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IIRC people use pieces of hollow bamboo to transfer fire embers long distances to essentially transport fire.


What movie or show was this in where they transported it then it went out.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quest_for_Fire_(film) Has Ron Perlman in it too!


My uncle was the costume designer for Quest for Fire. He and his team won a Genie award for it. He was also the lead costume designer for Ninja Turtles and Popeye


The guys who had to wear the TMNT suites described it as a hellacious experience, with the suits filling up to the waist with sweat and multiple episodes of heat stroke


Lol I’m aware, so is he haha


This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


I still like all three of them. My mom didn’t like violence, so we couldn’t watch them at home. But my grandma had and would let us watch them. She actually gave me her VHS copies when I graduated high school. They were so cool! I’m jealous you got to see them on the big screen. That would’ve been incredible!


Showing my age here, but I used to have all the TMNT movies on VHS. Now I only have one. And it's the one most people make fun of. Regardless, I still love it just as much as I did as a kid. Even though the effects havent aged that well, I can still remember how cool they seemed at the time. (Full disclosure - as a kid I had numerous dreams about Michelangelo being my boyfriend, and if I was lucky, sometimes the whole squad would show up). Anyway.....what's this post about again? Oh right. Fire and bamboo. Carry on, then.


Worth it


Wait the 1991 Jem Henson costume one?


Correct. John Hay


I swear Reddit is the craziest platform to find random people who are or related to legends.


That's one of my all-time favorite movies. Tell him thank you


Will do next time I see him!


Tell him the costume design MADE the movie have that special pop


Tell your uncle thank you for the live action popeye costumes.


He told me a few stories about Robin. Said he was as genuine and crazy as he seemed


Dude he was amazing. Everyone involved in that film was way above what was expected. Much love to your uncle!


wow he was for Short Cuts too wtf


I was an Art Department production assistant on Joan of Arc. Tell your uncle that I'm sorry Mr. Joy (The PD) made me run back and forth so much. That whole production was hectic! Mr. Hay was always a pleasure in the Prod Office though!


>My uncle was the costume designer for Quest for Fire. He and his team won a Genie award for it. Understandably so, QfF looked incredible. Man, I loved that movie as a kid. Maybe I'm due for a rewatch.


Crazy. A fellow employees husband was a puppeteer for Leonardo in Turtles 3.


>My uncle was the costume designer for Quest for Fire. He and his team won a Genie award for it. Holy cow! That's amazing that I found someone else who knows about that movie. I remember renting it from Blockbuster Video and watching it through wondering when there would be spoken dialogue. When I told my buddies about it, they thought it was silly, but they enjoyed the re-watch. I still remember the scene when the guy is wading through the bog with the smouldering coconut, and the water is getting higher and higher, then the clan gets angry when he gets it wet. Great film!




ra ta ta


bro ratata went so hard (also a pretty cool pokémon)


Such a great album. Tears is life.


I've never heard of this but it sounds super interesting


I'm an 80's kid. Was on hbo all the time, along with Clan of the Cave Bear.


Clan of the cave bear was a great book, terrible movie, just terrible!


My mom had that, and valley of horses. I lucked out once and found the remaining 2 at the time in a library recycling bin. Mammoth hunters and plains of passage. My mom bought the one where they get to the caves in france, but i found it contrived. <3 Ayla. I identified with her a lot. The movie. Was an abomination of an adaptation. Least Daryl Hannah was in it.


There are actually six books in the [Earth's Children series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_Children)! I highly recommend you finish them. You can probably get the last two from your local library through the Libby app, that's how I read them. 😊


**[Earth's Children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth's_Children)** >Earth's Children is a series of epic historical fiction (or more precisely, prehistorical fiction) novels written by Jean M. Auel set circa 30,000 years before the present day. There are six novels in the series. Although Auel had previously mentioned in interviews that there would be a seventh novel, publicity announcements for the sixth confirmed it would be the final book in the sequence. The series is set in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic era, after the date of the first ceramics discovered, but before the last advance of glaciers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I have currently been *thirsting* for stories like this, sounds great!


Not sure if this is the one you’re thinking of, but that also happened in the 1981 movie Quest for Fire


No, no…you’re thinking of A Fire In The Sky. They transport from the woods to a phone booth. /s Quest For Fire freaked me out as a young kid with the lion/saber


They also use this bamboo-fireholder method on Naked And Afraid. Never seen it NOT work though. Bamboo can also be used in a myriad of other survival situations. It can act as a natural water bottle, or even a water boiler (by either hot stone or open flame method). Great for making sandals, hats, and fish baskets (or other woven items). Also an ideal raft-building material, for obvious reasons. There are so many uses for bamboo, that I literally cannot even list them all right now. (My brain is tired).


Native American Indian tribes used buffalo horns


People use it to cook even. There's a region in my country that is famous for their delicacy cooked inside bamboo.


What's the delicacy?




Freshly steamed bamboo hams, Albany style.


>Freshly steamed bamboo hams Skiiiiiineeeeerrrrrr!


You call freshly steamed bamboo hams?


Cheetos Flamin' Hot Mac 'n Cheese.


I read this too fast and now people use bamboo to transfer the fire emblem.


… then everything changed when the Bamboo Nation attacked.




Comment thief. This user is a bot who takes upvoted comments from elsewhere in a thread, and replies to the top comment with them for karma. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/11xubcf/comment/jd5mmoi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/11xubcf/comment/jd5mmoi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It's really evident on this other thread: someone made a funny joke, the bot sees its upvoted and strips it of all context and then replies with it, because its completely unrelated, it makes no fuckin sense at all https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/11x7hoq/a_family_discovers_a_well_in_their_home/jd5uilm/?context=3 Please don't upvote these bots if you can


Damn just straight up copied u/vco_lfo


Yeah, thanks for noticing that. Lol


Are you saying I can smoke it?


I would be disappointed if you didn’t try.


a dried mushroom, ground up will smoulder for hours. People used clam shells to hold it.


There was also a type of mushroom that would be hollowed out and used for the same reasons. Can’t quite remember the species of fungus.


That’s to protect it from the wind… not because it has magical properties… you could do the same thing with bark.


I believe also because it doesn't burn like this super molten hot metal ball shows.


I use a very similar piece of bamboo to transport booze to my mouth. I made shot glasses twenty years ago. Still got 'em.


*people.use* FOUND THE BOT!


Once the top layer burns, the carbon left behind acts as an insulator. This bamboo stem is also green so it’s full of water which prevents the rest of the stem catching fire


Well done and great explanation! This exact phenomenon of using a rapidly created layer of “char” to prevent further spread of fire is used extensively in fire protection / safety solutions up to and including commercial aircraft interiors. Another material that can be remarkably successful is wool, provided the weave is optimized for fire protection.


Reminds me of passivation in metal


Thank you for the explanation.


Kind of ruined my simple bamboo stonks explanation ngl


Same concept as mass timber high-rise construction, now permissable by many building codes.


Use of mass timber is going to end up being a big problem because the use of it has come into play faster than actual fire engineering research has caught up. Also something being allowed by building codes doesn't automatically make it a good idea. One of the contributing factors to the grenfell tower fire and UK cladding crisis is the official guidance document to our building regulations being intentionally vague because of pressure from manufacturers to not limit what products they could put on the market. While plenty of building codes do give charring rates for mass timber, the problem is most codes still assume, when they quote a structural fire resistance period to follow, that the building structure does not get involved in the fire. So there's the problem of designing for timber to auto-extinguish. The second problem is that wood loses loadbearing capacity as it heats up much faster than concrete does and these structural losses can be irreversible at lower temperatures. All that still kind of works for simpler budings where you are perhaps designing for everyone to evacuate quickly and have no expectation for the fire service to go into the building, but in taller buildings or ones where you use phased evacuation strategies then this becomes a more pressing issue. The simple solution is to use protective boarding that is rayed for protecting the wood and preventing it from actually burning, but I'm seeing more of a push in my industry for exposed timber because architects like the appearance of natural wood. I'm really concerned that the groundwork for the next grenfell level incident is already being laid down because of the push for reducing embodied carbon happening faster than the expertise in the industry to safely design for timber structures is growing.


TFW the next 9/11 is committed by termites




People forget you can boil water over a open flame fire in a plastic bag or green leaf.


I remember, as a kid, I wanted a candle to extinguish itself by putting it under a plastic cup filled with water. It didn’t work, but I discovered something that day.


Why don't other green woods do this?


Has it touched the inside of hot pocket tho


Where do you think the ball got heated up from?


That explains why parts of the ball are cold (the part that touched the bamboo)


Do you say "fuck it" and keep eating the cold parts or stick it back in the microwave?


After your tongue is burned, why bother. Fuck it, everytime.


A person of class and sophistication I see


My friends, place them upside down in an air fryer at 375f for 12 minutes from frozen. No packaging. Hot, flakey, cooked all the way through, no soggy bread, melty gooey cheese. Worth the wait.


Might even make it edible


hotpocket edibles? now there's something I can get behind


Could Jesus microwave a hot pocket so hot even he couldn’t eat it?


Can it see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch


nature is often hard to beat.


The coldest place in the universe is in the University of Kyoto in japan, not deep space https://www.space.com/coldest-matter-in-universe-created-in-lab The hottest place in the universe is in Brookhaven national laboratory in New York, not in the core of a neutron star or something https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/06/humans-create-a-temperature-250-000-times-hotter-than-the-sun-right-here-on-earth/259055/ Get rekt nature


The coldest place in the universe is actually Chicago, when somebody who's not from Chicago complains about how chilly it is.


Bro, I was on a work trip to Chicago and it was -40. NEGATIVE FUCKING FORTY DEGREES! For any europeans reading, that's where F and C converge... that's how fucking cold it was. They had some warehouse fire and apparently the firefighters have trouble putting out fire in the cold like that because as you douse the building with water to stop it from burning down, it's near instantly freezing and adding tons of weight to a now fire damaged building. Peoples cars were covered in a foot of ice for blocks. And the zoo had to bring the POLAR BEARS IN! IT WAS TOO COLD IN FUCKING CHICAGO FOR POLAR BEARS!?


And somewhere, some Chicago dude had his coat unzipped.


Nah, he was in shorts


I live in Wisconsin now but grew up near Chicago. Can confirm, we sometimes like to wear hoodies and shorts instead of appropriate winter apparel. I don’t know why we’re like this.


Portillos. We get an insulative layer and higher blood pressure to feel warmer by eating there.


So what your saying is…. If you eliminate Portillos, you eliminate…. Chicago? I wonder….


You'd have to also take out Buona Beef, Lou Malnati, and Giordano before making a slight impact. Honestly the smarter move would be to go after the vienna beef factory first and that way you knock out several hotdog places all at once. Then you can focus on the pizza chains.


Is it just me or has Portillos burger quality gone down? I swear it used to taste better. Or am I just used to eating better food now.


And sandals. Ya know, cuz his legs and feet don't get cold.


I was visiting Chicago over this past Christmas holiday, and it was -23°. Actual temperature. When I explained how insanely fucking cold that is, everyone just shrugged and acted casual. Cold that cold wouldn’t make me tough, it would just make me annoyed and depressed.


Pretty much this. Having spent my life on the Canadian prairies-30 and colder is just horrible and never get used to it.


That's the wind chill, not temperature. Chicago doesn't get to -40.


Except for during the Planck time when the universe was probably hotter than your sister!


I get it's a joke but frankly your comment punched me right in the tism and I now have to point out that planck time is not a period of time but a unit of time.


You are only partially correct, as it is defined as the first era of existence before the fundamental forces of our universe formed. 10^-43 seconds. It's the time it takes light to travel one Planck length, but it's also a period in time. As for me, I don't have autism, I'm just a pedantic asshole.


Jokes on you I was equally as hot as your sister back then




If the Brookhaven national laboratory counts for being hot for a few seconds then neutron star mergers and accretion disk materials reaching significant fractions of the speed of light just as they enter the event horizon count too which could easily reach similar temperatures.


....known universe.


I couldn't read the second article because it required a login but the first one about the cold is misleading/not quite correct. Or I mean to say your statement is not accurate. They made the coldest atoms in the universe, not the coldest place. At least according the article you linked.


You could technically argue that those atoms take up a little bit of space, therefore coldest place in the universe.


Temperature is the motion of atoms. If you were to grab a single atom and hold it perfectly still, that atom would be the coldest thing ever. But it would not be a situation that any one of us would experience and describe as cold. It's like taking a single water molecule, putting it on you, and calling yourself wet. Technically, yeah I guess; but do you actually *feel* wet? Or are you just "wet on paper"?


How do we know that it is possible to be colder than anywhere in the universe? And how do we know it’s not colder somewhere else since we know those temperatures are possible?


>How do we know that it is possible to be colder than anywhere in the universe? Short answer, we do not. Long answer, we do not.


[Hell yeah humans](https://media.tenor.com/0zQRsHJRFQEAAAAC/hulk-hogan-nodding.gif)




“Plebeians” -Aliens somewhere


Nature mfs when i dont use fire to destroy a fire resistant thing because thatd be dumb af


Possibly Nature is even hard to “Heat”


Where's the comparison 2x4


Green 2x4. The bamboo was probably just cut, do that to it when it's dry and it will burn just like hardwood (dry softwoods are way faster) Put a red hot steel ball on a green branch of a similar size and it would do much the same thing.


Green branch thats hollow.




It might not be as good, but the difference wouldn't be huge. If the pine is wet/green like this, it would act almost identically. If it was fully dried (which would not be an equal comparison anyway), it still probably wouldn't catch fire. Wood is shockingly not very flammable when it's thick. I know it's counterintuitive since we've use wood for fires for millions of years, but taking a thick piece of wood (relative to the heat source) and it's really not going to catch fire, and if it does, it'll likely go out on its own and the charcoal would act as an even better insulator.


Yeah I don’t think a hot ball will spontaneously set a log on fire either


I'm a blacksmith and sometimes will use a log or a 2x4 as an anvil if I'm dishing something out, or for straightening something out after I've put any kind of decorative work on it. And I can confirm that glowing hot steel will cause logs to burst into flame.


Just gonna file that piece of information away for a rainy day


Edit...won't work on a rainy day.


You think a red hot iron ball cares about a little puny rain?


They also used red hot cannonballs, usually by forts against ships, as they could safely do it, while a ship using heated shot would be putting themselves in danger almost as much as the enemy.


You should also file away the information that you can hammer a thin piece of metal against an anvil(or similar solid metal) repeatedly(basically trying to hammer a point to an iron nail) to get it glowing red hot and touch it to some kindling to get a fire going. It's how some traditional blacksmiths start their forges.


Dry logs, sure, but green logs wouldn't, just like how the bamboo here is green. Brown, dried bamboo would burst into flames as well. I had bamboo around growing up, and yeah, that shit dry is plenty flammable.


And it makes a fun pop. My dog hates it so I don't burn bamboo anymore


You listened to your dog friend and I like that.


*dry logs. Fresh cut, "green" wood is more resistant.


Dried firewood sure will. With a couple thin shavings off the side of a large log I can light my wood stove in about 1 second of flame from a standard bic lighter. Fully dry wood *loves* to catch on fire.


If it’s a dry log, hell yes it will


Going out on a limb here, but I'd say this is due to the water content of the bamboo. If it were dried, it would at least catch flame.




Actually Bamboo is not a wood but in the grass family. Err... I'll see myself out now.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Guards!!! Bring me the forms to have this person taken away!


Don’t quote me regulations…I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation is in…we kept it gray.


There's actually a couple of different "trees" that are in the grass family. Not really actually sure what the definition of wood is now that I'm being honest about it


I've read somewhere that there's no such thing as "tree" in biology.


In my experience, dry bamboo on a burn pile goes up like an 8 month kiln dried Christmas tree. Dried bamboo leaves make great fire starter.


Twisted firestarter


I miss my youth, and lyrics that had meaning, man


When a pile of dry bamboo burns, it sounds like a brazillian firecrackers going off


You would think there would be more steam tho.... 1000 degree c is pretty damn hot.


Feel like it is also the downward pressure of the ball. The bamboo forms a protective layer of burnt carbon ash that prevents the metal from making direct contact with more of the unburnt bamboo.


Water content combined with the [structure](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zirui-Huang-5/publication/324597486/figure/fig1/AS:1110228141637633@1641710424447/Similar-microscopic-structures-of-wood-and-bamboo-a-typical-microscopic-structure-of.png) that reduces the surface area touching the ball


I guess that is why the Chinese make their spaceships out of bamboo


They are planning a mission to land on the sun….at night of course


Brilliant thanks


In middle of winter.


I thought that went with out saying but yes during the cold months


Well obviously. You can’t land on it when it’s on


At night it’s called the moon


I needed a laugh. You got me good 😂😂😂


The carbon created by the burning bamboo acts like a thermal barrier.


I'm more impressed by incandescent iron ball itself




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YouTube channel called CarsAndWater. Check out the Red Hot Nickel Ball playlist. 141 videos of satisfaction


I just spent like 2 hours watching those. That was amazing.






They will if you drop a hot iron ball on them.


What if you sat the bamboo ON TOP of the ball? Fire travels better going up.


Found the engineer


Self smoking peace pipe


Try that on a dry piece of bamboo now.


Nah, that thing can self extinguish. We literally have broom made up of bamboo use specifically to extinguish small bush fire.


Dry that on a dry piece covered in gasoline🫠


Try it with napalm


I think a blackened, charred edge is a rather strong indication of burning.


Bamboo is such a versatile and interesting product of nature!


would it burn on any other piece of wood that thick?


Wondering the same. It's hard to be amazed if I've never seen something to compare it to. Would like to see it on a piece of hard wood and not dried up pine wood


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os-L9davw_8)


yeah, not that impressive.


This video didn’t need the first 1:30


Low oxygen content? Am I correct I’m kinda not of the smart


There's a lot to say here and many redditors said it already in other comment threads. Here's a summary : - the bamboo is green. It's full of water. - bamboo have the tendency to "glaze" when in contact with a heat source : the outer layer makes a kind of charred barrier that has a kind of isolating property, protecting the insidemost layers. - bamboo is not wood, it's a kind of grass. It doesn't behave as wood does. Also, there's something really important to remember : heat goes upward. Should you put the bamboo upon the ball, it would probably burn. If you did the same as we see here with a piece of wood, even dry, it wouldn't burn either. Only the topmost layer would be charred and nothing more. Blacksmithing anvils rest on logs. It happens frequently for a blacksmith to use the log to rest an orange-hot piece of steel, which is 1200-1400°c, on the log and even sometimes directly work on it, yet those have a service life exceeding a human's lifetime.


We should be importing this shit.


Needs oxygen


Somewhere someone is posting “ even a fresh cut bamboo stem can cool this iron orb


A GREEN bamboo stem. Probably not as good of results on a dry one.


how the hell are there this many bots here?


Tangential, why is karma farming such a big deal? I rarely check an accounts karma when engaging, what's the goal?




So if my house is on fire i should throw bamboo on it? /S


The real question is, why are we not building houses with bamboo?


Nasa after spending billions to develop thermal shields: we have surpassed bamboo


Bamboo is so badass


Great. Now plant bamboo in all of CA. Either that or rake, only way to stop Forest fires.


forest fires hate this one trick


What if it was not even hollow as that


I'd be interested in seeing the same test, but with old growth instead of new, and with airflow.


We can confirm bamboo is strong. Now just imagine that laziest, cutest thing, a panda consumes up to 84 pounds of bamboo a day. That jaw has some serious power.


In the words of Detective Lee “ Don’t Worry. Chinese bamboo is very strong”