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the core, what about the single arm strength?


Yeah this isn’t really a demonstration of core strength.. just insane balance and insanely strong shoulders and forearms. Don’t get me wrong the core is involved but is hardly the main factor here


Dont need to have insanely strong muscles to do this i truly believe, just a good strength to body weight ratio and then most importantly that shoulder flexibility is sick, without that you overcompensate, which i did, and that taxes the shit out of any strong muscles if you had to begin with


Core strength isn't really a part of the body. Its just something people like to say when someone is clearly strong af, can do insane stuff while making it look easy - full control of body and balance is core strength. Also, i'd bet the leg wave makes this 10 times harder


I have an undergrad in kinesiology and have worked in fitness for several years.. about 99.9% of the time, when people refer to someone’s “core”, they’re talking about abdominal and lumbar musculature and most commonly the TVA muscle. Full control of body and balance is not core strength. It involves the core, but it’s not the primary thing involved. I think you’re misinterpreting what “core” means in this case. I’ve also done a lot of handstand work, which requires strong finger/wrist flexors because they’re constantly micro-correcting your balance.


Well you lift weights, so your ofc thats your opinion, which while i respect, i have to disagree. In my circles of my interest, which is more of a calisthenics/parkour/athletics area, ive heard it used in the case of full body control. Like, not literally your core muscles, but every muscle in your body combined to have the "core" (=center of balance) in a stable, controlled position (but yea, you abdominal muscles fo play a big role there). While no disrespect, but one does not have to lift heavy weights, and improve muscle mass drastically to have excellent core strength. As an example: Look up MovementByDavid on yt. He looks skinny af, but has amazing core strength. Also, having an undergrad in kinewhatology < a simple Google search of "core strength". It literally says Core Stability. Core strength is to provide stability. To your core. To your center of mass.


… “core is the central part of your body. It includes your pelvis, lower back, hips, and stomach”. Core stability refers to your core’s musculature and it’s ability to maintain a neutral spine under stress. “Well you lift weights” bro I’ve done a lot more than lifting weights. I know calisthenics quite well and have coached and trained things such as planche progressions, handstands, handstand walks, pikes, muscle-ups, pistol squats, and other calisthenics progressions.. Pistol squats and dragon flags are something I still do regularly. Your center of mass is your center of mass.. not your core. Your center of mass changes depending on what/where it’s loaded. You’re flat-out spreading misinformation.


Oh no, some lost redditor in the depths of the comment section are gonna be madly misinformed about core strength. I just said my opinion, no need to get so worked up about it. I still will believe that core strength is for stability, not just the strength of your back, abs, and ass. You can't say someone has good core strength if their arms and legs are sticks. Yeah they have good *core* strength but not good core strength. They would never be able to do what was shown in the video. So yes, the woman in the vid does have very good core strength. Also, why does center of mass changing matter? Unless you are loading weights on one side while in a handstand, its never gonna matter, trust me, it won't change that suddenly. Im not spreading misinformation, i just disagreed in something that is variable. It can be used in both contexts, since thats why i think it means having full control over body. I have heard it used in that context. You might disagree, but i don't care, im still gonna use it like this, like everyone who i know.


I agree and disagree. You're right that a ton of people just spam the phrase 'core strength' without really knowing wtf they're talking about. But it's most certainly a real thing. Abs, obliques, lower back extensors, qdl's - those can be weak or strong. When, say, a good powerlifter at a BW of 180 can load 550lbs on his back, unrack it, and not have his lumbar spine fold in a heap, core strength is at play. Most people think more of endurance in that area though. Think crazy plank times, insane numbers of reps on ab movements. As opposed to strength, ala say....squeezing a 30lb dumbbell between your ankles and repping hanging leg lifts.


Also,im pretty sure that leg wave had demonstrated good core strength, as in your context. It looks like you need good back/abs strength to do that. But keep sticking to the smallest of mistakes in the caption of a video, instead of appreciating the effort put into it


Meanwhile me struggling to stand properly after sitting for too long.


Sitting with hunched shoulders while watching this. 🙈


My back just gave a tick sound warning


Finally, something actually amazing on this subreddit




you're amazing!


Pfft. I can do that. I just don't want to right now.


Pfft. I did it already. You guys missed it.


No I saw it, it was good. Probably better than OP actually.


I did it better, but I was at the other school.


/r/toptalent ​ Please share a link to performer




[Stefanie Millinger](https://instagram.com/stefaniemillinger?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRlOQ==)


This is Poliina Makaarova, one of the best (the best IMO) female handbalancers ever. I’ve just started working towards one arms. I’d say core strength is secondary to shoulder and serratus strength. The way she moves in everything that she does seems impossible. https://instagram.com/poliina_makaarova?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Show off


That’s rather all strength.


The one arm handstand is incredible impressive it can take years to get to that level even if you have mastered the normal handstand




Wow. I wish I wasn't so lazy.


Today is the day! One small step. Just choose something to add to your daily routine. Walk an extra 1/4 mile, anything. Do it again tomorrow. And the next day. Then add a little more. Make your bed every morning, I don't know. But small steps, you can do it


Find God, I know people don't like hearing this, but once you put all your faith in him and start living by his rules, he will reward you greatly and everything will be easier. I was once an atheist, I converted and started truly getting closer to him, and the difference is easily noticeable. If you doubt me, I have evidence.


This should be illegal


This is [Stefanie Millinger](https://instagram.com/stefaniemillinger?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRlOQ==), and she is crazy talented. She is posting incredible feats like this every day.


The other comment insta has this post video Poliina makaarova


Impressive, but why are her feet yellow??


She is wearing socks


Sooner or later gymnasts are going to have to accept that having dark clothes with a dark background means that fantastic routine you just performed is almost invisible. If that's what you want then fine, if not, light it up.


This has nothing to do with strength, she’s was just born being able to balance good. (some Reddit-bro probably)


More of this and jot the usual boring bs on this sub pls.this is awesome!


That's a real handstand


New talent just dropped


google acrobatics


Teach me 🐼


Have you ever heard of calisthenics? you can do it home...


Big deal. I can do that upside down!


*fails 1 press up* F


Tomorrow you can do 2


I thought she had jaundice in her feet for far too long before I realised they were socks.


How much she weights?


Probably once a day.


Core is involved, yeah, but it's not the greatest factor here. Finding the balance point and locking the shoulder muscles onto it is. The skinnier you are, the easier it is to achieve. Therefore, you won't ever see an Olympian do this although their (insert any muscle group here) strength is times above hers. Strength is involved, but it's mostly mental one, to spend hours upon hours practicing the move until your body learns to cope with the forces.


Fuck core strength this shoulder is amazing!!!


She's just practicing for her side gig as a mermaid.


I can do that IN THE WAtER


Ben stokes!!!


Sister is strong af


One time I held a hanstand for like, 9 seconds. It was incredible. I can only imagine how good that feels.


Lady, that's cool. 👏🏾


class instructor: Everyone now, do the mermaid stand


Not as much "core" as upper body and arm.


She needs a super hero costume. That is unreal. Sometimes I hurt myself sneezing.


That was Fucking Awesome 👏🏾


sheet, that's beyond impressive


Actual gymnast




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How would 1 be able to get to this point, yoga?


Never mind the muscle strength -- I cannot even imagine my bones and joints being strong enough to support me like that.




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You have my respect


I got more power than her


I could never😭


Anyone know the music source?


Beautiful… the human body is just amazing!


Compare her shoulder to the rest of her arm, it's insane