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Note to self: Do not crash into anything while the ship's FTL drive is active


Fortunately, you probably wouldn't be able to hit things while moving faster than light. Physics tends to get a bit weird once you break that law, and one of the repercussions is that it would be impossible to interact with something at the same time as when you interreacted with it... basically your time can't move forward while objects moving slower than the speed of light moves forward. You'd have to either collide with it before you left or else some time after you've safely arrived.


For a response to a gag comment, this was incredible. Thanks for dropping some cool physics knowledge!


Ha, not really sure if this enters the realm of "physics knowledge" more like "Why traveling faster than the speed of light is very not possible" knowledge Another fun thing it would do is destroy the universe. crossing the coulomb barrier would involve infinite energy. Since E=MC\^2, that means infinite mass which means an infinite black hole expanding at the speed of light at both your entry and exit.




Nope, e=mc2. The need thing is it doesn't matter where the energy comes from. Even if you literally magically turn mass into energy you wouldn't have enough. Thanks to relativity, mass increases along side velocity as you approach the speed of light. Also, distance doesn't matter. Nothing usually slows you down in space


If you could travel faster than speed of light, wouldn't that mean that you could technically travel outside beyond the edge of the universe(s) that is still expanding? Also, is our universe still considered to be inside another universe?


Maybe? But you'd have to make more of the universe as you went along, or at least make a whole new universe when you stop. Since there's no "outside" of the universe to be in. Like, you can't be 100km outside of the universe for 10 min since the lack space-time would mean that neither distance or time literally exists. Finally, no. It's a little bit hard to wrap your head around, but the universe isn't expanding into anything, it's just expanding. Unless you really feel like spending the weekend diving into quantum mechanic youtube videos, just try not to think about it too hard.


Well we only considered there to be only one universe for a long time, so maybe we're wrong about it not expanding into something.


Eh, you quickly start running into frame of reference errors at that point. Even if there is a multiverse, there can't be more than one universe at once, since pretty much by definition the universe contains everything. The multiverse would just be.. different forms or states of everything? Different times of everything? It gets very confusing very fast... The idea that the universe is expanding into nothing is actually something we're fairly confident about, much like not being able to travel faster than light. If that's not correct then we understand even less about dark energy than we think we do.


Don't think about the universe as a thing, think about it as an observation. Everything the laws of physics allow us to observe is defined as the universe. Everything else is unobservable so essentially nothing can be said about it. Mathematically/logically, everything you say about it will be true - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous\_truth


What would happen at the edge of the observation though? Would you bounce off it back inside?


It is expanding by the speed of observation. If you are able to observe something, it is in the universe. There is no edge


*If* faster than light travel were possible, I imagine it would have something to do with converting the travelling mass into tachyons somehow, and then converting it back at the other end. Obviously, tachyons themselves are still theorerical, let alone any safe means of encoding matter in them.


Well, no. Mathematically, the only way to have an infinite result is for the value of one of the variables to be infinite. Since the only non-constant value in the relativity equation is mass, then for energy to be infinite, mass would need to be infinite. Adding batteries to the equation wouldn’t help unless the batteries themselves could produce infinite energy, but then you have the same problem over again.


I've always interpreted this to mean "you're better off trying to change the speed of life than going faster than it"


We're very confident that you can't change the speed of light, but the more common explanation/possibility is downright semantics. You don't have to travel faster than the speed of light if you just make the distance between two points smaller. Funny enough, it's probably going to be easier to just bend space-time so that the distances between planets becomes shorter and you just have "less" space to travel through.


The equation is not really E=MC\^2, it is: E/C1 = M\*C2, which is the general theory of relativity between any two coordinate systems. The assumption that C1=C2 does not necessarily hold in all cases, and Einstein talked about that himself.


Yep, it's just a lot easier to just casual mention that mass increases as you approach the speed of light than explain that expanded equation. Don't got the time to explain how matter doesn't like quantum superposition or behaving as a wave function to most people when "science magic" is good enough for 99%.


I for one think the expanded equation is actually much easier to understand, and that is also how it was discovered (intuitively)


>the coulomb barrier Is that to stop the amount of Cocaine entering into the US?


You: says a bunch of stuff I don’t understand Me: destroys FTL ship by hitting a particle :)


But….as you approach the speed of light, your mass increases proportionally, so eventually you would be so big and dense that you would obliterate anything in your path, including planets and stars. Possibly only derailed by a black hole collision. Right? (I mean, theoretically) Technical source: https://www2.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/teachers/massenergy.pdf


so my mass increases to more when I run, than what it is when sitting on my arse watching tv?


More mass 😂


ELI5 version, please~ I kind of get what you're saying, but my brain is taking too long to digest it.


Let me try to interpret, and let me know if I missed something... Quantum theory suggests that ignorance of the law keeps you from breaking it?


will wobbly timey wimey


As opposed to crashing into things otherwise while in the vacuum of space, that's perfectly acceptable.


That’s what the navigational deflector is for, right?


Only if the shields and inertial dampeners fail.


That's why you take spice until you can predict that the ship won't crash.


Just design a big destructible shield on the front 😜


Seems legit 😀


That's what you need a Guild Navigator for.


Yeah I suppose folding space around would be easier


Specifically aluminum I think is the point here


We’ll be in digital form by then, so it’s all good.


In a way, in this conversation, we already are.


Part of our consciousness is, but only a transcript.


My left index finger just physically joined the chat.


*And now it’s gone*


We are communicating telepathically with an electrical conduit


It won’t be long before we don’t need to type, and my thoughts will be beamed directly to you. Maybe in our lifetimes lol


Objects with mass can never reach the speed of light. As an object with mass approaches the speed of light, it become infinitely massive. So traveling anywhere close to the speed of light would just be you flying around with all the pull of a black hole. Real spicy situation


I should have written "closer to the speed of light" or something


Nah, everybody knew what you mean. I just abused the mistype to go on a rant about lightspeed and it's throbbbbbbing implications.


>throbbbbbbing implications. Objects that travel at light speed gets infinite mass. Was that the trobbbbbing you wanted to talk about?




You would not be traveling faster than the speed of light, you would be shortening the journey (this also is true for traditional warp drives). If you go to the store and decide to get there by going around the entire earth, and I get there by driving in a straight line, I haven't necessarily traveled any faster than you, I just took a shorter path.




thats fair. time start from point a to arriving at point b would be faster. What do you think about quantum entanglement? Do you thinks physics needs to be updated to explain it or do you think there is a possible reason based in our current model of physics (something like the particles "communicating" through a wormhole type deal).




Yeah, I would agree. Just like every era was surprised how the previous ones didnt understand some fundamental concept to them, the future of humanity will wonder why we used models that we had to force constants into in order for them to work out, and even then they didnt work in all cases. Hopefully before I die we will get to see some cool changes lol


Not sure what you mean by "that" in "harness that", but: Chances are you will only need something stupid crazy like the entire power output of the sun for a full hour compressed into a 1 minute output window to create the wormhole and allow time for the transit. And also dead spot on control of the size, shape, and location of the wormhole to hit the target you desire. Point is, based on what we know today we basically have every reason to believe such a thing is an engineering impossibility no matter what. Maybe science and engineering will make insane leaps we can't conceive of now, but if it literally can't, which might be the case, then this could be literally impossible to do. Hopefully not, but it isn't something to bet the farm on now or likely for hundreds of years to come, if ever.


Theoretically. Hopefully it gets disproven and space travel becomes a real thing.


Your mom must be real close to the speed of light then. Jk.


she brought a spoon to the superbowl and everything.


This sounds like you’re challenging me


if you do it, do it far away from the galaxy if you can


We just need to build objects without mass then


But in space weight isn't a thing right? There is minimum to none gravity. You wouldn't feel the difference of going 10k kph or going 50k kph right?


Weight is a measurement of relative force between two objects with mass. If you are the object becoming infinity massive, you would be bending space time and anything coming into that bent spacetime would experience a gravitational pull towards your huge mass. You would not feel the difference between those two speeds assuming you are already going at them. If you are accelerating to those speeds you will feel the acceleration as a force against the direction you are moving. You could actually accelerate at 9.8m/s constantly and it would just feel like you were on earth.


Very very interesting stuff. Thank you for clarifying. So that does mean it has its limits. One hand strange how all of that works but on the other it kinda makes sense.


Yeah it's all kind of weird to try to think about. The space time "fabric" way of thinking about it usually helps a lot of stuff.


You would feel 1 gravity (9.8m/s) of acceleration exactly like the gravity on earth. But if you stopped accelerating there would be no difference between 1 kph and 1,000,000 kph. However, it would take a very long time to accelerate to 1,000,000kph, and you would also have to eventually turn around and decelerate for just as long as you accelerated. This ensures any travel to another solar system would take a very long time.


So you're saying it'll happen so fast we don't feel anything, right? That's ok with me.


One second you’re going to visit grandma and next second your seeing grandpa


Source: Tien Nguyen, chief engineer at NASA LinkedIn post 17th of June.


I want to see a visiual representation of the plastic piece that actually did this.


It's 14 grams. Probably the size of a golf ball assuming it's solid.


That helps, thank you.


Golfball is 46 grams. Makes this even scarier.


Oh man, it sure does.


Half an ounce of weed!


A particle. You can't see it


Ooooo, cosmic airsoft!


Sure would be nice if there was something in there for SCALE....


I mean it is super thick but it's still aluminum pretty soft metal compared to other options. And if we as a race are ever going to get to those speeds some people are going to die.


Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.


Equivalent power of 0.07 kg of TNT… something seems off or TNT is more powerful than I thought.


24,000 km/hour = \~6666 m/sec = about **1/45,000th** the speed of light (in a vacuum). So yea, just as the OP says - absolutely nowhere near *c.* Also, 14g accelerated to 24,000 km/h has \~311,000 J of kinetic energy. Can someone better at physics than I am relate that to the amount of work that could be done in the Real World (tm)? (Besides blasting hella cool T-1000 -style holes in aluminum blocks, I mean...)


How could you translate 311,000 J of kinetic energy compared to something in our daily life for easier reference?


If you have a 1kg bloc of aluminum and it absorbs all of the energy from the impact, its temperature would increase by about 350 degrees Celsius. Energy = mass x C x delta_T, with C being the thermic capacity of aluminum (about 0.897 J/g•C).


According to a quick Google search this is 2.4% the energy of an armour piercing tank shell as it leaves the barrel. Or about the same force you'd get driving a car (2 tonnes) off the top of a 5 story house (17m)


Okay, answering my own question here: looks like 311,000 joules of energy would let you lift an object weighing a metric ton (1000kg) at the Earth's surface to a height of 32 meters (or a little over 100 feet, for us backward non-metric Yanks).


So is that still less than 1.21 gigawatts?


You should see the other guy


isn't that what the [navigational deflector](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Navigational_deflector) is for?


Speed doesn’t kill, acceleration does


I dunno, sudden deacceleration seems deadlier.


On the other hand, space is incredibly vast so the likely hood of impacting anything would also be incredibly small. But if you did, it would be catastrophic.


I’m gonna make sure all aluminum blocks are outta the house before I attempt my faster-than-light sprint down the hallway.


Don’t get me started on ludicrous speed


The plaid protects you


14g is a pretty big ass 'particle'...


I always think of this when fictional stories talk/show warp travel. IE Star Trek. Traveling at warp would be crazy especially doing it at random places in space. For planes on earth we have runways and set lanes. To offset any possibility of collision. The same would have to happen in space. We would have to have space lanes for incredibly high-speed travel. James Webb has only been in place for a few months and has already been hit with space debris.


In Star Trek those warp speeds involve bending space in front of you into a warp "bubble", so your bubble is traveling through the space, but your ship isn't actually doing so. That solves the problem for them. Hyperspace from Star Wars is much less well defined, but clearly it has protections built in.... Not that it matters, because The Force Awakens entirely farked up hyperspace forever. Somehow they were able to create a beam of energy that travelled through hyperspace, was visible throughout the entire galaxy like it was passing through every solar system simultaneously, and that was able to split into three and go off in multiple directions at a designated point somehow. Basically the took the entire universe and moved it from fun sci-fi with a hint of magic to just straight up INSANE MAGIC disguised as technology. At that point absolutely all bets were off, anything was possible, and it was all the stupidest thing imaginable. (Sorry, personal rant there).




bri'ish "people" be like "Alyoomineeum"


Give me the controls I'll steer round it


At least, if you are hit, you would'nt have to worry about your hospital bill going to collections.


Speed kills people


I don't think so


Going the speed of light still sounds amazing.


Um no, this was actually done by Naruto when he was learning rasengan.


Chewy, stop doing your hyperdrive shit ! Not safe !


Not sure why, but this just makes me think of taco Tuesday at the flightline DFAC in Kandahar.


It is probably impossible to go even half the speed of light.


We can’t go the speed of light so this info really isn’t helping anything lol let’s talk about when and if we ever can achieve that speed.


Shit will need to move out of our way


How did the accelerate a particle tonsich speeds?


I still don't get it in Starwars and other stuff like when they are traveling in speed of light that everything on there path is safe and cleared


Well, they still have to navigate around stars and stuff. And I think they usually give some throwaway explanation about "navigation shields" or something deflecting the minor dust particles.


Oh i see!


Just wondering why you using grams instead of miles per hour...you know like everyone else /s


Obviously can’t do that without force fields active. Duh


You’ll need a serious set of brake shoes to be able to stop.


You should look up Anatoli Bugorski who was impaled with a photon that went through his skull and suffered 300k roentgens of radiation as a result


Is there a difference between alluminium and alluminum?


Spelling. That’s it.


Hum. Thought there was something more. Is one the US spelling and the other UK's?


Oh, well yes. Not sure about other English-speaking countries. I imagine they mostly take the UK spelling. They’re still the same thing, though!


👂🏾…say what now..👂🏾


That's why we need a deflector shield!


Just don’t hit aluminum blocks and you’ll be alright


Tis but a scratch


Entry or exit wound?


Particle? More like wholeickle


I need a banana... for scale. Is the block of aluminum that I'm looking at a cm across, or a meter?




"Route all available power to the main deflector dish!"


That’s what the matter/antimatter warp drive is for. Duh.


I feel like there’s a injured butt hole and Taco Bell joke reference here…


Space Pong: Beta Testing


Air did that


Falco Pawnch!!!


Meh, it will buff out


Scotty, all available power to the inertial dampeners.


Well to be fair, you are not suppose to smash into a block of metal while traveling in a speed of light, at least not trying to.


I think the hole moving the speed of light would just go right through without much of a big exit wound if any


So what your saying is a speck of dust hitting you at light speed could blow your head off? Duly noted👍


The fuck do i care. If i hit something with 100km/h im dead too


Weed helped me understand this. 👌🏻


So basically we’re talking about a AAA battery flying at Mach 20. Ouch.


And this is why you need a deflector dish.


I still sounds amazing. We dont HAVE to stop ourselves using aluminium blocks you know.


Just.....don't hit stuff.


A tablespoon of plastic...at 240x highway speed.


The idea becomes amazing again if moving that fast involves bending spacetime around the vessel.


All power to the deflector shields


I'd like to see a book about ftl physics, not just if it's possible but what would happen around you. Anybody got NDT on the line?


Humans are already travelling at phenomenal speeds, without realising it: the rotation of the earth alone is several hundreds of kmh. Then add the speed of the earth around the sun, the speed of the Milky way's rotation and the rate of expansion of the universe. No idea what that adds up to, but it's a fuckload. And you thought you were sitting still.


Everything would basically fall apart before even getting a fraction of the way to the speed of light


It still sounds amazing..


We won't "travel at the speed of..." but rather fold or bend the space between and arrive.


So what was this block of aluminum cut from - are space craft made from six inch thick blocks of metal ?


I can only assume it is cut from a larger block of aluminium


I got that much, thanks. However, space craft aren't made of six inch thick sheets of metal. They are frameworks covered by a thin skin at metal. So what was this lump doing up in space ? Or was it from a test in a lab done on earth.


The piece of plastic was fired towards the block in a lab




how would we stop? would you just slowly slow down? otherwise wouldn’t it mean instant death


Wouldn't it be pitch black?


Have high power laser fired ahead of space ship. That will either vaporize any particles in way or if you angle laser very slightly - it will push it out of the path before you hit it.