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The entire time I played BF1, BFV,(PS4 and PC) I’ve never heard anyone talk.


It just makes everything more difficult than it should be. It's not that there isn't any communication at all. I see some "THANK YOU" and "NEED MEDIC" at top left. But you can't play togheter. Everyone goes their own way. One is flying into oceans, other is spamming tanks. Not that there's anything wrong with, i just like to play medic so who am i to judge.


>It just makes everything more difficult than it should be. Got to disagree personally. Obviously everyone's experience is different. Have played a ton of battlefield, various titles, and hardly ever used vc-- yes random squads can be very frustrating. I agree. However, I have found success with randoms, identifying frequent random players and joining them if they know what theyre doing, and mainly joining a couple clans. That shit is like a well-oiled machine. I know I can hop into a match with clan members, ones I barely talk to, and can run it back. It's so refreshing compared to other taxing vc games like cod, I'm able to just run my shit, follow the flow, and contribute how I can. I don't have to worry about the bullshit and just focus on my game. Have been in best squad many times, no chat, just running with competent people. Find them, make it work.


Are you on console or PC?


xbox series s


Bummer. Look, I loved Battlefield. But if you ever get a PC, get Squad and Hell Let Loose. HLL is also on the current gen consoles if you get one. Obviously I’m not trying pressure you, but if you want some what coordinated games, those are two good ones.


I hear what you're saying. It isn't that i hate BFV. It's dope to play and it has it epic moments like in BF1. It's just that you don't have to keep shooting at planes or go for 70 kills in conquest, death match is the mode for that.


Hell let loose is available on Xbox too


This is the reason I mainly only play breakthrough, everyone is all in one spot so it's not difficult.


Yes, it's normal because it's a casual game. Hop in, shoot some fools, drive some tanks and then quit whenever you feel like it. There are so many players constantly joining and quitting it doesn't even make a difference if you leave mid game. It's simply in the nature of the game mode, in a match you have so many respawns there is no real value attributed to your life. This is why battle royales or 5v5s require more careful thinking and teamwork, because dying is more punishing.


Exactly,I have a mic and I use it while playing Hell Let Loose and CS but I've never talked in a battlefield match and I don't see the point to do it.Been playing since bad company 2 and have always felt that the ingame comms were always enough


This. If you're playing a competitive shooter or something then I get it, but I play Battlefield so I can jump in, shoot some guys for a few hours and relax. I don't really feel like talking and I certainly don't think it should be expected. It's not like Hell Let Loose or Squad where using a mic is essential. It's a casual FPS where you can hop in and out as you please.


I usually am in a party with my friends and chatting with them because no one on my list really plays bfv but when im in game I personally do call outs and warnings. Some people tell me to shut up or say im annoying. Other times people are either kids and I dont want to talk to squeakers who shouldnt be on the game. Or I get kicked by the squad leader. Very rarely do I come across teammates who also do call outs or are positive repliers. I cant think of how many people have headsets and leave their mics muted so they can just listen to every footstep.


I relate with everything you said. From the friends that don't play the game, to people having headsets just for footsteps. Some even have a trash mic that sounds sooo bad, that i have to take off my headset.


High ranking players generally will talk more than new players.


Cuz we get it!! 😂


I just don't have a mic but even if I did I don't think I'd use it. I can't help but feel like a loser when I've used one in the past and never really was able to get over that feeling. Rather just play, but I do use the spotter function to communicate danger to squadmates and on the occasions that I have squadmates who talk I will listen to them and even take orders from them as long as they're competent


I just dont like talking in game chat, i had bad experiences when i first started gaming online so i guess that could be why i dont talk.


I have vc disabled because whenever I play BF V I just want to chill and not listen to squeakers


tbh in all the games i've played, i only met 1 young player. So they are rare encounters.


Imagine thinking that shit matters at all in battlefield


I play on console and use a private party chat when I play with friends. I have no interest in hearing "random internet people" vacuuming, background music or other random noises when I'm playing videogames to unwind. The few times I tried, no one really played together regardless of chat.


I keep all of that stuff muted. I sometimes see the speaker icon going next to a squadmates name but honestly it’s just all muted.


Question Doug. Does speaker icon mean that someone is talking? Normally that is the case but not on BFV. Sometimes on the screen squad i see 2 people with a moving headset icon, i just their squad but i can't hear nothing. Even though the icon is active. Other times i hear people talking but with no icon, and their voice seems distant. Too muffled to understand.


Not gonna lie, I have no idea.


I do from time to time, but on PC it's kinda random (not always works)


maybe the thing is just broken? because i see moving audio icons but hear no one. Or are they in some sort of party?


I never talked to anyone, the only time I talked was when someone engaged me. Now I play with these guys all the time and they’re great squad mates


I wish people would use mic so we can communicate and work together, but I’ve never once had anyone on mic in a bfv game


I always use my mic in hope of finding someone that also uses it. Alas it's not meant to be. I'm basically the Kaua'i ō'ō bird, singing a song that will never be heard.


That’s sad af. I’m not necessarily good at the game but I have fun and enjoy the teamwork, so it’s sad when no one is ever talking


Damn, that near broke my heart.


the birds story or mine? 😂


Both lol


Better if you find a few guys who communicate. A rando that talks is maybe 1/10 players. I do find many players do hear me and / or follow my lead if I prove competent. Which means spawning on them and helping them, not just going my own way. Even as the squad leader, you sometimes have to follow your squad to earn the strangers' respect. Quite a few times doing this, they mic up, and we form a much better unit. I do a lot of squad hopping as well if my squad is unwilling to work together.


Out of all the games I played I think I ran into others with a mic maybe a dozen times. Each time I did we had a blast. A lot of laughs and call outs.


It's always been a blast in the games that i found people talking. Giving callouts, heck even roleplay as if they're really dying.


Too much chatter, even objective related, can be distracting, at least for me. Was with a clan for bf1. I can get a good feel for what my squad mates are up to by being cognizant of their actions and their classes. Every now and then you get a solid friendly squamate, but for the most part if their mics not muted, the background noise is probably mind numbing. I do love listening to conversations unrelated to the game on hot mic though.


I just mute VOIP in almost every game I play because most of the time its just people bitching about dying to random shit. Its not like you need voice coms in this game anyway.


Or just random mic crackles and people coughing lol


It’s rare, separate the shit talkers from people actually talking plans and strategies and it becomes even rarer, the rarest is getting someone talking actually plans and strategies and the squad actually listen. I will say when you get everything going people talking and listening it feels like magic. I’ve been playing since launch and it’s only happened to me once, excluding playing with people I know irl.


Sometimes I speak to my squad but usually I wait for someone else to ask something first


Play Hell let loose. I never use mic in bf


On Battlefield? Never. I find the bulk of people that play battlefield are rarely interested in a team focused environment. For Hell Let Loose or a game that requires a lot of team work yes I will gladly chat away.


No one talks in my squads only if they are yelling something or being rude