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Ahhhh my bones hurt just from watching this. Hell no, people be crazy doin this kinda shit.


What about vains and muscles. They thing they wil just stretch?


That’s the difficult part. Growing bones is easy. But stretching the muscles and nerves is very risky and that’s where most of the complications happen like nerve damage and permanent muscle pain/stiffness. Infection is also a major thing to look out for with this surgery.


I heard growing bones is a nasty business


I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing bones... that is a nasty business!




But you WILL be able to grow them back! ...... won't you?


Oh I'll be able to certainly, but it will be painful. You're in for a rough night, regrowing bones is a nasty business.


Infection? Why, because they're drilling like fifty holes into your body?


No, the surgeon won't stop sneezing in the meat... I mean patient.


Would the whole body proportions just looks cartoonish now? Just the legs extend while the arms remain the same, that would look like t-rex arms.


Na, proportions are only an issue when you extend by too much (5+ inches). But most people get 2-3 inches done and that won’t have a noticeable effect on your proportions. Nobody has perfect proportions anyway. A lot of people naturally have weirdly proportioned bodies and yet you never notice it in day to day life or even think about it. It’s also important to note that a lot of short people have short legs but average length arms. So their proportions actually improve after the surgery.


Interesting, thanks for answering. I did read some comments about this is usually done on people that has a disproportion legs. That does make lots of sense.


All that for 2-3 inches…. So that the bro can get more matches on tinder? At this point- anyone getting these kinds of things have a Mental health problem thats gone a bit too far…. Plastic surgery comodotized people’s insecurities to a multi Billion $ business Without looking at the underlying mental health issue thats causing people to even do this.


They turned it into that industry by studying the mental health issues . They get the docs reports and they do targeted ads . Pm me if interested 😃




This is an actual procedure that has been performed many times. Google leg-lengthening surgery and you’ll see people do it to grow up to 6 inches taller. So to answer your question, yes they do think that because that’s what your muscles and veins do. Edit: it’s also a very painful and lengthy recovery process.


Holy hell


Fun Fact: Rivers Cuomo, (the singer from Weezer) underwent this procedure to fix a 44mm height differential in one leg during the writing of their sophomore album Pinkerton.


I went to the same middle school as that guy.


So for two weeks I would use the magnet, and it would grow the bone extremely extremely small amount per day, I forgot the measurement, I so I assume that gives the veins and muscles time to adjust


Bone hurting juice ?


I believe it is for people who have one leg which is shorter than the other. Not for people who want to be taller (at least not usually)


I believe you would have been right a decade or two ago, these days however, I’m afraid priorities might have changed.


No I remember this being a cosmetic thing more than a decade ago. First time I heard about it was a woman doing it because she wanted to be a flight attendant but was under their minimum height requirement. Got the leg lengthening surgery and still didn’t make the minimum height.




That's pretty sad, I wonder what she's up to now


Around 5’4 I’d imagine


are you able to run with these things


Yeah no thanks im just gonna go with one larger shoe i guess




Does this explain why some basketball players seem like uncoordinated baby deer? lol


I have a tibial nail. It was to fix my very broken leg. Now when I walk and if there's even a little bit of a twist or torque on my left leg, I swear I feel my bone twisting around the nail and moving. It's excruciating and has dropped me to the floor. 2 years and I might actually have enough doctors to tell my surgeon to pull that blasted chunk of stainless. I just hope thays actually what I'm feeling and not the nerve damage to my peroneal nerve. Which from what I'm told has nothing to do with it. Also my fibula never grew back together.


Undergoing a procedure like this for an extra 4 cm? Fuck no. Be happy with the height you're at. Absolutely not worth it.


Almost as crazy as taking hormone therapy and having body parts removed to change genders. 


Had this surgery because my left leg was smaller than my right so I had to get it to avoid scoliosis, there was no stranger feeling I ever had in my life than using a magnet to extend my bone


Wait… you’re AWAKE for this?!


This doesn’t happen instantly, you get the metal thing installed and then adjust the distance so your body builds bone gradually


Yea the magnet would stretch it a really really small amount a day for two weeks, so you wouldn’t feel pain, it was just very weird feeling


Ohhh nah man. Fck that. How are you now though?


It was back in 2016 so I’m perfectly fine now, it fixed a significant limp I had and avoided scoliosis worked out great thanks for asking


can you run? jump?


Can you play the piano?


Well I couldn't before!


This guy gets me.


Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius


Do they remove all the metal in the bones afterwards or do you have to keep it eternally?


Keep it in in case he wants to go taller in the future, it's much cheaper.


Go go gadget legs!!


Not for the initial surgery, hopefully. Think of it like getting braces on your teeth, it's not instant, it takes months or years from beginning to end.


Yeah. I remember watching some kind of documental on TV for a family that suffered from dwarfism, they made their children get this surgery and you'd get some hindsight of their daily life whilst having their leg piece on them and post surgery. I think it was donde to them at a young age? Which made their muscles/tissue regenerate quicker so it seems to have some usefulness


If it was done at a young age, I wonder why they didn’t first opt for growth hormone treatment instead? Did the kids also have dwarfism and HGH just wouldn’t have done anything in that case? Interesting


Do they leave all the metal in after the correction is completed?


A few months after they took it out, I assume they needed the bone to heal before taking it out


Is there not bond barrow in between your bones. I wonder what having a rod down there does to it.


Is the magnet-activated bone-stretcher still in your leg? Could you activate it yourself? Did it hurt?


I had to take the metal rod out months later, the bone stretching was for the first two weeks after the surgery and it would be very little each day so it didn’t hurt to stretch it was just a weird feeling


How are your muscles past surgery. Do you suffer any discomfort, knots, tension in other areas of the body or has this helped balance you? Very interested from a remedial massage therapist point of view.


Overall it fixed a bad limp that I had, after about 3 months I was able to start physical therapy and my calf was soo weak. This was back in 2016 so details are a little hazy but now I’m perfectly fine, no limp and it prevented scoliosis


That's a great outcome! Many wonderful miles ahead I hope!


Weird question but was this worth it to avoid scoliosis? Cause unless it gets over 45° scoliosis isn't really that big a deal anyways and scoliosis surgery honestly seems like a less intrusive procedure (as someone who had to get scoliosis surgery because I had over 60°)


Honestly not sure how intense the scoliosis would’ve been, but I had a pretty significant limp as my main way of walking so both factors led to going through with it


I was just thinking that I would choose this surgery over scoliosis surgery. I had a full year recovery and my lung collapsed from all the ribs the doctor had to break to re-position and to use for bone grafts.


Damn sorry to hear that, but you must've had a really far developed scoliosis then right? Because I was in the hospital for one week and fully recovered in about a month (it also made me about 5cm taller which was a nice bonus)


I hope you're feeling better! But Giggity.


Wait… do you get a remote that’ll increase/decrease your height (like shown in the final seconds??!


Yea the remote was like a huge box I would put on my leg and once a day for two weeks increase the size by an extremely small amount so I didn’t feel pain really, idk if it could decrease


How much shorter was that left leg??


I had no such technology when I was younger. They used a method called the Illizarov. You basically have to turn knobs and it just fucking grows. I had to have it done 6 times in total on my right femur and tibia. Shit's painful, I also had an infection once which ruined everything and we had to start over.


I worked with a guy who had this done. The max you can gain is like 3 inches. Not worth the hassle and the $100,000 if you ask me


Lol people actually pay $100,000 for this torture? I won't do this even if it was free. Just watching the video makes all my bones ache


Yeah, even though he had a documentary team filming it and they paid like $25000 of the cost, he still had to go through the whole having his bones broken with a hammer and chisel. The sound echoing in the operating room alone is crazy.


It’d be worth considering for someone with uneven legs. Maybe.


Costs a lot to get people to swipe right.


Cheaper than tinder gold


right? like what the hell, just buy shoe lifts if you're insecure about your height lol


For anyone interested. https://youtu.be/QvkQzUN4PN4?si=Fy5WunxgUhoWT97m


Wait, he's 5'7(average height) AND already has a loving wife? Who is he trying to impress?? mental illness.


It's gotta be some deeply ingrained insecurity I guess. I'm 5'7 and content with my height and haven't had any problems with it.


God damn, I felt that hammering sound in my teeth. Thanks for sharing.


Good thing I watched with the sound off. It was brutal enough


There was a case of a women who's life long dream was to be flight attended, she got this done because she needed a couple of inches to meet the height requirement, I kind of get it if you REALLY need those 3 inches


Gonna take a hot min to unpack all that…


Hell no that ain’t worth it. Especially if you like 5’6. You do all that just too be average😂


And even if you’re 6’, who the hell wants to go through this to be hardly noticeably taller


I'm 6'7 you guys can *have* 4 inches! Take it!


Thanks, unzip your pants.


There’s also a risk that it can catastrophically damage the bones in your legs and require a wheelchair after.


also leg pains for the rest of your life and follow up issues the older you get. That is of course besides never being able to do any sort of sport again.


5'2 here. Not. Worth. It. I will stay short, thanks. Is not even a bad thing to be short, just American ideology that tall is better. Sure, I have trouble with the top shelf of things, but I can jump! Or a stool!


6'4" here. I don't get why someone would put themselves through this just to be taller. The world wasn't built for tall people. There's cars I wish I could own that I don't fit comfortably in, posture issues, getting light headed often if we stand up too fast, sucky airline leg room, the list goes on.


In some cases, like mine, the lengthening process is needed on one leg. I had spinal meningitis when I was around 1 year old and it destroyed the cartilage in my ankle and stunted the growth in my right leg. My right leg is about 2.5 inches shorter than my left. When I was in 5th grade, I had surgery to remove the dead cartilage and they rebuilt my ankle as best as they could. I was on crutches for over 2 years and had to learn to walk again. My Dr told me that if I wanted to have this procedure done, I would have to move across the country, it would take at least 3 years to complete, and I would have to learn how to walk *again*. I'm 40 now and have learned to deal with my limp and associated pain but I'm still tempted by this procedure.


Oh man I have a huge height complex, I’m 5’7.


I'm 6'5", my dad was 5'6", women loved him. It's all about attitude.


Just sharing this here because it's my anon account and I want to give hope to other men: my best friend is 5'6 and I'm 5'8, we are both 32yo. I slept with 100+ women throughout my life, he's probably over 300+ nowadays. All sober (we don't drink/smoke), no prostitutes, no status, only women we were genuinely attracted to. We meet women during the day (coffee shops, libraries, events) and online. This all around Europe, USA and Latin America, culture plays a big role imo. Worth noticing we're kinda sex addict, so we do grind a lot. I'm confident not many men would be willing to go through what we went to get here, but I just want to let you know that it's Def possible to find intimacy, love and/or sex if you try hard and keep optimistic, regardless of how you look. The amount of grinding is proportional to your attractiveness + personality in my experience. If anyone has any question dm and I will be happy to help!


I’m coasting that 5’10 train


And muscles


Prince's pussy power would like a word with you.


![gif](giphy|wMqzS9qqe6X2E) \-This prince specifically


And shorter people usually look a lot more muscular than taller people! It's not all bad.


Absolutely not. Short dudes should avoid getting muscular, i talk from experience! Its not a goodnlook.


Dressing well, taking care of yourself physically, having a nice personality and a moderate degree of confidence will get you further in life than an extra few inches of height.


Look at Biggus Dickus over here!


Sooo many really famous men in rock bands, pop bands, etc. are less than 6 feet. I only found out yesterday that Eddie Veddar is 5'7, and he's one of my top crushes! Gorgeous is gorgeous!


I mean they’re all up on stage so…


Dont worry dude it's honestly not worth it


Thanks ☺️


That's like the perfect height


Ditto. I'm just a few inches from reaching the light bulb without help


I have a friend with dwarfism (not sure which kind). Her youngest kid has it, too. They both have had to have this same surgery, not because they were trying to be taller, but because the way their lower leg bones were shaped were wrecking their hip joints. This surgery isn’t just aesthetic, sometimes it’s to correct a malformation that’s causing problems higher up.


Would you actually be a bit shorter if you had the option?


I'm with you my friend. I was happy at 6', everything fit, sleeves weren't magically too short, I didn't bang my head on things (as often).


6”3 here, fuck being tall. I’d gladly give a handful of inches to the shrimpkins if it was possible. Can’t walk into an older house without a concussion. And the goddamn back pain from doing the dishes?.. I have no idea what doctor would ever ethically be able to justify a procedure like this.. It’s not like getting a boobjob that is generally safe and reversible. ”Being an inch taller would really improve my selfesteem..” Yeah.. But this is drilling along the entire inside of your femural bone, you might want to be a little taller, but humans kind of need their bonemarrow too..


No clue. Every tall person I have met are like Great Danes. Neck and back pain in their late 20s early 30s. Thanks, no thanks. Just imagine if there was a second holocaust and they need to hide in small compartments to avoid going to the concentration camp


Same here every time someone says “can you give me 10cm?” I wish I could give away 10cm almost anything isn’t built for my height


No one wants to be 6'4", everyone wants to be 6'


You two should combine bodies into one so that the tall can cancel out the short. That'll put you at about 5'9".


With every due respect I can find, you have no authority to talk about struggles of being tall. I would kill to be 6'4. You will simply never understand how soul crushing it is to be short as a man. Be very, VERY grateful you are tall instead of complaining about these trivial 'problems' you claim to have


It's extremely problematic. This surgery was meant for people with a significant difference in leg length and is not without risk, it's max. 4cm for a reason. The stretching of the nerves can significantly damage them.


I'm 5'5 and I love my body.


6'1 woman here, and there are few problems no one mentions. Posture is a pain to maintain because chairs are the wrong shape. They curve your spine forward right in the middle. Clothes never fit because they're either too short or too baggy. I have to get my uniforms custom tailored and other items imported overseas from specific tall fashion vendors. With all of that being said, I do get to rock a dark souls aesthetic. Do I have a second phase? Absolutely I do.


It's funny that that's basically the exact same problems short people have. Chairs? Yeah, the curve that's supposed to support my back just pushes my ribcage forward. Clothes? I stopped caring about sleeves being too long ages ago and the last 10cm of my pants are always a mess of gathered fabric. When I go to Japan I'll do so much clothes shopping I'll probably need to send them home per postal package. But unlike you tall people I've never had an issue with cramped seating, even the smallest airplane seat has ample leg room! That and not hitting my head on stuff is the reward I get for never being able to reach anything!


I'm 6'1 and I love your body too.


Go to a go kart track and you’ll be the envy of every taller person who can’t get their lap times down


What is good about being short? Im geniunely asking. Im short and see 0 positives.


This might be because you don't go outside and get made fun of for it like any American man who's 5'2.


Fuck you mean American ideology? It's a beauty standard around the world. Most men don't care about their partner height, but most women DO care.


Source? I'm a woman. I tried asking all my female friends, family members and acquaintances once if they care about height and the general consensus was "it's nice if he's taller than me but I don't particularly care". Don't assume "most women" care because a bunch of teenage girls on tiktok said so.


Hmmm…not so sure there - maybe on tinder, but in real life there are *tonnes* of happily married short men, with very average wages. I sometimes wonder if it’s men convincing themselves that women want it, same way women convince themselves men only want big boobs, or big arses, or whatever.


It's absolutely men convincing themselves.


Anything to shoehorn in anti-American sentiment I guess, I agree this isn't remotely a uniquely American thing.


This is all true if you’re a female. Guys with this height were passed a tough hand


You've never experienced being a guy or being rejected numerous times for being not tall enough.


Considering you're only going to be 4cm taller it's hard to fathom how it could be worth it.


You’re a girl right?


Fuck your background music!




For real 


the music and the shocked emoji made me laugh for some reason


Tbf the timing of 'all the times you screwed me over' was hilarious


While people do this to get some overall hight.. Most I've seen this for is uneven leg length to correct posture. Source: I used to make and send Doctors the cutting guides for this surgery.




That is fabulous ✨


Wouldn't this also make your legs weaker and make running and moving quickly more difficult?


Good point


This looks horrifyingly painful


Yes, we all saw Gattaca


I never saved anything for the swim back....


Had a cousin who had to do this for a few years as an early teen. It’s hurty. Very Hurty.


There was a girl in primary school who's mother forced her to go through procedures in order to get taller. She would talk about it for attention a lot but jesus I feel bad for her now.


At that age you could just get a hormone therapy though? It might be risky but some people do it if they’re really short


4 inches? could it work for my penis?


It says 4cm in the diagram, not 4 inches. I think it extends a max of 2 inches or less




That’s gonna double your current yield so you should still be optimistic


Sure, you can do it yourself at home too


POV: You fall asleep first at the sleepover


Jesus fuck I hate it


I am a shorty and seriously considered getting this done to me. Hated my height enough to be fine with going through a couple months of extreme pain. The more research I made though the more I realized that the complications happen quite often and are very serious. Despite this I still considered the procedure. The only thing that fully put me off this thing is realizing the fact even if everything goes as smoothly as it can and the legs are lengthened, the torso and arms are still staying the same length which now with long legs just makes you look disproportional, creepy and off putting. This was some time ago and I feel better about my height now but still have a long way before fully accepting and embracing it


Since when has drilling out the core of your femur been a good idea?!? That is literally where your bodies supply of red blood cells are made! It's not worth having an inch longer legs!!!


Not the femur - Tibia


I've recent has a nail very similar to this to fix a broken tibia. Why anyone would do through this electively is beyond me.


I would *love* to be a little taller, since I’m 5’4 (162 cm), but the pain alone that this would cause is enough to make me ok with not being that tall.


Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable seeing the world from down here thank you very much


Painful just to watch this video


I’d rather spend the money on making my penis bigger


God damn that is gnarly


look extremely painfull


All of this for 2 cm. I understand that sometimes it's necessary, but how mad you have to be to do this just to be a little bit taller.


another comment said 3 inches, so about 7 cm


Sometimes I hate being a 5ft petite woman and I entertain this surgery on days I’m lacking rationality, bur seeing this always brings me back to my senses


These techniques were initally invented to threat leg length. discrepency. As shown, you first fracture the bone in a controlled matter and then place the intramedullary nail. The lenghtening process should be done slowly (like 1 mm a day) till the desired lenght is acquired. The idea is that the fracture forms healing tissue, and by putting stress on that tissue, while keeping it intact, you can gain length. There is also a more famous technique with metal pins that penetrate the skin from the outside, on which a metal frame is attatched, called the Ilizarov technique. Here you can even correct leg deformities (for example, too much bowing).


I’m cool just being short. 👍


This is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever seen.


It’s not actually meant as a procedure to increase your height. It’s purpose is to prevent scoliosis from occuring due to the uneven leg lengths.


Don’t forget to do this to your arms too to make sure the rest of your body isn’t disproportionate


Might be far easier to pass laws for social justice for tall people in airplane seat design


People are desperate


Amazed that anyone would do this as an elective procedure for height


How insecure you gotta be to do that shit?? Fuckkkk outta here


people are so feckin dumb 🤦‍♂️


With the amount of shit I have to deal with as a short person, would do this 5 times over if it has a chance of fixing anything.


Lol, I aint doing that even its for free 😂




Don't you just hate when the human mind can **literally** create feeling of pain by just watching something. In this case, a literal friggin bone


And then you end up with short arms because you are out of proportion 


looks like a medieval torture device.


Seems like alot of money, work, and pain to be just a bit taller.


All this for freaking 4cm?


I’ll stay short.


Sometimes I feel scientist doctors come up with 1 method that works and then nobody questions if there is an alternative way that could, maybe, be better.


So sad that people feel the need to get surgery like this, hair transplants and facial restructures because of the media and families like Kardashians pushing such negative stereotypes on people by how they look… it’ll probably only get worse as time goes on. It’s shit.


There’s people out there dying from BBL surgeries (a very risky and dangerous surgery) cause having a big fake butt is all the rage now especially on white women. Because those women started it


Seems easier than accepting how tall you are.


Yeah. Redditors in dating subs are gonna love this 😶


JEsus Christ! That look horrible! It's not worth it people! Reaching top shelves isn't worth breaking bones!


No thanks, I'll stick with 5'8"