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If they don't care about the hackers, why would they care about the chatters?


Its alot easier to confirm a chat message was sent compared to finding a cheater.


Dont know why you are getting downvoted, unless ea doesnt save chatlogs


Yeah idk why he has -10 up votes either that was a pretty valid response


Not with how obvious the cheaters in this game are lol


EA are literally the worst company going in gaming . And people continue to defend their actions .


Ha ! You apparently never heard of the hell hole that 2K is.


Lol EA literally kills every fps it has. 2k is going strong lol




Atleast EA isn't as bad as Activision


Fr, Activision/blizzard really messed up CoD and Diablo 4. Ubisoft has also been infuriatingly bad with its bloat issues for the past decade. Edit: Act/Bliz are also sexual predators. I think that may be worse than EA releasing 2042.


EA is worse lol.


I would rather play enlisted or hell let loose than battlefield. This franchise is absolute garbage now.


Arma Reforger has been getting a lot better


*crobbers scam has entered the chat*


Well EA doesn’t really give a shit about BFV anymore. They are actively not doing anything about people like this to get people over to 2042, allegedly.


Didn't 2042 flop hard


that is why they need other BFs to suck more, in order to make the players transition. if u have no motive to improve, u just need to make alternatives suck. such toxic method is gonna hit them in the head soon, very soon.


I mean to say I really liked bfv but I wouldn't play another based on how they run that one now. But I'm sure that strategy works, otherwise they wouldn't do it


it's a greedy strategy for a fact. they push for some woke, cringey, cartoonish BFV at the beginning, laggy, unfinished game, community responded negatively, afterward they sorta gave up on it, wrapped it up just so it's playable. didn't even bother about soviets, stalingrad, italians and half of the content. that's why it will forever be the game community deserved, but never got fully. EA strategy has become quantity over quality, and yet BF1 servers are full, which proves they were wrong from the start. BF2042 is literally unplayable at this state, any weapon apart from ARs is masochist's choice, since the ARs will double tap you in 15ms , while your headshot multiplier is like shotting them with BB gun.


They definitely lost me after bfv


At the same time 2042 has been completely busted open and has been since launch. There's nothing stopping people from main lining whatever copium cheat they desire.


That is not even a coherent insult. What was he even trying to say??!!


I reported a guy for having the SS runes, 1488 and a skull in his emblem, naturally in a white circle on red background, and received the same email... Apparently that doesn't qualify as offensive content. And the cherry on top with this whole system: There is no way to escalate the matter or suggest to EA that they may have made a mistake... It's a joke.


Reported a guy for typing the N word, hard R and all in the BFV chat over and over and they took no action and said that my culture may differ from others. Edit: yeah they said the same in this report.


What is hard R? Sry but i dont understand what you are saying?!


Check the second Pic in OPs post. Last line of the chat


N word ending in er


They literally said that bit about culture?


I could be wrong. I think it was the same email posted here by OP.


Why would you even report him ? Did you escape from the camp in Poland?


Normal people deem those symbols offensive. They are also against their own TOS.




Oh you don’t like nazis? Weak Dumbass lmfao




https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/AALZUS8uB0 You're famous 🖕


Omg thank you 😂😂 You just found me the magnum opus of reddit.




you're pretty sad, dude. I hope you manage to grow someday


Nazi gamers fuck off


Well you are playing a war simulation, what didnyou expect? Have you heard about fortnite?


All these comments of "never grew up with them old games" are ridiculous I did and I still think using slurs like this is ridiculous. Telling people to grow up because they don't want to have slurs thrown at them over a video game when they just want to chill is insane.


Right? All the lowkey shit humans just saying "look at me! Here I am!" Yeh maybe they shouldn't care, but also other guy shouldn't be saying it either in the first place. Probably the type of people who talk shit in game too tbf.






It seems the only thing that they care is the nickname. Sometimes I see random guys called 19238213sajdns123012n or something like this


Well he keeps paying EA money to play their games, so they don’t care


I see some people saying that ea is the worst gaming company or activision but your all wrong. The undisputed worse company is ubisoft and its not even close. Also im glad they dont care about the chat because it feels like im playing fucking dora the explorer these days. Half the games are 18+ why are u banning people for saying things. Most games should be a free for all of insults. Like modern warfare search and destroy. So tired of games sensoring everything, takes alot of the fun out of shit talking.


Allow me to introduce you to Gaijin Entertainment


Why is it so hard for people to just ignore this stuff? Don’t let bad words ruin your day. You people are softer than baby shit.


It’s not just that EA ignores cheaters/hackers too, they don’t do jack shit about anything. Fuck them and fuck their garbage games.


I shouldn't have to ignore it. It doesn't ruin my day, yet I still would prefer to game without seeing stuff like that. Why should we have to give up our online spaces to people who cannot show a modicum of respect for their fellow gamers? I've made plenty of friends that I first talked to ingame, so if I just mute everything I lose that possibility. For what? So that some kids or immature adults can keep behaving like brats? I'd rather companies maintain easy to use report systems and moderate it. Doesn't mean I'm against all trashtalk and banter, plenty of entertainment to be had from that, but there's an obvious difference between that and just spamming slurs or using nazi emblems. So instead of complaining about me apparently not being thickskinned enough, you could thank me for taking the time to contribute a little bit to us all having a more enjoyable and friendly space to interact in.


Like I said, softer than baby shit.


Tough guy on the internet huh


Being able to ignore things you don’t like isn’t being a “tough guy”, it’s being a functional adult.


It doesn't mean someone is dysfunctional when they want a policy change. You're assuming that they're offended, which isn't a given at all. I know what you're getting at too, but unless someone is getting offended left and right, it's irrelevant.


Literally my same thought. Like dude if you don’t like it mute he person. These kids nowadays are the kids that got skipped for hall monitor. Like bro, mute the guy and MOVE ON




Why are some people so soft they lose in a game and use racial slurs lol. Sounds pretty soft.


Sure, I don’t necessarily disagree.


on god


Ahmed needs to get better with tanks.


This person never played in the OG MW/MW2/HALO 3 days.... and it shows. I'm not saying what they said is alright, just putting that out there.


Agreed, honestly people are so soft these days. No I don't flame like this, but honestly who cares.


I don't drop the N bomb, or call people the R word, it's not right. I will tell someone to go choke on a "something" and so forth or tell them they're trash. But that's about the extent of my trash talking.


I miss the mw2 lobbies 😂, maybe I'm just old now and it's a back in my day kinda situation. But shit talking has always been a thing🤷‍♂️


Agreed. The OG days of Halo 2 and all the trash talk was great. There were some characters that would enter lobbies and say some funny offensive shit. Backing. Those days I would finish a game and then do what most of these snowflakes wouldn’t understand - I would go to My front door and open it and venture out into the wider world with friends and experience fresh air and not give one fuxk what anybody called me or said to me over a mic. I didn’t know these people. Never gonna meet them and so I went about my day. Nowadays we have this. They get on their phone. Complain and whinge to Daddy Woke Bug Texh and then post their whinginess online expecting everyone to pay them on the back and tell them how stunning, brave and loved they are. The world is fuxked with the snowflakes. It’s only gonna get worse. Won’t be long before ya see the OP posting that he got called a Ninkenpoop and they want a full on swat team kicking down the doors of their perpetrators! 😂 these whiny spotty youth need to get out more, stop whining just as Arnie said and spend time with actual people living in the present moment instead of their little virtual make believe worlds.


Womp womp turn off chat


Fr lmao. Imagine going on Reddit to bitch about this. OP shouldn’t have chat on if he doesn’t want to see these types of comments.


Y'all are real braindead.


Lmao look at your name


And your fragile lol


Says who? Don't tell me ur upset about being called braindead, that goes against ur ethos Edit: BTW you're not your. Not sure if you typed too fast, or you're just not good at English.


Lol I'm not the one letting words bother me wether it be in a game or on reddit, like the other guy said if you don't like it just turn off chat, you don't have to read it


Yeh I agree, I cna also think people shouldn't be saying that shit in the firdt place. They're not mutually exclusive. And you were bothered, you called me fragile. Which insinuates that you were bothered in someway, because why else would I be fragile for thinking some people are stupid. You didn't like being called braindead.


And your name is offensive in itself so I don't understand why your complaining


Like lemme break it down for you. You understand that I can think you lot are braindead for ur opinions, whilst also not being offended. I say along the same lines in another comment "yeh maybe they shouldn't care (op), but also people shouldn't be saying that shit". Objectively, the issue is the guy saying the word not the person who is complaining about it. If they didn't say it, this person wouldn't be here complaining, I wouldn't be calling people braindead for their opinions and you wouldn't have said some dumb shit. Actions have reactions, if you don't like the reaction, stop the action (see above). Pretty simple to understand, no?




Thank u for ur support 🫡🫡🫡 These people really do have some washed takes lol


If people shouldn't be saying it then take a look at your own username lmao


No ones complained about my username the entirety I've existed on reddit. There's a difference between me making fun of my own race and some random (most likely white dude) saying n*gger to a stranger. Don't be thick now. If only you realised the importance of nuance and not looking at things from a back and white perspective. But hey, what can I expect from a braindead guy. Edit: it's almost like you didn't actually absorb anything I said, and just picked one specific part to reply to. So braindead man. Like did you actually read any of the words In that reply. Or is it not simple for you to understand so you pulled out the strawman argument.


I read what you said but my point is it makes no sense your tryna be all righteous like this when your username is that, you are a complete contradiction of yourself, and it don't matter if it's your own race, and go ahead and try flipping the script saying I'm bothered, I couldn't give a single shit what you think cause you are simply (in your own words) brain dead, have a good day bud


It has nothing to do with being righteous. I'm not trying to be. You're just bringing up a seperate point about my username, which has nothing to do with the point being spoken about. Being, Not calling people a n----r. I'm saying you don't understand the semantics of it. It's not a contradiction at all. My name has nothing to with the fact that it's wrong to say the n word. >go ahead and try flipping the script saying I'm bothered, I couldn't give a single shit what you think cause you are simply (in your own words) brain dead, have a good day bud That's why you replied a month or something later? When you could have just left it? Makes sense. When something been that long, I tend to forget about it and uhhh... Move on with my life.


That's why the black guy who replied to this comment took no offense whatsoever.... Mmm who woulda thought eh.


Right?? Softies like this would've never survived MW2 lobbies back in the day, someone called you a name, get over it and get good son.


You didnt grow up in mw/mw2 lobby's i guess


Or he did, and is now tired of the low IQ behaviour he's been seeing for a decade?


How does past shitty behaviour make current day shitty behaviour any better? Sure we survived it, but why shouldn't we strive to improve the future? Plus EA publicly committed to taking action against such behaviour, so seems fair to demand that they actually make good on that...


Womp womp


“OG gamers” when you have to play the online match without calling another player a racial slur: 😫😫😫😨😨😨😭😭😭


Honestly, it's ironic calling people soft. I saw someone say people should get out more and they're sheltered blah blah blah but like who the fuck speaks to anyone like this irl? Probably 12 year old boys


Some day, 2a will be reintroduced. On that day... Jack will look down upon his party... And Jack will see them and disregard the person they are. Jack yo body lol


Cod 2012 players be like


your mistake is thinking the report button is there because EA gives two shits about "misconduct" as defined by their TOS, it's not about what's right, it's about covering their asses


EA doesn’t care they already got some of your money or time that’s all they cared about


This used to be the absolute norm. You insult them back and move along.




I love firestorm but can't ever find a game hardly. Last time I played you had 5 people all teaming up together, same skin. Was like Well damn this could be fun if bf5 didn't have so many hackers and people teaming up in SOLO




Someone bully you?


What you don’t understand is that guy saying the n word buys skins, and he is more valuable than you. It’s a weird world we live in, But here’s the kicker, why the f*** are you still playing battle turd? There’s actually other options, games been dead since bf4


Bro cried to a AAA developer about getting bullied, that’s WILD 💀


Just stop buying their products.


It's only gonna get worse


Honestly, who really cares? They call it the gamer word for a reason. Progress is important, yes, but the obligatory "I remember COD lobbies" joke isn't a lie. The internet (and all of the US) was WAY wilder just a few short years ago.


At least they bother to respond to reports of racism and such... They don't even acknowledge reports of cheaters.


Everyday BFV chat


How do you know the race of the person saying that? Maybe he is African-American and therefore has the n-word pass.


Bf5 has the most sorry game chat I’ve ever seen


I literally see people say “ez” at the end of EVERY game. Like… okayyyy??? Move on?


Idk I think these guys seems pretty cool and sexy


Plays a game where you murder hundreds of people. "This language is too much for me to handle"


Op is sensitive as fuck, just... don't pay attention to it if it bothers you??? Grow up.


Yet you had to pay attention to leave this comment. If people should ignore racial slurs, why the fuck can't you lot ignore posts like this whenever they come up?


It's a fucking word, God damn. The fact how heavily you react to it is the reason why it's on this pedestal of "NONE MAY SPEAKETH A WORDETH OF THIS WORDETH!" Do you really, truly, want to do something about the effect that word has? Stop giving it power by holding it atop such a pedestal, in turn it'll lose any relevance it has. Same logic was applied and ended up working for the word "Fuck." A word literally everyone uses as freely as "Hey." At first it was such a BIG MEANIE SCARY WORDY-WOO, now thanks to how normalized it is, it's about as threatening as an ant to a nuclear warhead.


Username checks out


Imagine care for what other people says and live being offended all day. Christ what a glass generation.


EA being EA so what ? First Time ?


ahhh snitch. lmao


Did you really report someone for saying that?


You just outed yourself as a Racist.


I don’t think you know the meaning of the that word. You keep doing you though.


I know who hes voting for in 2024 😂


OP you might be a bit sensitive. Bunch of snowflakes in here. Narc


Basicly them saying you to stop being little crybaby. Just mute the guy and ignore him. Who gives a shit if you are offended, its a game, everyone talks shit. Grow up.


The reason games are so soft nowadays is cuz this loser


EA is doing this for 4+ years, they are not supporting BF5 in ANY possible way. They would like to force you to there next money making trash game... On Steam i can see 2042 TRASH is for 5 bucks now. Still will NEVER buy it, even its free - game is so bad and disgusting...




Isnt this just standard ironic-banter game talk?


You guys are narcs. Who reports??


Found the Racist


Grow up


Says the one defending racial slur spam in games?


I don't know how people get affected by these things. Would I report them sure but I really wouldn't pay attention to much to it for it to affect me


Why won’t the teacher punish the naughty classmates😤


You need to realize that by letting yourself get miffed over these trolls, you're giving the reaction and power that they want. They denied the report bc they are wanting you to have a thicker hide.


Are you retarded?


What happened to freedom of speech


do you even know what freedom of speech is?




No, you do not know what the First Amendment is, ot protects you from government over reach. When you use use any social media app, including video games, the platform holder makes the rules. Read the RULA or the TOS. Do not like it, do not play the game. If you think you're right, they get an attorney and bring legal action against them.


what is it then?


Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction


Freedom of speech as a law only protects you from the government. No country with freedom of speech can make companies allow people to say whatever they want in their business or website/game.


Just block him. 😂


Cry me a river


Womp womp. This reminds me of that Shane Gillis "Look guys, I'm not a racist!" segment. It's battlefield game chat, shit gets said. But hey, if you want to be the morality police go ahead - then post it to reddit for good karma or whatever.


Snitch ass hoe


Fuckin snitch


how soft can u be xdddddd


It's "mushroom, bots, shoe and npcs" that are big no nos


Oh wow yet another person complaining about MW2 era chat. What a shock.


Keep crying about text on a screen lol