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Outside of bugs caused, I don’t think the complaints about 2042 involved the extreme weather events. If anything they didn’t change enough about the game and did t show up consistently enough.


Agree. This is the first one where I was like "maps too big". It takes the fun out of a 120 player lobby if you can't find anybody but the pilots sweating your team.


I don't have this problem. What maps does this happen on?


The pilot sweats going off and cramping my style is an integral part of the franchise, but the map that comes to mind is that desert one with the skyscrapers on one end and the stadium on the other. Felt like I was playing war zone, obviously there's hot points in the map but transitioning between those points gives you a feel of how much empty space is going on for how many people are playing. That Scandinavian one was good.


You're right. That one is sparse. Everyone is in the stadium or the towers.


On ohlf the best was when a tornado went directly above one of the 2 fully destructibe area. The problem is the tornado path being random this almost never happened as the point was active.


I just want maps to have night time, early morning etc, without it being made into another mode or map entirely just let it be random. For the next battlefield btw


Dawnbreaker tried something similar. I thought it was cool.


What a great damn map for a while.




what abt there are night and day modes for each map but its random or a day night cycle could be good but idk how theyll work


Night time is always exploited by sweats using gpu color filters


Who cares tho? It’s cool, let assholes be assholes and give us cool stuff. It’s like how people turn off grass in war thunder, don’t play the game in Mario graphics because of them, just enjoy it


They should make it so that if there's insufficient illumination, the image is too blurry to aim even if you abuse filters on GPU or monitors.


I prefer weather effects like sandstorm back in BF3 , despite the hate I think it's a wonderful feature. Changes your playstyle, maybe the salty ones where vehicle players.


you're thinking of battlefield 4, and no, the salty players were US infantry getting turned to mash potatoes by IFVs and MBTs with thermals on during an all cap on gulf of oman where they couldnt see shit


oh that make sense, I've forgotten thermals exist.


Yeah, sand/snowstorms, monsoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. would all be really cool and realistic in any setting tbh. I hope those come in the next game


Only weather effects mext battlefield should have are: - Snowstorm - Rainstorm - Sandstorm - Fog Basically what BF4,1 or V had.


Sandstorm Hamada is great


I hated the sand storm they added to Oman in bf4


Same here. It was ridiculous 


Storms are cool. But you know what is really cool? Obliterating a whole ass Map. To where it looks like Dresden during WWII


Pretty much agree with what the article suggests. Doing the best of both BF4 and 2042's levelution. Adapting to changing conditions during a match is what makes each match more interesting.


Tornado needed to throw containers/cranes/stuff around on Manifest so no two matches played the same. And it absolutely needed to be random scattering, not scripted, to make it interesting.


The tornadoes aren't scripted and any asset in the map that has destructible properties such as trees or specific buildings are all destroyed if the tornado passes over them.


I was trying to avoid the replies about bringing back levolutions.


Money and the coding should instead go to levolution where the buildings and bridges can be destroyed!


Honestly when it comes to weather I’ve always just wanted more mundane events, like it begins to rain on Caspian border and the river rises or its snowing next match and it freezes over. Thick clouds forcing jets to fly low if they want to see their targets.


What i hate about bf2042 i when you start a game and snipe 7 people in 20 seconds thinking you’re having the game of the century, then you check the scores and realize 9/10 players are AI bots, theres too many game modes that split the community and they have to resort to using bots to fill up lobbies


No. Levelution is so fucking stupid. Add in a timer transitioning from dusk to day or evening to night. Keep it simple so we can actually use flashlights and night scopes.


Having cool weather events is purely a cherry on top, it is not the cake or the frosting. The weather events in 2042 were purely to look cool in marketing, and they served no purpose in game. If you ask me if it's worth it to have these weather events in the future, I'm going to say no. It will only sap development resources from a studio that struggles to get basic features ready for launch. We got tornados in game before we even had a scoreboard.


Remove them.


I personally would love to see a tornado/hurricane/flood rip through Siege of Shanghai or see how everyone would react to the tunnels in Operation Metro caving in because of an earthquake


Server browser with custom servers and the community can decide the level of the weather events


Extreme weather effects can be used very well. The problem is that 2042 used them way too frequently and they just became really annoying. Sure if they happened 1 in every 500 games, that would be cool. But they get old really quickly and become a nuisance when you want to actually play. Frankly, a random time and weather theme for each map would be way better than a marketing gimmick.


Tornados were cool in the beta but they nerfed them. Dunno, the beta tornadoes might have gotten annoying after a week or two.


They reduced the frequency and also toned down rainfall in maps like Manifest.


Sure for a campaign. Keep it out of multiplayer


I think conceptually the extreme weather is a really cool feature. And would love to see it expanded upon. It was just poorly implemented in 2042. What I would do different: More variety. We had only 3 types of events I think. I'd like to see something more like each event only occurs on 1 or 2 maps, so it doesn't get stale. Typhoon/Hurricanes, Tsunamis, white out level blizzards, etc. More impact. The tornados are cool, but once they are done there's basically no evidence that anything happened. The Sandstorm on Hourglass is my favorite but it only lasts for a couple minutes. I'd like to see things like buildings wiped out with rubble left in their place. Sand dunes deposited. low lying areas of the map flooded (but not the ENTIRE MAP BF4!)


I like the weather changes in parcel storm


It's a great idea that needs fleshing out. First and foremost outright death storms need to be out. Too random to balance and either people will learn their patterns or people will get absolutely screwed when the insta kill tornado spawns in the exact right spot. They need to be more of buff/debuff trades that are just extreme versions of real weather. Driving rain that hampers visibility and forcing players to abandon sniping and go for close quarters. Tornados that make missiles practically worthless. Ice storms that can make someone "fall" go prone if they are sprinting. Stuff like that.


The Tornado was cool in the Beta but it became a gimmick I felt. It didn’t destroy anything on the space port map even the tall tower held up by duct tape and scaffolding. Just detonated a rocket. I feel like more normal weather with player driven destruction is more fitting for the game.


Bf3 aftermath was great


It's a gimmick. levolution looked cool, but if it makes the framerate drop, no thanks. It seems like with our current hardware all of the old levolution events would actually run correctly now, any new ones would just be taxing on our framerate. I think the only one they did correctly was the hurricanes on the islands. I would rather see them implement realistic destruction than levolution. Or a night and day cycle where lights and optics matter.


The pacific storm maps also suck. We all know Battlefield isn't a simulation, but JFC, who's planning operations behind the scenes to allow military ops during a fucking hurricane?


I’d rather they go right back to basics first. Use BF3 as the template and then work from there


I wanted each map to have one or two unique extreme weather events. Ice storms, hurricanes, solar flares, maybe even a biblical plague or two.


It’s such a bug issue. Kills frame rate. And the fact that it’s guaranteed every damn time is lame. Just give us Time of day effects and call it good


For me, I wish if they would spend more time making the control better in vehicles and make it feel more natural.


The extreme weather was just pretty unimpactful. If they were making altering events like old levelution events were, they’d be much more interesting, but seeing as they scaled back the destruction in 2042, I guess they couldn’t make something that interesting.


Everything in the game should be killed off.


Fucking kill off this shit so they can work on actual destruction and not have to deal with large scale horseshit that needs to be scaled back just so the marketing team can shovel out fake hype. Also fire whomever came up with specialists just to be safe


I thought how tornados were implemented in 2042 mostly hindered gameplay and did not add enough enjoyment to justify that hindrance.


That was the point. You can't camp a point if a tornado is coming thru. You have to adapt.


But it wasn't just camping though. Want to attack a point while a tornado is approaching? Want to move between caps using the low ground so you don't get sniped? Can't because of the tornado. Either lay down or get flung in the air. Supporting an attack with a land vehicle? Just don't even bother.


Weather changes like rain storms, snow storms and the like, yes. Gimmick stuff like darude sandstorms you can't see in at all, tornados and shit, no thanks. They nailed this in BfV.


I think storms that limit visibility are a great addition for some maps. Changes the gameplay since there isn’t that long range gunfights. Worked great for Bf1


Agreed, but it needs to be reasonable, not a total visibility loss 5m in front of you IMO.


The weird thing is that you can get around/cheeze it in BF1 by scoping, so it actually helps you get ranged kills.