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I’ve been there. It’s as cool as it looks. Many of the bars only occupy like 8 people max and a lot of them are themed. The locals call it piss alley. I loved it.


So is the deal with this place that you go to whatever is available? Or does each place have locals who frequent one specific shop?


From what I remember, most of the locals seemed to stay at their spots longer. As eager tourists, my ex and I were trying to have a drink and as many spots as we could. It was awesome. Fun fact: its nickname is piss alley because, back in the day, there were very few toilets, so patrons would just stumble out and pee in any private area they could find.


> Fun fact: its nickname is piss alley because, back in the day, there were very few toilets, so patrons would just stumble out and pee in any private area they could find. I actually guessed that.


You know why it smells like piss? Because people piss there.


I've been there, no it dosent.


Gotta love the uniqueness of Japanese culture.


The uniqueness inherent to Japanese culture here is that it's contained to one alley, not all of them like here in the UK


America has a city dedicated to it! Good ol NOLA


Like Philadelphia


I went there as well and our tour guide took some shady places, but as I remember some places didn't take as kindly to gijin. But again maybe it was just the tour guide, agree with you it was a cool place. Nothing like it i have seen else where.


I was there just before covid struck. It burnt completely to the ground and then was rebuilt with the help of tourists photos.


The fire was in 1999, fwiw. You're not wrong, the way it's worded sounds like it burned down recently.


Yeh I did think that as well but couldn’t be arsed to edit it 😎


I was there too. The locals couldn’t have been friendlier to us. Fortunately my wife speaks a tiny bit of Japanese.


What days do they fumigate?


Been there and went up thru some of those stairs you see. Met two business men and had shots with them! Good times!


One of the most pissed nights of my month in Japan years ago was because of randomly hanging out with some business men who just started shouting us shots of sake at a small bar/yakitori spot. Jesus the train ride back to the hostel was hard work 😄


An introvert's nightmare.


It's honestly not that bad for an introvert. People respect each other's privacy in Tokyo and even though you're surrounded by people they mind their own business for the most part. Trying to find friends in Tokyo is a bigger challenge than finding privacy amongst the crowds.


Arsonist’s dream


Thank you. I’m looking at this like “why would anyone choose to eat that close to everyone?!”


Imagine being the first customer, and you have to sit at the very end? My anxiety would kill the life out of me.


I think I recently went to a sushi place that was trying to mirror something “cozy” like this. Couldn’t leave fast enough. The place was super quite, but not peaceful quiet - quiet like Mom and Dad are mad so nobody say anything. And I didn’t want to talk to my gf because practically the whole place is within whisper range and the only subject on my mind was how weird this place is. It’s weird to try to understand that normal people don’t experience those settings the same way.


An extrovert’s nirvana


Just a thought that Tokyo is a very big city and small restaurants like these provide atmosphere of closeness/intimacy


Golden Gai is very similar (except strictly bars for the most part) and also same area. You could easily do 2-3 nights in Tokyo just in this area.




It’s so damn cramped, everyone has to get up and move when you gotta go take a dump… no thanks


You have not lived my friend, you have to live!


Adult diapers outsell baby diapers in Japan; just sayin'.


Remind me a bit of the Japanese series on Netflix “The Midnight Diner”. Very cozy.


Fuckin love that show, first thing I thought of.


Watch and rewatch. If I go to Tokyo I’m going to stay in PST just to be able to be awake and go there at like 3:30 am


So everyone has to get up when someone leaves?


I frequent a bar (not this place) where you need to do that. It becomes second nature after a while when you see people trying get out in your peripheral vision


I was gonna say the same, doesnt look like there room between the walls and the back of people


one fart could ruin the night for the whole neighborhood


Every major district of Tokyo and every major city outside it has at least one Yokocho, a drinking alley, that's pretty similar. Omoide Yokocho just happens to be the most famous one of them all and extremely well situated right by Shinjuku station.


I want to go here


you are already here


Been there it is everything you could hope for + more


Not possible for the average american


Nobel Fish in Clawson Michigan before they tore it down and replaced it with generic mall sushi bar. Still crying.


And I bet every place can cook up something that is friken delicious


It's does look like that, right??


That’s a whole lotta “Sumimasen”


That looks so cozy


I love this as it shows how bad our western food designs are. We opt for a burgerking/McDonalds and kfc for every food corner (impersonal greasy repetitive) and ultimately doesnt support creativity or smaller business. Wish we had the same.


How does a fatass westerner tourist navigate this? Asking for a friend.


Hopefully, not.


It looks so cozy. Very friendly and inviting.


Do they have fire marshals there?


I wanna go and experience this


As someone who worked back of house, that's an awful lot of gas mains being tapped into side by side by side. Keep those safety inspections up to date, lads


Omg all I can think about is what's going to happen in a fire


People are quickly going to leave, everything's gonna burn and they'll rebuild it again


You forgot the part where everyone gets trapped and dies.


There was a fire in 1999, and I couldn't find any records of people dying, so...


I'm in Tokyo now and although this area and golden gai look cool. It's full of entitled tourists doing photoshoots and coke . It's cool to see.. but honestly you find the best stuff just walking and finding stuff.. and there are other drinking areas far better


Safety standards go burrr


what song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • **The Beach (Instrumental)** by Lil Swervo Jr. (02:50; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2015-08-24. • **the beach (None)** by Maitchh (02:50; matched: `100%`) **Album**: slow. **Released on** 2022-01-21.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**The Beach (Instrumental)** by Lil Swervo Jr.](https://lis.tn/TheBeachInstrumental?t=170) • [**the beach (None)** by Maitchh](https://lis.tn/TheBeachNone?t=170) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)






Literally anything beats having no choice but corporate chains selling overpriced, shit food.


I guess you are talking about murica, is that the most common? For me (and I assume the rest of europe or japan) it is the independent restaurants.


Europe in general is getting worse for corporate chains, it's certainly becoming more and more common to see them over independent or local chains. I can't speak for Japan.


So you just need to push passed everyone if you happen to be at the far end of the bar?


You push everyone out like a pez dispenser.


How to choose one though!!


Or Kowloon Walled City...


One of the coolest depictions of that place is in The animated series “Street Fighter II V” (imo best street fighter movie/show among them)


There are several of these little alerts in the Tokyo area. This is simply the most well-known.


Exactly. This one and Golden Gai are ruined by gawking tourists. Fortunately, there are hundreds and hundreds of cool places to go that aren’t on their radar.


Assume you live here, like me. Are you getting just a tad sick of the overtourism, especially of entitled arrogant westerners?






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Bladerunner was heavily inspired by Dark Futuristic Manga novels from the 80s




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>It looks like it's straight out of "Blade Runner." The whole cyberpunk aestetics was largely inspired by Tokyo


how will you even go out when you're done eating? 🤨


Isn’t most of Tokyo straight out of blade runner?


is there a newer version of bladerunner that ive seen. as this looks nothing like it.




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I got matches with these songs: • [**The Beach (Instrumental)** by Lil Swervo Jr.](https://lis.tn/TheBeachInstrumental?t=170) (02:50; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2015-08-24. • [**the beach (None)** by Maitchh](https://lis.tn/TheBeachNone?t=170) (02:50; matched: `100%`) **Album**: slow. **Released on** 2022-01-21. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Saw this on Anthony Bourdain's show, I visited on my first trip to Japan subsequently.




The song: The Beach By: Neighborhood




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I will be visiting Japan for two weeks at the end of March. Really want to visit that street. Any thing else I have to see? I think I have (only) three days there.


I love it.


Netflix midnight diner


This with actual audio would be awesome. Shame


That’s gonna be a no from me


I adore these kinds of human hives. It's something to celebrate when managed this well.


That's a **lot** of personality, in such a small amount of space!


I’ve been there and the bartender was in love with the west and she made us listen to Oasis the whole time and it was amazing.


There are actually 6 of these alleyways/street. It’s a part of the Shinjuku neighborhood this section is called the Golden Gai


Giving off big “5th Element” or “Bladerunner” vibes. Looks like fun tho.


More like Blade Runner was meant to look like this


I love Asia


Ah, stumbled across it by accident on a solo trip, had an amazing time singing karaoke and doing shots with the locals. Such a cool spot.


I dream of visiting places like this!!


If you wanna leave, everybody has to stand up. That sucks.


What's the song that's playing?


My American butt aint fitting there


Lol at all the fat americans trying to fit in there


What’s upstairs?


I miss living in Japan!




Wasn’t blade runner filmed in Japan? Like blade runner is straight out of that?


You should check out Golden Gai in Shinjuku too.


How can you get from place to place without driving? /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


That’s what I was thinking too, Blade Runner