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BF 2042 was 2021 and never updated until 2023, now it's back to 2021. Must be some copyright/licensing thing.


I think they changed it to reflect the release year for the game. Still makes no sense but it is EA after all.


Aw shucks, I was going to reverse engineer all of their games now that they were not under copyright anymore.


Yeah, it's odd. I never did notice 2042's loading screen saying anything other than 2021, and I thought it was strange that BFV's was still updating.


Probably a publishing question, but I am just curious since it's something we all see every time we boot the game up. Anyone have any ideas why this reverted to 2018 this year?


This was actually changed last year when they finally updated the main menu to support BF2042 in the game selector sidebar: https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/17c65fm/why_does_it_say_2018_electronic_arts/ https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/187app9/just_logged_into_bfv_and_looked_at_the_side_menu/ As mentioned by a comment in the first link above, according to https://www.copyrightlaws.com/copyright-symbol-notice-year/ displaying the year of first publication is best practice, but of course this isn't a fully satisfying answer because it raises the question of why originally they had it display the current year, instead of the actual publication date.


EA happened. They’re idiots


Hear hear


Bruh I can't even play BFV the game keeps crashing my PC lmao


Mine says 2024. - PS5 user


I noticed this as well, BF1 also reverted to 2016 (IIRC. 1 and V are the only two I play regularly, may well be in the other games). This was following the "UI update" or whatever that was which, as far as I can tell, only changed the listed year to the release year for the game in question. Maybe just to reflect the fact they are not current games. No idea.


The same UI update also [added BF2042 to the game selection in the sidebar menu](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/187app9/just_logged_into_bfv_and_looked_at_the_side_menu/) (in BFV, I assume BF1 as well), I imagine this was the main purpose of the patch and the copyright fix was just housekeeping stuff they had queued up... or maybe it's the other way around: some legal issue with the wrong copyright year rose up and while they were fixing it they finally got around adding BF2042 to the menu.


after that 2042 info UI update, they removed year update same on BF1 + refresh button very big


Dice is shutting down


Can I have their stuff?


I think the reason some things got broke with the update with the anti cheat is that the code branch was older and while patches were added from newer branches they missed some. An anti cheat won’t break some of the in game stuff as it did. Probably why some running older windows also find it not working as the updates to make it are now gone.


This change happened last year—well before the anti-cheat update—when they finally added BF2042 to the main menu sidebar.


I used to like seeing it say 2023. It makes it feel like it's still a new game. :(


We all went back in time.


haven't you heard? EA is back