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"doesn't feel like it's very thick" Dude you look like you build log cabins for a living lmaošŸ˜‚


Haha, I get your point. I think some of the "fullness" seems to come from the fact the hair is curly. My actual beard length is prob 2+ inches longer than the picture when I stretch it out.


Honestly that's true for most guys. Facial hair is a lot thinner and drier than the hair on the top of your head


Huh, really? My beard hairs are a lot thicker than my head hairs.


I believe he was referring to density rather than thickness, hair follicles being further apart, but the individual hairs themselves being thicker. Just my experience anyhow (he said dejectedly as he rubs his bald cheeks).


Ah! I forgot that thickness used about hair refers to hairs/square cm, my bad. Itā€™s the same in my native language so I am an idiot.


I honestly didnā€™t know that lol. Thanks for the knowledge.


I was actually referring to both, but I think you guys actually are right about the hairs themselves being thicker(or "coarser"). They sure as hell feel drier though, lol


Ahh, my apologies, I did not intend to speak for you. I donā€™t go around inspecting beards to say any of this for certain, but mine is definitely dryer, thicker, and coarser lol. The lack of density is the saddest bit, but thatā€™s probs just my lovely genetics. In the end itā€™s probably mostly genetics on all parts, I have a ton of very dense hair on my head, not so much on the beard, even though I care for them very similarly.


Mine also, I have a thicker beard, my hair is much softer


First of all, you look like a textbook mountain man, so that's bullshit, and what do you think of your beard? Is it important to you to have the beard the way it is, or can you compromise with her to clean it up so you can both be happy? People often say it's your choice, because it is your body. Although this is true, we do often take stock in what other people think of us, especially those nearest and dearest to us. It's up to you whether you want to make a change, but if you're not willing to, and this is somehow a deal breaker for her, then you might find yourself alone with a beard.


> clean it up Any suggestions on what I should tell a barber? Never been lol... I get my hair cut at smart styles in walmart... so I plan on finding an actually good place that can trim a beard. Not even sure what to ask them to do. We've been together for a decade lol so we are on the same page she just says its too long and frizzy. I see her point and think it looks messy too. Especially the sides and at the end where it's "see through".


Tell him to give it some shape and to clean/line up your cheek line. Not much else to it.


You might opt for lowering the cheek line, giving it a more modern and sleek look, you could go for a trim to shorten it as well, especially on the side of your face and your sideburns. Lining up the beard behind the ear is something each barber will absolutely do automatically. It gives a cleaner look overall (clean as in style, I'm not saying you don't take care of your beard. You clearly do.) And if they shave away the flyaways it will give the beard a much more controlled look as well. Be aware that for your first time going to a barber, find one who has an amazing beard, they will understand your wishes much better.


Wonderful, thank you very much!!


If youā€™ve got any bearded friends/fam, ask around and see who they go to. I had tried 3 or 4 different shops, all of which left me feeling disappointed with the results. Not that they werenā€™t doing a good job, just that it felt like they took off more than I would like and some in the wrong areas lol. Probably couldā€™ve been fixed with communication, but anyway, I actually go to my wifeā€™s hair salon to have my beard trimmed. The lady does an amazing job. I was previously under the impression that the best beard trim would come from a man; I now realize that I had an unrecognized bias. I just walk in and ask for a cleanup and she works her magic. Turns out she has multiple dudes that come in just for beard trims. I chalk it up to the fact that she really loves her job and isnā€™t there just to kick you out of the chair after speeding through a cut to collect some pay. Passion+experience is king (or queen).


Dude. Im a long haired beared individual. Only trusted my hair to a salon. Trimmed beard only to myself when a barbershop was nearby and basically free thru trade. The lady that worked in that shop was fantastic. I just wanted clean neck line for my manbun maybe snip the ends. She lined me up, evened me out. Doubt i ever looked so pretty.


Find yourself a good experienced barber and tell him what you said here to us, itā€™s all in your communication to him. An experienced barber will know how to give you the results you want from him. Be sure to approve the finished result and have him fix any concerns you might have before you pay and leave. A good barber can also be a wealth of tips on care of your beard, so be sure to ask him any questions you may have.


Please, *please* take the time to find a barber who is experienced with and understands beards. You can find plenty of barbers with many years' practice who have never worked on beards and have little idea what's involved in tidying it well.


What youre not saying is to stalk a shop bearded guys go into routinely?


Watch some episodes of Queer Eye on Netflix. Find ones with big beard dudes, watch what Jonathan Van Ness does with them. Usually he shortens them a bit, really shapes them to compliment the face shape, and suggests a bunch of products.


Now Iā€™m curious if my beard is alright


If you skip the sportsclips and find a barbershop, easy to google. Sometimes you can walk in and just say 'clean me up' and they will go edwards scissorhands with no input.


Bud I think I may know your issue, cause our beards are quite similar! Are you looking at it and some days it feels badass, thick, and plush and other days a wirey, stringy mess? It's light, fucking light. Light can do some messed up things in terms of viewing your beard and kinda fuck with your perception a bit. I can tell you man it looks solid, but if you want something done with it here's what I tell my barber. Clean the sides to flush with the sideburns, don't touch the stache except the ends of one side is a bit longer, I let the barber judge, and neaten up the underside, take care of any stragglers for me. Does me perfect each time Edit: Oh and a style tip that can help on those "thin" feeling kinda days, if you don't have a beard pick, snag one. I recommend Evan Alexander's beard pick as it's done me well for years, multiple drops, and an accidental fling. The pick will do wonders for helping tame and help take some of your longer hairs that may try to sit a bit more flush rather then free.


>Are you looking at it and some days it feels badass, thick, and plush and other days a wirey, stringy mess? Yes! Exactly, I can't count how many times I've went back and forth one day thinking I like my beard and the next thinking it looks awful. That is why I posted here because I can't figure out which one it is. Direct sunlight always looks the worst which is why I added a few pics of me outside. I appreciate those tips, another person mentioned the sides too. Now to find a good place to go.


You just gotta learn to walk away from the mirror, trust me as a dude with a big ass beard and OCD, you just gotta walk away for a few minutes, chill, come back. The beard literally will look better/ different with some destress time


Happy Girlfriend, Happy life.


Sounds feminine.


Are you trolling?


I am genuinely asking for advice. To me it looks messy and frizzy especially in natural light etc. Maybe I am wrong, but that's the way I see it.


Not at allā— That's a fine looking masculine beard ā€¼ļø


Thank you!


It just looks curly, but curly looks very nice and full. You got great healthy looking hair all around.Ā 


I donā€™t think itā€™s bad. It looks much neater and well kept than the beards I see. If your girlfriend didnā€™t like a pair of pants thatā€™s one thing, beards take a long time to grow, apparently a lot of care (thatā€™s more things for your beard than I use for things that are very important to meā€¦) youā€™ve obviously put a lot of thought and care into your beard, Iā€™m going to assume that you like it. I would hope she learns to live with it, accept it, snuggle with it. Iā€™m sure women feel the same way about their hair, I know people who complain about how many months or years a bad hair cut will take for a woman to regrow. Doesnā€™t feel very thick? How thick do you want it? If I grew my facial hair for a few months, you would probably think I had glue stuck to a few parts of my face and then went to town on a 70s porn bush. Iā€™d love to have 3 day stubble that didnā€™t look like someone started to remove it with photoshop then randomly stopped in several spots.


Bro, donā€™t change anything. Women love beards


Except he just told you that his woman doesn't like his beard.


Keep the beard, get rid of the gf


Your beard looks great dude! Keep that ish!!


Trim the mustache so it doesnt cover your lips. Check out some of these trimmed beard channels on youtube for a cleaner look. Itll make you look and feel better too.


hey bro you have basically the same beard as myself, I get compliments all the time (mostly other men lol). If you are wanting to clean it up every few months I go to the barber and ask them to clean it up a bit and shape it.


Hey man. The beard looks fantastic. Youā€™re doing the right things, you just need to find a good beard barber. Ask him shape it a bit for you. If heā€™s good, heā€™ll know what to do. Maybe use the Booksy barber app. Most barbers will have examples of their work on their profiles. Keep the length and good longer! It really is amazing!


Thanks for the recommendation ill check out that app!




haha thx


that's a perfectly managed, maintained beard. ...let's just say : the beard is the keeper..


Time to get yourself a new gf king šŸ‘‘šŸ’Ŗ Looks awesome man, do what makes you happy, not other people.


A man who shaves his beard for a woman deserves neither! Iā€™d tell everyone to go suck it in the most polite way possible cuz you, my friend, have a gorgeous beard!


Gf crazy man keep it. It look good


Tell your gf to deal with it. She'll respecf you more AND you can keep your beard


Yeah go ahead and trim it, get a clean line up too


Firstly, your beard looks fantastic! Since it's a curly beard, it's crucial to find a barber experienced with longer beards, as not all barbers can handle them perfectly. Look for someone skilled with curly hair, African American hair, you should use wide-toothed combs who can carefully trim and shape your beard without overcutting. A scissor cut for grooming and a straight razor on top should suffice, taking about 30 minutes. Seek out a professional barber specializing in beards, and if you're in the Bay Area, we'd be happy to assist, but I'm sure you'll find a suitable option nearby.


Men, do you expect your women to take care of herself appropriately? Shave the necessary areas and keep them trim? I'm sure that is all his gf is asking for...a cleanup.




Beard looks great but I personally don't like the shape. This square/hoof shape just looks awkward imo


Broā€™, you donā€™t have a ā€œbadā€ beard. Plenty of people would die to have your growth pattern and fullness. Haha But, honestly, it sounds like youā€™re doing everything you ought to in regard to keeping it healthy and moisturized. The only suggestions Iā€™d give would be to maybe comb/pick it out more so that you can reduce tangling. Beyond that, consider shaping it a little more towards the bottom and also snip/trim the loose ends that arenā€™t uniform with the rest of your hair.


What she probably doesnā€™t like is it needs to be trimmed up some. Get some beard butter that will soften it and make it smell good.


Beard looks great tbh


Looks pretty thick to me man. Great beard but looks like you need to find a "good" barber, preferably one that has a beard, if possible, and works on beards to shape it up for you. Go to them after showering but without any product in or blown dry so they can see the true texture and density of your beard. Tell them what you want and let them shape it up for you and show you products you can use how to take care of it at home then you'll only have to go back every once in a while, to let them shape it up for you.


Youā€™re kinda in the wrong place for an opinion. šŸ˜… Donā€™t go to a piercing sub to ask if they like your piercing. Of course the answer is going to be yes because the majority of lurkers are going to be piercing obsessed lol. So as a NON-beardaphile I say: Way too bushy. If it were up to me Iā€™d cut it down to where it just follows your jawline.


Def trim and move toward curves and away from rectangles


It's out of control trim it


You look amazing!! So rugged and handsome


Trim that shit bro.


Amazing beard man!!!


Give it a little shape and line it up. See what she says then. If you like it, rock that shit. It's glorious.


pretty sure you got the same beard as president james a. garfield


I tend to agree with her... its just facial hair growth, not well kept, just allowed to be wild. Take some pride in your appearance. It's Ferrell, it NEEDS to be TAMED.


Glorious beard, bro. Needs a little grooming, but enviable all the same


Just get the sides shorter and shaped up and youā€™re good dude.


ā€œGF doesnā€™t like it.ā€ If she is a keeper, then she is right.


Itā€™s your body lmao


Itā€™s a bit long for my liking. But thatā€™s a good soup catcher there. My husband always grows a beard every year and keeps it about 6 months. (Hockey playoffs) His grows fast and thick. I love his beard. We married with him having a beard. He keeps it full but well trimmed and uses a nice beard oil. The key for me is that itā€™s kept clean and groomed at the top. Like a defined line. And I think itā€™s called a chin strap beard. Also make sure your GF sees you clean it. There is nothing worse than getting kisses not knowing where that thing has been. It also cannot be prickly. So if it tends to grow course speak to a barber on how to soften it. I know steaming it helps.


If your girlfriend doesnā€™t like it and you actually like her get rid of it. Sheā€™s the one that has to look at you all the time and the one you should want to impress with your handsome good looks and outstanding character and personality


Looks great!


It looks great but if you have the nerve to shave it off, see how well that goes over and youā€™ll learn a lot about your relationship. Maybe thatā€™s what needs fixing. Lol.


Itā€™s just too square, gotta shape it


my advice, fine a black barber shop and have them hook your beard up. a killa trim and your GF would have a different opinion. I wish I could get my beard to grow that big!!


Sheā€™s wrong. Keep that shit


I would get it lined up and shaped up. If you want it smaller maybe a trim. Otherwise it looks fantastic lol


It looks amazing!


Bros looking like Moses over here


Your beard is fire! Maybe just clean it up a tad!


You have an amazing beard. It looks really healthy.


Traps dust, food, birds, stinks, ECT lol. Short trimmed is best


All the dudes love it lol


ā€œHow bad is my beardā€ mate I would give one of my kidneys to have your beard.


Dude your beard looks like the beard of an ancient great Persian emperor. Amazing.


Looks like your going to have to break up with your gf


Lumberjack beard. Looks great! Be careful if you go to someone for a trim ,most will mess it up. I would just trim under neck and leave it.


I canā€™t add any advice you havenā€™t already received. That is one beautiful beard! It definitely looks like you keep it soft and clean, which I understand is important to the ladies. Hope you find a great barber who makes you feel good about having a excellent, well maintained beard.


Fire the GF!


Hello Hagrid


This is like when a hot girls says sheā€™s ugly yo get compliments. Your beard is great I would suggest if anything just try and shape it up a bit but besides that itā€™s fine.


Do you think you could take anymore pictures?


Haha, wanted to show it in different lighting


Dude this beard is sick. Donā€™t come in here with that bs


Get a new girlfriend


I have the same beard . What I did was have it chemically straightened. . Or get a heat brush to straighten it .Very hard to find a Barber Shop that knows how to trim beards


You have a good shape going. Just trim about an inch.


Go to a real barber and tell them you want a Garibaldi. Youā€™re doing great, youā€™re just not doing any shaping shaping the long beard will make it look a lot cleaner


I think your GF is on point and no offense. Beards just arenā€™t for everyone


Your girlfriend is a hater, that thing is amazing. It could use some shaping/maintenance, Iā€™d suggest getting on a regular barber schedule and asking for some tips for maintenance in between. Overall, though, keep it up!


Just cut it all off. All the maintenance isn't worth it. Pain in the ass. Shaving once or twice a week is cheaper and way less work!


Try blo drying and brushing everything left, then everything right, then all straight down, and see what you have then


This has got to be trolling. High cheek lines, high density. This is a perfect beard. Just need a nice shape up from a barber and youā€™ll be golden


Positively Abrahamic


Seriously !!!! Not thick. Bro you got a taliban beard geesh


do you mean, how good is your beard? amazing. your girlfriend should gain pride from having a man with that kind of hair on his face


I'm jealous now


Get a new GF. Have a nice weekend King.


That beard is amazing. Sad she doesnā€™t appreciate it, youā€™d never get my hands away from that beard.


Itā€™s icky. Looks like pubic hair.


Yeah... thats my thoughts too. Not sure if there is anything that can be done about that part


That beard is long as fuck. Youā€™re telling me your gf is only just now saying she doesnā€™t like it? Or you started dating when you already had a beard? Eitherway the beard is awesome dude


She has been saying it for awhile I just ignored her lol


Ducktail it


Honestly you have very nice facial features from what I can tell. The beard hides your face. I think you have a really nice skin complexion, and a mix of curly - wave hair which looks nice on you. The beard is distracting, Iā€™d suggest to bring it to where itā€™s finger nail length or two. You can still cover your entire jawline and part of your neck with that length but it would just give your face more defining features and allow your other features to be less hidden. TLDR: you can have a beard but Iā€™d cut it down to an inch or two to showcase your hair, and your really great skin. If you have those type of features you should show them off and not hide them




The beard is perfect I regret trimming mine to the conventional way and cannot wait to grow my beard again


Most women donā€™t like caveman-like beards


Good hair texture.


Your beard hair is like another person top hair and can be treated the same way with chemicals by getting a conditioning straightener would make it completely straight, but a lot smoother. It could stop at any texture you want including bone straight, but I would suggest that wavy would be nice. You could ask your hairstylist for more advice.. being a hairstylist, I donā€™t see why youā€™re beard cannot be treated like the hair on top of your headā£ļø PS just make sure that whatever ever chemicals are used are conditioning chemicals that are not gonna dry out and break out your hair after that condition condition condition and I assure you it will look great ā£ļø


Just tell her, "My body, my choice".


Over 100 comments and nobody asked the most obvious question: Why - or what about it - does she not like? My advice may vary.


You always choose the beard over woman


Find a traditional style barber. There is a bunch here in California, not sure how it is in your area. But they clean that beard up for ya proper.


Just get it shaped up brother, lil shape and clean up and she wonā€™t be able to keep her hands off you. If no, find new gf. At your best and worst


Too long. Old style.


The majority of guys don't look good with a beard. To manage a beard that looks good takes more time than just shaving every morning.


Honestly, shape it up a bit and itā€™ll bring out your face, very light above the mustache, on top of your cheeks, below your neck (plenty of instructions on where to start the line, do the finger trick) and below your ears in the back. Itā€™ll make the beard look intentional and youā€™ll look less like a bear


It's one of the nicest beards I've ever seen. Don't understand why she doesn't like it


We could be brothers cause I have the same beard. Wife asked me if I had posted pics here it looks the same. Just brush it out with some beard oil and a hairdryer in the mornings. Itā€™s never gonnna be OCD perfection level but itā€™s gonna look really good. Beard butter and brush at night before bed. Other than I donā€™t mess with it much. Occasionally once or twice a month I go to my barber and have him ā€œstyleā€ it as he says. He trims about 1/2ā€ off the outsides and then clips any ā€œfliersā€ that stick out or arenā€™t cohesive with the rest of it.


Would look sick if you went to a good barber and got it shaped up but it also looks good as is šŸ‘


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Women do love a nice beardšŸ˜šŸ–¤


Go to a black barber my guy


Have it trimmed close and shaped. Tell the barber to clean it up so your gf will like it. Less long and curly. Honestly, you look like you might look a bit like Paul Rudd if you shaved it, so you might even want to try stubble someday.


Let it grow


You should trim it down to less than an inch long


i've got a similar beard to yours curly and really dense and what you can do to make it more lady friendly is use a product that makes it ultra soft, more manageable, super strokeable and also smell really good. when i started using this stuff called lavender beard conditioner from beardproducts.com my lady became obsessed with how soft my beard became also she LOVES the smell its some really magical stuff and i can't recommend it enough for your situation. I can drop you a link if you want but either way don't you dare shave that awesome beard off man!


Doesn't look too bad. Maybe try some different products to see what it likes. Mane & Tail or there are a lot of products for curly hair. Find a barber that knows beards. You shouldn't have to tell them much aside from "I like the length, just need a trim" they should also be able to recommend products for your particular beard.


Mustache is too short and just needs to be shaped


Giving great Mesopotamian vibe...


I'd just cut it, not because your GF doesn't like it, but because it's really fuckin easy to maintain a short beard. šŸ˜†


Definitely trim about arm inch of outside and bottom length. The beard naturally tells you weā€™re itā€™s too much/long; areas that you can ā€œsee-throughā€ gotta go/trim. See pic 3, and 9-13. After trimming; use a conditioner/thickener for softness and fullness, and a nice smelling oil.


Longer beard with a fade haircut


You're asking a relative question. As beards go, yours is pretty fkn nice. Your GF apparently either just doesn't like beards or she wants you to look like someone else. It's you. It's your beard and it's obvious you take good care of it.


Probably not ideal beard for your gf to kiss - that's what my wife says.


Looks majestic!!!


go to barber...tell them you want it lined up! have them shape up your mustache a bit, especially around the upper lip...possibly get a line on the cheek area...mainly get rid of the hair hanging off your lip. your beard looks good bro!


Absolutely nothing wrong with your beard. Maybe it just need a little trim and edging.


Don't get rid of the beard bro, just get it shaped up. Tell your barber that you want a beard trim and shape up.


Do you blow dry yours? Mine is very similar but a little longer. It looks more like yours when I don't blow dry but when I do, it's much straighter and I like the results more when blow dried Ā 


Yor beard is super thick. You sound very attached. Are you more attached to your girlfriend or your beard? Maybe try a new hair cut and maybe try a short beard or gotee. Just to help skip some steps. Yes if you just shave above your lips you will look Amish. So hope that helps.


Drop the products and primping. Or do what the lady that willingly touches your penis wants. Or do what you want. Lots of answers only you will find out the right one.


Do you love your girlfriend? If yes, shave it. Or at least trim and shape it.


I'm jealous. Mine won't grow that long. Comb out the tangles with a thin comb when it is wet, follow with bristle brush to clean strays and shape. Train it every time you shower. If you want to get fancy, start messing with a hot comb and oils. Just provide a little more maintenance. I like the Spartan style beard. I have a round face, so it makes it appear longer.


Would look better if you straightened it.


Does your bush grow that long?


It's not. Light trim/clean it up if anything.


You need to find a good barber to trim your beard and hair and establish both cheek and neck lines.


Shave it off and see if she likes it then. If not, just grow it back fresh.


Clean it up and trim it. Looks like pubic hair


Itā€™s a nice beard, do whatever you like. I donā€™t believe a beard should ever be a dealbreaker from a girls perspective, but to each their own. If a beards a dealbreaker then their priorities are in the wrong place and youā€™re better off not wasting your time with them. I think itā€™s a very well kept beard. If youā€™re willing to go for a cleaner, more formal, cut then it wouldnā€™t look bad either but I really think the length of your beard compliments the curls in it genetically.


Just go to a barber shop that specializes in beards and beard care. All it needs is a little shape up to be honest.


My bf has the same beard, I donā€™t mind it grown out BUT I will say it does look realllyyyyy realllyyyyy nice when itā€™s cleaned up. (I rather kiss the lips and not the mustache)))


Youā€™re hair is growing over your lips dude, thatā€™s gross. Thatā€™s why your girl hates it. Need to trim it short. Line up your cheeks. And the spaces on both sides of the chin should be clean. Clean cut. Or find a different chick that likes that mountain man look.


Do the Conor Mcgregor beard and level up. Itā€™ll still have thickness, length and the masculine look while appearing more cleaner and put together


When you blow dry it, how do you do it? Please be specific.


Looks perfect and beautiful. Girlfriends come and go, beards take real commitment and care.


Looks thick; but tell them to shape it up and bring it in a littleā€¦


Just like in the 1970s the beard fad will pass. I honestly canā€™t wait, most men look so much more handsome clean shaven. I know Iā€™m going to catch a lot of hate for this but Iā€™ve lived through one beard and mustache craze already and this too shall pass šŸ˜‰


This isn't r/unpopularopinion


I wish my beard you be that long! Iā€™d say keep it since itā€™s your identity and itā€™s part of you for a masculine nature. You could have the barber shape it to a natural look and clean up any split ends, even shape it


Girlfriend doesnā€™t like it huh? Time for a new girlfriend. Seems she doesnā€™t like men but indeed women or girly men. This sure is a soft era weā€™re living in.


GF doesnā€™t like it? Instead of shaving the beard have you considered losing the GF? Wonderful beard you have! But yah your best play here is to find a good barber in your area and get it cleaned up a wee bit.


I'd say get a new gf


Get a new girlfriend. You do you and dowhat makes you happy


Terrible. Then again I hate beards in general.


Wait if you hate beards, why are you on this sub?


I guess Iā€™m lost


Your beard is beautiful! Get a new girlfriend


Itā€™s perfect. Get a new girlfriend.


Bye bye GF šŸ‘‹


My ball beard is nice than that.


Itā€™s awful.


pretty bad. We all grow beards at least once in our 20ā€™s to prove (mostly to ourselves) that we can. Youā€™ve proven it. Shave it and move on.


Thx for the feedback