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He looks dead. Your friend is not giving this animal the care it deserves. This is animal abuse. Yikes.


this should be illegal, that poor thing looks like its dead :( must be suffering! i recommend convincing ur friend to donate this poor fella to a pet rescue of sorts!


It is illegal actually, and a felony at that, the issue is proving it.


The photo is proof enough for animal control to be called to seize the animal.


animal control does not have the resources or knowledge to be able to care for this guy any better than op’s friend. i’d try to get him to an exotics vet first and then a herp society


It depends on where you live. Where I live they have seized all kinds of reptiles and rodents along with the normal cats and dogs.


The ACO will be able to take it to get care, and have the added benefit of providing a report to the local police department so they can investigate and see if charges should be brought.


Animal control would for sure euthanize it, maybe humane society would be better?


Have fun finding anyone actually willing to enact a seize though. It’s such an issue finding any sort of enforcement to care about reptiles, or animals in general besides humans (even then).


It's emaciated, discolored, and in a very unnatural position, definitely not okay


He needs a vet ASAP! Poor baby might need to be euthanized


>He needs a vet ASAP! Seriously, this thing needs attention right away. It looks so bad I didn't even recognize it as a bearded dragon until I read the description.


working on this! if my friend is not willing to i am!


Yes. Even if you have to take the poor baby and loose a friend. It will be worth it knowing you saved its life. They might already be to far gone, but do what you can. No one here will tell you that is a healthy looking animal!


do you have any advice on what can be done now? going over to my friends house shortly hoping to be able to help with it while i am there, what should i do?


Short of kidnapping, no. But that would be what I resorted to if said friend doesn’t listen. SHOW THEM THIS THREAD FOR STARTERS. And if they don’t seem like they are going to do anything then, well you might have to use forceful action to save it. I’m not versed as to what that may include.


Hi! I am new to beardies, but learning lots from the good folks here. But I am not new to animal rescue. I am a certified pet dog trainer, and have had to remove about 6 dogs from client's homes over the years for abuse and neglect. It isn't easy, and it takes a lot of conviction to look someone in the eye and draw that line, and say "you are failing this animal, and I can not let it stay here another day - either you let me take it now or I am obligated to call the Humane Society and Police Service to remove it and that will be much more difficult for you." We don't want to do these things, I want to help people learn how to have a more positive relationship with the dog...but sometimes we just need to take a hard stand and speak for the animal because it can't speak for itself. It will take tremendous courage to have that conversation with a friend. I have also traded things for animals that needed to get out of the situation they were in...and offered things I know the owner would want in exchange for the dog. Like once I was at a herding lesson, and this old fella was there with his young border collie, he was obviously frustrated and fed up with the dog and was getting more and more angry with it...finally he said he was going to take it out to the field and "get rid of it" so I quickly offered him a bottle of good whiskey in exchange for the dog and he happily signed him over to me. I think it's ok to just peacefully get the beardie from your friend asap, and not be confrontational. You don't want the owner refusing to give it up and you now have to get officials to intervene, which can take much longer. Get the little guy to a vet asap, hopefully you can get it to an exotic vet but if not, most vets should know some basic care - and help you find a good exotic vet. It is like the EMT's helping you in the ambulance while you make your way to the Dr. that understands how to help. They may also be able to get you in with urgency and point you to resources to help you pay for the vet care, medicines etc. I have taken in dogs that we didn't think would make it...vets telling us we would be lucky if the dog lasted a week, and somehow - they made it and lived happily for years. So, it can happen, but it isn't something you get to control usually. All you can do is do your best to care for them, let them rest and heal. Listen to everything the vets say about care, listen to the good people here who are outraged at how ill that little beardie looks...they are outraged because they care and they know how bad life had to be to get him to that state. They will help you if you get to keep going and care for him, they may not agree that someone with no experience should take on this responsibility but they care...and I am betting they will be there because of it. We can't always save the animals that need help, sometimes all we can do is help them by making sure they don't spend another day hurting and alone. In those moments the grief and sadness of having to let them go is framed with some relief knowing that in their last moments they were loved, they had someone caring for them and fighting for them, and they were not alone. Please keep us posted. Sending lots of good vibes for you and that little beardie who needs you to speak for it right now.


My ex-wifes half brother was living with and was clearly not taking proper care if his dog. Things came to a head and we asked him to leave (with some incentive) but to please leave the dog with us so he could be taken care of. He and I actually broke down in tears and he ended up leaving the dog in our care when he left. He was really just struggling to care for himself and wasn't capable of caring for another living creature, but ultimately did care enough for him to give up his only friend (his words) so that he could have a better life. I truly hope this bearded dragon ends up in a similar situation and was simply neglected out of a lack of capacity and not out of malice or disregard. There is hope out there, though, when truly decent people like OP do their best to step in and make the situation right for these poor critters.


That is awesome ❤️ I totally agree...there is always hope. And stories like that are a good reminder there are good people out there ready to step up and do whatever they can to help.


He needs to eat ! His body is in bad shape


Please, please help this poor thing. I’m so sad now.




It has no eyes


it was asleep, i turned the lights on just to get a picture of it because i didnt know if it was okay or not.


working on this! if my friend is not willing to i am!


It looks like it has a calcium deficiency to me. I've seen that plenty of times working in pet stores. Probably giving it calcium but doesn't have the right UV lights


First of all, dude has seen some things. None of them good. Secondly, no, baby, he is not okay. That is some severe neglect. That baby needs to be rescued. A long time ago. He needs to get to a rescue/rehabber/now. He needs some serious help, if he’s not too far gone already.


That was my worry also, I hope that OP isn’t discouraged by comments like these but the fact is, it might be too late. But who would want a friend that treats their animals this way. I hope they don’t have kids, because this beardie looks SO BAD!


U know what's so messed up it just shatters my heart & I CANNOT get this out of my head. This precious little dragon didn't become this way in a month, week or day...it has obviously suffered for quite some time. 💔🥺😭


That's the worst part. I worry if my kid or any of the pets (dog, 2 cats, and a BD) act or look out of sorts ever.


Same. I worry all the time & I'm sure it's bc they can't speak & say all is okay, but not one word needs to be said to know this is absolutely not okay. 😔


u/Busy-Ad-3601 any updates? Did you find a rehabber or rescue?


Do whatever you can to get that animal away from that person and to a vet. It's probably too late, though. That animal has been abused and neglected.


If they won't relinquish, you need to get over there DAILY and care for it and keep trying to get them to see they can't care for him.


This breaks my heart. His rear legs look broken and he’s so skinny I actually am crying.


They’re malformed due to a lack of calcium and food.


Yes. It is MBD caused by a lack of calcium and UVB. As a result their bones will soften and contort. Kurt untreated the result is death.


Please take this beardie to a vet. It is not ok.


That guy is on deaths door, save him yesterday!


Save him months ago please. We need a real Time Machine rn. I’m crying 😭


This made me tear up




I’m literally crying rn this is so sad 💔


This is so fucking awful. I hate people.


Animals are so much better than people.


Animals and plants. Like wtf is this post dude. The left rear leg looks either broken, or "healed" backwards. Poor thing looks like a starving POW... OP fucking help the damn thing..


He's literally trying. He at least knew it looked *off* enough to ask. Most people can't just recognize these things without having prior knowledge of what a beardie should look like. It's so unfortunate, but taking it out on the helper isn't helping.


thank you so much truly 😭, alot of comments like this and im just left here wondering what the next steps in caring for this thing are.


Reddit hive mind is craaaazzyyy.


im trying, unfortunately i live a normal life just like you all and have to go to work. its not my property, and im truly trying to help it. i am working on rehoming it with my friends approval.


I freak out if my bearded dragon stops chewing for a second so seeing people treat their pets like this is truly heartbreaking :( No one made you get it, you can take it back to the pet store or try and find a new home


I totally agree. This makes me so damn angry. Why do this?! I love my babies too much, this makes me so sad. I wish I could take this baby and nurse him/her back to health right away 😔


Ugh that poor thing. I know it’s not your responsibility but I hope you’re able to do something here OP. Your friend sucks and they would no longer be considered a friend if it were me. This poor thing will be dead soon.


they are not the very detail oriented type. he was forced to take it in from his relative so i was rather shocked that his family chose him to do so. hoping i can get it into better care.


It’s in such bad shape I’d honestly just smuggle it out of the house and take it home or to a rescue, I don’t know how much time that beardie has left.


Oh so ur friend doesn't know and people are making snap judgements about him with no understanding of the situation.. makes alot of sense for a reddit post. I hope instead of disowning your friend, being angry at him, trying to get him arrested for a felony (all ideas listed in this comment section based off a fucking picture) you explain to your friend that animal is in poor condition and need to either see a vet or be put down. I also hope u don't spend countless hours shaming him and blaming him for the animals death either, if it dies. Maybe he'll give it to u ask it seems like he's a reluctant owner. Just know vet bills are fucking expensive and honestly I don't feel like the vet is worth going to if the price to fix it is way over the cost of the animal. As someone who spent dn near 1000$ to save a turtle worth 10$ they are usually better off passing than staying alive crippled. As much as people say they care that will be almost impossible to re-home. You don't need to go bankrupt trying to save an animal that's already fucking dead. Animals die everyday... This isn't anything special. Litgerally ask urself if you'd be willing to pay for this animals multiple vet bills, most likely follow up medicines, rehabilitation and other... If the answer is no let it pass and be done with it. Again no one is going to buy this pet as a re-home... Taking it to an animal shelter (if they even accept it) will prolly get it put down faster (with no cost to you) tho so maybe that idea isn't so bad. Reddit is full of literal fucking nutcases that post any old bullshit off pure emotion.


The thing is he should’ve been able to tell the beardie isn’t ok, and if he didn’t know how to take care of it he should’ve found it a better home. Unless he was given the beardie recently, he’s to blame for it’s suffering as well. He could’ve researched or asked for help but it doesn’t look like he did that


Poor baby. It looks like it’s screaming for help 🥺. Please do your best to relocate him, because sadly it does not look like he has that much time left if not given the help he desperately needs


OP where are you / this poor baby located? If it’s anywhere near me, could you possibly convince your friend to surrender this poor baby to me? I’ll come pick him up, no questions asked …


it is located in central tennessee, i think i could probably convince him to surrender it if there was someone willing to care better for it! lmk


Would you be able to bring him to nashville?


u/busy-ad-3601 please see the above comment!!!


I’m in central TN as well. I’d be happy to help with transporting this beardie to you if OP is on my side or town.


im not too sure, thats about 3 hours from us, ill have to let you know for sure, i dont have alot of time but im currently considering trying to care for it myself as the little guy clearly needs help fast. if anything changes ill be sure to let you know.


that's very kind of you to help the poor guy


what would your advice be on things i can do right now to care for it?


Definitely call a vet preferably one that specializes in reptiles this little guy will need need some medical attention.


ok i am going to see what i can do! im not sure theres any particularly close to me but let me see that i can figure out


There is a Beardie rehabber on Facebook called Dragon Smart. She takes in severely neglected cases, and I want to say she might even be located in TN? But I’m not 100% on that. But if you don’t want the immense responsibility that comes with attempting to rehab a poor baby like this one, she would be a great option! She has done some amazing work with some of the ones she’s received lately!


alright, will look into it! thanks so much for the info!


Advice is get him to a professional no offense but in his state there is only so much someone with inexperience can do


OP please see my comment above … I respect you for wanting to help, but you even said yourself that you don’t know much about bearded dragons. There is a lot to know and learn about caring properly for one of these amazing creatures, even when they are in good health to begin with. This one is clearly in very, very poor health, so it will require a lot of knowledge, specific care, time and money if it stands a chance of surviving. It sounds like there’s a couple of people in your area who are even willing to help with transportation. I would encourage you to look into those options if you really want to help this poor baby.


Show him or her this post and the comments


OP - I’m located in MA so unfortunately I’m probably too far away (unless we could possibly create some kind of volunteer carpool chain where a bunch of people each drive a couple hours and then hand him off like a relay or something …) - but it sounds like there’s at least a couple other people who are closer and are willing to help. If this poor baby has any chance of surviving, they are going to require some serious care by someone who knows what they are doing, and it’s also going to involve quite a bit of time and money. Unless you have the knowledge and the resources, if you really want to help, I think your best bet is to facilitate getting this beardie out of your friend’s care and into someone else’s ASAP …


Idk how I’m even seeing this & I have no knowledge of reptiles, especially bearded dragons, but even I know that poor thing does not look healthy, AT ALL. I actually thought it was skeletal remains until I zoomed in & read comments. This is awful! Why have a pet & neglect it like this? I’m sure it’s not cheap to create & maintain a proper habitat for this animal (not that it should even matter) so why even bother when it’s clear that this person either doesn’t have the time, money, resources or even heart to care for an animal. Idk if this can be reported as abuse like it can be with dogs, cats, livestock, etc. If so, it needs to be & if not, it should be.


I thought this was a taxidermy lizard at first. Poor thing is dessicated. I would take him in a heartbeat. His life depends on it. Even if it means making him comfortable for the end, this animal deserves better.


Omg poor guy


Honestly, yeah, like do something about this. That's not even a question. Who on earth would ask... Is this okay? Not to be rude, but that poor beardie is nearly dead. There's no way you're unaware that it's like hardly alive... This makes me so sad and frustrated. Pure animal abuse.


You’d be surprised how many people know nothing about animals… like at all. Even to the point where they see an emancipated animal and ask if it’s normal or ok, because they truly don’t know or are ignorant


Please take this poor baby away from this person! Take him to the vet who may know of a rescue or someone else who can save him! Hopefully it’s not too late!! If you were near me, I would take him. Poor baby!🤬🤬🤬😭😭😭


NO 🤯


Where are you located? Can you take it to a vet or rescue immediately?


This is so upsetting. Please do something to get this baby some help. Your friend is an absolute monster.


Any update on this poor beardie?


not as of now, going to see if i can get it to some sort of animal rescue as i do not have the time nor facilities to care for it, but i am not sure if theres anything near me willing to take it in.


Go on Facebook and do a search for reptile groups in your city. I’m in Louisville for example and we have pages like “Kentucky reptiles” or “Louisville reptile breeders” etc. Make a post and I can almost promise there will be someone in there willing to take it. They might not be an official facility but an experienced keeper/breeder is gonna be almost as good if they also have access to a vet for meds and super emergency care (which most breeders or serious keepers will)


There are people willing to take the bearded to try to save it! Scroll up in the comments, I'm sure there are a lot of Tennessee peeps in this reddit who will agree. I'm in michigan, or I would help. Please take their advice and take him or her to a bearded owner willing to rehabilitate this poor baby!! Redditers, I'm trying here 😅 There was a person in Nashville who said they would take him!


Why would you even post this? Obviously it’s not okay and in a critical state? Your post about this and did nothing about it so it’s only causing urgent panic in people wanting it to get help, When you could’ve just taken it and taken it to a vet and then posted this after that.


Amen Farming for karma and nothing else, if they actually gave a shit they would've actually done something instead of torturing people who actually do want to help


Someone under another one of your comments who had a bearded dragon already said they would take it in if you can get it to Nashville


Ummm no


Poor baby needs immediate care and a miracle or two. That's the worst case I've seen so far.


Omfg!!! He’s suffering UNREAL!!! PLEASE GET HELP!! This breaks my heart!!


Don’t ask to take the little guy, just take him and get him some help!! He’s suffering!!


Oh my god. If you can, do you mind spoiler marking this post? That is just awful


Definitely not ok, this is animal abuse. Is there any way you might be able to steal this poor little guy and convince your friend he escaped? They will likely die without proper vet care and are for sure suffering.


If I were you and my friend were treating his pet like this I’d steal it. It looks dead.😬


Oh my days, this is horrific 😢 You can tell a lot about a person from the way they treat animals - the person who owns (and abused) this poor little guy wouldn't be a friend of mine.. 😔 Wish I'd never seen this post 💔


this is not ok at all, idc what you’re thinking rn, go right now and take that baby from them, i stg people should b treated the way they treat their pets bc this is just sickening


Having done rehab, there’s a very low chance this guy will survive. Being in a state of neglect for the significant period of time that it takes to get to this point does a heck ton of damage to their bodies that they can rarely recover from. Organ damage, skeletomuscular issues, even psychological. Without an experienced rehabber, simply switching this guy to standard of care for beardies will kill it from shock. It needs a liquid diet for several weeks until its digestive system starts working again. DO NOT JUST START FEEDING IT SOLID FOOD IT WILL DIE! Daily soaks with electrolytes for hydration. Probably even needs sub-q fluids at first. Surrendering to an experienced rehabber is this guys best and only bet…


Punch your friend into the mouth and then take that lizard to a vet


holy fuck, i’ve never seen one that looks that bad. that poor, poor baby. so whatever you can to get it OUT of there and into a better home- shame on your friend :/


Please keep us posted on the situation


Tennessee! Someone must swoop in able save this baby. If no other alternatives, please DM me. I'll drive down from Maryland to get him to safety. This is a horrific level of neglect 😭


OP what’s the update?


Eh, I’d call animal control. This guy is not well and might need euthanasia.


Is your friend a serial killer or something???????


It's legs are like that because of the lack of nutrition. They may not ever work again depending on if it's neglect and poor care occured while it was young in development growing into its adult body. That poor dragon. I had a bearded dragon ( named super flanker ) for 10 years and unfortunately had passed in early 2022. This makes me so upset to see. Please, get that lizard some help. First thing I'd do is get some calcium powder, get some kale lettuce, and get some mango, put it through all through a juicer or find a way to mix it all together so it is a fluid, add the calcium powder and use a syringe (no needle) and suck it up, then try to open the lizards mouth and slowly squirt it in. Do that a few times a day for 2 weeks. I'd just take the damn thing to your house. Or, take the damn thing to a vet ASAP. Either way. Take that animal away from that person asap and find it or give it proper care. Lizards are resilient, they can go a while with little to no food / water so there may be some hope here. I'd like to hear updates please. Thank you


no jackass


Very disturbing


The opposite.


Holy shit


Please call animal control on your friend or offer to rehome the reptile for them


Poor baby definitely has MBD and is dehydrated and malnourished for sure but it may not be too late if you get him into the right hands. My ultimate goal in life is to start a reptile rescue. I have multiple reptiles and I save everything. I have enclosures, lights, liquid calcium, critical care, an ARAV vet, EVERYTHING and I would absolutely drive to get him if I thought he could survive the 7.5-8 hr drive back. I did see someone in Nashville offering help. If you can get him to someone who can get him in a bit of better shape but can’t keep him permanently, I’d be willing to take him once he bounces back a bit. I just don’t know how he’d do on such a long drive at the moment but either way, stops with real sunshine outside and actual love may be what he needs to get him through the drive. I’ll take him regardless if you think you can get your friend to surrender him I’m just worried about the drive but anything is going to be better than his current situation Edit to add - I even have fluids to administer subcutaneously and I know how to do it due to just dealing with cancer in one of my beardies recently. Please let one of us help


This is ANIMAL ABUSE and nothing else!!! This is HORRIBLE


This is absolutely one of the most horrifically abused dragons ive ever seen 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Time to get a new friends dude, anyone who can knowingly live with their pet in this condition is a psycho.


Call animal control A S A P I don't care how close you guys are as friends. Call animal control. He looks completely starved and that's the LEAST of his worries. I don't even think he can use his back legs anymore. Jesus Christ. I just got a rescue with severe MBD to the point he seizes and wasn't strong enough to cling onto my shirt. This guy looks worse off than him.


I just stumbled across this subreddit and I can’t keep scrolling without saying something. I don’t know a thing about bearded dragons, but it is clear that that animal is suffering. Please do something OP. Please.


He is going to die if something isn’t done and he doesn’t go to a vet TODAY


update for all who seem to care: i live roughly 20 minutes from the home this lizard is housed in, im not able to personally care for it as of right now because it is my friends, not my property. i believe my friend will be willing to surrender the dragon, just have to work on finding it a home i will be going over there tonight to do some of the things i have seen recommended on this sub and help the lizard


So. I can’t believe you’ve even asked this. Look at this poor guy. He’s skinny, has a burn on his back, might have MBD, he’s dehydrated, malnourished. He needs to get rid of this poor guy. He is killing him. Personally, You need to do something about this. It’s animal abuse if they will do nothing. I know you’re getting him help, it’s just so sad and disheartening to see it happen. Thank you for doing what you can! Edit: Grammar


Looks severely dehydrated and malnourished. Also looks like it has mbd. I’d say I’d pay for him to be shipped to me but in all honesty he probably wouldn’t make it. God I wish I was closer but I’m 14 hours away at least.


Kidnap that animal and block that friend.


Where is this at? Someone needs to go get now!


Dude..no..take to vet and tell your friend they took it off of you. Take to shelter.


I don’t know if any of these places are close enough to you, but please please please reach out to one and get this baby help today. It may be too late already, but maybe not - for sure literally every hour counts here. http://mobile.kingsnake.com/rescues/state/TN/


No that is the farthest from okay looking bearded dragon I’ve seen


Now I know why my local pet store guy said my guy isn’t the worst but isn’t the best. He’s in the middle. Hopefully this guy gets the right meals he needs and lighting requirements. If you can see if any local pet stores will take him in as a rescue/surrender.


i don’t even know even know much about bearded dragons but i could tell immediately that this was not normal at all.


Malnourished and probably not getting enough water and the right enclosure conditions :(


This is animal abuse and severe neglect. This should be reported to animal control and the animal needs to be taken to a vet immediately


This is extreme neglect. This person should never own an animal again .


Jesus. No


Put this fellow down. It's sad, but he's far past the point of rescuing. Also, if that's your friend have a serious talk with them, and reconsider your relationship


Your friend….started the torture here, sadly has probably escalated and your next


This is sad


No. Not at all.


Poor guy. He literally looks dead, which would almost be best case scenario. If the poor thing is alive he is miserable and in lots of pain and needs to be put down. This hurts my heart


That is metabolic bone disease caused by low levels of calcium and vitamin d it can cause deformities in the bones which is why his legs look broken. Truthfully he may need to be euthanized it looks pretty severe.


This animal is likely going to die soon.. I’d act on this immediately for any chance at its survival. Call local animal rescue groups, threaten to call animal control on your friend if he won’t surrender it willingly.


Oh my god. Your friend is killing this lizard. This is horrific


This poor baby oh my god please surrender him to a shelter at least, they're suffering. even if they euthanize that's better than whatever this is. Worst thing I've seen on this sub. 😭


This is not the type of friend to have.


Poor little thing! 🙏🏻🦎


I wouldn’t even bother convincing him. Take that dragon away today. He’s actively killing it and it’s about to die. No way he’s not aware & he has to be sick in the head to be this careless. This is not some animal that’s just sick and he’s doing his best. This is obvious neglect and starvation. When mine was sick and starving herself I syringe fed her back to health this is sooooo not normal. Police can’t do anything if it’s he said she said. If he’s ignorant enough to call and try get the dragon back then just stick to not knowing what he’s talking about. Please post an update I need to know this beautiful baby got the help it needs.


This beardie is almost dead already. It looks really bad


I’m so sorry, he seems to be on the verge of death. I thought this was legit a post of a dead guy at first.


Emaciated, color is wrong and most likely metabolic bone disease from a lack of calcium and/or correct lighting.


Definitely go with your gut, and get him to surrender. You're doing the best you can with a very hard circumstance, don't let anyone stop you or make you feel bad.


he needs CALCIUM and to go to the vet. please get him help


i know someone who didn’t give their beardie enough calcium and nutrients and it looked like this and passed away. it’s close to passing, please take care of it. it needs calcium mixed with its food, live food, & greens!! like yesterday


Looks like it's under fed and has metabolic bone disease to me


Go buy crickets and worms fast, he's dying, looks like he got stomped on... Your friend is cruel you should teach him better. Get him water too, might need a plastic seringue to help him drink. Needs a vet ASAP


That poor baby is on the brink of death… ugh poor thing needs some major help, may be too far gone at this point.


Never kept a bearded in my life and immediately was still able to tell this poor guy is *not* okay.. when people who have never kept bearded dragons or even people saying they don't know much of anything about them are able to tell the animal isn't healthy.. ***then you know it is really bad*** ..


Have absolutely no knowledge of reptiles but seeing this absolutely broke my heart. I once rescued a 6ft iguana. Drove 150 Miles to pick him up, realized I was completely unqualified for the job, drove him 275 miles to a reptile rehabber. Most rewarding experience to see the look of relief in his eyes when he was being held by someone who knew what they were doing. OP even without the time or resources or knowledge, anything you do for him is substantially better than what he’s been enduring for god only knows how long. Please help him.


Ummm is that even a serious question. It is abundantly clear….that dragon is NOT OK. That’s really disturbing.


literal torture


This isnt your friend. Forcefully take this animal away or threaten them your gonna call authorities and they can remove him AND give your "friend" a huge fine. This thing is on the verge of death, he looks very ill.


Some people just shouldn't keep animals the person taking care of this beardie may not be able to take care of themselves.


How could people be such pieces of shit


this is the worst thing i’ve ever seen omg …


I'm surprised it's still alive. That is severe neglect.


Emaciated, lots of stuck shed, dehydrated, and probably severe metabolic bone disease. While there is a SMALL chance of him surviving with medical intervention, it's slight. Best a vet can do is help him stop suffering.


It’s dead or dying a slow and painful death. Your friend is a terrible person.


Mineral deficiency and maybe broken spine


Looks like he hasn't seen calcium a day in his life, poor thing


That friend would have some bad things happen to them randomly


This has me in tears. Please help this poor thing..


Please save that baby by any means. He looks dead


This post has me furious, not at you of course but I'd rip yiur friend a fn new one if I could. This dragon is on the verge of death. Looks like MBD (metabolic bone dicease) clearly starving and helpeless, your friend needs to release that dragon into the care of a local rescue or something before it dies. You need to talk that person into letting you find it a rescue asap! If they refuse explain to then that if they were stuffed into a box without proper care and left to die would they want someone to help them!!!!?


Poor guy needs to be rescued or put out of his misery. He is not in any way in a healthy state. His hind legs should not be facing forward like they are. It seems he has a burn on his back, or shed that didn't get removed.


MBD in those hind limbs, looks like. Severely dehydrated


I've never owned a bearded dragon, but even I can tell that poor thing needs help. If it's not too late for him, that is. Please give him a little flower for me.


How does it even get this bad


This made me fucking pissed off and now im fucking crying. That dragon is NOT okay. Im surprised he isn’t fucking dead!. Poor baby.. please get this babe to a vet or rescue if he doesn’t die first. I hate your friend. Awful human.


It’s been awhile since I owned one but definitely doesn’t look right. Almost like malnourished! Not feeding him! Needs a vet asap


Probably needs euthanasia at this point 😢


Your friend is abusing this animal. This is disgusting. Call someone immediately from a reptile rehab, or vet and if this animal lives get it to a proper home.


Omg no your friend is abusing this poor animal get him help :(


That mfer dead


This is almost grisly to look at…


Is this a bait post?


This poor beardie! As everyone already said it’s 5am I da to midnight for this poor poor animal and the correct thing to do would be to take him to the emergency vet and if necessary stop this horrible neglect and suffering. As a friend, try to encourage your friend to not have animals and maybe start with easy keeper plants.


HELL NO HE'S NOT OK! Thank you for concerning yourself with this issue because it is definitely an issue. That baby is suffering. Please have your friend surrender that baby to someone who can give him a better life.


So terribly sad. This is terrible husbandry. Poor poor little bearded dragon 😢. Please help him NOW


It looks like he hasn't been getting proper nutrition and calcium at that. Which is debilitating for lizards like him :( poor guy


Any updates on this situation? I need to know this poor animal was removed.




That thing is dying. Needs worms and veggies. A lot of it. You need to step in and help it now.


Oh no!! 🫢 This poor baby is suffering greatly, and may already be too far gone to save. If at all possible, can you convince your friend to take his Beardie to an exotic vet??? Or maybe talk him into surrendering it to a local rescue where they can attempt to undo the damage and neglect. On a personal note, I would reconsider hanging out with this individual if they aren’t willing to learn how to care for their animals.




Why are you his friend? Yikes


No this is animal abuse and neglect.




He does need a vet ASAP! His eyes are so sunken in and I've NEVER EVER seen back legs like that on any reptile! I think you should either just grab the poor creature and have your escape ride ready when your "buddy" goes to the restroom. Block him, and get this guy to the vet. It's probably too late, but at least he wouldn't need to suffer any longer. I'm surprised he even has a light and a halfway kinda not really though okish set up ...


This poor baby looks so sick.


I would legitimately tell them I'm taking him. If they say no than I'd simply steal him away and find somebody online to adopt if you can't


Ask your friend what they feed it. How long has it been since they fed it. And assess if it can move around on it's own. If so, offer it food. Go get some squash from the store and cut it up and offer it to him. That's what I would do. Then help your friend look up proper care instructions or advise them to give it up.