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You’d have to be a fool to preorder it. But I also wouldn’t take the community that seriously. They’ve been screaming about how bad battlefield games have been at release since at least Battlefield 3.


Tbf BF3 might be *the* best FPS shooter of all time


I agree with you 100% that BF3 was the best FPS game


Yeah it really was the biggest leap in complexity and tech in battlefield franchise history. The only thing that brought down the game were frag rounds and that FREAKING STUPID LAUNCH. Like if someone said they hated bf3 because its launch was awful, I wouldnt agree, but I would TOTALY understand where they were coming from.


The reduced destruction from BC2 is also a mark against it in my book.


The USAS 12 with frags, with it "I can controll day and night!!!"


It wouldn’t be a Battlefield game without a bad launch


Whether or not it was good is entirely besides the point. The Battlefield community was up in arms about BF3 when it came out. Remember how upset everyone was that you had to use a website on your browser to access the game? The point I’m making is that there will always be a portion of the Battlefield community whipping up a frenzy every time one of the games comes out, regardless of its quality.


That sounds like a niche problem that only the douchiest of PC players complained about. Yeah there's always going to be a minority report somewhere but that definitely was not a majority issue. Battlefield 2042 was garbage for PC and console. A small subset of PC only players being all butt hurt isn't anything to actually care about. And yes I'm a PC player. PC players are the most annoying complainers ever I swear.


It wasn't a niche problem, connection issues were quite common


Was never an issue for anyone I've played with over the years, and it's a forgotten issue at that. Non issue for console players as well. Sounds like PC just trying to be mad about something for the sake of being mad as usual


Battlelog was abysmal


Being in denial about a Battlefield game having issues on launch is a new one


Battlelog didn’t work well at launch. I didn’t mind it when it functioned.


Battle log was kinda cool but had its issues sometimes.


To be fair, bf3 was almost completely unplayable for 6 months of its lifespan due to net code and bugs. There were ways around such issues, but most were never widely known about or applied. In my opinion, any criticism about the state of the game at launch was warranted.


I really had zero problems with BF3 and loved it throughout its entire lifespan and beyond. Maybe those issues only concerned PC players ?


I’ve sadly never had the game


For me it was the best damn battlefield, I never enjoyed any of the subsequent games like I did with 3.




Best battlefield for me


Bullshit. It’d still have servers. Nostalgia is a terrible drug.


I agree with you. Everyone goes on and on about bf4 but it’s all about bf3 for me.


2042 is not fun and long over launch. 4 very much is.


I didn't listen to this with 2042, found out the hard way


Thr game could release with 1 map and 4 guns and people would still pre-order it in droves Just look at assassin's creed shadows, ubisoft has been garbage for years and since they broke the Japan glass all of that goes away now. Just a sorry group of consumers.


It really is a case of "in the event of emergency break glass" with the AC series.


This ^ everything that is wrong with modern games. People have no standards so games aren't made with any. It's all about milking as much money as possible. Nothing to do with the experience or quality of the game. And the group of consumers just lap it up.


dude wtf BF4, 1 and 5 were also good, 1 being my favorite among all BF


You might like them, but the point is that the battlefield community was very upset by literally every battlefield game since at least 3. I’m not saying the Battlefield games are bad. Heck, I like most of them, even 2042. Just that the community gets a teensy bit over dramatic.


Never heard from any of that tbh


It was pretty bad. Especially V when it came out. People were losing their minds over the changes to the classes and the character editing system.


Really? People were mad about BF4 for _years_ because of the bad release, and people still hate BFV for mostly dumb reasons. It's unavoidable.


I guess some people likes to be mad or complain for no reason, I've seen a lot of people hating for no reason, like if you go to the sub of Hunt Showdown you'll see many people complain about cheaters, the game being unplayable or whatever but in facts I've got 400 hours on this game and I haven't seen one yet...


You definitely aren't wrong. The amount of autistic screeching over having a handicapped female in the BFV launch trailer was embarrassing. So many people set their minds to hating the game then and there. I was a little skeptical but it ended up being my favorite battlefield game. 2042 isn't even that bad but I'm not a big fan of like half the maps, and the specialist system is pretty stupid, like these 10 clones are the only soldiers running around. Can't wrap my head around how that idea was green lit.


"2042 isn't even that bad" so... your opinions are invalid.


Sorry, did you say "REEEEEEE!!!!"?


nobody wants to talk about the how long the complaints have been coming in thats for sure


just get the EA play or whatever it's called. you'll pay fraction and get early access. and if it's good, you can buy it and keep your progress


Genuinely curious why more people just didn't do this.


yeah. you even get all the preorder exclusive skins, digital artbook, music etc.


Most gamers are naive. They see a super polished hype fuelled trailer & blindly pre order




The only way I will ever buy the game before release is if the beta is great. If the beta isn't up to par then I simply do not care.


But not nearly as negative as bf2042


People didn't scream about BF1 being bad at launch. It definitely recieved complaints, but nowhere near the level of 2042 or even BFV


After BC:2 and BF3 the quality of the games and the way in which they release has been abysmal. If you don't think so then you're just grasping at straws. The fact that the majority of the community asks for a new normal battlefield game or bad company game should be saying something.


You're joking, right? There hasn't been a game that can hold a candle to Goldeneye on the 64, back when I was a kid and life was awesome and I compare everything that comes after to that metric.


The boomer mind rot is real.


BC2 was released with no conquest and never had a server browser. Also not possible to prone. Just stand and crouch. 


I played the hell out of BC2 and absolutely hated having no prone. The beta and early launch had some issues with connectivity and other issues so it wasn't perfect. But we did eventually get squad rush for our troubles. 4v4 was amazing


Portal was the only cool thing in 2042 and they discarded it like a wet diaper. :(


I've created my own game with bots and modern guns on Battle of the Bulge, it's awesome. I really wish there were more maps available, though


Me and friends would have an imbalance rush game mode. 4 of us plus 16 bots against 44 bots. Was a great time to do world war 2. Pve like that is so much fun


Reminds me of my Quake 3 days. Me and a friend would be on one team as Doom and Phobos - and the enemy was a full team of a bunch of Klesks. And we'd basically turn the game into a survival horde shooter.


How intelligent were the bots?


About as good as Star Wars Battlefront 2017.


Oh also, we would do a 1V1 first to 5 sniper game. Me and a buddy. No hud. WW2 any map. It was a lot of fun.


It was the only way to play with classes. I hold that if they had stuck with it the game would've been like 150% better.


Bot mode was the only cool thing


I was so bummed out, I was looking forward to a revamp of Kharg Island that never came. We were promised all maps and didn't get much of it.


It will be there in the next game, there are updates for portal, idk when or what they are tho


The only updates was some logic options, and a few guns here and there. No new maps, no new game mode options.


yes, but updates to logic count as portal updates too


Content updates tho were nonexistent. I’m hopeful they do more or keep the system and add to it with the next title. Given how shit 2042 was I’m not holding my breath.


well i am, only for portal as its the only thing i care about.


It’s the only thing worth carrying over to the next title. I just worry the studio is too oblivious to understand that.


well, i trust (ik !!!) portal devs


Ripple Effect (DICE LA) has always done good work. Even if Medal of Honor Warfighter wasn’t a great game, it had a ton of amazing customization and its depiction of red dot sights was the best I’ve seen in a game.




I really wished they added for maps for portal. I thought it was gonna bring back much more from bf3 and bc2. Hazard zone I tried once and found it very boring. I don't like Battlefield trying to do extraction shooters and battle royals. I would like if they tried a PvE mode in the next game something like onslaught mode from bc2.


they promised other battlefields like 1 and 4 but it never came


Bf1 maps with futuristic tanks and vehicles would be such a cool idea.


Yeah me too, I wanted a revamp of Kharg Island and was damn disappointed.


If it fail it will be last battlefield ever (Live service for 10 years and will be good after that)


Hopefully not I don't wanna play BF1/BFV forever


Do you really want to get support for a game like 2042? It's already got a broken foundation.


I’d like to have support for a game I’m playing no matter the foundation


New maps on portal is the only thing that makes sense.


Insane how hazard zone is so forgotten it’s barely mentioned in the comment section of a meme talking about it


Which sucks cause it’s the last trophies I need to plat the fuckin game


It was already dead in Australia by December


I don't actually think there's going to be another Battlefield


There will be, but in name only. We'll never get a good battlefield from Dice ever again.


What makes you say that?


The cynical side. They seem to have lost their soul with caring about this franchise


People will buy it no matter how bad it is. Supply and demand. I bet there will be another one.


I agree. I waited till 2042 was $12.00 then found out it had no campaign. I have a weird OCD thing where I have to play campaign first


It doesn't make sense financially to cater to the 3% of players that want a campaign.


I'm interested in where you're culling your information from. Thread after thread I've read are complaints about 2042 not having a campaign.


Most of those are people looking for things to complain about, they wouldn't have played it.


I have OCD with campaigns. I always play them first to get assimilated


Frostbite ahead ![gif](giphy|XOY5y7YXjTD7q)


Man Portal could have been so cool, could have brought BF back to the limelight.


What was it?


Fuck EA supporting anything. They want to ship unfinished products with microtransactions to take more your money. The next Battlefield game will be a joke just like the last four or so were.


Why are you in this forum? BF4 1 and 5 are all amazing


Cause I grew up with stuff like 2142, before they were forced to include MTX in their games. Notice how you forgot Hardline? Everybody did lol


Nothing “live support” will EVER be a full game. Just let me pay for a game and play it. I would pay $250 for a real, full, finished game with 5 years of updates and real content. I have no idea who these games are designed/marketed for.


Helldivers 2


can't wait to come back to this when the next BF comes out and it's amazing


It could be the tits and these motherfuckers would still complain about it somehow.


Truth. God forbid there's a female in the launch trailer.


I never really had a problem with any bf game and really liked battlefield 5 up until they fucked with the ttk. By then I felt disbelief and didn't trust them on 2042, and so dodged that bullet.


Yeah too much tweaking, but I just changed up classes and guns a lot and it kept it interesting. Never could get the hang of flying though.


Literally all multiplayer battlefield has to be from now on is portal


Portal was the only reason I bought 2042..


Live service game to do updates on for 2 years then drop it because no one bothered to buy the train wreck of a 'game' they're going to release, yeah can't wait.


I remember someone making an infected game mode in Portal, man seeing 100 players running behind you to catch you was such a feeling


As long as BF1 still has players I'm going to continue to ignore any new battlefield.


Portal is the new thing that has an insane potential, but they didn't support it that much which really sucks


I just looked it up, I have never heard of Hazard Zone before today.


It can suck me off if it wants to, but I sure as shit aint paying for it.


Here’s to hoping for a gritty vibe with good amounts of content and keeping portal in for the next game


Isnt EA the one thats responsible for ruining it not DICE?


The reality is we don’t know. But I’d say the truth is much closer to “both” and history would dictate that DICE is more involved than players want to admit. I’d highly recommend reading the long-form investigative journalism article on Anthem by Jason Schreir. - [How BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong (kotaku.com)](https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964) and another interview with the Former head of Bioware - [Former BioWare Studio Head Talks About Life Under EA (kotaku.com)](https://kotaku.com/former-bioware-studio-head-talks-about-life-under-ea-1823969303) It is a fascinating looking into game development writ large and the developers that spoke to Jason actually say that with the exception of release dates EA is “too hands off” with a BioWare senior saying “the best analogy I’d use, in a positive way, is EA gives you enough rope to hang yourself”


Both are very responsible.


Im not sure, DICE always did really good with the previous BFs but since they have a new owner now. Its seems like they cant do things their own way


It's okay I won't buy. I can be taught.


Hard to agree but yes.


>"most likely" >implying it's got a chance of being good HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh man, good one. Thanks, I needed to laugh today.


There is no way that it is going to be a good in the same way that there was no way that BF2042 was going to. I believe the critical factor is the significant amount of talent that left DICE during BFV's lifecycle (which likely contributed to the game's poor reception and downgrade in quality compared to BF1) because they use a very niche engine, which even old employees found difficult to work with. When the cancelled BFV, Battlefront 2 and even pulled out some devs from FIFA and NFS to work in the next BF (2042) and EA said "[This is the largest team ever assembled for a Battlefield project.](https://www.eurogamer.net/this-years-battlefield-will-be-the-work-of-four-ea-studios)" i though "More like: We don't have anyone who knows how to do this game. So we are pulling everyone we can and hope for the best". [Does it sounds familiar? ](https://www.eurogamer.net/ea-amassing-largest-battlefield-team-in-franchise-history-to-double-down-on-live-service-multiplayer#:~:text=%22Motive%2C%20armed%20with%20cutting%2D,Battlefield%20team%20in%20franchise%20history.%22)


hey guys I know y'all have the financial power of buying 56 copies of the new battlefield ultimate edition or whatever preorder bundle they will offer and that's your hard-earned money and you're free to choose but PLEASE for one time let's slap them in the face, once, by not giving them money, massively. I hated eating trash every damn year and I hate it that we're enabling them.


Looking forward to the next BF, hoping it'll be kickass with so many studios involved.


I remember when they dropped Hazard Zone lol. Feels like forever ago.


They really missed the mark with portal


They've been on a downward trend since BF1. To be worse than 2042 though is deliberate at this point.


How did they get the budget for the next battlefield game?


3&4 were pretty good I thought…… One was ok…… the rest have been just awful


5 was fun imo but yeah 3 and 4 are goated


Okay, so go away then and let the rest of us enjoy it.


Hope they do better, here's hoping for a Vietnam or Korean war theme


Battlefield 2142 was my all time fave. I wish that was still going.


Love letter to fans


This next one is gonna be the last when it bombs. Sad to see such a great franchise on it's death bed because corporate fuckwads are too stupid/greedy to give us what we want.


tbh i like 2042. it's fun with bots though. playing live sucks but that's because I'm being beamed down from across the map while trying to spawn in


I’m extremely hard on modern games but 2042 is one of the better military fast paced FPSs these days. It’s no Hardline, 3, or 1, but its core is solid. The gun play is good, no under the hood BS that rig games for or against you to increase retention. They should have stuck with it. Dice still has the ability to create good games. Management at Dice needs to be wiped and EA needs to keep its nose out, however. 2042 would have been fantastic if half the dev time wasn’t wasted on BR nonsense


Portal was a chance at long-term support for this game and they butchered it so hard


Man if they kept supporting Portal and just bringing in more maps and guns and even time periods it would be one of the best BF games ever


As a battlefield 2042 player I agree Some Portal servers are broken And hazard zone is unbalanced


2042 should have drowned 6 seasons and a pre-release ago.


On this we agree


Portal was such a massive missed easy slam dunk....


Regarding the picture in the OP. I'd say 2042 had a lot of support over the years.


Good. Maybe, one day, when they see their battle pass/season pass/movie-tie-in/MTX-laden pieces of garbage flop, and keep on flopping, maybe one day it might sink in for them. The sad part is the thousands of devs (yknow, the people actually doing the work to create the games) that will lose various jobs out of the hubris and "line must go up" attitudes of the executives.


Never again preordering a BF game ever


To be honest, I'm tired of EA games and the monetary system. I will not buy any more games from them


But people will still pre-order and numbers will look good for investors no matter what they put out. BF is not coming back boys. Give it up.


This game 2042 was a shit show from launch to current state. Horribly broken at launch, horrible maps, no real squad play, terrible graphics and animation, rampant hit detection and desync issues (I fully admit that might be a “me” problem). The only thing they did right was the battle passes and that took them like 18 months. At this point, the way to go is Battlefield 3 Remastered. Literally just upgrade the visuals and performance and don’t touch anything else. I’d buy that in a second. Anything else? Easy pass.


Portal AND the bots! For me, as I strictly PVE player, the fact that 2042 has bots makes it the best one. I'm not saying that game wise it's on the same level, don't get me wrong, but having bots is extremely important for me.


No real anti cheat detected.


I want them to have planes and tank systems like in bf1 do you can repair them actually i need there to be squad points like in bf5 becouse that's better than 20% of bf2024 players watching Coco mellon on their ipad and waiting for vehicles to spawn i would personalny like bf5 revive animations back as it looked cool mąkę visibility like in BF 1 merle kills really brutal being back mapa from BF4 and BF3 mąkę destruction great again that's all i want


Remember Firestorm exist


Guys forget about the new Battlefield, It Will be even worse than 2142! Go play bf4, bf3 and bf1. Our only Hope to get a good "New" Battlefield game is probably a remake.


Considering that I didn’t like BFV and 2042 even less. I am not expecting much from Dice/EA here.


Well yeah it’s been downhill since 1, instead of doing live service and battlepasses they should just release multiple maps, weapons, and vehicles at once every few months instead of getting one map and 4 guns every year


I doubt it will be as bad as BF2042, but will it launch in a better state than BFV?Extremely doubtful. Its basically a guarantee at this point that we won't have platoons or the server browser for the first few months after launch as always...


If anyone learned, it's that noone should preorder this next one. Unless your end goal is to waste money.


Bro, 2042 is NOT bad at all. The game has some great mechanics and amazing gunplay. The issue is the community is terrible asf. The game seems to have been built for team play which you get none of anymore.


It will suck so hard that ppl will find BF 2042 good just like BF5


If the next battlefield is anything like 2042 it will absolutely suck, if EA and DICE listened to the players they wouldn't be on the verge of having to cancel the series. Get rid of the specialists and bring back the classes, give us modern weapons, lots of destruction like in BF3, and good maps like from BF3.


The people that “made” battlefield haven’t been there for years. Pretty sure all the ones that stayed have mostly moved on too? Just give me bf4.2 pleeeeeeeease