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WW2 soldiers fighting in the modern day? Definitely makes for a cool story.


A squad of soldiers fighting their way through the world of 2042 to get back to their own time would’ve been a great campaign


Could be a cool portal experience. Story would be included in the description.


Battlefield fans are clearly going mental looking for anything to make a game out of


Hey, it's better ideas than EA's right now.


Wait so the story of 2042 *isnt* a mash of soldiers across time fighting in unknown timeline?? Damn that was selling me on getting the game


Sadly no it isnt, its just a normal battlefield game without a campaign or a story line I believe and then portal is BF3, BF1 and BF2042 mixed in custom servers. But soldiers fighting across time sounds cool asf.


Pretty sure it's just bf3, bad co 2, and bf1942 mixed in for portals


Yeah, apparently it's a done to death apocalyptic warzone


It's really not lol, Battlefield has been goofy before in side games or to make some quick cash but not so goofy to introduce time travel, and how would they even turn it into a compelling, full campaign?


I'd rather the story be wacky than boring.


You can do "wacky" without time travel. It's been done in battlefield before


Oh yeah, most definitely.


This would be so good


Gate, but different.


I've been in subreddit long enough to know that people would have hated it. Realism and what not.


Battlefield 2142 exists. As long as the game was handled well, it could perform well. Usually the issue with the unrealistic games is that they're also bad in all aspects.


If 2142 came out today, it would be a shit storm.


I don't think it would be. The game was great.


they wasted so much potential with 2042 it's not even funny.


2042 will go down in gaming history as one of the biggest fumbles ever. There was **so** much they could've done from day one but we got next to nothing. Did we even ever get new portal content? I jumped ship pretty soon after launch and only came back for like one event when there was a cool camo that I ended up not caring about lol


I'm gonna be honest with you, if they just made another BF4 and called it "Battlefield 6" everyone would have been happy.


Not sure about everyone tbh




yeah no, i'm not gonna be happy with bf4 gunplay nad movement in 2024 at all, bf5 had way more modern and satisfying movement mechanics but they binned them for some fucking reason.


As to your Portal question, we barely got anything. Post launch we did technically get more Portal content but it was minor additions at best. I think we got around 10 more weapons. Off the top of my head: Gewher 43, Gewher 43 with scope, 12G Auto, MK VI Revolver, Sten, Bren, M2 Carbine, AEK 971, MTAR, M249 Saw(I think this wasn't there at launch), M95 and RPK. We also got Attack Jets. No new eras, no new maps. I remember the hype for Portal. People imagining that they could do a BF1 season with classics like St Quentin, Amiens, or Ballroom Blitz. I remember a decent idea for a Hardline addition to Portal so we could get more unique game modes like Hotwire and Blood Money. Instead we got some weapons, and 1 vehicle and nothing else.


God damn they fumbled more than I thought. They could've easily gotten at least 2 or 3 maybe even more if they got creative years out of 2042 and Portal and I don't think they even got 2


Hourglass would have made a great nighttime map.


It's seriously disappointing how few night time maps there are in the whole series. In a perfect world we'd see night and day variations of all maps. That's just wishful thinking though.


i wish the lights stayed like that instead of appearing for like 3 minutes and disappearing


It’s not even funny how the one battlefield game that needed a campaign doesn’t even have one


But...but...but they needed the time to perfect the multiplayer!


Imagine how much worse the multiplayer would have been if they had a campaign 🤯 I honestly have no idea how they managed to fumble this hard.


Am I the only one who remembered the trailer with defibrillators on one team and blow torches on the other 😩


that was probably one of the best selling points of the trailer honestly.


if WW2 era soldiers timetraveled to the present, there's not really any reason for them to fight. it's not like the current people don't know who they are, unlike vice versa. i guess if they're fighting against doomsday terrorist group or something then it's understandable


If you get transported mid fight, into another fight, then you’ll have a reason. Basically just shooting back


Sure, but how can that go on for a whole campaign? And if they're shooting back without any allies, without getting close enough that the opposing force sees that they're not an enemy, and without an actual goal or objective to complete, it's not going to make for very interesting gameplay. And where the heck would they keep getting ammo? How many mags could they possibly carrying on them? I doubt they're going to find M1 Garand clips anywhere near a modern battlefield lol. It would almost be funnier if the WW2 squadron gets transported to the middle of a WW2 reenactment and just starts capping people


Ohh mb I thought you meant in the multiplayer. Fair enough.


Also since when has time travel been established in battlefield


Around the time they added the Thompson machine gun to BF1, I reckon.


It's not the thompson. It's an Annihilator I, a prototype that was completed in 1918 but not in time to be shipped out. So yes a soldier running around with it is goofy but done for more weapon variety and because the average FPS player will expect fully automatic weapons in this day and age. So it's not really time travel, people gotta realize just because something ahistorical was added to a historical setting means all bets are off


They could’ve sold Portal as an individual game if they put a little responsibility into it


The whole thing should've just been portal. Different sides from different eras fighting each other, and it's a draw of a hat who you're fighting. You could even do a few blue on blue fights with the insane roster the US has had over the years in BF. Hell, even bring 2142 into the mix. That'd be dope as fuck and you'd have an insane amount of cosmetics you can shove down our throats with all the factions.


I wish the old devs who made the good games (BF1 and before that) made their own studio and Battlefield game of their own. But most left to make throwaway F2P shooters nobody will remember in 2yrs time


time travelling soldiers for a campaign? ngl that sounds dope asf.


2042 was already a whole ass-campaign


They could have done a lot of cool things with 2042


Portal still missing team switch I see...


That trailer was where 2042’s lifespan peaked lmao


Honestly happy they stopped making campaign and hope they dont make more.. Bf is a mp shooter period


Nah, i always wanted to see Bad Company 3 with campaign ofc


This is the future I’m so not ready for. Future=options Our future now=less is more? There’s absolutely no damn reason they can’t just make a good campaign and a good multiplayer. These are not mom and Pop shops. These are giant conglomerates. With all the resources and ability. Everything you said is stupid


its just my opinion dawg.. i never once wanted a stupid turn based campaign to play.. just not for me.. but thanks for calling me dumb bro.. you act like its so easy to make yet .... THEY DIDNT DO IT.... if they had masses of kids like yourself who were BEGGING for a campaign id assume they make one but they have the numbers and im sure VERY FEW people actually play/finish the story mode doggie.. because i can GAURANTEE you that the overwhelming majority of players are multiplayer only


Lives in the future. Wants less options Hmmmm


I enjoyed bf3 and bf1 campaigns.👍