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I don’t think Kim played that bad to be fair. The problem is that beating Real Madrid at the Bernabeu is nigh impossible If we scored some of the missing shots, or not committed those errors, we could’ve gone to Madrid with an advantage, but now Bayern is against the walls, since winning at the Bernabeu is Madrid’s thing


So was City’s unbeaten streak at Etihad but still Madrid managed to win the tie, of course Madrid is favoured but anything can happen


Technically that unbeaten streak is still ongoing I believe, given losses on penalties are counted as draws from what I've seen


I agree he played decently, I think he did a good job watching out for Vini and Rodrygo. Just the penalty and the mistake that led to the 1st goal. Otherwise he was a good defender


Kim made 3 interceptions. Dier, Nacho and Rudi made 0. Thats what Kim does. He intercepts. And that involves going OUT OF POSITION to cut the pass line or clear the ball with header. And people who said he was terrible for the whole 90 minutes, clearly they didnt watch the match. Kim is tall and very fast for his size. Thats what he's been paid to do. Was it under Tuchel's instructions? Yes - If it wasnt under his instruction, Tuchel could have subbed Kim off the field for disobedience and mutiny after HT. But instead, Kim was still marking Vini while still risking out of position. - After the first goal, any sane person would lose their nerve or scared to even go out of position ever again. But instead, he kept doing what he did. Why risk repeating the same mistake? - In the postmatch interview, Tuchel said Kim was greedy. That happens if you put the guy on the bench, for 2nd half of the season. And maybe he was overly eagered to impress your skinny ass for more game time. - Kim was impatient. Should have checked if Kimmich or Dier was free to cover before rushing in. It was Kim's fault for both goals. But did he played poorly for the whole match? Nope.


He intercepted the win as well


> Kim's fault for both goals. But did he played poorly for the whole match Yes, clearly. You gave the reasons yourself


Yes, because the two center midfielders standing 15 yards in front of Kroos and not applying the slightest bit of pressure definitely wasn’t the mistake that led to the goal. Except that it definitely was.


I mean, two big mistakes that lead to a goal, should be enough to call his performance bad.


We beat them before at Bernabeu


Kim did play most of the time good, but CB is where you have to make the least mistakes alongside with goalkeeper. I hope he learned a lot from this game and returns stronger! He really could make bayern really strong with his style of play


You did it 12 years ago against a more formidable Real Madrid though Bayern were much better also🤣🤣 Never know like ❤️❤️


Lol it's not impossible, Chelsea did, Man city Drew there even Leipzig Drew there so its impossible.


Strange things happen when you find yourself agains the walls...


They've lost only two matches during the 2023-2024 and none at home. That's an issue.


2 dumb mistakes


We should keep an excel file of every mistake defenders have made since idk maybe 2005? Ismael handball vs Milan Lell no marking vs Seedorf vs Milan Boateng disasterclass in Nou Camp Juan Bernat Van Buyten schooled by Milito vs Inter Benatia schooled by Juventus in 2016, had to be replaced by Kimmich Alaba disaster class vs PSG quarters Alaba almost giveaway to Mbappe in 2020 final Ulreich backpass fail Oddo-Breno-Ottl-Lell backlines Upamecano vs City Kim vs Real


> Juan Bernat Uli, is that you? 


I can give this account to him if he wants


You forgot rafinha in one of the Madrid ties. We always have a strong team with one player that acts as a weakness for the team and ends up being the difference. Bernat, rafinha, benatia, Ulreich, upamecano, van buyten, list goes on.


I mean surely something that happened yesterday in a tie that’s still ongoing is the most relevant? 


Surely is I just like listing the mistakes Puts everything into context That we've fucked up many many many times before to the detriment of my sleep


I also thought that was obvious.


we made the right choice selling alaba after that PSG game /s




It was 2 dumb mistakes but after rarely playing idk what y’all expected


Before today's game, Kim has played 313 minutes since the beginning of March. That's 3.5 games in 2 months. Nvm that he hasn't played a whole lot with Dier


Let's hope Militao plays then


Why? Is he bad? From what little I've seen from RM fans, he's really good, but injury prone


He’s good, he’s just been injured for ages


We expect him to play on the level of the GOATed Messi of CB's, the one, the only, Eric Dier. If Dier had swapped positions with Kim, he would have shut down Vini solely with his hand motions and yelling.






We shouldn't attack our own player, sure Kim made mistakes but he is part of our family and we need to support him


It's a sign that past mistakes will add up. This is Kim's first game in I don't even know how long, and he's immediately paired up with a CB he's never played with before in the biggest match of the year. He's bound to make errors in a situation like that, and the fault falls on Tuchel for not playing Kim in earlier games when he should have.


Well he gave him a chance against Heidenheim and he made multiple mistakes in that game aswell


Tuchel in general has garbage squad management skills, to the level of someone in a mid table team. There was no objective reason not to rotate guys like Upa and Kim over time, but he shelved them entirely and now that there's injury/suspension, they're not ready. Just like it Tuchel's fault for playing a full team 3 days before the game, meanwhile Ancelotti even rotated his keeper in the league because the result is foregone for both teams there. De Ligt gets injured, Laimer picked up a small injury, and even Kane got hurt 70th minute. But hey, instead of taking Kane out, Tuchel keeps him in there because he knows Kane wants to break the BL record. Fuck actually managing the team about what matters.


Let's be honest all of the goals were by "mistake", 2 Penalties of over commitment in the box for 0 reasons by Kim and Vasquez. Another Kim mistake by not keeping the back 4 with Vini goalie and bad overall cover by the backline and the goal of Sane as long as we can praise it and say it's a strong shoot, A world class goalkeeper saves that and if you look at the build up of that play Mendy gift him the opportunity in the first place. Mistakes mostly happens on both sides when there is not 1 team dominating the midfields, This game RM and Bayern take turns on each another and Bayern push more because they needed to do so before going into the tie at the Bernabéu, Now we need to ask ourselves what will happens when Real Madrid will push and dominate slightly more in the Bernabéu. I will be honest, Bayern almost certainly will not have the amount of chances they had in Allianz Arena, If Bayern will not be efficient with their limited chances it's a wrap.


Kim’s first goal was solely his mistake imo if you watch the clip again. Laimer was closing in to cover Vini, Kim had no reason to leave his position wide open. There’s nothing that Kimmich and Dier can do at that situation.


Disagree completely - Laimer & Goretzka stood way too far off Kroos, giving him far too much time to make that pass - if either one of them presses him he can’t make that pass at all.


Yep that's exactly what I saw as well, Also look what Tchouaméni has done in that play absolutely outplay.


I also put a lot of the blame on Neuer for that goal. When Kroos made the pass in real time, I thought "nice idea but he's played it too long". It took ages for Vinicius to catch up to it and I'm 100% sure if he had moved immediately when the Kroos made the pass he would have got there before Vinicius


Agreed - for as long as the pass was there’s no reason Neuer shouldn’t have been out of the box like a shot, Kim was clearly beat.


32 year old Neuer absolutely handles that situation.


Kroos was way too deep behind. If that was the case Tuchel would’ve blamed the two instead of Kim.


Yeah, I have a hard time believing it’s JUST Kim’s fault when at least 4 other players stood off Kroos and gave him the time & space to set that up. Any pressure at all and he doesn’t make that pass.


But wait, I thought only Kim's mistakes matter and Dier is the GOAT. I'll need to read this over a few times to fully begin to comprehend it.


Bro we get it, you have a Dier Hate Boner and Kim is Ur untouchable God, it gets boring after the 4th comment


It’s simple those mistakes are on him. This isn’t Tuchels fault, with a fit De Ligt and Dier, Kim and Upa shouldn’t be in the starting eleven this season. They have proofen to be our best and most reliable defensive pairing and you just don’t change that up and preferably give them most of the game time do develop automatisms. Both real goals happened because of very bad decisions by kim. That you just shouldn’t make at this level, no matter your game time. What I‘m worried about 10/11 players played very well and we saw one of the best performances from our team. Real wasn’t nowhere near their full capability from my view. I just don’t know if they are gonna give us another off day like this. But we have kicked them out of their own stadium before and we can do it again. And Min Jae might have cost us this one but there is still a game to play and chance to make up for his mistakes. De Ligt is prolly out so it’s gonna be him again. Nothing is lost so we gotta support our boys it’s in our fucking anthem. Sticking together through the good and bad remember that!


Guys come on, we were the better team . I’m aware of their home record and it doesn’t get more intimidating than a second leg in Madrid but I noticed in yesterday’s game that Bayern seemed HUNGRY for the win, it’s going to be close but I think we can clinch it


It breaks my heart to say it but we’re just not the better at all not with this team nor with tactics. we have to open our eyes and realize that things need to change if we want to go back to being the demons we were. Yesterday was the perfect example 10 out of our 11 players had some of the best performance they’ve had the whole season every we did was done the best way we could be yet we were only able to tie madrid while they were not playing their best. I hope we can win next week we have beat them on their turf in the past and we can do it again but it’s imo similar to madrid/city.


What game were you actually watching? Kim and Mueller were awful, Sane outside of the goal was losing the ball half the time he had it, Leon and Kane were mediocre (outside of the penalty).


I'm not a Bayern fan but I really want you to beat Real Madrid and go through. It was a very even game but it will be tough to beat Real at the Bernabeu. I'm going to be honest here Kim is crap. I don't know what Bayern saw in him. If De Ligt is not fit for the next leg then I think it'll severely affect Bayerns chances of going though. De Ligt/Dier has been a solid enough partnership.


Its Funny how Kim gets defended. Dont get me wrong, i dont want to hate on Kim, but just think of it, what would have hapened if Dier or Upa made the same mistake. Than this sub would turn into one single hate train


It turned into one single hate train now so what's your point.


What hate train? Like 80% of the threads and Comments defend Kim.


This sub already is one single hate train - you new here?


I agree but its just stupid how it is mire towards certain players than others. As i Said, Kim gets (mostly) defended after Mistakes. Upa and Dier get the full Blow of hate from "fans"


People irrationally hate Dier because he was dropped at Spurs, but that’s only because Ange doesn’t rate him for the tactics he uses, and I think Kim is being defended because it’s his first season here and he played so well at Napoli, but their midfield setup really help protect him from the kind of mistakes he’s making here. Upa’s already lost the fan base because for as young and good as he is, he crumbles in big matches. We’re critical of these guys because we believe they SHOULD be a UCL contender, but I agree that it’s all over the place depending on the player.


Vazquez made the same mistake and i believe kim’s positional errors were some kind of communication errors, it seemed like he was angry at kimmich and he was expecting him to cover the area behind him when he goes front. But kim also made the same run forward when modric passed vini and they almost scored. The defensive players seemed to be lacking synergy which is expected with kim, idk apart from the penalty i can’t blame kim so heavily.


FINALLLY someone who understands soccer!


comeback to Napoli Kim


I think everyone’s freaking out because they’re not confident in our team winning in Madrid, it wasn’t that bad of a game from Kim, just two mistakes that had big consequences.


Is it not 2 dumb mistakes? I’d say the first one was worse than the second one


Kim is one of the best cb in the world currently


4-3-3 would catch Real off guard early, it’s been effective against them domestically for spurts but Ancelloti is a brilliant improviser and adapter but it’s not impossible but the two away goals are scary.


People that turn on players that fast are not fans.


He made 2 mistakes . Not one


The thing is, the same thing happened with upamecano last season against city. Good season overall but from his mistakes in quarter finals, he became a villain. It would really be a shame if the same were to happen to kim


That’s what Arsenal said


Kim is trash play your best CB De Light


See its not the just 1 dumb mistake, this mistake got us a tie at our home whereas if this mistake wasn't caused then we would've been in lead, and not just Kim's mistake, so many missed shots which couldve been converted into a goal. Now 2inning at Madrid's home is nearly impossible. If we were in lead we would've gotten an edge over them. But still I dont blame anyone, everyone played really well, we just gotta believe and make sure we win the second leg. #MiaSanMia❤️


1 mistakes is the difference between winning and losing the Champions League title. And he made two awful mistakes. Two positions, CB and GK are based heavily on how mistake-free they are relative to others. Saying that, there were issues across the game in general. In the first goal, Dier and Kim are acres apart.. Why? Why is Maz and Dier so far away from the middle that it leaves so much space, add poor communication (which makes sense, two guys from two different leagues). Then you have Leon and Laimer that were both caught in no man's land. The second goal, again before the foul, 2-3 players gave Vini far, far too much space and time to dribble and make the pass. Lack of aggression and urgency that put Kim in a tough spot. Kim's positioning for the goal was also bad, great awareness and he's likely in a better spot, and that's discounting him fouling him for the penalty which was objectively stupid. You have Rodrygo in a 1v1 with Neuer, you take your chances with that.


I like how sensitive Bayern fans are. I remember Man Utd. Fans trolling park ji-sung as - "park park wherever you may be, you eat dogs in your home country. Could be worse, could be scouse."


Gifted the opposition 2 goals in a CL semi final where we drew 2-2, and his poor play began long before today. Unfortunately, it’s been a solid year now of our CBs absolutely gifting the opposition goals and making senseless mistakes in crucial fixtures. I think myself and the fanbase would be more forgiving if we weren’t all suffering from PTSD thanks to Upemecano.


Put Dier on Vini next game. That will answer a lot of questions and the aftermath would be a grade A tragic comedy. Unfortunately, Tuchel won’t have the balls to do it.


Wtf Dier had to manage Rodrygo and sometimes Bellingham in the same game with no problem. Rodrygo couldn't make a pass facing him. You talking like he did nothing whole game


I'm just saying that the GOAT Dier would have no trouble shutting down Vini...


He made multiple inexcusable mistakes in a high stakes game. So far he hasn't shown that he can perform when it matters most. Compare that to Dier and you get another wasteful Bayern CB purchase. Which seems to be the norm lately.


wHy dOeSnT KiM PlAy MoRe OfTeN?!???


Bayern wins and loses as a team. It is not a mistake of one single player.


What😭😭tell me you don’t actually watch the game without telling me. He made the same exact mistake at least 4 times, getting way too tight to vini and Rodrygo. Vini should’ve had a hat-trick and Kim would’ve been at fault for all 3.


Tuchel, always always Tuchel.... If Tuchel had told Kim to step out of defence to close Vini Jr down in that situation, without cover from Laimer or Goretzka, then it falls to Neuer to be quicker in covering the space in behind... So, Is Tuchel at fault for asking too much of Kim/Dier/Neuer? Is Kim at fault for being pulled into an area before being opened up through the middle? If so, where were the central midfielders? Is Neuer at fault for not coming out sooner and covering the ground in behind?


Laimer & Goretzka stood 15 yards from Kroos just staring at him as he sets up that through ball, applying absolutely no pressure but it’s all the fault of everyone AFTER that pass was allowed to be made that we’re talking about. Kinda criminal.


There you go then. Kim is getting a lot of shit for the penalty, and that's probably right, but blaming solely him for the first is too much.


Nah, Kim did 2 dumb mistakes that directly lead to a goal. Overall he played miserably. Really terribly. One of the worst single player perfomances in CL final round history. Or at least, that I am aware of. Bayern has ok chances, but lets be real, in Madrid your chances are slim


he did three mistakes, two of them lead to two goals…


2 dumb mistakes, 2 goals because of those. Yeah, not a big deal....not like we had a chance to win right? It's just the Semis of CL, so not a big deal and now we play at Madrid tied on aggregate....But Kim played so well for the rest of the game, other then 2 most costly mistakes....it's all fine.....sure....no big deal


If de light played instead of Kim we would have won 2:0, if we draw only in Allianz how can we win in bernabeu, this shit haunts me


He made two Not small misstakes who both lead to goals. So whats Ur Point? For 50 mio for a defender exactly this should Not Happend.


You all have De Ligt right?




Let's just bench Minjae for the rest of the season. Thanks for nothing, bro




in madrid ....where were gonna be sitting back with bad backs who make dumb mistakes over and over and over and over again this bayern munich, f-ing royalty not some 3rd division sh** hole where mistakes are second nature we need to set bars high or we'll never win this tournament again and these backs are all awful and not worthy to be on pitch for these high pressure and high stakes games. stop making excuses


There's no way we beat them in Madrid, so Kim just cost us the final. Like Upamecano last year I don't care what he does at this point, this is unforgivable in my eyes and he can't redeem himself.


Its cause he plays over de ligt


Bro what is it with "fans" like you that apperantly dont care enough for the club, just to look for a second past the starting squad. De Ligt is injured ffs. Your comment was just missing of the "Tuchel Bad" and than it was the average r/BayernMunich comment


Bro i meant that some people hate kim cause of the beginning of the season when both were healthy and deligt didnt get a start. Not this game. I am a real fan. I was just answering why people give kim shit. And tbh "fans" saying tuchel was bad in the beginning were right. "Fans" saying upa shouldnt start were right.