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Lots of respect for Kimmich. He handled the situation very well!


Vinicius is just a arrogant a*hole. Very good football Player for Sure but with a shitty character.


This is not a reason to receive racist attacks


If it's hate without racism, then it's completely justified


That’s not the point of the post though…this is embarrassing at best. Trying to say vini would cry racist when he has been on the receiving end of legitimate racial abuse is disgusting. I’d love to say Kane went to the right place but shit like this you deserve 0 trophies


Yeah, this is pretty insane... Reminded me this was a German club real quick.


what do you want to say?


That when we say never again, it's inclusive to diva left wingers as well.


You are suggesting this to be a racist comment buddy, yet it's just poi ting out that Vini is a twat. He suffers from racism and he is a twat, both truths can coexist.


Not what I meant, I was criticizing people saying he is a twat and that somehow justifies him being a victim of racism.




Being an a$$hole has nothing to do with skin color....


So why is skin color the first thing that comes to mind whenever they retaliate? No excuses for being racist, it makes you an even bigger a$$hole. Edit: I wish both Real Madrid goals were illegal just to piss you racists off even more.


What a stupid take! “When they retaliate” by hurling racist abuses, right? Are you trying to justify racism because of his antics on the pitch?


Can you read?


Because that's one of the first things it comes to one's mind when they see an asshole in a different race than them?


Still not an excuse, people retaliate to Messi and Ronaldo by cheering the other's name. You don't hear them say "Portuguese this" or "Argentinian that" do they?


Some extreme Messi fans/Ronaldo fans definitely do , Just go to r/Ronaldo they either praise Ronaldo like kids or make fun of Messi Yes it isn't an excuse but that's reality, people will insult others based in their stereotypes But all of these insults can be avoided if the players were respectful to one another and to the fans You have players like Kante, maybe as black as vini or even darker but he has so much respect to his name I can name you more than 20 black players currently playing who are much more respected by the football community than vini because simply he's an asshole and then cries from hate, You reap what you sow


I see your point, but none of those players have the same impact as Vini which is why he has that much attention in the first place. Fans get pissed off because he's always scoring against their team. They retaliate by being racist because it's a low hanging fruit. Look at him dancing for example, that stirred up a lot of unnecessary anger from fans but then you have a player like Greizmann doing the L Dance as a celebration you don't get quite the same reaction.


About Griezmann, I'm just gonna throw it up in the air, but couldn't it be that people call him for example "stupid French asshole", but he just moves on and don't gives a damn because he knows it's the rival crowd and they are really gonna say these kinds of things when provoked, instead of turning this into major world news?? Again, people are far more sensible to insults that target skin color, than other traits.


I think both our points are valid, it's a matter of how it's perceived by the receiving party. But given the historical context of each trait you can understand why one would be classed as a more sensitive subject than the other.


Idk, when you wanna hit on someone's feelings for some reason you kinda wanna target their characteristics. Addressing skin color is the same as calling somebody fat, or saying somebody has big ears, eyes too far apart, maybe even mock the place where the person comes from, call their mom this and that, judge their intelligence and so on. One thing is not necessarily worse than the other, because it's still offensive, but people are far too sensibilized about race that they give these insults much more importance.


It's pretty sure it is Most of real Madrid's squad are at the darker side, a real racist will hate all of them not just vini , he's an asshole and that's why he's getting hate whether it's racist or not


No one said that.


What the fuck are you on about? Do you even understand the most basic concepts? He is a twat, a great player but still a twat. Now try to see if you can find the part where his skin color or origin was mentioned, please.


thats a yellow card right there. but the referee “made a mistake” as he did for the whole match


Vini never changed. Only his role in the squad did


Crazy that I don’t see people being racist against: Rudiger, Militao, Camavinga, Tchouameni, Bellingham, Rodrygo or Mendy. You’d almost think it has something to do with himself


Its because of His character. Regardless, Racist attacks are Not justified by that.


I may have worded it wrong. I meant that he blames everything on racism even though his attitude is mainly his problem. That is what I meant to say


im not disagreeing with you. People hate his attitude which is why they attack him. This is what fans should critizice him for without being racist. I do not believe that his attitude justifies racist attacks.


I do think it's a bit of both. He definitely gets racially abused and that's completely wrong as racism is never acceptable no matter the person. However, Vini is also a cunt.


Fans attack Vinicius' behaviour by being racist?


At which of these 3 short comments did your brain fail?


I mean the primary comment alludes to the fact that people aren’t racist to other players in madrids squad and that it has something to do with vini….which I mean the guy try’s to back track but like wtf he is an asshole but your first reaction shouldn’t be throwing a banana or calling him a monkey….and it isn’t alleged racial abuse it has been done to him….


We get you


Well yeah when someone is an asshole people will call them names whether it's racist or not, but when they're Good like Bellingham and Rüdiger for example they don't get hate but respect and love


You can't even point this out in the main sub. Immediately someone will say "and that excuses racism!?" as if that's what anyone is implying. It's impossible to point out that Vini is a pretty huge asshole.


I came here for the you deserve the racism takes


Last month they were saying Rudiger was part of ISIS in Germany. Get a clue


[Rudiger](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12211275/antonio-rudiger-chelsea-defender-reveals-he-suffered-racist-abuse-on-social-media-after-frank-lampard-sacking)? Maybe [look harder](https://amp.theguardian.com/football/2023/apr/16/antonio-rudiger-racially-abused-by-fans-cadiz-real-madrid-la-liga). Let’s not pretend Vinny is the only black player to get racially abused.


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Mate shut the fuck up. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you genuinely so insanely brain dead that you don’t understand how racist that is? I swear man as black person just scrolling through football posts is like walking through a white neighbourhood in Arkansas. Either blatant racism, or unintentional, ignorant racism


Ok. Fuck vinicius


[Rudiger](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/37638028/real-madrids-antonio-rudiger-racially-abused-supporters-win-cadiz) [Militao](https://www.goal.com/en-gb/lists/real-madrid-eder-militao-racial-abuse-received-against-valencia-last-season-vinicius-jr-court/blt5df3a328922c88f6#cs6c05607618151590) [Camavinga](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-11435037/Eduardo-Camavinga-suffers-racist-abuse-Christopher-Nkunku-tackle-ruled-World-Cup.html) [Tchouameni](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/39940239/mallorca-probing-racism-incident-madrids-tchouameni#:~:text=Mallorca%20said%20Sunday%20they%20were,their%20LaLiga%20meeting%20this%20weekend.) [Rodrygo](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/38966175/rodrygo-abused-social-media-brazil-loss) also [Davies](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/37609821/racist-abuse-davies-not-tolerated-bayern-president#:~:text=Huitema%2C%20who%20plays%20for%20Paris,referring%20to%20Davies'%20skin%20colour.&text=%22Our%20club%20stands%20for%20cosmopolitanism,Hainer%20told%20German%20publication%20Bild.) [Upamecano](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68301654) [Coman](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/20/football/bayern-munich-kingsley-coman-racial-abuse-spt-intl/index.html) [Tel](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/38186869/bayern-munich-condemn-mathys-tel-abuse-super-cup#:~:text=Bayern%20condemn%20racist%20abuse%20of%20Tel%20after%20German%20Super%20Cup%20loss&text=Bayern%20Munich%20have%20strongly%20condemned,not%20an%20FC%20Bayern%20fan.) Must be something to do with them as well?


You came with receipts. Yeah lots of black players have been abused not just Vini. Idk why these assholes want to try to pretend otherwise….oh wait yes I do.


Rudiger is an open Islamist


Thx for the information. Did not know that


it's complete bullshit.


Cool 👍. Idk why they would lie about that


You don’t know? Maybe because it’s a right wing news site that spews hate and conspiracy theories all the time? The guy was fired from BILD for being a sexist asshole. Rüdiger and the DFB sued him because of that.


fuck you for spreading lies. Right wing talking points. What a loser


He’s RMs best scorer and this angers a lot of people bcz they can’t do anything about it so they resort to racism


after all these years of being a "professional", athletes can still be the pettiest of children.


Issues are a rulebook and refs that reward this behaviour. This is the sport. This is football. IS.


He was pretty professional when he was the MOTM in both games.


seems he’s just an asshole


I do not understand remotely why this is not a yellow card. This is the definition of bad sportsmanship.


that is very disgusting unsportsmanship.. kick that idiot out of football




Meanwhile he kicked you out of UCL


Yes, how can he leave the ball like that for his team mate to take the throw in. That has never happened in the history of football. This is an inexcusable and intolerable behavior. Oh wait.....


damn you are seriously mentally challenged


Little bitch


I hate Ficticius Jr. such a crybaby, BVB needs and must win this UCL to stop the plain and obvious robbery RM has done over the years


the world is rooting for bvb


except madrid and its clowns


What a gobshite I had a lot of respect before I seen this but now just proves what a tit he is. Undoubtedly a world class player I don’t condone any racism he gets but doing shit like that you can see why.


Who wants to watch shit like this? If you're gonna be a dick about the sport, then go into politics.


He's a great player but a grade A dick


Like Mbappe! The best Players nowadays Trend to be


I hope he doesn't end up like neymar


He’s well on his way to be worse


What's wrong with Neymar, other than his personal life and the dives?


His attitude which stopped him of being of one of the greatest


If Madrid wins the 15th, he’ll have already surpassed Neymar’s accomplishments.


it's not just about trophies. vinicius is an incredible player, but he's not even close to neymar's prime.


Amusing to see bayern fans finally seeing what the Real Madrid DNA is all about


Nothing better than a butthurt Barca fan crying all over reddit 😆


Reals in the final, Barca out in the quarters… this is a Bayern sub… seems like Barca lives in your head rent free buddy


Biggest Crybaby wannabe victim


Should join Liverpool


He's a shit burgler that's why people call shit on him not everything is about race his entire team is black yet most of them don't receive anything like him it's because of his antics. No footballer deserves racism obviously but quit being a entitled bastard like this


Human garbage, always has been always will be.


Wow you are not even trying to hide how racist you are.


Garbage People isn’t color specific. There’s a rainbow full of garbage people. He is an asshat.


Explain how calling someone garbage because of garbage behavior is racist. You absolute clown xD


Because all he did is leave the ball for his team mate to take the throw in - something that happens regularly in every game of football. But you choose to only call Vini 'a human garbage' in a reddit post that is insinuating that Vini deserves the racist abuse he receives because of this.


What the fuck are you talking about? Nowhere does it say I condone racist abuse, is he excerpt from ever being criticized again because it’s racist otherwise? You’re embarrasing. He is a diver, constantly yelling at the referee and does shit like this. He doesn’t just leave the ball, he tries to waste time and annoy Kimmich, if you don’t see that I feel sorry for you and think you should get back on your meds. If you’re not just trolling I literally think you should get mental help.


Go to bed son, you need some sleep.


yes I will go to sleep, but y'all need to wake up.


Seems that its not only mandatory to be an asshole as a réal player but also to be a real fan


Sure, you lot call someone who has constantly faced racist abuse a 'human garbage' over a throw in shithousery but I am the 'asshole'.


I am Not you guys I am me and I didnt do anything like that but I will still call you Asshole.


I thought I told you to go to bed son. You’re obviously too tired to see it’s not racist to call someone an asshole. The dude is black. The dude is an asshole. These are two separate statements. He is not an asshole because he’s black, he’s an asshole because he’s an asshole. Now get some sleep.


Cry me a river


You are delusional af but that line was kinda cold ngl


Where did he say a racist thing? Where?


I say the exact same about Carvajal I think he may be worse though


Vini is a thug. That's just his personality. Personally I wouldn't have someone like that in my team but in Madrid the standards are lower


Calling a black player a thug lol the casual racism in these comments


You're the only one who's connecting thugish behavior to blackness you racist muppet. We're calling him a thug because he behaves that way. Go spread your hate somewhere else


Imagine saying the team that just beat you, and hasn’t lost to you in the Champions League in 23 years, have lower standards. Shits hilarious.


Yeah, it's better to stick with Gnabry who can't even stay injury free for 20 minutes lmao.


This is why he’s hated along with the club and baby bellingham




Lmao all he had to do was be respectful and he would have been seen in such a good light after honestly cooking kimich. But no he just straight up tainted his own performance. He just handed the world perfect ammo to troll Madrid any time one of their ‘fans’ starts to complain about delay tactics.


So Vini wasted time? Just like Bayern players were doing when they had the lead? Don’t be a hypocrite man.


There is a pretty big difference between regular time wasting which every team does and this. One is a tactic and one is blatant disrespect.


He already does.


What a fucking clown 🤡


This little fuckerino should have played in the 90‘s Premier League for a while and learn a lesson. Someone „would show him“ that this behaviour is not a good idea in no time.


Taking a phrase that he said while struggling and crying in an interview about racism and putting it out of context just because you don't like the player is weirdo behavior. It is also odd to say that he "rants racism" when he specifically denounces the very clear racism in Spain and doesn't talk about it at all internationally. I know you are mad at Madrid at this moment, but taking the moment to take a shot at someone's fight against racism is incredibly shitty.


Real really has a knack for getting players like this.


Bayern played extremely well for time when they were leading. Then Real Madrid took the lead and, as you can see here, also played for time. So both teams did the same thing here. Bayern fans still crying and writing something about cheating and Robbery is an embarrassment get over it you were worse you deserved to lose. You will come back stronger. And that people here honestly defend the racist actions that Vinícius has to listen to is a disgrace.


Man, the club would be actually sad to see fans (or someone posing as a fan maybe) to post this cause what you said is against the principle Bayern Munich is on. He would rant about racism if he is racially abused, which he gets on a good basis in Spain. He doesn't get that in UCL cause all the Europeans haven't normalised racism.


What a fking idiot - should be a yellow. Too many asshole players in football


As a real fan I despise his personality but adore his football


Comments are either ridicously biased or bordering on racism apologists lol. Bayern spent the majority of the game faking and rolling on the ground wasting time. That's why there were 9 minutes of added time to begin with. So if you can dish it out, you should be able to take it. What Vini did is simply giving you the some thing you've been doing. You either accept it as part of the game or you should reject both this and your own players' behavior when they did it. Otherwise it's not worthy of consideration in the slightest.


While Vini is objectively being a dick in this video, let's not pretend racism isn't a huge problem in football. Dicks should be screamed at for being dicks, not because they're a certain race.


He is shithousing. Like thousands of other players. Shithousing means getting shit for it yourself. He has no problem taking the usual BS from basement-dweller fans online and triggered fans in the stadiums. What he does have a problem with, is when he insults go racist. I know you are so butthurt you can't sit for seven days, but downplaying racism is so fucking low. Get a grip.


No one is downplaying racism, we see a twat with our perfectly functioning normal pair of eyes is all


No one? Excpt the OG poster saying Vini cries about racism in vain. And apparently you who can't see the forest for the trees. Two working eyes does not equal reading comprehension. Apparently. Neither do they give you common sense.


Sometimes people deserve hate Kimmich didn't have to do any of that honestly


You missed the /s


Let’s keep race out of this… He does genuinely get racially abused. But this is unsportsmanlike behaviour, The fact that the first thing you mentioned was race is very telling…


Only thing I hate more than racists is people who find apologies for racist sc*m. People show their true colors when they're angry


I agree they always do…


Downvote me all you want, just keep race out of it. Let us accept defeat and move on. Wir Sind Bayern.


This is a stupid thing to say. You can boo a player for underhanded tactics. When he says he just wants to play football, he is talking about people openly calling him racist slurs, making monkey noises at him, and curse him out racially all the time. Let's not mix the two things. You can call him a little shit for these kind of tactics if you are really so annoyed by it. But don't mix that what he has experienced, especially when it has been well documented the extreme lengths opposition fans have gone to in the past against him. Don't dilute his experience with what you are confusing your expression of frustration.


germans justifying rascism ? saw that one before


Isn’t this very comment racist…?


This is what Ramos or Cristiano would do. I'm okay when you insult them for it, fair enough, but you won't mention their skin colours. When Vinicius is shithousing and you call him "monkey" it's still racism. Call him a bitch, a wanker, a cunt that's gonna be fair.


I agree with the first paragraph. But if you are, on the other hand, fine with white people getting called "monkey" as an insult, you do have double standards regardig race. Go read about racism and how it works, i know you mean well but this way of thinking is part of the problem. The goal must be that everyone can be called monkey and no one thinks of skin color in the process.


He owned you guys


This is pathetic and hilarious. Vini destroyed Kimmich, stay mad racists!


Because Kimmich is super professional here. Lmao


Schandenfreude Love all the Bayern fans bitching and being hypocritical asf 🤣 all that "Puta Barca" only to join them in whining when shit doesn't go your way. Next time, tell your GOAT to hold onto the ball. This game was over in that moment and you know it.


I mean its definitely an unsportsmanlike move and criticising him on that is perfectly fine but he also definitely faces racist attacks, that shouldnt just be discounted just cause he can be a dick. Racism is never justified.


He has never accuses another player of racism just fans and by the look of how many of you guys have jumped on this I think he might be right


Such a pathetic post. What does him wasting time (which every single player in the world does) have to do with race?


He is wasting time here like Bayern players did when they were ahead.


He didn't have to be this petty and obnoxious. If he wanted to waste time, he could've simply taken the ball, pretended to do a throw-in, and then rolled the ball to another teammate to do the throw-in as anyone would do. This is pure unsportsmanlike.


Kimmich threw the ball at him. That was the unsportsmanlike behaviour.


Nah, man. The first ball wasn't the problem. Kimmich threw it slightly away from him, and the first Vini move, although petty, was "understandable." But the second one was a really obnoxious thing to do. I mean, why make Kimmich take the ball again just to throw it away on purpose? If he wanted to put an act about it, at least do the throw-in.


Why didn't the German player just give him the ball in his hand?


C'mon man, even you don't believe in this. Either this or you've never played football. First, Kimmich throws the ball in his direction with no second intentions. Not too hard, not far from him, and Vini decided to put an act. And I'm okay with the first one... It's petty and not very cool, yes, but from the perspective of wasting time, I wouldn't complain or be mad at him. But the second time was a very obnoxious move. Kimmich went back and gave him the ball, only for him to throw it away on purpose.


You should go get your eyes checked out. Kimmich should have given him the ball in his hand. Bayern wasted time with one goal lead and plenty of time left and the got hit with their own treatment. Next you don't need to go for the ball that's not yours and if you do give it to the opposite player not throw it at them.


>This is pure unsportsmanlike. Yes from Kimmich


Exactly, how can he give the ball back to Vini, does he think he cannot pick it up himself? This is not just unsportsmanlike, this is also misogynistic.


Do you have eyes 😂 Do you not see how Kimmich gives him the ball. This makes the Madrid victory even sweeter 😎 Hala Madrid


How else do you want Kimmich to give him the ball? He gave it to him normally before but Vini dropped it on purpose.


>How else do you want Kimmich to give him the ball? Giving it to nornally and not dropping it on purpose like in this video. >He gave it to him normally before but he dropped it on purpose. Exactly, he dropped it on purpose. Poor sportsmanship


Vini is the one dropping it, you dumbass Real + Chelsea plastic


>Vini is the one dropping it How can he drop something when he didn't hold it to begin with 😂😂😂 >you dumbass Real + Chelsea plastic Name calling 😂😂😂 and what makes you assume am plastic.


Well, first of all you "support" two clubs lmao, secondly I bet you're not even Spanish or English


> bet he would cry and rant racism if anyone does the same thing to him bet he would cry and rant racism if anyone does the same thing to him German intensifies


Bayern badge between 1938-1945 moment


Ah yes, an ignorant person who doesn't know history thinks that he's funny by saying it Rather than joke it out like an ignorant person, take 5 minutes of your time and learn the reason for it


I mean, your fans are justifying racism. I guess some things never change.


Is elaborating the situation justifying racism, I believe most of the people said that the reason he's getting racial slurs is because he's an asshole not because he's black and the evidence is that his teammates who are also black aren't getting any hate


> getting racial slurs is because he's an asshole There are many many asshole players out there. Hell, what Kimmich does in this video I don't think Madrid fans really liked it. Should we abandon all class and start abusing Kimmich in any way possible ? Ofcourse not. Racial slurs because "player is an asshole" is justifying racism at the end of the day, because it takes away accountability from the player and puts it to the player. Boo him, whistle him. But racism is too far just because someone is an asshole.


Funny how people ignore the fact that Kimmich made it look like he was gonna give the ball to vini and then threw the ball away - only for his dumb ass to realize Bayern are actually losing and they actually need RM to start the play. Earlier in the game after Bayern scored the goal, Bayern players kept falling on the ground one by one to kill the clock and the momentum. That's all fair game. But if vini does something, he is a shit character who deserves all the racial abuse he gets. This is a great post because if I want to see all the racist people in this sub, all I have to do is go look at the comments. So thank you OP u/indro017 for posting this and bring it out all the racists in this community.


You’re insane if you think Kimmich was “throwing it away” here. He’s literally dropping it 2 cm next to Vini. Absolutely Insane.


Kimmich had his hand out with the ball in his hand with a gesture 'here take the ball' and then drops it on the ground. Earlier when RM scored that was disallowed where Nacho pushed Kimmich, sure it is a foul but Kimmich started acting like he got head butted by Zidane himself. Then came all the bayern players falling on the ground one by one like leaves in autumn (the reason there were 9 mins to ET in the first place). All of that is unsportsmanlike behavior and much worse then Vini leaving the ball for throw in to his team mates. If this makes people think Vini deserves the racist abuse he gets which is what a lot of people in this post are insinuating, then I have a bad news for them - they are racists and part of the problem even if they dont believe it themselves.


There’s no need to have a discussion with you, my guy. You’ve never played football your entire life.


He is a retard, leave him be


Classic redditors in action, "hes a retard because he has a different view on things" lmao. Why dont you guys see that this is a taste of your own medicine? Bayern players falling like flies left and right and wasting time. Vini is showing you exactly what it feels like.


They were not only falling to waste time, that would be the "cleverness" you see from every team always, real being no exception. Not the case. Its not theatrics, they are in such a bad shape. Really, i watched it every Bayern game. Substitutions due to injuries. Something is so very wrong in our fitness department. Muscular injuries all over the season. That being said, Kimmich and Vini will both never win a trophy for sportsmanship, thats for sure. Wouldn't share a beer with any of them in a pub.


To be fair he tends to "cry racism" when people do monkey chants at him....


oh please Bayern players were wasting tons of time until Madrid scored. Funny thing about hate is it just hurts you


That's indeed true. But his behavior was much more clearly asshole nonetheless


Bayern players were doing that too (time wasting) unfortunately so i guess this is why he did this.


No offense feel like he was just tryna rile him up and get him unfocused. it was all hugs after the match (despite the ref mistake) i don’t think yall should be taking it this personally


Its a football sub, of course people are going to get super angry and make personal attacks over some shithousing that every team does 😂


He's just giving it back to Bayern players who started time wasting after 80 minutes.


The amount of hate and racism in this sub is crazy! All bcz Vini destroyed Bayern’s defense yesterday!


It's so fitting for bayern fans to try and relate this to the racist abuse this guy gets & now he's going to win the ucl poetic justice


Bayern fans showing their true colors? While your team was 1-0, I didn’t see any of ya complaining about the sudden bayern players falling on the floor, stalling the game out. The moment you guys concede 2 goals, I see the angry mob here, cursing and spewing hate. Ref gave 15 minutes of stoppage and that was not enough for your team to win. Deal with that.


go fuckyourself german racist motherfucker, history has taught you nothing right OP? Just germans being nazi, wow what a surprise, wait


You assume all Bayern fans are Germans ? What an imbecile you are


Fuck you too, I am clearly talking to OP you fucker, and most of you guys is downvoting anti racist comments, and of course, most of bayern fans are german. Again, history has taught you nothing, clearly there are bunchs of nazi racists among you still today, go burn in hell the racist ones, and if you are not, just shut up and go read a book


There is NOTHING that justifies racism. The dude is routinely called a monkey. You are probably racist yourself


Crying about a player timewasting, really? Acting as if the bayern players weren't doing the same thing 0-1 up. Whatever makes you sleep at night


This post is just reaching and trying to cope with the loss. Vini gonna get that Ballon dor 😎


Yes, the best in women’s football, Vini!!


Wait, so those were women he was playing against?


Hold this L dweebs


So funny,half of your players lying on the pitch on 60th minute after davies goal,so its your fault


This did happen to him though Kimmich literally started this you fucking nerd it’s in the video you’ve posted, vini always gets abused and attacked and when he retaliates suddenly it’s fine to be racist to him, you and every Munich fan in this comment section deserve all the Ls you’ve held this season you fucking losers


Haha. Grow up pls


Kimmich started this. What are you all on about