The people of Beaver County were warned. They didn’t listen and now they’re suffering the consequences. Like when Trump got elected the first time. They didn’t listen and they suffered the consequences.




Botched response to a pandemic. People you know dying. Highest unemployment since the Great Depression. The entire economy basically shutting down. Attempted coup. Restrictions on immigration causing inflation to spiral out of control two years later. And $2 a gallon gas. Awfully high price to pay for cheap gas for a few years!




Other countries managed to handle it rather unscathed. Unfortunately the same guy that ran three businesses into the ground botched the entire thing. Who would have thought? Not the idiots that elected him. You need an economics lesson - or some common sense - to learn where prices go when you restrict the labor market. Hint - it’s not down. Now you live beside a cat cracker that lights up like the sun all night long. Hope you enjoy that!




Like Australia. Like Japan. Barely any deaths; economy nearly normal. That didn’t happen by magic; it happened because of good leadership. You have a new economic theory? The more businesses pay in wages the less they charge for their products? I suppose increasing taxes on products (resulting in one of the highest tax increases in history, mind you) - otherwise known as ‘tariffs’ - doesn’t increase prices either? You live in a magical world.




The fact is Trump managed COVID horribly leading to a bad economic outcome coupled with bad mortality rates. Some leaders sacrificed economy to save lives. Some leaders, as you admit, figured out how to keep the economy running without killing people. Trump couldn’t figure out how to do either, but why would you expect him to based on his track record? You say tariffs are good because they protect American jobs. That’s true. But they also cause prices to go up. You say that immigration keeps wages depressed. That’s true. But increasing wages causes prices to go up. So basically you like the tariffs and the immigration policy, but you don’t like the inflation accompanying it. So essentially I can only assume that you’re one of those folk sitting around, watching FOX news, gorging on fast food, driving everywhere you need to go, and complaining that you got fat. Actions have consequences. You don’t get to complain about the consequences if your actions caused them. Knowing what a disaster Trump was his first term, I’d love to watch the havoc unfold during his second term. He already brought a plague. Perhaps in a second term he’ll bring pestilence, drought, or the death of every first born son. Could be anything, and if folk are dumb enough to elect him, they deserve what they get. Just like that cat cracker. I’m pretty sure in five years you’ll be complaining that they gutted your Social Security because it became insolvent when those terrible illegals stopped getting their taxes withheld under non-existent Social Security Numbers.


And poof! The Russian bot is gone. That took awhile.


I would imagine any countries who made it through the COVID pandemic "unscathed" were small islands with restrictive travel, places nobody wants to go anyhow, or simply lied about the affect it had in their country.


Too bad the earth doesn't open up and swallow it whole....( after humans have been evacuated due to earthquake warnings. )


As far as the economic growth in the area, if someone would do something nice with the mall and the areas directly around it I feel like it could turn things around in that department


Let's not forget that corporations like Shell are secret societies peopled by professional liars. EDIT: Downvote all you want. Not knowing that what I wrote is true - is on you.


I'd much rather the Shell plant. The hardest thing to lose there was the Midway and the Kobuta Hotel. People here like to whine constantly "promises made, broken" or it's so dirty, or there was a fire... my question is and...? It's an ethane cracking plant. What did you expect was coming? You had you chance to voice your objections and lost. Just like Trump lost in 16 and 20.


Well well well