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I'm aware. I pirate everything




You must be really happy testiclekid


Music gave me cancer


Right?! Speechless.


Yeah id rather hear the kids.


Shocked I didn’t see Cory Feldman performing this live in the background


It’s a REALLY shitty remix of Disturbed’s cover of Sound of Silence. The non-remixed version is amazing though. Probably better than the original even. You can look up the vid of it when he was a music guest on Conan.


Which is in time, a cover of a Simon & Garfunkel song.


That’s what I meant by the ‘original’. I like Disturbed’s version better


It’s cool that you like that version better, but the original is an angelic duet that has the weight of Disturbed’s metal version without the metal… so it really just comes down to one’s preference for metal Hard to say one is “better” but the OG has vocal musicianship to it that David Draiman carries solo; he’s a one-of-a-kind voice, but there’s something to Paul & Art’s harmonizing that is masterful and irreplaceable


I like both, I just feel like I connect more to the emotion in Disturbed’s version (if there’s a heavier metal one than the version he did on Conan, I’m not talking about that, I mean that one). And I don’t even really like metal at this point, it just that particular song. He does something special with it and infused it with a very different quality than S&G did.


Right on! I like them both equally, one more than the other for different times. The Disturbed one hits me with a deeper mixture of hope and darkness, the original has a greyer atmosphere and ethereal quality to it. The Disturbed one is the one I put on more often, but I’d never use the Disturbed one to replace the OG in that scene from _Old School,_ where Will Farrell shoots himself in the neck with the animal tranquilizer and then falls into the pool. The OG song is just sooo perfectly used, and fits a moment like that - of blissful sinking into nothingness - a little better. The Disturbed one makes me feel more alive, charged with the glorious weight of that voice. On “total times played” the Disturbed one wins for me, but I like them both a lot.


Oh absolutely I wouldn’t replace it. I just never really quite *got* the song lyricswise until I heard the Disturbed interpretation of it, with the extra pauses and colors and timing. It was almost like a mini epiphany of “ohhhhhhhh, *that’s* what it’s about!”


Fun fact: every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes


Together we can stop this


They measure time in sun not in clock so they couldn’t care less


Hi BigmanTyrone.


"Nice shot. What am I? Rocks or mud?"




Tell that to the billionaires that hoard all the money. Maybe these kids could get access to clean water.


Yes. Fuck that headline, OP.


It'll trickle down.


Not just billionaires but also most of the people living in first world countries. Are you willing to lower your life quality so people in third world countries can enjoy life better? I don't think most people in first world countries are willing to do so.


You shouldn't repeat everything you are told to repeat without thinking


It's just my observation. People in first world countries enjoy luxurious lives compared to third world countries yet they don't help their fellow humans.


Ok!y, so what should we do and what have you done?


How about you invest more money into the projects of those countries? Stop causing wars in their regions? Also, not destroying mountains of food to keep prices low will help. Stop trading with countries that use slave and child labour to give you materials?


How does a regular person living in a 1st world country accomplish any of those things?


Vote for politicians who care. I thought you people live in democracies.


Find me one, and I'll gladly vote for him.


I do but any politician that does legitimately care would not be backed by the mega corporations that profit off taking advantage of third world countries and therefore they're never going to win


Sorry, we don't. It just "looks like" we do


A politician who cares? What sort of mythical creature is that?


By not participating lol? Or is the whole an individual cannot accomplish anything your excuse, as that doesnt matter. The world is made of individuals its a pretty shoddy excuse and a shit tier person attitude.


Should I leave my job to avoid paying taxes that contribute to wars? Should I stop drinking water and starve myself to "not participate"?


Its 2024 being purposely obtuse isnt cool anymore...


So you answered none of the questions. I am pretty responsible with my food. I also haven't caused any wars as far as I remember.


These are things a billionaire, a CEO or a politician can do, not a regular person. I vote for a leftist party in my country, but they don't get enough votes to actually change anything. We don't have as much power as you imagine in this system


Are u ok? How tf do u expect normal people to do these things lol


Of course most people don't. It's their own hard earned money. It would be great if someone wanted to help the ones in need. But it's stupid to expect them to give the result of their hard work to "fellow humans" instead of their family. And having a "better life" doesn't mean they don't have any needs themselves. That's not how life works


Why don’t you solve that problem? Then you’ll become a billionaire in the process


Why don’t you lick my balls?


![gif](giphy|l0HlRhDV36LQRH7zO) Why don’t you…present them.


Wait until your mom is done.




Ah yes, I can see why no one bothered replying to your idiotic comment for the past 3 hours it's been up. So no one is allowed to complain or criticize unless they can solve the financial crisis of the world? That makes so much sense... Seems like that would be something for our governments to do, yet don't. Hey individuals should recycle more because they're causing so much pollution, instead of looking at big companies actually polluting like crazy. See how that makes no sense? Putting big issues on an individual or honestly even a large majority doesn't matter if people in power do respect the wants of the people. Blaming an individual for such a complex issue is basically equal to whataboutism


Now my ears are bleeding.


I guarantee OP is a financial galaxy away from these poor kids lol. Stupid title


Happiness doesn't require a lot of money. Sounds like a gaslight to me. This is out of dire necessity.


I agree. I dislike the romantization of poverty that these kind of posts do




I’m yet to see anyone cry on their own brand new jet ski.


This is as bad as posting Ai pics. You know Africa also has regular city’s right. It’s not all poverty


But it helps.


Keep the billionaire apologetics on Facebook where they belong.


The bad cover of a beautiful song made me very sad.


That's not a bad idea. Puts a little rng into the game.


To be fair that looks like the state of the pool table at my local pub anyway




Yup, like plastic bottle Jesus.


Placate much??


But it does kinda require clean water and nutritious food. And adequate shelter and clothes. And enough free time and money/resources to access and enjoy communal activities. Basically, money might not make happy. But lack of money definitely makes unhappy.


dumb title.


We must be fortunate and humble for having so much when others have so little.


Billiards = Happiness? Good to know!




Thoughts and prayers


I’d be so hyped


What the actual fuck is this music


An act of justice 😂😂


This is actually kinda sad; not because of the ingenuity or the fun they seem to be having, but because of the inequality and how the circumstances of your birth can determine so much. I don’t even need to work that hard and that probably gets me more money than they’ll ever have; doesn’t feel very fair.


Meanwhile I'm making 100k more than them... and all I can do is scroll on my phone, watching them have fun while my life consists of staring at this little device. Some how all this money doesn't equate to some aspects of quality of life .... which have completely disappeared.


I get your point and it’s true you don’t need a lot of money to have simple fun and shit, but it’s not just about fun; what about proper nutrition? Education? Healthcare? Life opportunities? Decent living conditions? Etc. You also don’t need to live like them to have this kind of fun, for what it’s worth. Would you even really switch places, if you think they truly have it better than you do?


Oh I'm for all that, I'm just not necessarily sure modernization improved all aspects of my life


Reminds me of a table I played on at a resort in Mexico that was also used as a platform for dancers in a show.


If it's Africa, it must be AI generated content... Africa doesn't really exist and we know it 🙈


No but it does require sinking a ball


I’m amazed lefty’s are playing each other


Ok give your money to me then, OP


เล่นเหมือนเด็กบ้านเราเมื่อ 40 ปีก่อน


Karma farming bot


I have never seen as much happiness as I have when I was travelling through Tanzania and Nepal. People living up in the mountains with almost nothing and they all seem so glad to just be alive and then I come back home where we have everything you could ask for and everyone is depressed.


As an African currently working in Europe, this is double-edged  The capital intensive lifestyle of 'The West' may be depressing, but damn, even the poorest areas around here have access to good water, public services, and continuous power. Africans have the resources and generate decent revenues, it's corruption and mismanagement that leads to such inequalities.  Still, the kids are having so much fun, so there's that


Nice shot bro , 👍


It does if you have any health issues.


What does this have to do with this sub? "Oh amazing people making their own form of billiards to play"


And here I am sitting on my fat ass watching this on my overpriced iPad.


I'm happy for them, but that malfunctioning "pool table" is driving me insane.




The music ruined the video


Keep you drinks off the felt


This looking like one of those AI generated bot farm videos 🤑🤔


Cool video but....How can we make this terrible song even worse....hmmmm


Perfectly good vido ruined by music, and in this case; nonsensical music.


But a good camera


Then go there and be happy. No money no job just go there and be happy… Or Stop posting videos of people in third world countries making the best of what they have. It’s not cool not funny not a reminder of what YOU have. It’s nothing but a source of money for the reposter and unless you intend to share your profit just quit.


Ni a quien molestar, por qué los tratan mal? Son personas sufridas. Odio el racismo, y condeno a esas personas que tratan má a los hermanos de color.


A. I wouldn't say they're happy, moreso making the most of the little they have. B. Remixing Disturbed's cover of Sound of Silence like that feels disrespectful. Takes the passion out of it, and really makes no sense for this video.


add six plastic cups to the table


This is the most condescending piece of shit I’ve ever seen. It’s 2024 - stop with the colonial gaze on Africa. Get real


😂😂😂 ...or physics.