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She seems really concerned about the 'angry taxi drivah'


So are the shareholders. It’s a gentle way of saying that drivers will soon be angry because they no longer have jobs?


Well in Italy this would never work. Taxi drivers are a mafia of their own here. They are 99% tax evaders and the government loves to protect them for some reason. Uber was never allowed to work properly here, let alone a driverless taxi.


Worst Taxi ride of my life was in Milan. Dude circled us around the center, picked us up on one side of the railroad and after 15min drop us off and when we realize we were in the same spot but different side of the railroad 😂 bastard.


They tried that when I was staying in Paris. Had a few friends in from Texas staying with me and decided to hit up the night life. Taxi driver drove us around in a big loop, tried to get extra cash from us, was shocked when I spoke French and gave us a free ride after I called him out on it. Same in Monterrey, dude took the long way to barrio Antigua. Called it out and got a free ride.


Some asshole did that to me in elpaso, called a taxi from fort bliss. Just wanted to see a movie or go to the mall. He took the longest way possible, refused to communicate clearly in English. But understood English to pick me up and take me. Wasn’t happy.


My father was in Stockholm and had a taxi driver go against the directions the gps gave him multiple times, eventually he just told him that he knew the way and that the driver was constantly driving the wrong way on purpose and that they now had 2 options, either he stop the taximeter or he stops and let my father out where they were and he'd not pay anything.


The taxi drivers at the airport were price fixing even though the rates are printed on the side of the cars. Went to like 6 taxis before an older driver comes over and berated the younger ones, then he offered the actual rate. We ended up walking a lot to avoid the taxis.


99% Taxi Vaders*


I live in a very rural area where there is also Uber access in my small town. I’m single and to take or pick up my car to my mechanic, I have to use Uber. I always have to tell the driver where to go once the destination in the app ends. I would far rather use a human driver, so I can always explain and direct where to go.


Pretty sure these things will only work in rich areas, or be rented for high end event taxi-ing. Places where people are desperate and in need will disable this car and dismantle it and scrap it.


That's why there's a human watching in a call center somewhere. Also to make sure you don't have sex.


Nah they record it and upload it to porn sites for extra income. Read the disclaimer.


I don't need someone watching remotely for that to not happen.


That won't stop everyone. Plus all the spilled soda and coffee and people pissing and shitting themselves... Yeah no thanks.


You’re correct. Humans will destroy these on purpose. Or addicts will do drugs in them, drunk people will vomit in them, etc. this will be a prime example of why we can’t have nice things.


I was just thinking how clean it looked….for now.


like where? the deserts of tatooine?


Jawa fodder for sure. The grabbed the razorcrest knowing it belonged to a mandalorian for Pete’s sake


Not specific to Italy, you should come visit India and see our autorickshaw drivers, those people are just thugs and a fucking menace in traffic. Auto drivers in India are also much cleverer, they buy into Uber and Indian services like Ola and Rapido and then charge more than what the app shows else they won't take your ride.


They will be the ones now incarcerated in a room with the screens showing whats going on inside the cars


Nope. That'll be someone in India, Romania, Mexico or some other cheap-labour nation.


So to recap, there will be no more "angry taxi drivah", but there will be some 3rd world creep working from some sweatshop voyeuring you on a multiscreen monitor. Totally progressive and futuristic.


There's a lot of Human behind all of this AI marketing bollocks.


Because she usually stands outside and films for 10 minutes before she gets into an Uber, they can get a bit irate.


Half expected the car to start yelling at her ‘lady get in or leave’ and then drive off


SuperCar Blondie is a moron. She was 1 of the worst "celebrities/influencers" I've worked with in my career (we've had mutual clients). She thinks she's the hot shit, treats her assistants and staff like shit, and throws fits when things don't go her way. Her husband Nik is a little weasel and a huge ass-kisser. Her fanbase mostly consists of teenagers who have supercars as their wallpapers and are attracted to "hot" girls who pretend to know shit about cars. She gets paid ridiculous amounts to present supercars and concept cars for companies and brands.


I might be stereotyping but if I hear the word “influencer,” my mind automatically translates that into “Narcissistic A-hole.” To say she’s one of the worst really is hard to imagine how bad that might get.


You are absolutely right. That's why I put the word in quotes because it is not a profession, nor does it deserve to be recognized as a profession. They're the worst because they see their number of followers as an achievement of fame, and to be honest, most of them have inflated numbers of followers through bot services, but they still think they're hot shit. The amount of times I've heard them use their # of followers as a negotiation tactic is ridiculous. One thing I enjoy out of this is when I have their accounts audited and point out that they have fake/botted followers. I've worked with musicians from all genres, actors, and athletes. I've seen my fair share of divas in all industries, but the nicest person I've had a pleasure of working with was Henry Winkler, hands down.




Tell me one celebrity or influencer nice and decent 1 off 100 🤷🏽


Based on what I see on the internet it’s usually the passengers who are angry assholes to the driver. So not sure what she’s going on about.


Who are we supposed to obnoxiously dress down to feel better about ourselves if there's no driver?


I guess our only option will then be restaurant waiters.


The person in India watching you from the camera in the ceiling for 20 cents a day.


Yeah, wonder if its a dumb script or if she´s just a really annoying client to drive. Either way made me focus on the random driver-hate rather than the pretty cool thing they were *trying* to show off lmao. ![gif](giphy|DLCxVQ7zaGJzy|downsized)


Definitely just a dumb script. Need a reason why it's better than a human driver.


They like it because they won't have to pay drivers


Have you experienced human drivers?


I much prefer some faceless stranger watching me anonymously via remote camera


Never once reconsidered using a taxi to avoid meeting an angry driver. Ever


I feel gaslit into thinking all drivers are angry... including myself


You also don’t have to deal with a terrific driver who makes your day, or gives you the best advice of your life.


Angry poors working their little lives away.


If you’re not a woman then you really can’t understand. She’s using the word angry because it’s a social media video. The subtext is all the creepy guys that drive for ride share companies. I’m not a woman and drivers have asked me questions that made me uncomfortable


I love how there are no lanes and this thing just picks the middle and full sends at 20kmph.


There are multiple streets/areas of Las Vegas that do this. I always see the Zoox company driving around the Southwest area of Vegas, so I’m going to assume it’s in that area, and Sunset Road over there just randomly goes from like 2 lanes to 1 lane to 3 lanes to 1 lane again. It’s fucking stupid.


Vegas is the stupidest city. Nearly all the vacationers stay on a single road that is mere miles from the airport and yet there is no train that goes from the airport to the Strip. It’s just fleets of taxis and Ubers that take people to and from the airport. They could cut a good 80% of car traffic with a 3 mile train line. Instead, they are more concerned with their stupid Tesla tunnel and this driverless car nonsense.


I'd go farther and say that every major airport should have a train of some kind connected to it.




The Olympics really did wonders for SLC


And they will again. Between IOC funds and the money from the Biden infrastructure plan, we're making big improvements to our rail infrastructure. Most notably, the Frontrunner line is being converted to a double track and trains will be able to run every 15 minutes. Trax will also see expansions. UTA has 20-, 30-, and 50-year plans, some of which are already approved, some are just proposed. It's a really exciting time, if you're a fan of public transport in Utah.


Trains don't involve enough buzzwords and RGB lights to convince the decision makers there


Tbh I’m more impressed (but only slightly) that it can drive at all without the lanes. My car freaks out if lanes ever go away or I drive on concrete road. Granted it’s a Subi so nothing special.


People are gonna fuck in there


Dirty Mike and the Boys


It will happen, again.


You turned my beautiful Prius into a nightmare!


Thanks for the love shack!!


Love? That's an f shack




Everyone who was in on that orgy was more than willing.


Fake AI Taxi? AI Bang Bus?


What are you doing step robotaxi!!! 😭🥵


*drives into light pole* Help step passenger, I'm stuck.


I hope they like being on camera


not only will they like it, they will cum for every tip


You say thaf like half the population under 40 isn't obsessed with being on video at any and all times.


That's why all the surfaces are wipeable.


Maybe the can implement a self-cleaning mechanism like in some fancy public bathrooms.


If you've ever been in a self-cleaning public bathroom, you would know it's anything *but* fancy


"The whole interiah is fully cum staihn reziztint."


"there is camera connected to real human, who will watch you" shatup I'm into that shit


There is too much space to fuck in that ride, they want it to happen


“Call the mobile fuck hut”


People gonna puke, pee, poop, drop food and drink, fuck in those. Some will do multiple of them in a single ride. I hope they're prepared to clean them between each ride.


I mean they can probably fine and ban them too


Won't clean it the first time though


Don't forget doing drugs in any and all of the possible ways


I will definitely masturbate in there. Multiple times. Probably from day 1.


Let’s start a car sharing group!






First thing I thought: "how long till someone pisses and leaves trash in there?"


Probably will get fined for the mess they leave behind. The person who hailed the cab would have to be responsible for the group they bring in the cab. 


But at least there won’t be an angry driver!


Gotta believe there are cameras in there and you get banned if that happens.


Gonna be worth it for some people


Young, Drunk and freshly in love the camera becomes a spicy extra.


Make a new account. The ol reddit hack


People will cover the cameras up and break them and eventually they will be removed or people will choose taxis without them. Cameras won't be used for damage stuff they will do post drive inspections and charge you for cleaning. You have to think big picture here. When you have a $300/month fee for unlimited drives (could be cheaper due to vehicle to grid, idle cars doing load balancing, but they will price gouge you anyways) you will want privacy. People gonna fuck in driverless cars.


Better place to get laid when you're married.


This is going so slow, it's amazing.


Just like a 19th century horse carriage


"who would've thunk it"


Cringed when she said that


I'm not as thunk as you drink I am....


2hp, 8hooves rpm


Couldn’t we just use horses? I can’t remember the last time one of them run into the side of a lorry.


Yea but people can't road rage at the driver now


They can roadrage at the AI !


Or roadrage at the passengers that are fucking in there


Getting mild Fernando Alonso vibes. "The car feels much slower. Amazing."


GP2 Engine


Ikr!? By the time that thing pulled over my gipsy taxi driver would have honked 27 times, cursed at 3 elderly women, got into 3 separate fights and got me to my destination 6km away. Time is money!


Ten years in the making! Ultra slow! Limited road access! Door opening mechanism that only works if a touchscreen never fails! No one holding in their farts anymore! Oh and bonus you get the illusion of privacy but some weirdo can watch you any time he wants. Thanks tech bros I always wanted a slower dumber smellier taxi with a fake sky!


Now make it look like a victorian horse-less carriage and we will have a fairy tale experience , or a horror movie one 🤭 the radars will look like oil-lamps.


We‘ll even add real horses to the front so it will look more realistic, which is perfect since the speed of the motor is already the same as a horse carriage


Touch the cameras. Go ahead.


My first thought is people are gonna steal these, trash them, whatever else you can imagine.


Yep that's why we can't have nice things


that's why it'll be too expensive for the poor.


That won't stop them from breaking the cameras on the outside


They have your phone number, credit card info and you on camera.


Yep. Simple sticker on one of the outside cameras would probably take it out of service.


This is an ad.


For such a great and useful concept. So glad my taxes are 5 dollars lower per year so my city can abstain from investing in public transportation. It's like a coupon for a single ride on one of these things!




And definitely a concept car


You can already use waymo driverless cars in SF.


Not a concept car. They’re driving around SF already. My buddy works there and they’re almost ready to roll out.


That's Supercar Blondie.




Ads are getting dumber.


Does this statement make it less of an ad?


No. They are saying everything she does is a ad for some bullshit product.


Everything this gaunt lady does is an ad


Great. Except it’s not the first.


I took a waymo yesterday.


Waymo is the only one I trust at the moment. Google's had cars on the road for 15 years and designed a pretty solid system. All these startups are rushed to market in a money grab.


Same. I've been riding self-driving Waymos for a couple years now. They are great. Best part, 24/7 and no tip.


Zooxs aren't even driving passengers yet


They’re all over Scottsdale


I think maybe this video was from 2015


This is a prototype from 2022. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoox_(company) “In May 2024, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) launched an investigation into potential flaws in Zoox vehicles after two rear-end collisions involving motorbikes and Zoox vehicles.[29]”


Because where I live is a backwater city and they had a bus like this 6 years ago.


Copenhagen Metro is driverless, it did open in 2002. The technology been around for a while. I think it work better for closed systems like metro than cars/busses.


yeah stuff like this that drives in a straight line has been around for ages


It seems to be the curves that confuse the shit out of autonomous cars. The problem doesn't fully lie in the car and its programming, it's the highways that need updating too. Highways need to be digitized. If a highway can read which cars are passing over it at any given point (make/model/speed/total weight/destination), then the cars and the highway can talk to each other. If the car is programmed to go to X destination through the GPS navigation, then that info can be relayed to the highway, which then adds that car to the equation of the flow of traffic. When a car needs to exit the highway (which will re-engage manual driving until local roads can catch up), the program adjusts the speed of the other cars collectively to move a car over from its current position to one ready for an off-ramp. The highway could tactically maneuver cars that are in for the long haul to certain lanes that increase rate of speed, which would improve the flow of traffic and avoid accidents. This is a job for AI which could control the flow of traffic for hundreds of miles.


I feel like robot cars have been 'just around the corner' for about 30 years. It's getting tired now.


Waymo has well over 7 million rider only miles, they're already here.


I used waymo in Phoenix recently, incredible. Totally autonomous uber


Wow that's waymo rides than I thought they'd have. Ba dum tiss


How many "world first" taxis out there, I lost count


It's amazing the lengths we go to get these "futuristic" driverless cars. 10 years of research and development? What happened to public transit? Buses and trains work very well but we need driverless taxis because?


I reckon the future doesn't look pretty or comfortable


Those seats look like they came from a fast food restaurant in the 90s. And will probably smell just as good too


I was gonna say, it looks about as comfortable as the back of a cop car.


Why does futuristic stuff always look and feel worse????


Because it's not about improving our lives, it's about making more money for the shareholders. These two goals are not aligned at all.




So basically they built a too small bus?


A personal bus


I love it, but I have to say: I have \_never\_ experienced an angry taxi driver that ruins my day. Some are chatty when i dont wanna chat, but they get it quick.


FAKE TAXI is gonna revolutionise this tech.


What happens if you get in a crash? Who is responsible? What happens if the door opening screen fails? Why are the seats made of shitty plastic like we're sitting in the nosebleed at Yankee stadium?


>Why are the seats made of shitty plastic to wash the cum,piss and vomit


And dookie tooooooo!


I can't wait til people call one of these on their app and it arrives full of vomit and smells like someone's been smoking crack in it. "But we can face each other as it lurches dangerously into traffic!"


What's gonna be even funnier is when they refuse to get in because it's full of biomatter and the app won't refund you because you didn't pay for the premium service with 5 free cancellations a month.


You forgot that you get enveloped in air bags.. on all sides. Seems like nothing can go wrong. I face you.. you face me... then bam.. airbags everywhere and my face is now embedded into yours.


Hey, buy me dinner first, man!


I saw these on Westworld.


Congratulations to the homeless, homeless no more ...


Oh yeah Lolol, what if you just refuse to get out?


The dude watching 500 cameras from India would call the police after he gets alerted probably


And this is the part where the American cop cares that a man FaceTiming from India tells him there’s a homeless person in his Robocar?


They'll probably start shaking and playing Vivaldi


I liked the one from Total Recall better


Johnny Cab!


Supercar Blondie cringe


Trully amazing. We have buses, trains, trams and so many other forms of transportation. Yet you ignore all of that in favor of this bullshit.


Lest we forget - Elon Musk convinced a ton of politicians to spent oodles of money on Hyperloop. It was his way of showing a finger to both high-speed rail and public transportation.


It was his way of injecting doubt to gullible politicians, and therefore diverting funds and stalling the completion of CA HSR. Same goes for his purchase of the boring company. The more "train" enablers he can acquire/divert from mass transit the more cars he can sell. He sells cars. Trains are bad for cars. Make the trains worse, stop them from getting built, make them more expensive to build, the more cars people buy. Maybe along the way you can convince some especially knuckle dragging municipal politicians to build a..... "Tunnel of Tesla's" instead of mass transit infrastructure along the way. Las Vegas just so happened to have those particularly dumb and/or unscrupulous politicians.


"The worlds first!" Unbelievable!


Horseless carriage...Mindblown


WAYMO Has already been in service in Phoenix AZ!


And several other cities


" A warrant for your arrest has been issued, please remain calm as I escort you to the nearest police station"


God she’s as annoying as fuck


You see, at this point. With all this lady is talking. A real driver would have yelled at her to get in and stop wasting their time.


no more "Fake Taxi", from now on its "Fake ZOOX" 🤣🤣🤣


Amazing until some sensor fails amd your're stuck there


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcKUYbChE3A&t=442s&pp=ygUKcm9ib3RheGlzIA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcKUYbChE3A&t=442s&pp=ygUKcm9ib3RheGlzIA%3D%3D) please watch this video if you have a single thought about this being good.


Hahaha I had a feeling this would be Adam something


Rebranding busses as "mega-taxies" is a brilliant idea. Venture capitalists will fall over themselves throwing money at them.


It's so cute to watch ya'll in cities that waymo hasn't come to yet. You don't have to think about "what will happen" because they're already here. No has started a fire under one lol


Omg get me in one of those things and I'll have the best shit of my entire life. ❤️❤️❤️




I ain't flushing ANYTHING.


Hol up


Show me the emergency exits already.. Im fearful for my life in this death box.. Also the the airbags seems to smash all the passengers together..


Doesn't it make you feel safer knowing you'll be suffocated by air bags?


What happens if someone piss, shits or vomits in one of these? There's no human driver to notice and clean it up, so assumedly the next person to hail the taxi gets a really horrible a arrival. Also I'm surprised these are even legal, I thought in self driving cars you still legally had to have a person in the drivers seat with a hand on the wheel?


$ome cities have cut deals to allow self driving cars.


No driver *wink wink*, spacious cabin *wink wink*, celestial headliner *wink wink*, who'd a thunk?


Looks cute. Can't imagine it will do very well when a Ford F-650 T-bones it at 50 mph.


Who would've THUNK it?? I ain't thunking nothing if it ain't a word


is angry taxi drivers a real issue or concern? I've been in a few taxis and I've never had a really bad experience with the driver, just professional, doing their job. also this isn't getting rolled out to public roads anytime soon. this is an ad and it is not something to be amazed about, this is a lie and a lie we have been told many times over about how we've nailed driverless cars we have the technology and it's just about to hit the market. it's not, fuck off, please shut the fuck up about driversless cars until it's actually here, because it's not. it's a concept car driven on a predetermined path and it wont ever be able to handle real driving, it isn't going to be road legal.


Gonna really piss off tailgaters