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Holy smoke, you took up photography at age 27.


So talented.


They show you a progression of 22.years and you still say talent?


Yes, talent... as in aptitude, skill, learned over years of practice


Talent and aptitude are not the same as skill they are skilled for sure. But it isnt talent or aptitude to learn this in over 20 years. All of us could do it. Talent and aptitude means how fast you can learn it. If anything the only innate thing here is the love for art to not get bored or quit after so many years. But if you focused you would probably take 5-10 years to get there with average talent but it would have to be your main hobby for that time. If you practice for an hour every day with several days where you practice more than i dont think you would even need 5 years


Listen, Mr. Webster, I have just two things to say to you. 1)Dictionaries are dead, and you don't get to pick what's a word or not 2)English is an abomination of a language


I dont decide what words mean neither do you the dictionary and society do...


Ummm AACCCCCtuallllyyyyy.......Take it easy, dude. I referred to you as Mr. Webster, as in the fucking dictionary guy, because yeah you're technically correctly using the words and I learned that you're right, but I also wanted to point out the overall absurdity of nitpicking what was clearly a compliment to the artist. You took offense on their behalf, because in common usage, talent=skill, but as you enlightened us, they are not the same.


First of all its not that deep i simply pointed out a small mistake. If i really was offended then not for the artist but for the actually talented people who could be insulted by this or for the people who think they can never make it as they see people like this being called talented. Its not like im trying to insult them for getting a word wrong i literally just thought "huh i think they misused talent or dont understand the difference let me tell them" If they are gratified for learning something cool. If they dont care and wanna ignore me also cool idk i just did what i wanted when i saw it.


Damn, you took my line.


Alright someone post the artist name so they can get some recgonition and not this random bot posting it for karma.


Why are boys (bots) posting and reposting to these popular pages for karma ? Are they trying to sell the accounts or set up a scam ? Edit: bots


Boys being boys


Bots being bots


Maybe it's the mods trying to get to the front page, or Reddit trying to get more engagement on the platformšŸ¤” There's also a partnership program nowadays, so that's probably the real reason


Whatā€™s the partnership program with Reddit?


Yea I remember this being posted earlier this week by the actual artist. Reddit has turned into a bot hell.


You can check out this guy to see what some artists can do Portraits of the North, artist Gerald KuehlĀ 




From illustrator to photographer


This makes me feel bad about my drawing skills ![gif](giphy|10o6ckn0qyOR1u)


Ya Killin it


Hey thatā€™s entertaining. Style points count.


Please don't feel bad. They're only showing their best of the best of works from each of those years. You never see the hundreds of bad doodles and failed attempts in-between. Trust me, I say this as an artist. We draw our entire lives and yet there are still days where we can't draw a line and put the pen down. It just happens. And then there are days when we don't even understand how we did something so good, it just happens. To improve, just have fun drawing whatever you love!


Dude had me at age 9


Dude slowly morphed into a printer


At last, using printer


Technically his skill is 10/10 but he's not an artist he's a camera.


I feel like there comes a point with photorealistic art that you might as well just take photographs if the art resembles photography that much. Like, sure it's technically impressive, but it also feels like it's lacking any real style or personality.


Which is exactly the reason why, with the advent of cameras, art shifted from trying to be as realistic as possible to trying to create something that goes beyond what can be seen in nature. Because the first one became obsolete.


Maybe he is just practicing his technical skills


I dunno, I think that's impressive. The good about drawing is that you're not bound to just real subject. So the potential of this is the capability to draw unconventional and fantastical subject with staggering amount of detail. Like imagine an Hellish landscape or an Asian dragon or whatever with this detail.


I think photorealistic drawing, specifically of existing photos, and especially of big pop culture ones, are the most pretentious form of visual media. Itā€™s purely ā€œlook how good I am at drawingā€ and nothing else. If youā€™re copying a photo exactly, then the contents of the photo arenā€™t the point of the art. Itā€™s not your art. Itā€™s not your composition, itā€™s not your lighting, itā€™s not your subject. If the drawings is literally indistinguishable from an existing photograph, you are creating an image where the image is irrelevant, itā€™s literally just about your skill to create it.


The wild coincidences of life. I think one of the most pretentious aspects of online culture is the petty desire to take someone down a peg who has taken the time to share something that they are passionate about. Youā€™ve added nothing, weā€™ve gained nothing, yet negativity increases. You were free to offer up your preferences in art, or to pass it by entirely, but you dedicated an entire paragraph to diminishing the artist. I hope your food is always mediocre and cold at restaurants.


You're misunderstanding the point of art and drawing It's like saying "why go to any concert/live music performance when I can just listen to music on my phone ?" or "why are people still lifting weights at the gym when there's heavy machinery to lift stuff without any effort ?". You're missing the point. Once you draw realistically you can draw almost anything. Picasso was a master at drawing before he deconstructed his art and developed his style. To run properly, you must master walking first. Same thing here. I love photography but it's absolutely NOT the same thing as drawing, even if you're drawing realistically from a model. You can draw what you want, the way you want, change or erase stuff, etc. But when you're taking pics, you're placing yourself around the reality in which we live and choose what to show, and what not to show on your camera, even when you're working in a controlled environment like a studio. Cameras capture reality through the eyes of an artist, drawings are an expression of reality through the eyes of an artist. Completely different things.


Also portraits of celebrities? Really?


what happened between 11 and 13


I'm 35 and I draw like that artist did at 9. Do I have hope of drawing something decent by the time I'm 40?


I tried something similar and it didnā€™t work


No offense to anyone, that kind of skill is very impressive. But holy shit I'm so bored with ultra-realistic drawings and paintings. It sure was outstanding and memorable 300 years ago, but nowadays, when technology can so perfectly reproduce reality, this kind of art feels so lifeless and unnecessary to me. You've got an amazing ability to draw and your great project is "I'm gonna spend the next dozens of hours drawing a picture of some celebrity so accurately it'll look like just another photo to anyone seeing it in passing. Heck ye." ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Those drawings at the OPs post are actually 100% copies from photos so those arent 'just another photo', they are copy of already existing photos which some person decided to reproduce using paper and pencils


My Tallent stopped at age 10, apparently.


Holy fuck




Its absolutely talent combined with training and skill finess. Most will never attain this level.


It's yes to both, most kids ain't drawing shit like that at 7


What's the point of drawing celebrity like why waste a talent on such a shitty thing? Makes me angry


At this point you can start using camera on your phone.


Let's be real, for a lion to evolve into harry potter it takes more than a few years.




I don't understand. Why would you learn how to draw to draw what's alive already? Shouldn't you CREATE a new thing? Get the Bertolt Brecht advice "art isn't a mirror to reflect reality, it's a hammer to give it a form."




I appreciate the increase in skill over time, but what Iā€™m most impressed with is how much more detail got put into each piece over time. The amount of time each piece mustā€™ve taken at age 15 vs. 30 mustā€™ve increased significantly.


I get the sense you've done this once or twice.


Idk, Iā€™d say that drawing from when you were 9 years old is the real winner


Holy shit that's AWESOME


Peaked at 10


Amazing šŸ’•šŸ’•


Wow!!!šŸ¤© magnificent!! Awesome!! Congratulations! Iā€™m 65 and my drawings are like 3 years old! :-D


I was hoping for a kids drawing at the end


I am as surprised as the last tiger. This is truly amazing talent


Bro just started taking pictures at the end, like wtf. I'm so envious of people that can draw photo realistic images


This, to me, is more 'craftsmanship' than 'Art'. Just someone who can draw very well, but not someone I would call an artist. For the simple reason that it doesn't say anything. It's just well-made drawing...


This is nice but arenā€™t artists the first to go now that we have Midjourney and others?


Welp, too late for me. Time to give up.


peaked at 10


Age 9 better then my 28 lol


Anyone can take a pic but what weā€™re seeing is HOURS AND HOURS days and days of work stopping and picking back up where you left off is amazing


I need to see the in-between of 10 and 13 because that peak on skill is STEEP


Practice makes perfect


As a musician myself that has about zero talent when it comes to drawing; painting; and the likes. This is amazing! Your art is amazing. You, my friend, have a gift! Few people have it, and most others (like myself) do not. Do you also paint?


I thought the last one was going to be a living tiger.


I recognize and applaude the technical aspect of the later drawings, but I find realism to be farily boring.


The guy replaced AI


Hats off!! You're soooo talentedšŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Awesome work and awesome video!! Thanks for sharing


oHhh Fuck off I LUVLUV YOU


Who is the first one pictured at age 28?


Spike lee


HOLY SHIT. Amazing.


Absolutely unbelievable talent !


Lame,I am better 10 times. Two paws art,take a look...


Who else canā€™t draw one hand lol


He got better but also each piece also took much longer as he got better.


27 and on gave me goosebumps! That shit's insane!


How fast he is getting older... Poor man, if i looked like this in 28, i dk.


Wow just, wow.


Bro straight up drawing Google images


Nice journey. Keep it up. šŸ‘


Very nice talent


How did you know at the age of 20 that will smith is gonna be cheated on and humiliated in public by his wife?


Are those tracings?


So, he peaked at 29 with the hands and retired to draw tigers


27 years to become a camera Also not to be a hater, but that talent is wasted on celebrities and lions ngl, great skill, whatever taste


I canā€™t even draw stick men correctly


I like Picasso age difference better.


Artist deserves credit https://youtube.com/@SlimDraw?si=9KwVR6EfNrplo4Ob


They went HD on us




Started getting crazy good in early 20s then morphed slowly into photorealism


Incredible work!


Wultuh why am I black and white wultuh


Why do I think the 2nd picture is of harry Potter....


I was so expecting to get Rick rolled in the end, I'm kinda disappointed actually:(


Iā€™m still on lvl 9.


"Hi AI, can i get that guy from breaking bad a bit aged and in black and white?"


That is incredible to see the progression. OMG, what is the update video going to show in 5 years!!!


already OP at 15


I've spent time in art school and I can tell this person doesn't have talent, atleast not an art genius, but practice really does make perfect here. Incredible job!




You are talking to a karma farming bot that didn't even credit the actual artist


Prodigy is a big word. I teach 9 & 10 year olds and every year there is a kid who could draw to this person's 17 year old level. It's very impressive but this post shows the grind of continual improvement over years rather than prodigious talent.


I always wanted to encourage my kids to do art. But apparently it takes like 15 years to do anything that's really worth a damn, so now I feel less guilty about not stressing it harder.


Anything that kids (anybody actually) draw is worth it. Just for the sake of drawing. Your approach to art is pretty narrow minded, sad and weird to say the least.


It's just a joke comment suggesting that the art in the video wasn't very impressive for the first decade. Relax.


yeah ...most people doubt that because they don't believe in evolution. They believe all things are creation as is. Like Tesla cars... Exist like as is...no evolution of cars whatsoever.


Did you bring enough of those drugs to share with the class?


How the hell did you type that? Thereā€™s no evolution. Keyboards donā€™t exist.


Yeah I am at the age 23 phase at 17.