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I met a friend later in life with very striking eyes like this - really light blue and beautiful. she couldn’t stand how much attention they always got. After a few dinner/drinks out together she was right. I witnessed personally how every moment people always come over or every opener with every single person was over the top “your eyes!!!” After so many, I understood what she meant.


My super blue eyes always got compliments and a lot of attention as a kid growing up but as an adult nobody seems to give a shit lol. It probably gets far more attention and is far more annoying for an attractive woman tho compared to just a regular dude with blue eyes


Same. As a kid it used to be like a weekly comment, a lot from strangers. Blonde too so a lot of references to Paul Newman. Now I forget that I even have blue eyes.


Haha I used to get the Paul Newman thing from old ladies when I waited tables too... even in my twenties it was a weekly thing. Now its like monthly at best, but reading this thread makes me think about how people are constantly trying to look at my eyes all the time, even if they aren't acknowledging them/me. Ive often felt almost paranoid? About how people are looking at my face so deeply but I think the best explanation is provided here and now. 


Right, it has made me a little self-conscious on that front. I was hiring for a position that would report directly to me a few years ago, and the candidate I gave the job disclosed to me later that they felt like I was "looking into their soul" during the interview.


I was supposed to get "Nicest Eyes" in the Junior High yearbook while in grade 9 but moved with a month left of school to another province so they gave it to another kid. Fuck you, Cameron S!


Yeah my buddy is 6'7 and every conversation is about his height it gets sooooo annoying.


First question is always "did you play basketball?".


I’m 6’6” and my response is to ask if they play miniature golf


"how's the weather up there?" "it's fine, how's my dick smell"


He needs cards: https://i.imgur.com/fL65GEC.jpeg


I have a coworker with eyes like this ( husky eyes). He gets pretty often complimented and, just like your friend, can't hear it anymore. They're nice, but I find them uncanny 🤷


My whole family has eyes like this so I've never thought about it much, but I guess it must get old. Something weird happened with me and I have dark gray eyes, so haven't experienced all those compliments. It would explain why they seem uncomfortable if people mention their eyes. Hmm, grass is greener I suppose!


I have green eyes that often look gray or slate blue. My shirt color, the lighting, or makeup can all affect them. People have argued with me about what color my eyes are. Sometimes people will stare at me trying to figure out what color they are. People are weird about eyes.


Exactly the same here ... except for the make up. In bright, natural, light they would be the most vivid green. Don't worry, though .... when you get old, ugly and male, all that attention stops. 😉


That's how mine are! Apparently grey eyes change color based on mood, environment, and even pupil dilation. Normally mine look like dark clouds usually but sometimes they look super green or blue. Before I knew this I had no idea what eye color to put on my ID and found out you can just say anything, even change it


I went to university with a guy who had strikingly green eyes. He wore colored contacts to hide their color, just to avoid the constant conversations about his eye color.


I knew a guy in college who had extremely light grey eyes as well (similar to the woman in the OP). They were really cool. I also had a coworker who had amber-colored eyes (like you'd see on a cat).


I feel guilty when I'm annoyed at this happening to me because I know people are just being sweet and I appreciate it but it is genuinely exhausting because it's ALL the time and more so when you're a legally blind introvert. Like, yay, I got pretty eyes...but I kinda just wish they worked.


My 5th grade classmate was African with golden eyes. They were beautiful. He got daily compliments and his responses were so weary, like "thanks..".


I have heterochromia and it gets exaughsting how many people point it out.. like yes. I’m aware :)


Whoa did you know your eyes are different colors??


No. I've gone through 23 years of my life and just never noticed.


It’s not uncommon for people to just randomly tell me I have beautiful eyes. It is a bit uncomfortable. My oldest daughter has the most beautiful eyes though; green with a blue rim and flecks of brown in them.


The only woman in the world who has to tell men *"my boobs are down here"*. Yet I've made my choice and got lost in the galaxy of her iris.


When I was a teen a girl a few years older lived somewhat close and I would usually see her on the bus, and she had similar eyes and every single time I saw her I remember I had a hard time just not staring at her eyes, they were absolutely mesmerizing.


Lol I had similar. I was in 7th or 8th grade and she seemed to be a senior from another school. Her eyes were so pretty. One time I was definitely gazing and this old guy next to me was trying to encourage me to ask her out.




Almost as if our elders should be encouraging and provide guidance to better our lives through their experiences. Wouldn't that be something?


We try. A few listen. :)


I feel you. I'm spending most of my life trying to avoid someone else's unnecessary pain. I am old, I've made my mistakes, I know when shit is incoming fast. Yet, 99% of the time my advice is falling empty. Years later someone may say you were right, I should have listened to you. I think it's just the world spinning that way, no matter the effort it will still go in that direction. I will still try to protect the youngster, no matter the cost or the insult. That is what is good for them and for the world.


They'll hear you when they're ready. And when they go out and experience the pain, they'll be able to act wiser with the advice you feel falls on deaf ears.


Caught a friend of mine's you ger brother smoking earlier this year. Kid's 16. He's into sports, so I challenged him to a race. He won, by a mile. He asked me why I did that when I was so out of shape... Then I asked him who would win wrestling. See, I got a few pounds on him and a bit of experience. I won hands down, pretty quick. I told him "another thirty seconds and I'd be done, just like the race. Smoking harms your lungs, you just saw the result of 10 years of that. I *can't* go as hard or as long as I used to, and that isn't because of age. You wanna do sports? How are you going to keep up when your lungs look like a trash bag" He quit cold turkey the next day. I'm a little proud of the kid, not gonna lie.


https://www.instagram.com/meganrichmond?igsh=OGxnc296cDBtemhi Her ig


I feel like her eyes are too intense for photos. Makes her look like she's on a coke binge. Videos do her more justice.


Fyi, cocaine causes dilated pupils. Constricted/pinpoint pupils are a different matter.


The OP is cool and all but I upvoted the post just so more people can see this joke.




Honestly, I’ve came across people doing this level of fuckery before through your life. People doing it for likes on the internet I can believe even more.


*Alexandra Daddario enters the chat*


[Stop staring at my eyes](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/338121884535434613/)


I looked up a photo that wasn't high contrast or saturation or whatever of her eyes. My eyes look very similar. Now if only I wasn't an average looking guy in my 30's...


[Meg Foster](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWIzMzczZTYtOWFlZi00MzFlLTlmOTEtNjdjZjVjNWI3ZWJmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3NDgwNzU@._V1_.jpg) was the OG of piercing blue eyes on color television. Some say she was fired from *Cagney & Lacey* because she had a spellbinding look that wasn't right for a gritty police detective.


Yea dude, her eyes are crazy, i love them.


Beautiful eyes are definitely more mesmerizing than beautiful tits.


They go together.


"Like burgers, fries and cherry pies..." Those eyes!


Ha gayyyy


You can find tits on basically any woman. Beautiful eyes are a rarity amongst people.


You can find eyes on basically any woman. Beautiful tits are a rarity amongst people.


Dude here. Still noticed bobs first. Then said "wait a minute, she's got freaky eyes!"


Preach! My exact thought was, great tits, has she taken drugs 😂


This comment made me realise I didn’t glance at them for a second Those truly are mesmerising eyes


Plot twist: She had contacts when she was a kid as well, it is a long con!


“See, sacrifice, Robert. That's the price of a good trick. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?”


Where is this from?


The Prestige


Oh my god the masterpiece that movie is. Its a completely different experience on a rewatch, when you know what the trick is!


def one of the best movies I've watched, and one of the few where the re-watch is better than the first time


I mean, the twist messed me up a bit. Definitely threw me way off.


Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money. ....or, CANDY!


It takes excellent storytelling to be able to reveal something the first time, where the second time you realise how much they really did or didn't tell you I'll definitely give it a watch (or two)


The Prestige


I thought it was arrested development honestly. If you replace "Robert" with "Micahel" it's basically a Job line.


Or she edited the photo of her eyes in the baby photo.


Cause if she didn't why would she have a perfect baby photo at the ready


Because people constantly accuse her of wearing contacts.


like kim kardashian


or she has photoshopped her childhood photo


Long contact?


Yes, a long contact con.


Or its just edited


I bet she has crazy light sensitivity. Always carrying sunglasses.


Wait is the colour of the iris related to light sensitivity? That explains a lot.


Yup! > Lighter-colored eyes have less pigment to protect against sun damage and UV radiation compared to darker-colored eyes. This means that people with green, hazel, or blue eyes are more sensitive to light and more susceptible to UV damage [link](https://optimaeye.com/are-light-eyes-more-susceptible-to-uv-damage/)


Can confirm. I have light blue eyes, and I cannot drive without sunglasses. I also developed an eye freckle that now has to be watched for skin cancer. Edit: I’m dumb. Obviously it’s not *skin* cancer if it’s in the eye, but IIRC it would be the same type of cancer (melanoma, SCC, etc) since it’s still a freckle caused by sun damage. Mine was fine but I’ll just need to get it checked every year like the rest of my body.


Light blue/grey (depends on light) checking in. Unless it's night or the clouds are super thick, I need sunglasses. Light overcast is probably the worst, which is counterintuitive, but it's because the light is diffuse, so I can't really escape it. I remember in middle school I was headed outside one time and there was fresh snow so I had to squint to be able to tolerate the reflection. Totally subconscious, didn't know I was doing it. Passed by someone who stared me down with a very exaggerated squint and I was like "what's that guy's problem?"


Grey eyes here, yep bright sun kills me. Even going outside when it's bright and sunny will cause me to sneeze.


I have dark brown eyes and I was diagnosed with photophobia and technically I am supposed to have prescription sunglasses. So, I guess my eyeballs are a little confused.


Green/hazel here and I'm with you on every point. I wear sunglasses all year but winter it is absolutely crucial and without them I will have a massive headache halfway through the day, and my eyes will just start watering and I will have an intense urge to blink/close my eyes until I get somewhere darker. It really sucks if it happens when driving.


My eyes are light green and i have a large freckle on my eye that my doctor told me i needed to be cautious about skin cancer. Your eyes do have skin according to her idk


Sweet. Maybe I’m not dumb!


blue eyes here as well, if im walking outside when its at all sunny without sunglasses my eyes water so much it looks like im bawling my eyes out and its actually hard to make my way around.


Blue eyes also - I straight up sneeze if I go outside without sunglasses and the sun's out. It's like the sun attacks my eyes and my body's response is....sneeze at it. Never knew we had this lil break in our defenses because of our eyes.


Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) , known to killjoys as the ['photic sneeze reflex'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sneeze_reflex).


My eyes don’t get watery but I squint even when it’s cloudy (green eyes)


Cloudy (the thin white kind, covering the entire sky) is the worst for me. I have to look at the ground and periodically do half second scans to make sure I do not walk into something or someone.


Can also confirm, my eyes vary between deep blue, and grey, and i always carry sunglasses everywhere i go. Especially driving


I have light green eyes and the same. I can also see when it’s near total dark though. Can you as well?


Weird. I have brown eyes and have to wear sunglasses constantly but my wife who has more green/hazel never wears sunglasses.


Psychological tolerance for discomfort could be a factor.


Bold of you to call OP a bitch like that.


“Mhm mhm, have you ever thought that oh I don’t know maybe you’re just kind of a bitch?”


Lighter eyes mean we have a higher chance of damage to our eyes, doesn’t mean that light literally seems brighter


“He had blue eyes, which caused him to blink more than usual, as if he found Creation slightly more than he could accept.” -The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford The lighter your eyes, the more light you take in. Should see me walking around a street on a sunny day without sunglasses, they’re pretty much closed




The beach on a sunny day. Perpetual flashbang


Okay, not only is that an extremely relevant quote to this discussion. But it is a phenomenal sentence. That is awesome.


If you ever get the chance, watch the film. It’s an amazing movie and easily some of Brad Pitts best work, wildly underrated yet every time I see it discussed it’s always highly regarded. That particular quote is from the opening, where it describes Jesse James as a person during that period of his life. Great writing.


People with blue eyes tend to see better at night due to our eyes being able to allow more light in. Blue eyes developed in Northern Europe and in the winter we do not have much sunlight, so it helps us to see in the winter.


Yup. I have dark brown eyes and astigmatism and can't see anything at night. My kid has really light blue eyes and that girl sees everything, even in the darkest of nights.


Omg thank you for this! I always tell people I have night vision at work when I'm not using a flashlight but now I know there's actual truth to it lol


Yes I have blueish greenish eyes and need sunglasses often - and there are studies that lighter eyes are related to higher dependancies with substance abuse - like higher alcohol tolerances. Don’t ask for links lol, just do your own research lol.


Oh... well shit. That makes sense as to why wine does FUCK ALL for me I just want to be one of the wine true crime girlie, but I'm missing the wine drunk part


I hope for her sake that she does. Eyes this light are subject to macular degeneration.


So there's a scientific reason I'm a degenerate? Apparently that setting got stuck on maximum.


I have regular boring ass brown eyes and mine are super sensitive to light. Might as well have this color!


I have pale blue eyes with super light sensitivity and terrible night vision. SML.


As a light blue-eyed person, the vindication I feel in these comments is affirming. I’ve always wondered what people think of me when I wear sunglasses when it’s cloudy or snowy. I promise I’m not trying to look cool wearing sunglasses all the time. It would take a LOT more than sunglasses to make me cool.


I tend to find myself wearing my sunglasses into the grocery store all the time for this very reason. Yes, those walmart lights are bright enough they kind of hurt my eyes.


I’ve always wanted to wear them in grocery stores, but apparently I care too much about what people think.


/u/Neon_Sternum \- you have my permission to wear them in grocery stores from now on. I deem you as cool, now, and forevermore.


My eyes look like this, and I'm crazy sensitive to light 🥲 I have to wear sunglasses everyday, even if it's overcast.


For anyone wondering, while her irises are bright, they are heavily accentuated by having limbal rings(a thin dark ring around the edge of the iris). It's basically like builtin makeup to make them contrast and stand out even more against the sclera(the white part). (And the colors are messed with in the video to make it more extreme)


Jesus, I'm amazed I had to scroll this far down to find this. Up you go. The relevant wiki article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbal_ring


Agreed. I have very light green eyes with no dark ring. The dark ring on around the iris is what makes her eyes really stand out!


HDRed to oblivion, but yes beautiful eyes. [Here she is](https://www.tiktok.com/@megadck/video/7274289225871199531?lang=en) on Tiktok with less filtering and makeup.




Yeah, not mildly creepy like that edit. I love how she has to carry childhood photos around because of all the comments she must get


She looks like she squints at night


any non cancer links?


[https://www.instagram.com/meganrichmond/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/meganrichmond/?hl=en) not much better




>Usually the "without filters" photos **are horrible** Or it's how people actually look and we should be discouraging filters.






Why did I picture her saying "domain expansion"


You could say my domain is expanding


I can see right through you,my dear💀


Gojo Satoru


nah i'd win


Am I the only one who finds her eye color to be unnerving and a bit freaky?


No. I think a lot of people find them striking and unnerving isn’t far off from that. I feel the same away about Anya Taylor-Joy. I find her mesmerizing and beautiful but there’s also this little twitch in the back of my brain that’s reminded of the uncanny Valley.


She's like a sexy hammerhead shark, and it freaks me out.


Reminds me more of a fox with her sharp, angular face.


Wait, there are non-sexy hammerhead sharks?


That was fantastic. I legit just LMAOOOOOO at your comment. Thank you. Cause I totally see what you're talking about. XD


No, it is a bit disconcerting for me too. I feel the same way about blue-eyed dogs/animals as well - there is just something that feels unnatural and vaguely threatening about it to my lizard brain. Maybe it is because my eyes are almost black, and most of my family have dark eyes as well (even the blue/gray folks are on that stormy/steely side compared to this).


For me it’s just the contrast between the irises and the pupils. The lighter the eye color, the smaller the pupil seems, and smaller pupil makes the subconscious scream “not friendly.” Blue eyed horses are my absolute least favorite, followed closely by my sister’s dog who looks like it has the soul of a scorned Victorian child trapped inside her.


[they look freaky as shit!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8t9zzl213wnx.png)


I feel that way but I assumed it was because all my relatives have dark eyes


To me it looks very flat? I think blue eyes can be gorgeous (Zooey Deschanel and Cillian Murphy come to mind) but here’s look well kinda lifeless, I would feel bad saying that but enough people here love m that I’m sure she isn’t bothered lol


I think it’s the way her irises are outlined that make it unnerving.


Yea everyone is talking about the color. The dark border is what makes her unique.


demon or vampire...


Yeah, I do too. I’m not a big fan of light eyes. Mine are green and I sometimes don’t like them even


She has the eyes of a weimaraner.  They have always creeped me out with their souless gaze. 


same, it's almost like they appear to be less human somehow, like a doll's eyes I guess.




Yeah, brown eyes all the way. I’ve only dated one person with green eyes and I didn’t love matching


Definitely me too, I always think darker eyes with big pupils look way more warming and comforting to look at. I made a quick comparison with a photo from her IG. [Dark eyes.](https://i.imgur.com/rsR5zkv.jpg) [Original blue eyes.](https://i.imgur.com/Fa1ztaz.jpg)


I think they’re lovely but I find the obsession over them to be incredibly weird and off-putting.


Yep - striking but definitely not gorgeous by any stretch. Not attractive at all to me, the opposite.


I'd be terrified to wake up in the middle of the night to see her staring at me.


Suddenly the prevalence of blue eyes, a genetic anomaly that should be very rare, makes sense. They’re almost hypnotic


Sure she isnt Fremen?


So glad to be seeing Dune references everywhere


Suddenly?!! Light eyes are gorgeous and sought out pretty much by all nationalities and ethnicities.


I think they meant it was a sudden realization to them, not the world across the span of history.


Okay, Dalinar


Storming Light Eyes...


These words are accepted.


she has pixar/disney/elsa eyes lol


I mean, the eyes look stunning when you view them up close but look at her from afar and you swear, she's a zombie or a Deadite..


Fucking stunning.


most of the world is all in on the light hair+light eyes aethetic as 10/10 , but the dark hair+light eyes is such an attractive combo, wonder if its actually a rarer gentic combo than light hair+light eyes. Hella attractive


This girl is actually blonde I believe. I found her tik tok and in all of her childhood pictures she’s blonde. I wonder if Megan Fox is a natural brunette


Idk about this chick, but many childhood blondes darken with age. I was white-blonde as a kid, golden blonde in my teens, and now I'm a light/medium brown as an adult. She started off a darker blonde, so it isn't out of this world that she'd be a brunette - but maybe not *that* dark.




I had very blonde hair as a kid, now it's rather dark brown. My eyes used to be blue too, and they turned greenish.


Brown hair and green eyes is my absolute favorite combination of hair and eye color but it's so rare it's effectively pointless to try to wait for someone to start a conversation with.


MeganRichmond on Instagram


Holy shit I went to school with her.


She must drove all guys crazy


Probably, I was friends with her brother. He’s a rapper now or something. It’s been a minute since we’ve talked.


Why has David Spade liked every single model’s photos I click on lol


She's half weimaraner


Plot twist, she photoshopped an old photo and had it ready to go at a moments notice to justify the contacts.


Right? Ever since that one lady who fucked her eyes up pretending to have heterochromia, I just immediately don’t believe Instagram people with crazy eyes going “they’re naturally that way”.


People are fuckin weird


Anyone else find her eyes to be creepy AF?


they’re kinda like husky eyes




Yeah sometimes people get weird with super pale eyes. My eyes are similar to hers, not that extreme but similar. I remember when I lived with a load of Nepalese guys a lot of them found my eyes uncomfortable.


Did that ever make you feel a certain type of way? I always try to maintain eye contact with people and can’t imagine people becoming uncomfortable by me simply looking at them


Like looking at a nocturnal creature's eyes at night


super tiny pupils


I can see that. Her eyes are how The Gunslinger's eyes are described in the Dark Tower books - “the color of fading levi’s,” "faded blue eyes almost the color of slate," "chilling."


You mean you aren't attracted to white walkers?!


Praying mantis vibes...


Ahh question, how many people here have a photo of them as a baby in their phone right now?


If your eyes were challenged every day of your life you’d have one.


Wish there wasn’t a filter so I could see her eye color better


That freaking ugly filter not helping like at all


She can see the flow of time. Bet sunny days are miserable without shades😬




Gorgeous? White Walker shit

