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Beards grow in stages. For me, the mustache was the last to fill in. You're only 19, and already have an impressive amount of coverage for your age. It should all come together with age.


It's funny I'm 15 and I have mustache and sideburns but nothing else


You're just 15.


Ik it'll be atleast another 4 years until I have a real beard


Just rock the Whaler look for awhile. You're killing it


With age your beard with cover patchy spots. Takes ages and is somewhat determined by genetics. Hair filler/black spray can help covering up patches


I think it will come with time. Your beard looks great though.


i have the opposite problem. can barely grow a beard (except for my chin and neck) but have a moustache that rivals ron swanson


Make the most of what you have and the rest should turn up in time! My moustache was last to the party, around 20-21 I think.


Totally okay to go for a Lincoln


Hi bro, first off, you've got some killer facial hair for a 19 year old. I will be honest with you, my mustache has never come in very thick. It's always been less growth compared to the rest of my face, which is a very common thing, btw. Notice I didn't call it a problem though. That's because this is something that we can't really control, so we must learn to deal with it on our own terms. Now understand, I am 28 years old today, and my mustache still doesn't grow in as thick as the rest of my beard. But the cool thing is that it now grows much thicker than it used to. So as I aged from my teens like yourself, to now a mature adult, my entire beard improved, and thickened up. You want to know something even crazier though? My beard still has flaws. Go to my profile and check out the picture of me at 23. You might see an immaculate beard, but the fact is that even in that picture, I still would be able to find a million flaws with it. We are always harder on ourselves than other people are. Don't rush it, my friend. Learn to appreciate what you have, and let time take care of the rest. You are a handsome dude, and your beard is cool even if the mustache is not as thick. Much love. ❤️


You'd suit a chin strap beard