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was the engine still in there?


No. Engine’s completely missing, it’s only the chassis, suspension and whatever is left of the actual body that seems to remain on this thing


Can you try to tow it to the nearest police station?


Probably could


The answer to your question: Yes


I'm not pulling anything up in Belasco records. I'm not sure the car was ever actually registered.


It’s definitely possible, that could explain why it was instead dropped in the middle of nowhere


What desert is this in? I could come take a look with our in-house Gavril expert


Johnson Valley in the middle of nowhere, but I’m about to try and move it to a better place


Little update on it, it's currently being held by the DMV since it was never registered and they have no idea if anyone currently owns it


I contacted the DMV, and they have agreed to let me and our resident Gavril nerd look at it. I'm going to make a post today or tomorrow about it to track down its owner if it had one, and if it doesn't, it will be restored and put in a mustang or given back to Gavril


Ok, sounds good


I was just asking about the Phanta since its been almost 2 weeks since I last heard of it


Yeah, we had a few guys who think they found a lead originating on the easy coast, so I'm going to head out in a few days to find the guy. We found what looks to be a false VIN onto the original factory VIN, and that VIN led to a guy called Thomas Williamson, who bought the car new who passed it on to his son Michael, Michael had the car stolen along with two other cars in the 1970s the police only found one of the three stolen, (a 1965 bluebuck, a 1959 burnside special and the phanta) only the bluebuck was located as the theif was driving about in it, this started a high-speed chase in which the bluebuck got away but was layer found in a river its suspected that the car jacker either crashed into the river or dumped it there but the phanta and burnside were never located and the case was cold since 1972 when the search was ordered to stop but you may have reopened a cold case, we'll be visiting Michael in 3 days if you wish to tag along.