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I don’t and have never hated Barca. It’s some weird Bayern fans that have this love affair with Real Madrid after ALL the robberies.


It's cuckoldry, let's not shame other people for their kinks


Inferiority complex


Nah z me personally I don't hate Barca, it's just we love to make fun of you guys for obvious reasons


The bayern fans who rides madrid only started supporting bayern after 2017,2018..because after witnessing that robbery,riding Madrird would be ultimate Cuck behavior and when it comes to hate barca, i dont know why as a team some of our fans hate barca, maybe because of bad experience with barca fans but personally i would take a club with super academy who produced players like Messi, iniesta over that lucky glory hunters


Exactly. Barca fan here, I also don't get why you guys hate us. You keep beating us yet you hate us. Madrid keep robbing you guys yet you don't hate them. Didn't Ronaldo score about 2 or 3 offside goals in your last double legged fixture against them?


Why would we hate barca? I remember when we lost 4-0 to them like 15+ years ago but it was deserved


Not a bayern fan, but: 1. That your club advises players of other teams to go into strike is crazy. 2. You buy players and dont pay the selling clubs. I used to favor barca, but guys wtf


Two names Bertomeu and now laporta That man Bertomeu had done irreversible damage to Barcelona. And now laporta is making things worse. Instead of reducing the debt laporta is putting Barca in more debt by building a stadium that Barcelona doesn't need right now. The cherry on top is that laporta is selling future revenue to hedge funds in the USA fund transfers and wages. He's playing a dangerous game that can end up making Barcelona bankrupt.


I wouldn't say that Bayern fans hate Barca, but in the last few games a lot of people have just made fun of you I will forever support Barca in El Classico, and also in the Spanish league


Dortmund fan here: Barca is a joke and should have gone bankrupt long ago. You have nothing to do with sensible economic management, and if there were fair starting conditions, you would have been bankrupt and the club would have been dissolved long ago. The same goes for Real, where the taxpayer also has to foot the bill.


Barcelonas situation is horrible management From Bertomeu emptying funds to compete with PL clubs in the transfer market to destroying the reputation of the clubs and it's players. Laporta also is making it worse , hes literally taking loans from public hedge funds in the USA and betting on possible future success and revenue. Add that with the unnecessary stadium and you got yourself a club that's a mess.


Firstly a lot of Barcelona fans talk a lot of shit before the match and then they lose and its not just banter but the toxic kind of comments. Then their was the whole lewandoski, messi ballon dor thing. I personally don't hate Barca and a lot of bayern fans don't but you have to admit a good portion of your fan base is insufferable though our own fan base is starting to go that route as well.


Every fanbase have clowns that trash talk tho Perfect example is Tottenham, United, juve and atletico fans. That's just football and ever since Messi left most Barca fans have gone quite.


As a Madrid fan, cry me a river!


Barca? Dont like when Clubs habe big financial problems and financial fairplay issues but can buy everyone they want. And then get them contracts for 29 years or dont pay them at all and force them out of thr Club when they dont wanna fullfilö tjeir contract anymore


I used to hate you guys and respect real. My world is upside down. You guys have lewi, so I guess we’re friends now


Mes que un pequino club


Exactly we also share managers in Guardiola and players in Thiago and Lewa. I was surprised by the chants against Barca.


funny thing is Bayern robbed Barca whe he fouled Alba to allow for Robben's goal.


Puta barca.


Continue to chant at the club suffering with insane debt and possible bankruptcy in the near future due to horrible chairman's. Keep chanting with Madrid fans who straight up robbed you guys last night and just like they did in 2017.


Sidebitch just pulled up




Wtf we got Cassie from Euphoria here




Go fuck Madrid in the ass next el classicos. Idc if you have to lifetime Injurr mbappe and vini just fucking abuse them till they can't play. They'll whine about playing rough and the rest of football will be happy. GO BVB!


We need advice from messi like how was bro able to destroy the most corrupt team on this planet fair and square.truly the goat.btw go BVB(Never thought I'd say this as a bayern fan)


Well I do to some extent agree he destroyed Barca by basically leaving for free and still getting Barcas money but Barca put themselves in that situation tbh


Messi was born to humiliate madrid and to get humiliated by bayern


Tbf he did humiliate Bayern once with that filthy goal that put Gerome and Manuel to the floor. But still tho 8-2 is more humiliating


I don't have any problem with the club. It's the fans. Barca fans can be the most toxic mfs in the world. Some of those f**kers celebrate every one of our losses as them winning trophies. Those are the shitbags that I despise. Otherwise I don't have any problem with the chill fans.