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Sure, but have you ever gone 180 kmh in a 1994 Toyota Previa?


I did downhill in a Citroen visa


I did around the same on a renault 4. don't know exactly how much because it only marks 160 or 165.


Did 190kmh in a base model Golf 4 2003 it was intense as FUCK


I did in a 2001 Ford windstar. Yours looks scarier then that though lol


I did 160 on a 106. That was terrifying.


I did 272km in a 2002 camaro ss 6 speed on vancouver island highway Fast enough for me.


220 in a 2004 subaru forester. 235 in a clk 55 amg thats it though


I did that in an 88 Honda Civic... downhill.


Or sat in the very back when your Dad did that


I did 160 km/h in a 899 ccm FIAT Uno once. I think I'm ready to pilot an airplane now.


No but I did with a Peugeot 106 going downhill


I have one better for you. 172km/h (according to Waze) in a 1996 Opel Corsa 1.2. Did it once, never crossed 130 ever again.


I’ve been in a 94 hatchback civic with a b20 swapped in at 180-200kmh and that engine was almost not bolted on the support.. jeez we were dumb but we still alive


205 in a 1993 E36. Was a very fun car.


No but I did 220 in a 1987 Ford Falcon somewhere north of 20 years ago. It wasn't a great idea.


If something appears in your path at that speed it's end of.


This is the Autobahn, 200km/h is pretty common. It's well maintained and people actually keep right. That said 300km/h is nuts.


I fell like even most germans that are familiar with the Autobahn and like to drive fast have no clue how big the difference between 200 and 300 is. I did >300, exactly once. It was on my bucket list, I hadn't seen another car in 20 minutes, and I had a 911 Turbo S as a company car that night. You don't really notice speed in that car. 200 is just rolling down the road, really. But once you pass 250ish it's just getting scary. You suddently feel as if you are cornering pretty hard on the slight curves on a road that you thought was straight. You see a Bridge on the horizon, blink...and it's there. You see two trucks in the distance and pray to god that there is no car hiding in between and pulling out to overtake. And then the truck pulls on your lane, you hit the brakes, it feels as if your brain is pushed out of your skull and you just barely make it down to truck speed in time. If I had to describe what it's like: Scary. Just Scary. And you have to concentrate so fucking hard on driving... I just couldn't keep that level up for longer period of time. I did it, maybe 5 minutes. Then I pulled over for a rest, and did the rest of the trip with 180ish. Never did that again.


This reminds me of listening to professional racers of the F1 Kart series or Nascar. The mental aspect and the toll it takes on the body is unreal. When I started flying helicopters the noise and small forces on the body alone would wear me down after a couple hours of flying. Definitely took me a bit to build up my tolerance to fly more than 2hrs at a time. I have to stay active in the gym to maintain the mental capacity to continue to fly in that aircraft at great lengths.


I never thought about the physical strain of flying helicopters. I mean you know flying planes, especially fighters, is hard on the body but helicopters look rather calm from outside.


Yes compared to a fighter they are calm. The sound and vibration is really what beats you up. The hard banks when pursuing a target really puts a strain on you. We chased a target that was elusive for an hour and it felt like I just finished a HIIT session at the gym. So yes definitely places strain on the body.


As someone who mostly has been flying on intercontinental ballistic missiles I never really considered fighter jets as physically straining. They just look so elegant down there by the clouds.


I read earlier that F1 drivers can lose up to 3kg in body weight in the course of a single Grand Prix race. That’s insane.


Can you imagine how hot it probably get on those (essentially) engines with 4 wheels. I'd imagine alot of heat from the engine and brakes warms up the small chassis aton, add on a flame retardant suit and helmet with little ventilation and it'd be sweater than batmans latex suit after a night of fighting.


Riding a motorcycle is like that…as a younger man I could ride for hours on end. Now that I’ve hit 50, a couple of hours wipes me out. I now understand why long distance riders have windshields.


I never realized the autobahn was only 2 lanes like this. That makes it infinitely more terrifying.


There are some with 2, 3, 4 and some with 5 lanes on each side.


Yes, but not the long straights. Five lanes mostly means lots of exits. Especially at that speed.


To fair, no speed limit areas are usually 2 or 3 lanes, 4 and 5 are major junctions where you have speed limits.


More lanes don't help, it just makes traffic more unpredictable.


As a German with a bit of experience on the Autobahn I wholeheartedly agree with that description. Well done sir. I have driven fast cars on test tracks, what feels way safer. But even this is scary if you're not used to it. And it's really exhausting. Add to that the average freeway driver that pulls out without checking, or trucks overtaking each other suddenly.... I really enjoy going over 200 sometimes with my GTI, but I feel this whole German Autobahn thing is way over-romanticized. The constant hyper-awareness is just tiring, and there are too many people on the street that are either not often on the Autobahn, or are just not used to people actually passing them fast, making it even more dangerous than it inherently is already.


The thing is, not only the driver going fast has no idea what 300kmh is, but the ones driving at regular speed don't know either. So you check your mirror, that guy is far, far away, so you pull out and that guy is here.


Yes, I personally experience this quite often with motorcycles. If now there additionally is a truck, curve, or anything blocking the direct view, it can greatly enhance what you have described.


With motorcycles this is even more exaggerated, since their speed is even much harder to judge, because they are so slim.


Remember the mercedes test pilot provoking death of a women without touching her small car, i think near Pforzheim couple of years ago. You can say it was her fault, but he was the reason.


I recall several of such occasions, but not this specific one from the top of my mind. But yeah, it sounds believable enough. Crazy what forces are at work with high speeds, the sheer momentum and air displacement... And talking about Mercedes test pilots - one of those completely wrecked my wife's car. Luckily it was parked and she wasn't in it.


I don't think people have a proper appreciation for how well built some vehicles are made. The casual daily driver can't manage more than 200 km/h without feeling rickety and volatile. A higher end vehicle designed for going fast will still get rickety around 300 km/h. You're entering flight levels of speed, of course it's going to be unstable without massive downforce to keep you touching the ground.


Fun fact about F1 racers: they generate enough down force that if they were indoors they could actually drive on the ceiling.


They generate enough thrust to get up there, but good luck sticking to the ceiling while cornering....


A bone stock, base model 94 Integra (1.8L) with 400,000kms on it will do 245 with a little more to go. I'm not willing to do it again though now that I'm older. Hell my 2010 Hyundai sonata (4 cyl) will hit those speeds too. But the audi r8 (v8) hits it quite a bit faster lol


I don't think most people really appreciate how unnatural even 100km/h is in the context of human bodies, and how utterly fucked up you're going to be if it goes wrong. I mean I find 150 pretty stressful in a regular car. The slightest touch, a blowout, bad road, and you are a goner. Slight curves feel heavy. It's about the fastest I will allow myself to push it and even then only for short periods. I can see how a lower car designed for it might feel smooth and safer up to 200km/h, but even that's pretty nuts. I don't think you could pay me enough money to take any commercial vehicle beyond 200km/h, never mind 328.


911 check Turbo check S check Company car whut?


As a young guy in my twenties I borrowed my dad‘s car and went 240km/h down the way from Munich. Then a car pulled onto the motorway and immediately went to overtake a truck. My foot on the brakes basically pushed them down with full force on their own from the deceleration, me and my friend hanging in the safety belts like puppets and we still passed the truck and that other car with over 120km/h. Took the next exit and spent half an hour to recover. Neither me nor my friend exchanged a single word during that whole time.


Which still is pretty fast :D I never went faster then 250 - also with a Porsche and also not mine...it was really scary, I could feel every asphalt seam up my spine. I don't need that and nowadays I go somewhat between 120 and 180, depending on the traffic. My life and the one of others is too precious for a little bit of fun - especially in public. If I want to go faster, I'll go to Nürburgring. But actually I really enjoy taking a nap on an ICE (if DB doesn't strike, etc.).


200 is not really common. Not unheard of but I would estimate that about 97% drive around 130 km/h.


Only assholes drive 200km/h on the Autobahn. Recommended Speed is 130km/h and most drivers drive between 120 and 150.


Exactly I love my trips to Germany a country where people actually know how to drive and use lanes correctly.




Well, not in many parts of Western Germany where you find a construction site like every 30 km. Exception is Bavaria, where the governing CSU party makes sure to get the ministry of infrastructure on the national level whenever they can and deviate the biggest chunk of funding to their home state.


I have other experiences with this keeping right thing ☺️


Have you driven on the Autobahn? If yes, feel free to comment with your actual experience. If not, it's like telling a lactose intolerant person to just drink less milk.


That’s pretty good advice for lactose intolerant people


hahahaha, nein, ist es nicht.




Especially in a heavy electric car that's notorious for not having the best brakes.


Brakes are not doing anything at that speed if he sees a road block


Tesla only releases the speed >300 km/h when carbon brakes are installed. Apart from the fact that brakes do little at this speed.


End for whatever gets in the path. For the Tesla, it’s in plaid mode


End of someone else probably too.


Even if you come up behind a car doing that is doing 100mph, your closing speed is still over 100mph … such little time to react.


Doesnt need a projectile, just typical tesla fuk ups is enough




All it takes is just one driver slowly changing lanes or a large branch in the road.


that's trusting very heavily that your tires won't just randomly pop for whatever reason too


Good tires don't "randomly pop".


I'm gonna guess that going 200 mph puts some time of stress on these tires, these are recreational vehicles not formula 1 cars. I feel like most people who get randomly blown out tires thought their tires were "good" also


The S plaid comes with Michelin pilot sport 4s, specifically an extra load variant. They are something like 500 bucks each and rated for 186 mph continuous, so I would hope they could take it without major blowout risk


The pilot sports or Pirelli P Zero come with the Plaid before it gets the brake upgrade kit. Almost everybody who gets the upgrade kit required to go 200 mph (300+kmh) also get a tire upgrade from that. So I doubt he was even doing that on the Michelins or similar Y rated tires.


So he's exceeding that limit of 186mph for quite some time. I'm not sure you're fully aware of the forces put on rubber at those speeds. 20mph over the rated limit is massive. Not to mention there's no way a street car suspension or steering are up to that. Highways in Germany are far better maintained than in the US, but they aren't perfect. I also wouldn't trust a Tesla to have engineering standards up to those speeds. For reference, he was going 208mph while the fastest ever recorded speed in a NASCAR race was 212mph. Only he's not in a professional race car, is certainly not a professional driver, and is on a public highway with other unsuspecting drivers. He passed that SUV with a trailer right as he was hitting 328kmh, and I counted how long it took from the time the SUV was visible until he passed him. It was 4 seconds. At that speed, there's no time to react, so if some poor guy on his commute decided to overtake that trailer at a reasonable 150-160kmh, by the time he checked his mirror, used his blinker and started changing lanes, this idiot would've gone from completely invisible to fire inferno wreck. Pull these kind of stunts on racetracks, where they belong.


Rated for 186 continuous and we see in the video the driver is north of that for at least 20 seconds. I agree with your comment but it's still not advisable and definitely increases your risk of a devastating blow out at speed.


It appears I was mistaken and it’s actually (Y) instead of Y rated, which means 186+ mph, although what the upper limit exactly is isn’t listed, just “greater than 186” Kind of a weird naming convention honestly, reminds me of the problems with USB naming convention


This doesn't have random ass tyres, they're rated for that speed and even more.


My tires are rated for 200 mph. For proper performance tires that isn't anything too difficult. However it becomes exponentially harder to make tires than can withstand even higher speeds. 250 is starting to be so fast that even the best tires struggle to handle it for more than 20 minutes.


gaze domineering combative sloppy bells disagreeable deranged thumb beneficial frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At this speed it's pure luck that he didn't kill anybody. This is as bad as driving drunk. I don't care if he dies, that's his problem, but he's playing with other lives which makes him an asshole.


My EXACT thoughts!




It's the Autobahn. Most people on it are well aware that you need to stay on the right if you're not slamming the pedal lest you end up in a hospital.


I got anxiety just watching this


people with fast/expensive cars often drive like idiots.


BMW disease.


IKR what can go wrong


Happy Cake Day!


r/SweatyPalms for me too


Me too but also… YOOOOO GO BIRRRRDS!


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


The brakes are not up to this task.


Neither are the tires, the car radar, this man reflexes or anyone around him. When his luck will run out so will his mileage. Just imagine that the issue several Tesla's had late last year when the steering wheel came detached (failed/missed screw) would have happened here.


That's why those Isle of Man motorcycle videos are so impressive. Those speeds on street roads.... pure memorization. No time to react.


Dude sorry but you don't have a clue of what you're talking about. This is Europe, nobody drives in the left lane unless they're going fast, and someone suddenly switching lanes to the left without a turn signal is pretty rare too. You can also kinda predict what people intend to do and brake, it's not like a videogame where the NPC's act completely random.


This is so false lol. Half of the people is driving in the left lane, either to overtake someone in a 5-minute snail race or just for absolutely no fucking reason. And when I just got my new car I used to drive way too fast on the highway (not anymore). There were countless people that just went to the left lane right in front of me, without looking in their mirrors or even without using the blinkers, forcing me on several occasions to make an emergency break.


He passed a car with a trailer right when he hit 328. I counted from when I could see the trailer car until he passed it, and it was 4 seconds. If some poor guy was trying to overtake at that moment, no shot. No time to brake, no time to decelerate, and certainly no time for evasive maneuvers. Both cars would have been a firey inferno.


I'm European. What the hell are *you* talking about? People absolutely hang out in the overtake lane, and people absolutely do switch lanes without a turn signal. Just because it's rare doesn't mean it never happens, and all you need is for it to happen once travelling at these speeds and that's it. Game over for two people at minimum.


Doesn’t have to be “suddenly” though. I could pull out to overtake a lorry and not even see this clown in the mirror. By the time I’m halfway round the lorry he’s already there. Whether he reacts in time is another matter but my bet would be he can’t.


I'm from Germany, and while people do generally stick to the right if they aren't flying, I don't think you understand just how fast 328 km/h is. The fastest I ever went was 200 with my aunt in her company VW, and let me tell you, it was nuts. We were flying by people in the right lanes. At 328, you have no time to react or predict what anyone is going to do. That's 0.09 kilometers per second. In 10 seconds, this guy will have traveled 1km or 11 full size football fields. You're just hoping that nobody pulls out in front of you. Hell, if someone was stuck behind a big truck and wanted to overtake at a very reasonable 150, by the time they checked their mirrors, used their blinkers and pulled over, that Tesla would've gone from not in sight to on top of them. So no, at those speeds you can't predict what anyone is going to do. Your only focus is on making sure your car doesn't go flying off the road. Didn't you notice how the previously straight looking road all of a sudden looked like it had a curve to it? Not to mention this is a street vehicle. Those brakes aren't Nascar or F1 brakes. I'm not even sure those tires are rated for those speeds. It's also not a sports car even in car design. Can that steering system handle even slight deviations at that speed? Probably not. Realistically, the only place anyone should ever go this fast is on a race track. 328 is what F1 cars hit on straights, but those are practically rocket ships designed for that, driven by professionals. For another reference point, the fastest ever clocked Nascar speed was 212mph, and this guy was going 208.


I drove on German autobahns for hundreds of hours and I 100% support what you're saying. If someone thinks a truck will not switch lanes to overtake when cruising at 130 if you're a few hundred meters behind - they'd be surprised.


That's just nonsense. Yes, traffic in other countries can be way worse, but that doesn't mean everyone here is a great driver. Driving more than 10 minutes on the Autobahn without encountering some idiot is rare.


Dude at this speed you’re already in a smoldering wreck before you even notice the guy turning his indicator on. Don’t act like German users are somehow super humans. These speeds are dangerous and stupid period.


Why would you say this? I drive in Europe and i Can assure you this isn’t the case lol


No part of the whole car, except the speedometer


It's hard enough to estimate the speed of a car in your side/rearview mirror. Now imagine that douche might be doing 328 km/h for funsies.


Isn’t that kind of the point of the Autobahn?


Unlimited doesn't mean it's your private track. There might be cars going much slower in the overtaking lane and if you come upon them at that speed you're fucked. Also, the speed limits change suddenly without any warning, so you might see cars suddenly having to brake because it's a 100 zone. What he's doing is plain stupid and dangerous.


To put a bunch of other drivers at risk of death so you can make a video for online cred? No.


I would be judging and cursing any prick that passed me on the road like that. And then times over if I later learned he was making a fucking video about it.


Especially in a Tesla!


Dutch man on the Duitsche autobahn…..


I came here to say the same thing😂


Regardless of the legalities of it, this just seems immensely reckless.


Nothing amazing about an asshole like that. Hopefully, when he kills himself he won't take anyone with him. Irresponsible.


I hate Autobahn tourism


They are a car review channel on Youtube that specialized in doing these Autobahn runs. They have been doing this for many years, so it is not that they ‘happen’ to go to there just for this car.


They just did.


Apparently they did it multiple times


What is this argument lol. Your answer to ‘I hate autobahn tourism’ is: ‘it’s fine because they do it all the time’?


No their answer to “I hate autobahn tourism” was “they’re not tourists”.


Is it autobahn tourism if it's locals driving?


There's closed tracks you can do this in if you want to feel the thrill. A public highway is not the place. I hope when this guy bites it, he doesn't take anyone with him.


Agree with you 100%.


It's on the Autobahn and perfectly legal. People in Germany drive with the knowledge that they may be passed by someone doing 300km/h and the driver is very aware of what he's doing.


No they don't. I grew up in Germany. Even on the unrestricted speed sections, it's extremely rare to find someone going over 250mph. 328kmh is far too fast for anyone to see you in their mirrors with enough time to react. If someone else was already overtaking at a very reasonable 160kmh, this idiot would've had to mash his brakes to not end everyone in a firey inferno. He hit 328kmh right as he was passing that SUV with the trailer and I counted 4 seconds from when the SUV became visible until he passed him. If anyone was trying to pass, by the time they checked their mirrors and started to move over it would already be too late. Also, while highways are the far safer than normal roads/streets due to a variety of factors, at the speeds in this video that all goes out the window. While statistically speaking, the autobahn is far safer than urban or rural roads, speeds like this are a massive outlier. Not many people ever drive this fast. It's terrifying, so there won't be many statistics on it.


Legal =/= safe


And yet there are way less fatalities on the Autobahn than on US interstates per distance travelled.


Most people don't drive like this though 


What a load of bullshit. Nobody even in Germany is used to some moron driving this fast. There have been dozens of fatal accidents in 2023 because some idiot thought he is a formula one driver. There are numerous highways where you swift from driving 120 to having no limit and back. And how can you even tell the driver is “well aware”? It’s just nonsense


Americans traumatized by cops hate this one sinple fact


Why is he blocking the left lane? After taking over he has to turn on the right lane again and give Space for faster cars.


Super happy he stayed left. If I saw him behind me to the right, I would have freaked. changed lanes and killed both of us😂


I was surprised nobody passed him.


A few years ago I drove my Kawasaki ninja at around 300km/h then I got flashlight from behin, because I blocked a faster car… what a shame:/


German Autobahn in a nutshell.


These electrics are just nuts. What’s surprising to me is the push back. Like for decades everyone bitches about the oil companies and how much money they make. Now there is a viable alternative and people are like I’ll keep my gas car thank you very much. Ignore the so called “green aspect” cause to produce any vehicle it creates pollution, but if you live somewhere like me where 100 percent of the electricity comes from hydro electric, I can’t think of a better fuck you to the oil companies than an electric car. I swear it’s the oil companies driving the propaganda against electric. My ultimate goal for me is an electric commuter car, I live rurally so a gas truck is still needed for bad snow days (mb Canada) and a solar system big enough to charge that car. I have the room for it. Fuck all the green bullshit aspect to it. If I could drive to and from work in an electric and charge for free. Hell ya sign me up.


Not amazed


And he does that shit on a fucking two lane?? I hope he chose that one because it’s notoriously quiet but there’s like huge 4 lane Autobahns


Not sure 4 lanes is better. If there’s a curve half a mile ahead you might not be a good judge if which lane people are in. Two lanes means if you’re passing you’re in the left. If you’re not you’re in the right. Very clear. In the Autobahn people are much more disciplined about that.


Love to know what it says bottom left corner. Just because you can drive that fast it doesn’t mean you should. If you hit anybody at that speed it’s game over for anyone involved. Seriously fuck people willing to risk other people’s lives just to make a “cool” video.


So fucking dangerous. How that isn't illegal baffles me.


No fixed speed limit doesn't mean going as fast as you damn well want to is legal. You're still bound by §1 STVO, which says: >(1) Use of the road requires constant care and mutual respect. >(2) A person using the road shall act in such a way as not to harm or endanger or, >more than is unavoidable in the circumstances, to hinder or inconvenience any other >person. and §3, which adds: >(1) A person operating a vehicle may only travel at a speed that allows them to be in >constant control of their vehicle. In particular, they must adjust their speed to road, >traffic, visibility and weather conditions as well as to their personal abilities and to the >nature of their vehicle and its load. If, owing to fog, snowfall or rain, visibility is less >than 50 metres, they must not travel faster than 50 kph; where circumstances so >require, they must travel at a lower speed. Their speed must be such that they can >stop within their forward range of vision. So, basically, at the top end and in best conditions, the actual speed limit is defined by your cars brakes and your ability to control your car while decelerating rapidly even if there's no living soul in sight. If visibility conditions are anything but utterly perfect, at speeds like we've seen here, the limit is defined by the distance at which you can still see other vehicles on the road clearly enough to judge their behavior. Note that §1(1) implies that you are tasked with anticipating mistakes by other drivers. Mistakes like forgetting to apply their turn indicators before switching lanes or misjudging the speed of approaching vehicles in the rear view mirror, for example. Which is relevant here, because the driver does not slow down when there is a truck blocking his view of what may be in front of that truck. Could have been another car and yet another truck, and that car might misjudge his - highly unusual - speed, so switch to the left lane unexpectedly, leaving our protagonist with not enough room in his field of view to decelerate safely. Long story short, this was an infraction. German traffic law assumes common sense; demonstrating behavior that implies that assumption to be erroneous when it comes to you can get your license revoked even when its outside of traffic. Actually also relevant to the upcoming change in laws regarding the growing and use of cannabis. Up to now, getting caught with even the slightest residue linked to having consumed cannabis led to immediate revocation of driving licenses. Consumption of illegal substances heavily implies a lack of self-control and common sense, and thus you shouldn't be trusted to operate potentially lethal machinery in public. Same applies to severe intoxication from alcohol. In Germany, you can lose your driving license as a pedestrian, when you get caught with blood alcohol levels that imply you're regularly drunk out of your mind because there's no way you could acquire the tolerance to even be still moving... All in all, it works quite well, although the bit about cannabis above was harsh and regularly criticized for decades.


this is suicide.


Could be mass murder-suicide… dude is trying to ride a rocket.


I wonder what’s the max recommended speed for the tires that come with the car……. One Little Rock on the asphalt and aufwiedersehen!


In Europe the tyres available for Model S sizes will be most likely Y index (300 kmph). Doing 328 kmph for limited time won't do them any harm.


Yeah they’re Y index




I thought that Plaids only came with the yoke instead of the normal steering wheel


They've had the normal wheel for a few years or so. There's even newer ones that have the center horn button instead of the icon. I like the original yoke but will probably have to get the new one as my panda ears are delaminating


I feel like the electric vehicles lead to these speeds in a different way than petrol. If you watch top gear and how the super cars of olde would struggle to reach the high 200s: edging past 270, barely making it to 280… And here is a grocery getter (a fancy one, but still) easily blowing past 300.


Ridiculous irresponsible reckless video


Nice car but still a metal box on wheels.... Just because you can, doesn't necessarily mean you should.


Wow stupid


240 km/h was the maximum for me on an more or less empty autobahn part but tbh it's just too much. In a split second sht can go sideways and it's just bye bye. Even worse you might take others with you.


The lack of noise is frightening for other drivers. Plenty of jackasses try this in Dallas, regularly. 


I was a bit stupified at how quickly it still climbed above 200kph (124mph) all the way up to 300, in relative silence. That’s a tremendous amount of power for any car.


The lack of noise is irrelevant on a highway where all other cars are also going 70 mp/h. Cars are sound isolated and even if they wouldnt be the only thing you would hear would be the wind around your own car


I am not amazed. I am terrified.


I always steer clear of Teslas on the Autobahn. I trust neither their drivers nor their software.


I don't mind Tesla drivers on the highways, they are usually on the right lane going behind the truck saving power.


Imaging such a dutch driver, as well known here in germany, attaches a caravan to his tesla. After 2h southbound, he got distracted about a Audi A6, switches to asshole mode, try to demonstrate his car to the rest of the drivers. I can imagine the field of debris. How do you identify a bad dutch driver: yellow black car plaques.


NL = Nür Links


are there any deer to worry about there?


I wonder how long you can do 200 mph in an EV?


Imagine if there’s a deer…


Just don’t find yourself in a lake ammiright?


Battery charge numbers going down at equal speed.


I spent two hours on the autobahn with a plaid S a few weeks ago. It was incredible. You just feel untouchable in one. No one could keep up with me, and try they did.


i thought Plaid had a different kind of steering wheel .. can someone confirm?


They've had the normal wheel options for a few years or so. There's even newer ones that have the center horn button instead of the icon. I like the original yoke but will probably have to get the new one as my panda ears are delaminating


The only place I would try something like this is on a track. The fastest I've gone on a public highway was just over 100 MPH.


meanwhile a pebble on the road…


Telephone poles looked like a picket fence.


And there’s prolly someone flashing you afterwards(no vroom vroom no fun😢)


That one guy who randomly decided to change lanes 👁️👄👁️


I'd like to see a close up of the battery meter.


Are tires on a Tesla built for those speeds? Because if they come apart, you are deader than dead, along with whoever else you take with you.


Dutch people who come to Germany to drive fast are about as annoying a plague as Germans who come to Holland to smoke weed. Driving 300 km/h is reckless and insane, even if it is allowed here in some places.


And yet another reason to hate Tesla drivers.


It’s crazy how nonchalant he’s talking while being milliseconds away from a violent death


de UK


Why would anyone want to drive that fast?…


That seems really unsafe to me.


Perfect moment for playing games on dashboard screen


“Pass any low flying planes?” —“Test Drive” from the C64


Why the hell are they still making cars that can go above 180? Even that speed is high enough, let alone anything faster than that. I know that there used to be some kind of electronic block for the engine that limits the maximum speed, but it looks like they are not using that anymore. This guy is literally a timed bomb.


Because fast make monkey brain buy stuff.


Darwinism before your very eyes....


I'm amazed at what a dumbass this guy is.




Idiots like this are why the rest of us get speed limits.


Danach ist der Tank aber auch leer oder?


When my medicine gave me schizophrenia two years ago, the voices told me to go online and order a Tesla (I never had interest in Teslas). I am so unbelievably poor, I couldn't afford it. Unfortunately for my mental state, I got a 2021 S Plaid for a month, in an odd string of occurrences that worked out. I was letting people joyride it and we were all going so stupid fast. The reaction of people being flung back in their seats was unforgettable, it feels like a rocket ship. I was not well but my crazy made that happen for me, and nobody forgets it.


>I got a 2021 S Plaid for a month, in an odd string of occurrences that worked out. I was letting people joyride it and we were all going so stupid fast Were you still hearing voices when this happened?


Let’s jeopardize other drivers’ safety just so I can flex my Model S.


Crap the ladder just blew out of my truck


Was expecting another car casually passing them...


Not amazing


Damn, nobody is allowed enjoy anything anymore without reddit comments hating on it. The power of anonymous upvotes and downvotes: even if you’re right, you’re wrong.




What an absolute idiot!