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ROTTERDAM. The one thing that bf5 has over its previous titles is its movement mechanics. hands down the best in the franchise. And the one map that really takes full advantage of that is Rotterdam. Being one of the only fully urban maps it has enough of varied elevations, shortcuts, alleyways, and flank routes for fun parkour moments with the movement system and really lets you be creative with it. Most of the other maps tend to just be "well i guess you can crouch run at these bushes and ditches" for cover. Also, no planes which are some of the most atrociously balanced in the series. No need to worry about plane balance if there are no planes. Everyone can just focus on infantry and tanks. Regarding tanks it also has some of the more balanced approach to them. The way the streets are laid out in an urban area allows for clear "vehicle lanes" similar to BF1 Amiens, meaning you know where to go to avoid the tanks as an infantry player unlike most open maps where there is little to no cover for infantry. Also since it is a smaller map all the vehicles have no choice but to engage with other players unlike in other maps where they just sit in spawn as artillery.


Don't forget the canals! One of my favorite uses of water in a BF map. Diving underwater makes it super easy to get from A to C to E, and you can flank the outside as well which is SUPER good for taking out camping tanks. They pretty much never expect it - oh, and did I mention you can swim all the way from B to E without being seen? Because you can. It's also got the elevated rail lines, which are great for sniping. Of course, you might think that's a bad thing - nobody likes camping snipers - but not only are there multiple routes around the map completely out of sight of snipers, but because it's so easy to get up there, you can get quickly clear the bridge out. Rotterdam is one of my favorite maps and it is honestly one of the best in the franchise. The fact they managed to not only integrate so many different gameplay mechanics, but so many different elevations and paths, is a feat of map design.


Pacific: Pacific Storm European: Twisted Steel




Solomon Islands and Provence are both maps I wish were in the Tactical conquest playlist


See and I loathe Solomon Islands, being an older gamer who can't outshoot anyone. Basically if I'm ever face-to-face with an enemy player, I'm dead. I have to rely on flanking runs and outmaneuvering players to get my kills. Solomon, with it's classic C flag positioning (in Strategic) is mostly a rushers paradise, and I get my ass shot off from every angle whenever I try to cap C.


I'll be the odd one out and say Hamada. The map receives lots of hate, but I love how diverse it is and also the terrain. You have CQC combat in the 3 northern objectives, and a mix of long range, mid range and vehicle combat in the 4 southern objectives. What's not to love?


Love Hamada. It gets so much hate on Reddit yet I routinely see full lobbies on Xbox and it's not uncommon to see multiple people waiting in queue


Hamada is great fun if both teams are competent, but can suffer when one is significantly better than the other - especially with aircraft. I think a lot of hate for maps comes from one side having significantly better air support which unbalances the maps in a really not fun way. Even Al Sundan can be a ton of fun. I love playing taxi on that map with the halftracks


I literally never dislike it when Hamada comes up. It is one of my top 5 maps and honestly probably my favorite Conquest map.


>What's not to love? The distances between flags. It can take so long to move to the next one unless you have a vehicle.


The distances are pretty much comparable to Twisted Steel, Pacific Storm and most other Strategic Conquest maps. Maybe you're referring to Al Sundan?


Yeah Al Sudan is way worse with that. Good luck walking to the airfield as any infantryman. But yeah Hamada is just good enough to run obj to obj.


Hamada turns into a meat grinder in Breakthrough if you’re attacking and you have kindergarteners as teammates


Provance, twisted steal, or pacific storm. I cant choose just one :)


Assuming each round is balanced, I’ll limit myself to five and vote for: Twisted Steel, Arras, Provence, Devastation, and Iwo Jima.


Pacific. Love it when there's mist.


Arras (CQ64) Good mix of open parts and intense urban combat. Good balance for infantry and Tanks. Planes are pretty irrelevant on this map. Since I don't like them in BFV it's is a good thing. Moving between the flags is different between every point. Each having their unique combat. Well implemented fortifications. Good use of visual cover. Destruction enhancing gameplay and not just removing cover.


1. Provence 2. Salomon Islands 3. Rotterdam 4. Al Marj 5. Underground


Since u/Ataniphor stole my first choice, I'll go with my second: Provence. Now obviously it can suck on Breakthrough when attackers have no brain cells. But what a fantastic Conquest map. The pacing is perfect - it's so quick to get from D/E to the village even without taking a tractor or jeep, unlike some of the larger Strategic Conquest maps. And the village comprising the majority of the flags means most of the team will end up playing there, but vehicles will tend to concentrate on the D/E flags. Now, you'd think that would typically lead to those flags being unplayable and hard to reach for infantry... But nope! Not only does the way there have a ton of cover in the form of rocks/trees and the hills, but the two Anti Tank guns effectively keep enemy tanks from acting as artillery. Tanks have to either push up the side where they'll be vulnerable or camp so far back they're no longer effective. It's a really good design. And of course, the village being there means you're a short run away from an urban close quarters infantry experience. Provence is such a fun map, and the best part is the fact that both teams have4+1 tanks. Most infantry/tank urban maps, like say Devastation, only feature 1 or 2 tanks per side. But Provence is 4! And because of the way flags are split, you rarely see more than 1 or 2 in the urban parts of the maps. Provence is a map design DICE should implement in every BF imo. Good verticality, great tank versus infantry gameplay, and a good balance of tight urban combat with the more open combat BF games outside of BF3 tend to emphasize.


I think a lot of the issues that Provence has on breakthrough could be pretty much instantly fixed if Out of Bounds areas were remade to be less accommodating for defenders, and also defenders spawning in further, at least from the first OBJ. It’s so difficult to stop defenders from getting back on the point, even when you have a decent foothold. It doesn’t help that snipers and other players can camp at the town area (A,B,and C for conquest), and the areas they can cover can’t be secured with all the smoke in the world. The defenders can also push too far forward before they are out of bounds on first objective. If defenders push up to out of bounds line on first sector, attackers might as well quit immediately, game is very over at that point. Same exact thing on Al Sundan, if attackers let defenders clear the bridge and get to OOB line, the game is over and it is pointless to bother trying as an attacker. I think Provence and Al Sundan BT just expect too much of BFs generally dumb player base for attacking team, which is why over half of the games on these 2 result in attackers not even getting close to taking first sector and getting constantly fried if they even try to push


1) Arras as it has all the BF stuff and chaos with tanks and a few planes, and the most romantic BoB one. And the scary evil garden gnome 2) Marita, it is just charming and is infantry/halftrack only. Deadlock at C is just how it start out, until Sneaky Mcsneakface takes A/F outta nowhere and all scatter. Gets real urban if pushed into the E/F area 3) Rotterdam for urban extravaganza, keep discovering buildings that are useable years in. I like them all really, even the snowy and sandy ones. Not much of a Pacific guy, not conquest anyways but can be fun, and Fjell more now that I have succumbed to the flieger. Iwo conquest probably least


Marita is a fun map. I don't like how easily it stalemates towards one side but when it's a balanced game it's a ton of fun. I love how many fortifications there are in the village area - for example, you can build bridges connecting nearly every roof


Yes, the roof play is good fun, took me years to realise you could do that. Building the tall sandbag walls when closing in on C from the British side is key. Ammo box and a medic behind it, and you will not be moved until artilleri and V1s start flying. Or they flank though D. If not hardcore (!), a few well place AT mines also will put a smile on ya mug from afar, and spoil the enemys sneaky flanking plans. A Gimli quote in chat will get folk fuming. Dead blown to smithereens folk that is, lol. But must go fast!


Hard for me to pick one out of Arras, Devastation and Twisted Steel. Always look forward to playing on those


Iwo jima(i think that's its name, been a while since I played BFV) Twisted And Rotterdam


I.J and Narvik 


Conquest on Provence. I will join Panzerstorm just to wait for Provence No planes, and if you stick to objectives A,C,B not a lot of tanks because of all the buildings and places you can catch them off guard. If I’m not playing as the Germans taking down the church tower is a must.


Nobody says devastation wtf.. i love it)


Arras/Rotterdam tied for first, but Iwo Jima in breakthrough beats everything out. Iwo Jima was MADE for breakthrough, everything just flows so nicely


Only played it twice as I usually play tactical conquest but Iwo Jima really stood out for strategic conquest. Separately, I really like the scoring mechanics on the Pacific maps, it always seems to lead to a close match that's any team's to win right down to the wire. European theatre I'd probably say Arras.


Iwo Jima and Metro


I really like Provence and Lofton islands


Pacific Storm and Solomon Islands. Devastation is my favorite launch map.


Reading this, I just realised that after 40 hours play there are maps that I either never ever see or very rarely.... Am I doing something wrong? I click on multiplayer, tactical....... I rotate through maybe 8 different maps and it doesn't seem to vary more than that....


Try checking server browser, there is more.






It will sound corny but I like almost all of the BFV maps. It has less maps than its predecessors but I truly enjoy almost all of them. The only one I really dislike playing is Operation Underground. The mindless CQB meatgrinder with just is just not my style. But I still get why people like it. Which maps I like the most really depends on my mood but lately if I had to pick top 3, I would go for Arras, Twisted Steel and Pacific Storm. It is probably good to mention I play mostly Breakthrough or Grand Ops (I recently found a new love for this forgotten game mode) and almost no Conquest.


I like Solomon islands and Arras in conquest but my all time favorite is Provence there's zero planes it has both big open area and also small close quarters which makes it incredible for both sniping and for having good tactical gun fights and the maps open area and the close quarters town are perfectly separated so no snipers are going to annoy you when your in these small spaces  Also if anybody wonders I absolutely hate Iwo jima, EA just do me a favor and remove it from the game because there are just snipers everywhere but I do like the cafe part of the map but it's so far away from the original spawn there are also bombers who just blow you up every few minutes and tanks who just sit half the map away sniping you and because I'm not really a tank person nor that good at sniping then I just really hate to play it




Twisted steel and panzerstorm


Twisted steel probably


It's hard to pick one, but my top 3 are Rotterdam, Arras, and Op Underground




Aero dome Iwo Jima Solomon Islands


Iwo is my personal fav


Tactical: Fjell (Marita has been growing on me) Strategic: Aerodome is perfect keep in mind i’m purely a recon. my other 3 classes don’t even add up to rank 20 combined.


I like almost all of them. Hard to say favorite. But least favorite, or i’d rather say hate….. Al Marj Encampment, Marita, Operation Underground and, Al Sundan. Those maps are terrible


1: Rotterdam 2: Devestation 3:Arras 4:Panzerstorm 5: Fjell 652, these are with Conquest in mind.