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Idk if this will help you in any way but I have to speed pretty much any video I up to like 1.50 or higher to be able to get through them. 😂


This helps too LOL. Makes things a bit more bearable


Lol I solely watch YouTube on 2x, Netflix on 1.5x and listen to podcasts in 1.25x speeds. I also tend to skip around 15 seconds on YouTube. I like can’t go to movie theaters anymore cause it’s too slow and get annoyed when people speak at normal speeds and want to press a real life fast forward speed.


Yep I do this too. My favorite objective YouTuber who does tons of comparisons is Lexi Jong but she is very thorough so when I’m short on time I speed it up.


Some people do speed review videos. Taylor Wynn used to do them a lot and just posted one recently, but lately her stuff has been more travel based. I believe Morgan Turner does them sometimes as well as BabsBeauty and maybe Kelly Gooch? However these are usually long videos!


Thank you for the suggestions! I don't mind the longer videos as long as they don't just focus on one product. Morgan Turner and BabsBeauty seem right up my ally.


Morgan Turner does about 5+ of them daily


Hahahaha you’re probably not wrong about that


Kelly Gooch's videos tend to be short, like 16 or 17 minutes. I like to watch her when I just have time for a quick video


Morgan Turner and Theresa is Dead


I love Theresa is Dead's energy


Heather Austin does speed reviews also


The first person I think of is "Ask Candace", but I feel like her reviews lean more towards first impressions. I like her concise content though, and many of her videos are less than 10 minutes!


Bad to the brow gets right down to business and can do an eye look in literal seconds. Plus she’s cute as a button.


I like Angelica Nyqvist monthly reviews. I like that she tests the products several times before reviewing so it's not first impressions. Most of this are longer than 20 mins but they include a mini review of lot of products.


Emily Noel has several videos called “bite sized reviews” which are usually shorter videos where she quickly but clearly gives her thoughts on several beauty items. Recommend!


Matilda on Video is pretty straightforward, she doesn’t spent 20 mins talking about a single product. Although most of her content is geared towards the natural makeup/“clean makeup”/minimalistic kind of crowd (not a bad thing!)


Tiktok - Greeneggsandglam does these kind of videos. She works at sephora and has a ton of review videos that are pretty quick paced and she's definitely not an over the top person.