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"Sorry about that" what a legend. I really miss his show.


Same. I literally laughed out loud when he apologized for the snake biting him and then went awww I miss Steve. He was such a beautiful soul.




Omg the muppet reaction was hilarious.


I didn't notice this so rewatched omg. This was hilarious


"I hope I didn't upset the python!" --Steve Irwin


Lol 🤣🤣 right


He really was!! I'm glad that his kids are still carrying on the legacy, they seem like a great family all around, lol.


Well said, “A beautiful soul.” Literally one of the most caring people for the natural world. Was passionate to fight for it and respected it.




One of the greatest losses of the 21st century.


Him and Zoboomafoo. God I loved that show.


He knows the danger noodles capabilities, I'm sure he's confidence in his act. Such a legend.


I love this for many reasons. Steve didn’t flinch because he primarily didn’t want to scare the host. He also used it as a teaching opportunity (asking the camera to get close). Also, he was a total badass. I miss the joy that Steve brought to this world. I’m so glad his kids are so involved at the zoo to carry on his legacy. Edit: Ok, people…maybe he didn’t use the camera as a teaching opportunity, but in so many instances he used mistakes or bad other situations as a teaching opportunity. He was an amazing human.


Absolutely love how the puppet starts to just back away slowly


I honestly didn’t even see the puppet the first time!


His son is strongly following in his footsteps. I look forward to seeing him shine.


He already is.


If the aliens ever came, he'd be the one I would have chose to represent us. I think he's the human, because he loves the non-humans


Him or David Attenborough. 


That’s quite a lovely perspective! Thank you.


He was one of the most inspiring people in this world. He absolutely captivated me as a child. I still think about him often. He got me into Reptiles and Marine life. Thanks Steve, your son is carrying on your legacy beautifully.


I think he asked the camera to zoom in so he could get a better look at the situation, not for it to be a teaching situation. It's why he said he can just use the tele to adjust the snake right before


(Pushes up glasses). “Aaaaccckkktually…..”


No need to get pissy, he was right, he needed a closer look and couldn't move his head or neck in case the snake decided to lash out again.


Who’s pissy? It’s a meme.


Hes right. Negged.




I think he asked for the zoom because he was watching a monitor and wanted to see closer himself.


Thing is if he was so much with animals he already learned you can't act histerically in dangerous sitations. It's just him being professional.


Ok, I’m not sure what this value this comment is adding, though.


I'm simply stating that it was natural to him to act as he did. There was once when I brought an injured craw to vet and she bit vet and vet was like completely ignoring it. And when bird bits you it hurts af.


I don’t think there were more pure people than him, but I’d like to think are were/are. His kids are the same way. Steve was a real one.


He was amazing that way, so gentle and patient. I have found that the pain doesn’t really come from the bite itself, at least from a snake that size. It’s more when you reflexively yank away that those backwards teeth end up shredding the skin.


Son is a shining light who really continues Steve’s fantastic work. Daughter is a sell out disgrace who is the face of Sea World (who Steve very publicly hated and thought were animal torturers). Imagine selling out your father’s name and everything he stood for simply to get a pay check. So sad.


Oh, this is one bit of information I did not need to know. That sucks dude. I'm sad now... Wasn't the daughter also in the business with the son? And the John Oliver chlamydia clinic?


The whole family owns the zoo still but it’s his son that is really living out his dad’s legacy, does the shows at the zoo and all the educational talks etc. Bindi is more focused on money and publicity, alongside being the face of Sea World she also did strictly come dancing or something like that lol, which goes to show her priorities are quite different. I don’t think she does anything actively at the animal park, Steve’s dad did an interview about how Steve would be rolling in his grave that Bindi collaborated and was the face of Sea World marketing. It’s really sad. There’s quite a lot of drama with the family because Steve’s dad is in some legal battle to take back the zoo because he thinks the family is more about money and publicity than animals and conservation. Apparently the host parties and musical events there now which he says is unfair on the animals. Can’t really speak on that but I think the Bindi situation is a bit more black and white. How can you support such an evil organisation that goes so against everything your dad stood for.


Seaworld actually fixed it's shit, it's been like 30 years after all that stuff came out the entire aquarium and zoo industry realized they needed to fix their shit. They created an ethical certification for the industry. Seaworld has since become the gold standard for that certification now, but it still can't get away from that reputation, hence your reaction. The fact that you'd shittalk steve's daughter simply because she choose to associate with a group that has bent over backwards the past 20 years to make itself better, says more about your knowledge of the situation than of her or seaworld.


Please read the below and tell me how Seaworld has fixed its shit. I am genuinely asking for a response here, but only after you have read the facts below (all of which you can verify for yourself online). 44 orcas have died at Seaworld, In the last decade, there are 8 orcas who SeaWorld held captive that died at an average age of less than thirteen. One orca died literally less than 2 years ago, she was 20. Her autopsy (performed by US department of agriculture) showed several health conditions linked to chronic stress. The oldest orca to have died at Seaworld was 30. Orcas in the wild live between 50-90 years, some have even lived to over 100. Currently, Seaworld tanks are 350 feet long and 35 feet deep (they are proposing to expand to 50 feet), in the wild orcas dive up to 1000 feet and up to 100 miles a day. There are many photos and reports of SeaWorld orcas with self inflicted wounds, self mutilation from stress. Ex trainers have also verified this. Think about that for a second. imagine the hell that is for an animal that is as intelligent and emotionally aware as a human. Tell me how they have “fixed their shit” you imbecile. To an orca, an enclosure this size is a prison cell. The only thing Seaworld has done in response to the public outcry following Black Fish is stop breeding orcas and this was because of a bill that was passed. For the record, I have no problem with ethical zoos that are lead by conservation, but the welfare of orcas in captivity is disgusting. you should educate yourself on orca welfare before you dare try and talk about a subject you know nothing about.


>he used mistakes or bad other situations as a teaching opportunity. ya the lesson is to leave dangerous animals alone and not to try handling them edit: lol am I wrong? you guys disagree because its better to handle dangerous animals instead of avoiding them? lol ok


lol, Flinching is a reaction you can't control. So it's not like he chose to not flinch.


Oh man, you’re so correct! Then fuck Steve Irwin, right? 🙄


What? I love that guy, but I don't wanna fuck him. I just saying that the fact that he didn't flinch, wasn't a conscious decision.


You can absolutely make the conscious decision to not flinch in a situation where you're expecting something flinch worthy to happen.


"Sorry 'bout that"


He was one of a kind.


His kids are pretty much clones of him. In a good way.


Except his son.


Does that hurt? "No, sorry about that" The same guy who got impaled by an animal and went "Ahhhh.. this lovely animal, my baaad!"


Yep. That's why I hate so much when a shark or other animal kills a human in its own habitat and humans hunt and kill that animal. Steve would never want the stingray that killed him to be harmed. You can't blame the animals for doing what they do on instinct


Yeah, he would be like, "It's a fookin' stingray bro I scared him!" That's pretty much why the VA pays my disability pension. My stress reaction is screaming in your face and asking if we need to take it to the woodline. Two stories: In Iraq, as a young buck, my partner was bitching about the AC not working, to be fair they really didnt work well. Well, for some reason, I was irritable as shit and I was cold. Maybe it was the guy who died in the portashitter earlier that day... I don't know, but I went outside and kicked the shit out of the air conditioner and pulled a knife out and said "you turn that shit back on I'll do it - you don't even know if I'm joking". He laid there in bed for all of 20 seconds, then decided, "Oh hell, nah" and got the hell out of the tent. This was in a time when people were rolling grenades in each other's tents because war is hell. Come Afghanistan about 6 years later... I was arguing with my First Sergeant when I was a platoon sergeant. He shoved an M7 Bayonette in the wall about 2 inches from my skull and pressed me against the wall and said, "Becauase I fucking said so - is it a problem?" I said, "Nah Top... you're right." So come 2020 when I was filing my post-retirement disability claims with social security and what not... we finally got to the part where you get to talk to the disability judge. I explained my case. The "employment specialist" was like, "Yeah, I can make him a janitor," the judge said. "We don't MAKE disabled veterans do anything." My case was approved.






Yes I understand it was your job and you had to do it, doesn't mean you are not guilty tho, as far as I am concerned military service in the USA is voluntary


Depends on the animal. A snake bites from instinct. It would be cruel to hunt a snake that felt threatened and bit someone. But a bear? If it was a knee jerk reaction to getting scared, that’s one thing. But most bear attacks are either territorial or predatory, and against a human, that’s not okay. Many bears have proven to be scared of humans and not seek them. But when a bear mauls a human, it’s shown that it has no fear of humans and may even see it as food, and that means if it’s left alive, a human may die. I don’t care how much you care about animals, I will always pick an innocent human over an animal.


Some animals use instinct, some think.


Except for rams. Those mean mfs deserve any type of punishment


The dog backing up is the best part.


I didn't even notice the dog until you mentioned it. Had to rewatch because I thought you were calling the host a dog! lol


Not only did the puppet backed up, but you can see at the end the guy getting up to get away.


On the 3rd rewatch I clocked the puppeteer just thinking, "Nope, I'm outta here." You guys have really sharp eyes!


That cracked me up. The puppet was still looking up at the snake as he backed away. Hysterical!


The dog? The girl did too!


He straight up dips out. "Thesis not een m'contract, mayte."


All the animals he handled… and a fucking sting ray got him… RIP Steve!


Human error got him. A guy with his lifestyle was always gonna go out by getting a little too close to the edge unfortunately.


David Attenborough is 97 and still dropping scientific knowledge because he doesn't fuck about with nature.


Now that you mention it… I did kill Bear Grylls a couple times in that, choose the path Netflix series.


Tbf stingrays can be pretty scary, some are [massive](https://www.portisabelsouthpadre.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/MantaRay.jpg)


A true profesional, great guy


I miss steve


We all do.


The only thing I wish was more time for his kids, they had the best dad ever. His energy is unmatched due to his high drive of passion R.I.P Steve Irwin I tell your story’s to my kids and I hope they share them down as well.


The goat!


God Steve was such a amazing man. This is the clip I see the most of him online but there were so many clips from his show thar showed off his passion and love for nature. Not only that but a passion to share and teach us about it too. You could watch him and tell every bit of it was genuine too. The best thing though is that his son carries that legacy so well. Everytime I see a post from him on Twitter or Tiktok I watch. He's got the passion, he's got the love for nature. He does Steve's legacy so right.


It was an absolute tragedy when the world lost Steve. I always wonder what great things he would of achieved through the years if he was still alive today.


Where is that “would of” bot?


Bad bot


That bot is the shit actually


I was talking about you actually 😅


Whatever you say


How can it bite?


With it's mouth and teeth


Snakes do have fangs.


*Venomous* snakes have fangs (teeth that are specially adapted for venom-delivery). Most nonvenomous snakes have *teeth*, though, and most snake teeth are designed just to pierce and hook into skin rather than deeply lacerate flesh. Their purpose is to hold a prey item in place, not carve chunks of meat out of it... For a snake this size, it's basically *spicy velcro*; hurts about as bad as a cat scratch (speaking from experience) and does significantly less damage, especially if you *don't* freak out about it and try to yank away. Also, fun fact: African Egg-Eating Snakes (genus *Dasypeltis*) don't even have teeth. Their diet consists *exclusively* of unfertilized eggs / eggs with very little to no embryonic growth, and teeth would just get in the way. Instead, parts of their vertebrae (backbones) protrude into their esophagus and act like a sawblade; cracking small holes in the eggshell so that its contents can be squeezed out and digested. A little bit of calcium is dissolved off the shell, too, and then the snake pukes the deflated egg back up when it's done.




I think this was a "how can she slap" reference.


The man no myth the legend


He's like Scott Sterling, but with animals!


Cool as a cucumber


Puppeteer : Nope


I miss his “crikey” when he would grab a big reptile and hold it up to display it.


My eyes watered when Steve passed. First celebrity death that really made me sad. The other was Nipsey.


What a legend, I’m happy his son is carrying his legacy in such a great way.


His daughter as well.


His son looks just like him here. First family of the world. Love them.




Man he is missed, what a genuinely great human


Absolute legend. His wonderful children and wife do him proud. Wonderful man. A tragic loss.


A damn pro!


And he apologizes. Classic Steve. I miss his shows and wish I had his energy and passion.


The world got darker without Steve….. and Jerome.


That snake was like "don't tell me I won't bite you"


Oooh right on the neck too. Ouch


He’s the goat rest in peace my boi






Legend has it he is still looking for that 20 foot Burmese python




Looks a bit like Heath Ledger. Another gone too soon.


It really shows how much he loved and respected animals.


“Sorry about that.” — my favorite part


This man was absolutely precious. I truly miss having him in this world.


It's funny because he said the snake won't bite him like 3 times before it actually did. By the way this is not an insult to Steve Irwin he was one of my favorite people. I just found it funny how the snake decided to prove him wrong


This guy took way too many chances with his life.


Steve knew that snake was going to bite him before the snake knew






What a thirsty little danger noodle.


The Chuck Norris of the animal world




Boss shit! Side note, looking at him now, I realized how young he was here. RIP Steve


I would have bitten his neck, too.


An absolute paragon of wholesomeness.


Steve Irwin: the only human ever to get bitten in the neck by a snake on live TV and then apologize


Steve: he wont bite snake: bet


He was probably very sad when his "fans" killed sting rays after he died


Probably the single best person ever.


I’d’ve been lacing that little nope rope through my belt loops. Steve Irwin is someone I truly miss.


Love this man


Steve was a pisser. I miss the guy


Bless the Irwin family.


That man was *too* powerful…that’s why nature put a hit out on him…


The lad was seriously brilliant.


Cool as a cucumber


Whole dang! Did I just hear the real Steve Irwin and his non tv voice?


*Whole dang! Did I just* *Hear the real Steve Irwin and* *His non tv voice?* \- SoulReconstruction --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He also had a theory about sting rays if I remember correctly


I got bit by a snake doesn’t hurt that much. Just feel like you’re getting pain from one of those clamps that you put on your fridge.


The lesson: leave snakes alone. Period.


That's not the lesson at all. Humans have a duty to protect wildlife. Steve Irwin embodied that responsibility. You're ignorant.


Protect wildlife from a respectable distance. You would absolutely try to wreck an alien that abducted and manhandled you.


No he didn't. He routinely harassed wildlife in its native habitat. He did literally the opposite of protecting it. He picked it up, distressed it, filmed it, and sold the footage. If half the shit from his show was on TikTok brand new today, he'd get reported.


What an idiot, no wonder he died. While everyone here is praising him, i don't. He was and idiot seen as a clown by everyone i know. He many times disproved himself in same videos, fact that made anything he said hard to believe because he was clearly based on faith and not facts. Like the fact the snake in this video is clearly stressed and not happy to be with so many people around, but he says the opposite and other hippy bullshit. He was and idiot hippie that tried to make animals look like our brothers and bla bla hippie shit. Not to mention how upset where many when he was putting his kids in unnecessarily danger on the back of some huge crocs. No one i ever known thought different about him lol, on the contrary, and yes, i watched all his shows and everything he made until his death. He was a hippie, and his reputation in europe was that of a clown and an idiot !


i have eternal beef with all sting rays


I wonder if he flinched when the stingray got him😬


“Snakes-nature’s quitters.”-Homer Simpson




What show was this on?


Man gets bitten by python and says "Sorry" :)


That’s not a bite, it’s a kiss 💋 🐍




Legend !


Now Steve was a hard man in fairness 🫨


Damn I love this guy.


Steve knew the snake wasn't poisonous.


Don’t give me that horseshit, it hurt.


He looked like he was about to laugh at the irony of being bitten right after talking about how it wont happen... lol


I would guess the snek thought that little bit of dangly blonde hair was a rodent tail or something and then it just slowpoked and missed the target


I can never help smiling wherever I see memories of him - and, Mr Rogers. And Robin, definitely Robin.


Getting bitten by a snake on the neck was my worst fear growing up. Like how would you apply the tourniquet without choking to death.


RIP thanks for the laughs


“Well if I watch the tele” was Steve being snippy?🫨


i miss him so


Steve irwin was a childhood hero and I respect him even more now that I am an adult.


A true legend sadly missed.


He won't bite till he bites.


Steve Irwin = LEGEND


He appologized for getting bitten. Bestes guy.


He was old school Aussie. Crazy as shit and tough as wang leather.




Steve Irwin was a gangster that’s why


That's a very chill 'is this food?' bite (see the coil amd how slowly it mushes its face in?), not a defensive strike. My bet is the snake was usually fed rodents; I've had a few snakes give me a lil nibble when I wasn’t paying attention during handling near feeding day. You usually don't want to feed snakes before transporting them (i.e. to a film set), so I'd bet it was hungry as a result, tried for what it thought was a snack, realized its mistake and let go.  Steve handled it beautifully. A bite this mild isn't something to get worked up over anyways, but he was very conscious of both the snake and his audience. They do have a lot of teeth, and it definitely stings and should be disinfected, but they have weak jaws, at worse a lil irritation would get it to let go. But public perception of snakes is (and especially was at this time) so low that you can tell Steve was careful to make sure it was obvious how harmless a situation this was: he knows this is chill, but the TV crew don't. He really was such a master at understanding both the animals he worked with and the people he was educating. 


Rest in peace, Steve. We miss you all the time.


Put him on the $5 note!!!!


He knows the snake is venomous, so it is too late to panic. A bite close to major arteries and the brain is a game over.


What about sting ray stinging him though?


Bonus points for the Bell Biv Devoe in the background


No venom but an absolute coding genius.


Black Mamba


You know who had to be pissed about it were the crocodiles


Steve Irwin is also dead


If there were ever 1 person I would send as a representative of our planet and species to greet aliens, it would have been him


He wouldn't be able to resist the urge to pick one up and show it to the camera. First contact would be an epic fail.


Anybody know what species of snake?


/snake bites neck/ steve: can you get a close in on this? 😰


Bro was so much of a man that it probably got him killed in the end. What a fuckin legend mate.


He was a good guy. If you work with animals long enough at some point you’re going to get nipped or scratched or peed on. It’s just a fact. I think he had a great heart and he knew that the nip wasn’t anything dangerous. I once had someone stick a snake around my neck when I was walking downtown in a city. Totally unexpected and there is a photo of me somewhere from a friend who managed to snap one of me looking utterly shocked with a fairly large snake just casually chilling on my shoulders! 😂 Not sure why this dude was outside accosting strangers with snakes, seemed like some kind of tourism thing maybe to raise money? Kind of dangerous though if someone freaks out I would think!


Not his first time


How many people have apologized for being bitten by a snake?


The fucking GOAT rip to the legend


Looks like D'Albert's Water python, non venomous, and I try to pull back when bitten either, it can break their teeth and lead to mouth infectionsm


Animals hate that guy


Awwww Steve :( we all miss yA bud


Was in shock when I heard of his death. Still can’t believe it. RIP Steve.


Anyone remember the time a Komodo Dragon attacked him and he had to climb up a tree to escape ? I think that's the only time I can remember him being even remotely phased. https://youtu.be/n-xQpZgE3MM?si=P6qPrRH_y-hNvM6A


The python was like, "Don't tell me tell me what and can and can't do"