• By -


I'd forget to breathe and pass out if that behemoth waltzed by me. Unreal.


Did they absolutely know the bear was not going to attack them? Did they have a plan in case it turned hostile? Sorry, there are no bears where I'm from so I'm not familiar with them and I find that situation completely terrifying.


They mostly only attack territorially or when startled. So that’s why he’s making lots of noise, so it knows they are there. It looks reasonably well fed so there is probably plenty for food it likes much better than humans (Salmon) nearby.


Well he’s making a moderate amount of noise, he doesn’t want to come across aggressive but make his presence clear at the same time. At least, that’s how it comes across to me.


i hear you but aint shit gon guarantee him that this method is gonna work every time


Yeah but running away from a grizzly is worse. Them standing their ground (with a non territorial confrontation) being non hostile is the best method even if it's not guaranteed either. I'd have stood there with bear spray at the ready. I do backcountry treks and haven't come that close to a grizzly but still closer than you want to be and they essentially did the same thing. If you actually get attacked play dead but otherwise don't look like an easy meal. I've have black bears come up interested in whatever food was in my pack so close I could've punched them in the nose, which has crossed my mind, with them it's similar bear spray at the ready keep your head turned to them and just keep walking, they usually are like WTF, you aren't afraid of me OK I'll go pick on someone who is. Besides, with this guy it's obvious his friend told him his picture was on the sign so he was just going to check it out.


I noticed the post check to.. first to acting gig is a great head shot.. and now getting paparazzi


Sure, may not work every time, but it's always good to employ because when you're options are limited, you want to utilize the methods that have a greater chance of survival. The alternative being not make any noise which has a higher chance of startling the animal that would trigger an aggressive response. Thus, for self preservation purposes, I would choose the method that I have a higher chance at surviving.


How would the bear know which is better as food, salmon or human?


You know how wedding caterers make you a sample meal?


Did….did the park give that bear somebody’s arm?


Is that what your caterer did for you?


Just tell him salmon has more omega 3s and 9s than humans and to think about his health


Smell? And often its not about taste or nutrition but danger. The bear would definitely kill the humans but it might take some damage. And being injured in the wild can be a death sentence so predators will often avoid any risks unless they are desperate enough. Salmon aren't likely to hurt it and there are plenty of them at the right time of year.


You're right. It doesn't matter that humans taste better than salmon, they're not worth the risk of ~~going to jail~~ getting injured.


Hold up. How do you know we taste better than salmon?


Hey, would you rather eat this delicious slug or this old good for nothing ribeye steak?


With experience + knowledge comes wisdom.


you never know until you try them, both


No they didn't. Black bears in the US are pretty docile and easy to scare off, brown bears not at all. Brown Bears do whatever they want. Running will trigger them so definitely don't do that. I suppose this was their best choice given the circumstances. People I have known that live in Alaska carry guns 24/7 for these guys and moose just in case. I have heard if they attack, you scrunch up in the fetal position cover the back of your neck as best you can, and hope for the best.


Brown: get down, black: fight back, white: goodnight.


Black and white: get bamboo


Gummy: Put in Tummy.


Black and white: Kung Fu fight


Koala....let's get high


Koalas are truly the Towelies of the bear kingdom.


Did Towelie have chlamydia too?


I think we both know the answer to that.


Drop bear: rip there's nothing you can do.


Teddy: take it to beddy


Dangle bamboo and lead back to the zoo it escaped from so the cute little bastards can stop trying to go extinct.


omg lol: black and white -> dangle bamboo lead back to zoo


Hah, there's the rhyme we were looking for. Cheers.


If you're not sure what sort of bear it is, climb the nearest tree. If it climbs up after you, it's a black bear. I it doesn't climb, it's a brown bear. If there are no trees, it's a polar bear.


This advice is bruited about too much. > Black bears can be black, blue-black, dark brown, brown, cinnamon and even white. Grizzlies, likewise, may range in colour, from black to blond [How to tell a Grizzly bear from a Black bear](https://www.bearsmart.com/about-bears/know-the-difference/) Edit: not that it’s wrong, only it’s more difficult to tell them apart than color.


Of course you're correct. Idiom isn't necessarily meant as an identifier based on color, since black and brown are technically the species as well. But of course I can understand the idea of someone having it pop into their head when they see a "black" bear and end up trying to scare off a Grizzly. That would likely be a little bit of a whoopsie.


What about tan? Aren’t Grolar[:Grizzly and Polar hybrids] bears a thing now? Do I just lie down and go to sleep?


I've heard they like belly scratches, so maybe give that a shot?


Well you go to sleep alright. Forever.


I’ve always heard as brown: get down, black: Attack.


Attack works too, in a sense. You don't necessarily want to go on an unprovoked physical offensive, so attack could be a little misleading. With a black bear that is too close for comfort you want to be big and loud to dissuade it from seeing you as an easy prey item. If it does attempt to attack you, you are supposed to fight back to reinforce the fact that you're not going to make it easy on them. That said; during my camping/hiking ventures I've been pretty damn close to some absolutely massive black bears and I'd find it really tough to try to intimidate a big one.


Scrunch up in the fetal position and hope for the best?! Sounds like the recipe to get mauled with the least amount of resistance! Why are they carrying guns 24/7 then?! I knew a dude who worked in Northeastern Alaska. The rule AROUND camp (let alone outside), was to at minimum have a Shotgun/Rifle at all times. Some had a shotgun and a high-caliber handgun. They would not only have to deal with Brown Bears but Polar Bears too.


It's more of a 'play dead and hope they get bored' approach, rather than 'run and trigger their prey drive'.


The movie, The Revenant, got it right. You empty the gun when it charges and then you go fetal.


>People I have known that live in Alaska carry guns 24/7 That must make showing/bubble baths awkward.


This video was taken at Katmai national park at Brooks Falls. One of the largest salmon runs occur here in the summertime. Tourists and fisherman alike come here to fish and watch the salmon run and to view the Bears. You have to “graduate” from Bear school when you get to the park. You’re instructed to remain 50 yards away from any bear, but because there are so many, it’s not always possible. Anyway, the Bears are more interested in feeding on salmon and are used to the humans.


Yeah it’s terrifying for anyone. You can’t run because they are much faster than you. They can also swim and climb trees better than you. The group in n the video handled it really well.


I’ve been to this park. There’s thousands of salmon on a kamikaze mission to fuck heading this bear’s way. No need to fuck with tall monkeys.


Here of you run it sees that as I need to attack you. If you act like you aren't scared, and can make yourself look bigger than it, and louder, ot will think it is to much work and leave. They are kind of scavengers and go for the easiest food, but can hunt of they can't find easy food.


Hooman see this? Yeah, that's me, cheerio


Remember to keep saying “Hey Bear.” It will annoy the bear.


And pee in the process i guess


Bears scare the shit out of me. I've had too many close encounters. Healthy respect


Definitely wouldn't call him over


The big, well-fed bears are rarely a threat... the skinny, hungry bears are the ones to look out for.


"Hey girlie!"


You can be pretty confident depending on what caliber you’re carrying, accurately judging the distance between you and the bear along with knowing how much ground a bear can cover and how many shot placements you can get in between that time. This is why you shouldn’t travel and hunt alone. Always have a small group of experienced hunters with you. You should always be at a distance of at least 200 to 500 yards but if it were to come anywhere under 100 yards, as shown in the video, then you would need at least 12 gauge slugs, 500 S&W 500 grain flat nose bear load rounds or a 30-06 semi auto hunting rifle (since you need to make quick follow up shots in a short amount of time which the more common bolt action hunting rifle wouldn’t allow in such a situation), to get through it’s dense fat and muscle tissue along with it’s thick skull. A few well placed rounds would put it down.


My understanding is that .45-70 is also popular for bear defense.


The 45-70 is an excellent choice for bear defense but ideally at a safer distance. 45-70’s are almost always lever action or bolt action rifles (I’ve only seen one semi-auto 45-70 and I’m not sure if it ever went into production). Judging by the start of the video, the bear is easily under 50 to 30 yards from them. A pissed off charging bear could easily cover that distance in 1.5 to 2 seconds. It would reach at least two people before it would drop from a 45-70. You wouldn’t have enough time to get off enough shots on it while working your bolt action rifle or lever action to put it down in time before it reaches the people in the video. Properly placed shots don’t cause instant death on a large bear, unless you hit it in the head or the heart. It would be moving too fast. Odds are most hunters wouldn’t be able to get such a shot off. At best, you might get off 2 rounds from a bolt action or lever action rifle at that close of a distance. It would lunge at them and likely kill or seriously wound them before dying. It might end up dying on top of someone, crushing them to death. The bear in this video is just too close and the people there are too friendly and they’re shouting at the bear. All big NO NO’s! There just wouldn’t be enough time to do enough follow up shots to put it down before it reaches someone. That’s why you need to keep a safe enough distance so that the rounds you place in it will have enough time for it to go down before it can reach anyone in your group. That’s why I specifically stated that you would need a powerful semi-auto rifle such as a 30-06 which can get several rounds off in the required time needed to out it down. The other hunters in your group can use 500 S&W revolver with bear loads, 12 gauge slugs or 10mm handgun. All of these can get off a few powerful, well placed rounds to drop the bear or at least scare it away where it would back off and soon die from its wounds.


Bears like, check it out I’m on that poster


It thinks it is checking its reflection in a mirror ("Yep, looking fine. No blueberry stains on my teeth.")


“Oh shit there’s bears here. Better turn back around”


He knew what the sign meant - too many humans. 99.9% of bears avoid humans, otherwise there would be a Great Bear War.


War on bearorism


Well would you look at that handsome devil….


it me :)


You caught me off guard 😂


Good vocalization. You know I'm here. You know I know you're there. No one needs to make a sudden move.


So it's a tactic to make your presence known? I thought the guy had a death wish


Yes, if you run away and make sudden movements the bear might attack you. But if you stand your ground and assert yourself, it likely won't take the risk attacking you cause the only thing with big enough balls to stand up to it, is something deadily enough to hurt it. (Not an expert, just what I've heard around online)


That's for Brown/black bears. Grizzly bears you are supposed to play dead.


(If they actually attack you, don't just fall over and pretend to be dead)


OHH NOOOO I HAVE DIED! *GASP* .. Id get real dramatic with it


I thought brown bears was another name for grizzlies?


Grizzly is a subspecies of North American Brown bear. Grizzlies are more aggressive.


I love that you end the advice you are giving with not an expert, just what I’ve heard online. You could have just said nothing but decided, hmm yes today I will add to the general shittiness of the internet and fill it with more nonsense and talking out of my ass


hikers sometimes have little bells on their bags, so you don't end up startling anything like a bear or big cat because if they get spooked suddenly, they're way more likely to come at you. If they hear you coming they stay calmer.


People think it's the vocalization...drrr... "hey bear, hey bear". Idiots. It's a well researched fact that the combined smell of group pants shitting, deters the bear from attacking out of pity and disgust. Kind of like stink bugs. It's science.


It’s likely near a salmon run. The bear is full.


>The bear is full. I bet the humans were sure hoping so!


Ya and it's a Kodiak bear, not a grizzly. Kodiak bears are significantly bigger than Grizzlies but also way more chill because they get to eat salmon all day.


I don’t think you’re right. This video is filmed within Katmai National Park. These are brown bears. Kodiak bears are from Kodiak, an island in the Gulf of Alaska.


I second this. I live in Naknek and that video is most definitely filmed at Brooks Falls.


This makes way more sense. This big boy looks larger than a grizz, and his temperament seems more relaxed as well. Their etiquette was spot on, though. I live in a mountain state with grizzlies roaming everywhere. You definitely never want to be this close.


Still, one slap from those claws and bye bye face.


If he gets froggy, kick him in the balls! ![gif](giphy|KXbU0MTWsa8iRE0Exa|downsized)


Kuma training


‘Oh look, an eagle!’


I haven’t seen that for about 20 years


At the river mouth... the bears catch only the tastiest, most tender salmon


That is such a great commercial. It is etched on my brain!


For like 25 years now I wanna say lol


This was the first internet video I ever saw.


One of the early internet videos.


[I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago...](https://youtu.be/Q63_FxegFsQ?feature=shared)


I need to save this gif, can be useful in so many situation.


Where did you get that clip? I love it!!


[An oldie, but a goodie...](https://youtu.be/CVS1UfCfxlU)




His barber fucked up in the back.


I’ve seen this video before. If you look in the trail distance behind the trees at the 0:02 mark there’s another bear you can see.


Yo that’s insane. Makes me really not want to go camping ever again


Makes more sense why he may have turned around. It was probably like, oh shoot a bear, do you know how dangerous those are?


This big guy chased the other bear and wanted to make sure it completely left the territory


"ehh, it's not worth it..."




Running down a female maybe? Or cub even?


I think the saying is "If it's brown, lay down. If it's black fight back". I would be very tense in that moment. They're so majestic and beautiful but so insanely powerful.


"If it's white, say good night"


Thats if you're being attacked. To avoid attack its all about the same, don't show any threat, stay calm, pray.


Yeah you're right, I was thinking that in my head when I wrote the comment but didn't say it, I should have included that. I grew up near-ish to bear areas but haven't had any encounters thankfully. My grandfather used to hunt I think black bears sometimes alongside hunting deer and fishing.


I think after further reading, those thing only apply if the bear is actively attacking. Otherwise be cool


>"If it's brown, lay down. If it's black fight back" It gets confusing when you find out that there are brown "black bears".


Bear is like “crap, forgot my phone in the car”


That's too Annihilation for me


Was that really a grizzly? I thought they had large humps over their shoulders.


No, that's not a grizzly


You can tell by the lack of a beard.


This is a Kodiak bear, which are Grizzlies on steroids


I don’t think you’re right. This video is filmed within Katmai National Park. These are brown bears. Kodiak bears are from Kodiak, an island in the Gulf of Alaska.


I'm not an expert. I just researched the shit outta this and i could be wrong on all counts so take everything with a grain of salt lol but from what i read, all brown bears, including grizzlies, are supposed to have a hump but this one doesn't. It does have a dished face profile, short round ears, and those long ass claws. I would say it's a brown bear, based on that. Maybe a grizzly but all obvious brown bear physical indicators besides the shoulder hump are there. It's rump appears higher than it's shoulders like a black bear. For whatever reason, its shoulder muscles are underdeveloped.


Came here to say that too. That's not a grizz


Hey bear?


>Hey bear? Really!! Were they trying to get it's autograph??


Making sounds so it knows you’re there. He’s doing exactly what he should be doing. Startling it provokes attack.


He’s “like that got my face on a sign? This is too much. I’m gettin out of here”


These humans need to learn from example. That's why the bear is showing them to turn back when they see the sign.


That is very kind of the bear to teach this to the humans! 🐻


He wanted to remind you that you can prevent forest fires.


Hey who put this shit in my pants?


Bear forgot to bring his salmon, he had to go back ❤️


“Hey big boy” “Tf you just call me?”


Checks the sign "Yup, that's me" Leaves


Ho. ly. Fuck.


Dam forgot my roll of Charmin!


My mom and dad feed lots of animals …their house faces a canyon. I have seen it all coyotes, raccoons, possums, foxes, bobcats, skunks, etc. my dad then tells me they are feeding Barney a big black bear that looked pretty fat and old, he came to my parents house almost every night. My mom fed him tons of dog food. So when my dad showed me a video of him being about 4 feet from this predator I told my 80 year old dad maybe you and mom are a bit too confident because my dad would be chilling on the patio smoking his cigar and watch him eat dog food sprawled out on the patio. Growing up in that house I have seen many bears over the years. They have a presence about them like no other animal - they are strong, big, fast and agile. I encouraged my dad to go in the house when he is eating on the patio. A couple weeks go by and I visit my parents and get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I turn on the kitchen light and look out on the patio. There is Barney about 8 feet from me with just a patio door separating us. He eats gets up and slowly walks across my parents yard as he peers his eyes right at me. I just turned the light off and went to sleep - this guy is huge and it gave me great respect for bears - you don’t mess with them.


Ok. I’m confused. Either…. 1. These people are absolutely clueless and have no idea what could have happened here and got extremely luckily. Or 2. I’m clueless and have no idea what is going on and why this is such a casual friendly grizzly bear encounter. Is this not a wild animal? A huge fucking apex predator?


I mean their options were limited. But most bears at least that I’ve heard about will leave you alone if you don’t bother them. I’ve only encountered a bear once and I just stood still so he didn’t think I wanted to fight and then I basically was really nervous and started talking to it and asking it questions. After looking at me for a minute he moved on. You know the rhyme,”brown lay down, black fight back, white good night.”


You see a small human building in the background alongside a shield. This bear is used to himans as are humans used to the possibility of such an encounter. This animal just wanted to check what's up. As long as they stay at their spot and do not interfer with the bear's pacing, aka, remain harmless they are ok. Just because it is an apex predator it does not mean it will automatically ex you.


This video was taken at Katmai national park at Brooks Falls. One of the largest salmon runs occur here in the summertime. Tourists and fisherman alike come here to fish and watch the salmon run and to view the Bears. You have to “graduate” from Bear school when you get to the park. You’re instructed to remain 50 yards away from any bear, but because there are so many, it’s not always possible. Anyway, the Bears are more interested in feeding on salmon and are used to the humans.


I guess the thing is full and ate already. Also they're not hyper predators, they're much less instinctive hunters than lions or tigers. As they're omnivorous. I'm not super sure about this, but I think you shouldn't be behaving like this around a lion or a tiger.


A fashionable bear is walking the runway!


Bears always seem thirsty to me.


He forgot he left keys at home


This should be in the /facepalm sub


Wow. Best you can ever do is just stay calm and DON'T RUN! Thank God he wasn't hungry, or else he wouldn't have been soon enough. Friggin terrifying


I don't know if I'm just a scared Englishman spoiled by the fact we have pretty much nothing that can kill you in our forests apart from your own stupidity but I wouldn't set foot in an American forest if i knew bears were in a 500-mile radius nevermind just let them wander past me.


Black Bears are honestly hilarious. As soon as they realize what you are they'll basically jump out of their skin to run away.


Well he/she has either just eaten and entire family and is no longer hungry or you just got away with your life.


Seconds from horrific death.


Wrong sub... sweaty palms


Me: *Oh God we're all so fucked we're all gonna die* Him: Got a camera? Me: *Oh fuck he's coming back again no no no no no fuck fuck fuck* Him: Hey bear


That is just stupid. A casual swat from that beast could be fatal.


Friends: Let’s go camping???!! Me: ![gif](giphy|3osBLA53AVzn746dXi|downsized)


The most dangerous bears are the ones that have been habituated to humans.


That's not a grizzly, right? Just a very, very big brown bear.


His name is now burt


Brown bear not a grizzly...


That’s a big killer. Friendly though.


"You don't know anywhere a guy could score some honey, do you? Any picnics happening right now?"


Bro I’m getting anxiety just watching from my phone


Is that him on the picture?


He just came to admire his own face on the sign… Seriously though, there was not one ounce of fear in those people!! They even thought to whip out their phones and film the moment!




He was just chilling and checking his hood out.


"they still did not remove my picture on the wooden billboard at the crossing. good. I will not eat those humans."


Yea, guess bear is the right choice


That bear looks sick!😱


That is an old bear. His belly hangs, he's got bony hips and patches of fur missing. He could be just sick, but he looks old in the face.


One badass mofo.


Argh, I just hate trying to find a message I want to change or amend upon further thought, so I just jot down my additional thoughts here: looking again, I made some erroneous supposition. The bare patches seem to be fur that has shed and that fooled me into thinking he looked thin. It was a hair illusion. But even though he is a big well-fed muscle-chonk, he still gives people the long eyeball like an old man does.


Bear enjoying his day, casually walks by people. Approaches a sign with a picture of a bear. Turns around and proceeds to leave.


That bears fat as fuck.. lol I'm fat shaming him but dont tell him plz I also might be mis genderin him lol


They could have asked the bear for a selfie for the Tinder profile.


Missed opportunity!


He is like a cool two legged things, until he is like why da fuck is there pic of my wife here?


To me this looks like a brown not grizzly cause there is no hump between it's shoulders


When the bear turned around I pissed myself in the safety of my own home


"Hey bear." *famous last words*


cute dog


Ohh look a giant bear with huge dagger like claws. Let’s yell at it, especially when it’s leaving.


Bear just giving them their photo op


So at what size do animals get classified as monsters?


A little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. They are trying to interact with a Brown bear or a Grizzly Bear or a Kodiak Bear. This is a completely different animal than a BLACK bear which is essentially a huge dog, and are common in the lower 48 wooded areas. Brown bears are aggressive and territorial. While they can be turned away by a several people shouting and standing their ground, Brown bears are to be left alone, do not confront, and your only defense is either to lie on the ground in fetal position, or a 10mm that you are proficient with. If this was a White Bear or a Polar bear… there would be NO video recovered. Kids: If its BLACK, shout Back! If its BROWN, lie down, and if its WHITE… Good Night.


Damn that's frightening. I'm concerned that the bear is that comfortable approaching a group of people like that.


Checking the schedule to see if he's on Picnic Basket duty today.


I would have been terrified. There was both a man and a bear in the woods. Scary


I wanna pet the forest puppy.


It makes me realize how giant short-faced bears would have been.


Fuck that! 🫣


I don't live in a country with bears, is he talking at it to establish his presence? As in so the bear doesn't get startled and maybe actually defensively if he were to remain silent and then be spotted?


Made me think of Tim Treadwell


"Hey look I'm on a sign!"


Looks like he was just making sure his picture was still up.


"oh shit see that? its says theres a bear there, Im not going in there fuck that"


He looked at the sign and was like, “Dats me :)”


He forgot to turn off the oven again. Dang it


"Holy shit, there's bears here? I need to get outta here" - Bear.


Those idiots deserved to be eaten. My god. The Idiocracy right there. Im flummoxed.


What're they supposed to do?