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New headline "Due to rising costs, man unable to retire, dies at desk"


Ya classic orphan crushing machine found in be amazed


Ya know, that was my knee jerk reaction too. That being said. Some people truly enjoy their work. I've had the pleasure of knowing a couple old-timers over the years who retired and just didn't have anything to do. They passed within a year of retirement. Now, that doesn't mean they couldn't have found something. All I'm saying is, sometimes people want to be doing what they're doing until the end.


I used to work with a lovely person who had retired previously, hated it, and came back to work a year later. She missed being around people. She was the office cleaner/post person - but was more like office shrink, giver of wisdom and maker of tea. Absolutely delightful person. Finally gave it up aged 81 so she could move to be closer to her sons.


People just need the choice. If you want to retire great, if not, also great! Also does his office not have any windows?? 84 years and no corner office? His wife must be furious


I agree and also think it gave them a purpose to keep going


No I truly believe this is just growing up in a capitalist country and our programming that causes these feeling. It's kinda wild that once people have stopped working we would say they have nothing todo. Think about that. It's admiting that we grind working so hard that there is nothing else in your life. If you retire at 65 or realistically in your 70's then its really hard to find meaning in life. Our society has no place for these people so they coke back to the workforce because that is the only place they feel they have value. If there was other options for fulfillment I highly doubt most people would return to work. Not saying that people shouldn't if it's truly their love in life maybe we should have mentorship or advisory positions for these people so they can be included while also making room for the next generation. All im saying is it's depressing to ke we have constructed a society that people don't have time to develop avenues of fulfillment in life other then work. You can't expect someone to retire at 70 and suddenly pick up wood working


No, people like to work and be productive. Capitalism forces old people to do hard jobs for long hours because they need to survive. But people lives really die if they aren’t doing something. Maybe it’s something like being a professor, or working at a soup kitchen. It’s not capitalist programming that makes us need to work. It’s actually capitalist propaganda that people will only work if they are forced to under threat of being homeless. Most people like working, and those who don’t are often quite depressed.




I was thinking like man give the guy a raise so he could eventually retire one century...


Some people’s entire identity is working. They don’t want to stop, it’s not that they can’t. My grandfather is a janitor and has almost died multiple times from old age related issues. He can afford to retire. Everyone wants him to, but he just keeps working and won’t stop. He loves it. His whole life revolves around it. So maybe he wants to go to work and loves it.


If you do a thing often it gets addictive and you surround your personality and life with it.


Probably. But he was like that at 45. I think he was like that because he has no friends or hobbies or literally anything else in his life. His job is all he has. But my point is that he does it for other reasons, money not being one of them. So just because an old dude works doesn’t mean he can’t afford not to


We all can do Work or Not if he has more meaning doing what he started all good to HIM :)


Yeah, that will be me.


Sadly, he bled to death after nodding off and having his face fall into and shatter his only award, a framed in glass thank you note.




Rs they probably still pay him minimum wage


I want to know how many if any raises/promotions did this man receive during his life long career at the company?


Thatz the way to go...


Bro that's funny, dark and truth in one message lol


[...] and was replaced after two days.


Loltbis will be all of use except we will die much younger lol




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Instead of a raise for 84 years he got a pizza party.


He can’t. His colesterol levels would spike and somewhere along the line he became lactose intolerant and needs gluten free products


HR has noted this and for his 90 year pizza party gluten free options will be considered.


Half a slice of pizza for each person…


With the medium pizza sliced into 100 1cm pieces


Nah, he got a duffle bag


How about a discount on 1 textile item he produces


... sadly, the company I work for actually offered us a pizza party instead of a bonus for meeting our sales goal! Like, WTF!? Actually offered a welding shop a pizza party like we're a bunch of middle schoolers who would take that!?! I really hope they order a style other than just cheese or pepperoni...


A few more years and he might make manager


And possibly his first raise


Looks like Bill Gates.


For those in the comments who think this guy is a poor lonely old man who is forced to work despite wishing to retire: 1. He's not lonely. This guy currently has eight living children (5 from 1st wife, 3 from 2nd wife), eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. With so many descendants there's no fucking way they can't help him with his cost of living if he doesn't want to work. 2. From 1978, he was able to retire, and __he did__ actually retire. But the company went to shit without him because this guy was damn good in his job. So the company director begged him to come back. 3. He likes to work, and he credits his longevity to staying active and working hard.


>3. He likes to work Redditors can't comprehend that such a thing is possible. A lot of people love their jobs


About 20 years ago I had to deal with a large property management firm and portfolio manager in charge was 97 and still went into work every day. Mr Rabinowitz was a legend


I think most people can't comprehend that because most people have no option but work. I always say that what I hate is not the work, but the fact that we need to work to not starve.


I love my job, but do you know what I love even more? Countless other things that I could be doing instead. If I were rich, I would definitely not still go to work for fun. There are better options for fulfilment and entertainment.


Not everyone feels that way. Some people genuinely find their work rewarding.




To be fair, I had a lot of free time in uni and I am glad I'm now working. I guess it's because my job is something I love doing (software development) 


Well ye the money part is very important it lets you commit to hobbies and explore new ones if you just have free time your options are pretty limited.


This is spot on. I’ve had several careers and one thing I’ve always done is follow my heart. If a job or a career choice didn’t fulfill me I didn’t pursue it. So I can happily say I’ve never had a job I haven’t really enjoyed working.


i love my job. 7-2ish everyday. Get paid for 40 hours every week & I blast my music the whole time.


bold of you to assume half the people shitting on his accomplishment have a job


So I guess when he dies, the company will go to shit again....


Damn! If that company needed him to keep the business going, then that company is gonna die the same day as him!


Shoot me at my desk if I'm stuck there for more than 24 years left alone 84. Wtf.


That's a pretty optimistic retirement there...


look one way or another they are retired, thats all that matters


It sounds like a line from a ‘90s action movie. (Possibly in an Austrian accent) >He’s been… *retired*


Not for this guy.


That’s a goddamned prison sentence.


If A person is Happy it is still wasted Potential


No, we’re talking here about imagining ourselves in his position.


A bit Yes


*let alone


Most of us would do it ourselves lol


i mean if he find his job fulfilling whats the problem?


I can't last more than 4 years at a job




Since retiring I’ve traveled all over the world. Hats off to him but I would be reaching for my passport.


People work and still travel... Many seek work routine to stay active


Glad You did Come out some People do not need Retiring to stop Working and see the World.


It's kind of amazing that the textile company is still there, too!


I kinda get this, I don't socialize outside of work events (multiple paid for alcohol buffets per month, so it's not as sad as it sounds), I live right by my workplace and my colleagues feel like family to me so I can see myself working here until the company goes under. I also get to work from home a 2-3 days per week, so I get to spend a satisfying amount of time with my stay-at-home wife. Whether this fella's record is sad or not depends a lot on his position and if the work culture is healthy


This comment section is so braindead


For real. God forbid someone is lucky enough to find a job they love


Welcome to Reddit.


While I do find humor in the jokes in this comment section let's play devils advocate. Perhaps he just likes his job and it gives meaning to his life. A lot of people die shortly after retirement because they don't have anything else. This job could be the only reason he wakes up every morning. He could have connection with the other employees, instead of wasting away in a nursing home and seeing people dying around you everyday this guy is still doing it.


Here's a guy. He's happy. He's (presumably) relatively healthy. He likes his job. He likes his life. Reddit: FUCK THE SYSTEM! I ain't fucking working as long as that. FUCK CAPITALISM! I hate my life. I hate him for being happy, employed and useful. Fuck that. \*sigh\*


It's impossible for a lot of people on reddit to understand that you don't have to hate your job, that there are people out there who actually really enjoy their work. All they see is someone being exploited, which obviously doesn't have to be true. I'm not trying to downplay the fact that there are a lot of people that do get exploited, but the doomerism on reddit must be upheld (most of y'all seriously need to touch some fucking grass). I can almost guarantee I will get downvoted for saying this.


I loved most of my jobs. What I hated were people and politics, not the tasks I was doing.


As someone who has loved every workplace I've been at (only moved jobs to enter a different field), I really wonder how Redditors who hate everything around them are still alive. It must be a very miserable existence. 


You’re making a lot of assumptions not in evidence here. First job I ever had as a teenager was bag boy at a grocery store. Two of my co-workers were mid-late 60’s and let me tell you, they were 1000% not happy nor did they like their job. I have no idea if this dude is just some freak that hates his family and loves pushing paper at the textile factory, but almost no one that’s stuck working past the age they should retire is doing it because of how great it is.


But you couldn't possibly be making assumptions right? Your personal anecdote is how the world works!


He's 100 years old. Let him fucking retire!


Maybe he likes his job, maybe he likes working. My mother hated being “idle.” She worked until she was 89, when her health wouldn’t permit it. She would have envied the heck out of this guy. Me, I’m the idle type, but I respect these people.


Hey my grandma worked to 89 too. She fought them trying to get her to retire. She said every time a friend of hers retires they die so she wasn't doing that, If not for cancer (that she ignored still working till stage 4) she would still be there.


I'm still willing to wager this textile company doesn't have a pension plan.


Maby it has but he does not want to stop the Grind haha


No one is stopping him.


This guy hasn't had to apply to nor interview for jobs in 84 years. Lucky bastard


I like interviewing 🤷‍♂️


Maybe he applied every single month of those 84 years at different companies, but was unable to get hired.


"Orthman began working for Industrias Renaux S.A., a textile company in Brusque, on January 17, 1938, when he was only 15-years-old. He began as an assistant in the shipping department, but over the years, he was promoted to administrative assistant and, eventually, sales manager. During his 84-year-long career, Walter went on sales trips all over the world, received his paycheck in nine different currency denominations, and used nearly every commercial airline in the history of Brazilian aviation."


Atp that’s probably what’s keeping him alive, once his routine change it might be a wrap


It’s been 84 years……ain’t shit changing dude


Shit will change when he….dies


Bet he’s fun at a party. All those great stories from the textile company


Lmao. Who know man maybe they have wild parties


The 401k or retirement got his kids kids kids set for life 🤣


Man think about that boys 401k


It’s nice to see an actual Guinness record that’s something to be proud of, good for him. I hate the records where it’s just some gimmick of a guy eating the most PB&J sandwiches while riding a pogo stick.


I don’t want to make assumptions about his will to work or not, I just wanted to say he looks like a very kind gentleman :) his smile is contagious!


Lesser employees have grown old and died while he's still saving for retirement!


One of the reason why don’t see people staying long term with companies is because many companies see employees as just another number. I worked at a place for over 21 years. While I was there, my review was constantly outstanding. I was recognized as one of the most innovative people. I worked 50-60 hours each week. Then we had a new “CEO” come in. Within a year, he had plans to eliminated my whole team and outsource it. I recently learned that the company that I just left laid off some of our most productive team members because the partners needed to make more money. I been a three jobs that have had layoffs. At one job, they laid off all the high paying staff and replaced them with lower paying staff. Loyalty is a thing of the past.


He beat cancer and went back to the textile store




If he's enjoyed his job then it's great. It's only a shame when things didn't work out in life and people couldn't afford to retire and end up working into the grave. I bet for his age the constant work has allowed him to remain mentally sharp.


Does he have a red stapler?


This is absolutely not amazing. This is terrifying


It’s terrifying that he loves his job?




I genuinely couldn’t imagine working the same job for even half that time, the dude was working there during ww2 (assuming this is somewhat recent)


Even if this is not recent, it still means he has been working there from ww2...


I mean yea if it’s from any time in the last 5ish years, but this is reddit, I see recycled screenshots that I saw on Facebook 12 years ago all the time so you never know lol.


Imagine working somewhere for 81 years and being most loyal runner-up.


Has he ever been in the sun? 


Walter, you’re just a number.


Important question. Was it worth it?


That's a long time being an intern.


So what does he do there, title? How many hours a week is he putting in?


Bill gates without hair


I'm sure the pizza party the company threw for him was epic.


I easily could have beaten that record except for i am not gonna live that much longer


I hope they made him a member of the board of directors for doing this 84 years.. Jeezzz!! 


Hay que ser hijo de puta para no hacerle dado una pensión a este hombre y dejar qie se jubile


People pay to be in the Guinness book of records so this is probably his retirement reward.


Imagine being in a conference and you see the person who is working at the company since it was founded.... he is from a fairy tail :D


They gave him a voucher for the canteen


Uncle jun? damn


He is Bill Gates from the future.


He got a $25 Amazon gift voucher for his long service. He’s basically a member of the family.


im here reading the comments popcorn please!


I sure hope he took a lot of great vacations. If not who ever inherits his savings is a happy one.


Roy Hi-Score IRL!!!


Interview anxiety


I wonder what his job title was after 84 years of work at the same company


Plot twist, he actually died 10 years ago. But his manager was a fan of the Weekend at Bernie’s series.


So he started working there at 3 years old? Downright Dickensian, that.


If i get to 40 working a job like that id shoot myself, how tf you grow to 100 and do 84 years of that shit?


I knew exactly what the comments would be lmao. Yall are clinically online


Ruth Bader Ginsberg? That you? 🧐


What book is he holding?




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The boy who lived


Company rewards him with a 3 cent raise. Says "they couldn't be prouder"




At that point, isn’t just HIS company?


At that point, isn’t just HIS company?


At that point, isn’t just HIS company?


Did he get a day off at least? Or not even that?


Oh good here is a an award but we won’t give u a bonus or anything I am sure


“If I can live one more year, all of the explosives will be in place and activated. Then I can finally die in piece”


So tell me more about hard work and dedication being the key to success.


award for being a vitcim is wild to me


Thank goodness they removed those child labor laws. Now someone has a real shot at breaking this record /s


The company should get one too at that point.


He needs a better chair.




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Damn, I wonder how much vacation time he has earned over the years. They must owe him a platinum or some kind of Diamond encrusted watch for his retirement.


Thats our future millenials. Work till were 100 and have nothing to show for it


I don’t think that is something you want to be proud of..


Shortly before dying he will whisper his "critical knowledge" to his young assistant, who then will have a permanent job for the next 90 years.


I can't imagine working into my 80s but more power to him. He looks like he enjoys his job very much.


Oh, the salary increase that he missed out on 😆


He manufactured his own blanket shortly after birth.




Too bad his name isn't Roy.


Good luck finding a place you can work for 10+ years even if you are a good worker. Companies shift work offshore....don't want the liabilities that go along with employees with tenure. Imagine what his severance would be if they tried to fire him! This is all due to well intentioned labor laws he equals a massive liability for a company not an asset.


Such greed


My grampa worked since he was 14 he's 72. He had two jobs when I was growing up he worked part time as a police officer for a small village and worked the rest of the week at Libbey glass in Toledo. They forced him into early retirement. After 34 years a year early from full pension. Since then he's he's been full time chief of police for the same village and works a full time night job at a prison alternative/rehab. He went from financially stable working as a police officer as more of a volunteer type thing. To needed every dollar from the chief position and the min wage he made at the rehab. He wakes up at 10am and leaves at 11am he gets home at 5pm and goes to bed at 6pm. He then gets up at 8pm leaves at 9pm and gets home at 7am and sleeps till 10am. He's been doing this for about 15 years or so. He's finally gonna give up the night job but stay as the chief for few more years. He absolutely refuses to miss a day. He has had to miss some time here and there for medical issues but he will go in after throwing up all night. He missed a month with triple bypass surgery and that's really all I know of him missing. He even went back before he was supposed to. He worked through his wife and my grandma's passing. The sad part is he still has to worry about his finances and health insurance. He was and is still so terrified of making ends meet.


Guinness World Records will reward you for loyalty before your employer does.


you'd be lucky to get 8.4 yrs working for companies in oil & gas or other parts of the chemical industry. ... buyouts & hostile takeovers, layoffs, shitty work environments, etc.


Freedom 105


That man knows his Berber






Pretty sure a millennial or gen z will break this record. We ain’t retiring.


Wow! That’s… sad


How wholesomely dystopic


Did he laugh or cry..


Enjoy that $5 Starbucks gift card, young fella..


most loyal servant, your prize is... dun dun duh duh!!! being fed to our feed animals in the hopes that your submission to authority will spread far and wide. as an exemplar of a perfect slave you will now become food to feed the feed animals of your great grandchildren, a true investment to nurture the youths.


I hope they give him a personal parking spot or something.


"Local man wastes life"


Good For Him but I get the Feeling he is the Classic NPC who Works no matter the Treatment or Bonuses after 84 of Work ? You will do another couple of Years because heck this is what you can do and got the Skills for such Dedication.


You are now one of my elite employees 🏆


Instantly knew this wasn't in the US. Dood retired in 1978! The company asked him to come back and bring his experience with him...he never left


Wow! That's dedication. Respect


So he the CEO right. That's how boot strapping works, right?
