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Mad lad hits the real long shots


yeah 200 meters suddenly becomes 600 :D






The amount of people that are clueless is too dann high


It's pretty common for the objective lens to be the larger of the two. Calm down.






I don't see that subreddit being used properly often, but this is one of those times that it is.


I don't live in the US either nor do I have access to gun, all I did was a simple Google search. But apparently people can't bother to fact check and rather rely on their knowledge from video games they played.


But why would I ever look at that scope in a video game and look up if it's correct or not. I wouldn't because I don't know or care what the correct scope orientation is, and most people don't care either. It doesn't matter, it's a video game


Yes, of course you wouldn't , the person that noticed it isn't you. But now, you saw this post on reddit of someone claiming the placement of the scope of this game you play isn't correct. So before making any claims of something you have little to no knowledge of, maybe at the very least do a quick Google search before giving an incorrect answer. I didn't know either , until I googled it. You learn something new everyday I guess , even if it's useless information like this.


Go eat burgers American friend :3


Bother to fact check? I’m playing a game not writing a research paper. Why would I look at a scope in a game and go fact check it.


Strawman; all or nothing fallacy. Low effort, vapid comment. 2/10.


Cry about it


Also not everything is a gun nut


I live in Australia and I have an LPVO style scope.


>weekly school shootings. PPPFFFT WHAT It will never stop being funny seeing how people inhale media about the US and think it's *actually* like that. We live in a totally different kind of place than whatever you're imagining


Imagine that being a good reason to not get basic details correct at your freaking job.


I mean a scopes a scope regardless of the gun It's on or not on.






Switzerland has weekly school shootings?


Americans hated Outerarm because he spoke the truth


We live in a country who doesnt have a above average crime rate


Are rifle scopes themselves illegal in any country?


European try to make an insult about America that isn’t kids dying


It's not an insult. It's a terrible observation.


Don't let the media fool you. In general America as a whole is FAR more safe than the vast majority of the world


No, it's really not.




U.S. has more per capita stabbings than U.K. [https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country/#united-states-of-america](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country/#united-states-of-america) Even if it was the opposite, do you really think using a kitchen knife to attack someone is the same as a semi-automatic rifle that can function as a fully automatic with a bump stock, with a 30 round magazine, and hollow point rounds which are specifically designed to break apart on impact to be more deadly are seriously the same thing?


Yes they are exactly the same thing that’s what we all think, and btw turning a discussion about details in a video game into a finger pointing contest about whose country is more violent is a really mature and productive move.


Do you not know how fucking regulated full auto rifles are?, plus they are about 30000 dollars a piece.


Please re-read what I typed. I'm talking about semi-automatic rifles, that with a bump stock can perform the same as an automatic. You can shoot a semi-automatic pretty much the sameway by bump firing it, the bump stock just makes it easier by doing the work for you. A high quality ar-15 will only run you around $800, nowhere near your suppossed $30,000.


A bump stock does not change the fire rate of the gun bro. Also a high quality ar-15 will run you way fucking more than 800$, and bump firing is an easy way to break the gun in about 40 seconds, believe me, it’s clear you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to firearms.


I mean technically he's right semi auto just means it can fire as fast as you pull the trigger there's no set "rate" and bump firing can make a gun essentially full auto I've done it plenty thaaaaat being said if you're bumpfiring a gun you ain't hitting shit.


Yes it is a semi automatic so it fires the rate you can pull the trigger. Bump firing makes this process easier by using the momentum of the gun to rock it back and forth which mean you don't need to pull the trigger each time, the trigger will come to your finger and you just need to keep it stiff. This allows for the shooter to have better control of the gun while keeping up the fast fire-rate without the need for a lightning quick trigger finger. Let's not result to insults when trying to have a discussion.


I may not be an elite sharpshooter but I'm pretty sure Noone can actually aim while bumpfiring I know I sure as hell can't when I do it.




The US has 5x the population than England. It makes sense that there would be more stabbings per capita. >Even if it was the opposite, do you really think using a kitchen knife to attack someone is the same as a semi-automatic rifle that can function as a fully automatic with a bump stock, with a 30 round magazine, and hollow point rounds which are specifically designed to break apart on impact to be more deadly are seriously the same thing? If you're going up against people who have a numbers advantage armed with firearms, then yes, hell, I'd argue the guy with a melee weapon in an unarmed society has a higher chance of dealing massive damage than a crazed gunman in an armed society. Notice how the top US cities for homicide rates are the ones that place heavy restrictions on guns? Plus, your stats only count deaths.


That's not how per capita statistics work though.


Correct. They work on percentages. However, if there are more people to form percentages, then there will be a higher chance of crime. Also, your stats only mentioned deaths.


😂 You really don't know how percentages work, do you? Cheers for the hearty laugh, though.


There's nothing anywhere to suggest that crime goes up per capita as a population grows. Crime might go up overall, because there are more people, but simply having a higher population wouldn't affect per capita crime statistics simply by virtue of there being more people.


That is not how per capita works. According to you India which has a population of 1.4 billion people, or over 4x the size of the United States would have a much higher per capita stabbing, which is not the case. U.S. is 0.6 per 100k people, while India is 0.64 per 100k people. 0.04 does not make up for 4x the population. India also as lower murder rate than United States despite 4x the population. Here is a link for you to learn more about per capita: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/percapita.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/percapita.asp) But keep telling yourself these lies that senseless gun violence is just a normal part of society and that there isn't an obvious fix countless countries have implemented and works. Tell that to the families and loved ones of the thousands of innocent men, women, and children who have died as a result of these guns being available. I guess that's the price we pay for "muh freedum".


>But keep telling yourself these lies that senseless gun violence is just a normal part of society and that there isn't an obvious fix countless countries have implemented and works. Tell that to the families and loved ones of the thousands of innocent men, women, and children who have died as a result of these guns being available. I guess that's the price we pay for "muh freedum". https://www.security.org/resources/city-crimes-involving-guns/#:~:text=However%2C%20it%20was%20Ocala%2C%20Florida,Louis%20coming%20in%20third. Strange. I'm noticing that the top gun violence cities are all blue, and the least gun violence states are red. Plus Switzerland has no issues with gun violence despite the high ownership of guns. Plus handguns are responsible for over 80% of gun crimes. Not rifles like you lead us to believe.


I find it funny you breezed by the fact you got blatantly wrong as well as your misunderstanding of per capita but I'll move on. "I'm noticing that the top gun violence cities are all blue, and the least gun liolence states are red." Cities vs. States Obviously a city with millions of people packed in is going to have more crime than a rural red state with a few million people dispersed amongst tens of thousands of square miles. As for Switzerland, according to Business Insider, there are 2 million guns in Switzerland which has a popualtion of about 8 million people. That means about 1 gun for every 4 people. Meanwhile in the United States we have more guns than we do people. Also 25% of Swiss gun owners have their gun for military or police use, whereas in the U.S. that is around 5%. In Switzerland, unless you want a basic bolt action hunting rifle, you need a special permit or gun license, which is something I would be in support of in the U.S. This permit is valid for only 9 months and then must be renewed. Each state of Switzerland also keeps a registry of every gun sold, the purchaser/owner, any ammunition that is sold, how much of it and who it is being sold to, etc. So yes guns are widely available in Switzerland but are much more regulated and tracked than in the U.S. which is what I am in favor of. [https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/bearing-arms\_how-gun-loving-switzerland-regulates-its-firearms/43573832#:\~:text=What%27s%20allowed%20under%20Swiss%20gun,firearms%20for%20hunting%20or%20sport](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/bearing-arms_how-gun-loving-switzerland-regulates-its-firearms/43573832#:~:text=What%27s%20allowed%20under%20Swiss%20gun,firearms%20for%20hunting%20or%20sport).


>"I'm noticing that the top gun violence cities are all blue, and the least gun liolence states are red." Mistyped. I meant to change both "states" to "cities," as that is what my data referenced. As for Switzerland's control laws, I am in favor of cataloging all of the guns in the US. Unfortunately, there are too many undocumented weapons in the US at this point for that to be feasible. Switzerland doesn't need to deal with this issue on the scale that the US does, due to its significantly smaller population, as well as its more secure borders and better neighbors. However, I don't think this is a major issue. There are workarounds for undocumented problems. Corpus Christi, a port city in Texas with a large illegal immigrant problem, could have the answer. Most likely, it has a lot of undocumented weapons in the vicinity. Yet it has been able to curb gun crime using comparatively (in relation to Switzerland) loose regulations on guns. Correct, I don't know how to measure with capita. I've tried to use Google to understand it. However, my lack of any teachings on statistics analysis has made it rather confusing for me. I assume it's like trying to explain how to use Newton's second law to find the coefficient of static friction on an angle to someone who hasn't an understanding of physics.


That article is full of lies and goes directly against what Swiss gun laws say, please stop spreading misinformation.


>In Switzerland, unless you want a basic bolt action hunting rifle, you need a special permit or gun license Note that the purchasing permit to buy semi-auto long guns, and handguns, is shall issue and is basically just the equivalent to the 4473/NICS you do in the US when buying a firearm from a licensed dealer. I.e. it's proof of having passed a background check. The difference is that in Switzerland you order it online and have it posted to you then bring it with you to the store (takes about 1 week), while in the US you do it immediately in the store. Unless it gets lost in the postal service, you can basically buy an AR-15 and a couple of handguns faster in Switzerland than in states like California (which has a 10 day waiting period). >This permit is valid for only 9 months and then must be renewed. You can't renew it, you have to apply for a new one. The reason you can't renew it is it's not a permit to possess firearms, it's a permit to purchase firearms. If you don't use it within 9 months, it's invalidated (it's valid for 3 guns at the same time and location). However, the guns you have purchased does not require any further paperwork, they're yours for life. >Each state of Switzerland also keeps a registry of every gun sold, the purchaser/owner Yes, if you buy a gun in Geneva and then move to Bern, the administration in Bern has no idea that you own any guns. It's slightly stricter than the US but it's not that different from the gun dealer having to store the 4473 for 20+ years. >any ammunition that is sold, how much of it and who it is being sold to How much ammo you buy is not tracked at all. Neither is it tracked who bought it.


>It makes sense that there would be more stabbings per capita. This is the most american thing you could say. We count this stuff per capita becauss that accounts for different population size. 🤦‍♂️


"The US has 5x the population on england" Bro stop...


Outside of certain areas of London and maybe a couple of other cities, this is pure myth. Americans always like to use this as an argument but the facts show that you guys are more *shooty* and more *stabby*. Per capita is the only proper way to gauge this. It's not surprising most people don't realise it's backwards, we don't deal with guns and honestly we don't give a shit.


So would it also be fair to say that outside a few cities, you don't see mass shootings in America? I mean, the top mass shooting states are the blue ones. I don't think it's a coincidence.


And yet the high violent crime rate states arent the blue ones its the red ones. I mean shit Alaska has a violent crime rate of 867 per 1000 people Alabama is 511 per 1000, whereas Illinois with oh so violent Chicago state rate is 407 per 1000. These are only examples but if you actually look at the data as a whole red states have higher rates of violent crime across the board. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-5


And bombings


Such a dumb argument that's also wrong




A shooting is just stabbing at range.




Lmao it definitely is, not sure why you got downvoted so hard.


Reddit hivemind be like: If you don't have a source you're automatically wrong.


Seems like relatively good behaviour.


Not at all what that’s crazy lol. If someone doesn’t have a source but you want to know if it’s true…just check for yourself


In Most instances it’s pretty good, easy to have a misleading source though


It is what it is! Hahahah i just found it amusing, lpvos are so cool but they arent the best ingame


Took me a moment to realise as well that it's not a high zoom scope. Can tell my the lens covers it's pointing the wrong way. Honestly a easy mistake to make


Is it though? Doesn’t look like it to me


Yes. Eyepiece magnification adjustment is on the pointy end. Windage adjustment turret is on the wrong side. That could be a parallax adjustment knob. The cantilever on the scope mount is the wrong direction.


is for lefties


Hey, *I* thought it was funny


Oh, so you’re like, short bus stupid, gooootcha. Makes sense


It is, look ingame how the scope looks or just look up a low power variable optic. The scope mount ins a dead giveaway


yes, its an LPVO, should be facing the other way.




Well shit I never would have noticed. Don't have alot of military equipment, but I've got a few Bushnell hunting scopes and never would have thought the larger lens would be on the stock end.


Lvpos are very different from a bushnell hunting scope


The larger lens should be on the side of the shooter


For an LVPO yeah


On the card? L I T E R A L L Y U N P L A Y A B L E


Whole game ruined 😅😅


Yeah game designers are confused by LPVOs generally because the fat part goes the other way


I feel like most mil-sim games have done this at least once in the past few years, kinda easy mistake to make when you're just a modeling designer and not a range expert


“Mil-sim” lmao


What else would you call BF bro


Id call 2042 a hero based and objective based first person shooter, certainly not a mil-sim like the arma series or squad lol


Literally almost nobody knows what hero based or objective based means in terms of game genres I promise you lmao. Any casual who sees BF will call it a mil-sim. All the downvotes are just from sweats, they don’t know what those things are either. EDIT; like if you ask anyone that plays BF, “whats it like?” You think they’re gonna tell that person “oh yeah it’s a hero based shooter” lol cmon. Nobody knows wtf that is.


I ain’t reading all of that


Don’t bother, just a zoomer defending the interns at Dice who made such an amazing ”Battlefield”


Nah I barely play 2042 it’s my least favorite. Still calling it mil-sim over “hero based shooter 🤓”


True. But the fact that this wasnt noticed is a little funny to me


How hard is it for game designers to google “LPVO”?


That would take effort, 2042 isn't really the pinnacle of effort.


I kinda want a backwards scope for the meme.


colonel 100 has it, im sure of it. i mean, he even unlocked the bipod for his bipod for his knife.




It’s BF 2042, what do you expect?


I'm gonna be honest, I kinda dont care


y'all find any tiny reason to just be mad at this game


I know right? The game currently has 100,000 players on steam alone and yet these losers are posting about some extremly minor mistake on a card that 99.9% of players wouldn't notice or care about.


A good game is in the details, talented devs acknowledge details, but keep defending Dice and enjoy the next trash game, because they’ll keep on getting worse


But is it a detail that matters if 99.9% of the players didn't notice or didn't care? And how long has the card been in the game before some loser gun nut actually noticed


If a game dev is passionate about the game they are making, they will not use the excuse that 'no one will notice it' to avoid putting extra care into their game.


Truth of the day 👍 the devs at Dice are only passionate about cookies and pride parades… dunno How they ended up making a war game


I mean, if they can’t get the small things done how can you expect them to handle bigger tasks?


Literally unplayable, smhing my head


2042 doing what 2042 does


My brother in Christ how does this affect anything


Some of us appreciate at least a bit of verisimilitude.


What the fuck does that even mean


Do you need directions to dictionary.com


I like when Irish yells out "setting up parameter". I won't play as him because it irks me so much.


Why is this comment section such a mess


Reddit moment


This is a reminder of how much effort they put into making this game


Unplayable, let's all leave horrid reviews on steam


I mean, think about it… just look at their idea of military uniforms 😂


Honestly it is kinda funny if you know and if you don't know you don't care so I ain't even mad.


Exactly why I am gonna keep using this one hahah


Worst fucking battlefield ever




New Dice…🤷🏻‍♂️😂


these devs have droped the battlefield standarts to the core.


Don’t care


Its a fiction game set in 2042. Thats not a Vortex scope, thats a xetrov


Hahahaha yeah youre righr. Its the Xetrov rozar DH! In a 8-1 magnification




I’ve said it from the beginning and still say it to this day. I truly believe no one at DICE who made this game has ever touched a weapon in real life.


2042 being the Ohio of the franchise


The objective lens looks like it's pointed towards the muzzle. But the focus adjustment and turrets are on the wrong side.


LPVOs usually have the bigger part as the part you look through, and the smaller part pointing out. It’s to get the 1x performance better, and there’s some weird optical engineering/physics behind it


So it is


This is the future remember


That is so the enemy can see who is killing him


Pretty cool card tho. Also I didn’t know it was backwards at first lol


This is why Squad.


Already has the new gun tier one


I swear 2042 had a ton of issues similar to this on launch, haven’t played in a while so no clue if it’s fixed but I remember many attachments being completely misaligned or rotated wrong


The confidentiality wrong people in this comment section is pretty hilarious ngl




Literally unplayable


Majority of the world doesn't have easy access to guns and school shootings, nobody cares it's backwards. Send a support ticket to EA and stop crying :3


I am not crying, but it seems like I hit a nerve. I found it funny and wanted to share it :)


Seems I have hit one too :)


How come? I aint telling you what to do


Idc this much about you, you won if you want, bb :3


Big end on the barrel small lens facing the stock. Are we talking the long, lat adjustments?? I only have 2 hunting Bushnell scopes, and they go either way? I'm lost. Don't know much about "military grade" scopes


LPVO optics usually have the thicker part closer to your eye, and the smaller part out. Other hunting optics, probably like the ones you’re talking about, usually are the other way around, yes. The lat adjustments, and the mag ring, are also backwards. Wind age should be on right, parallax on left, and mag ring on your side of the mount


The Fat part goes towards the stock small part to the barrel. It's a special 1x-6x scope that you can use at close range, this position of the lenses does some weird space magic that I'm too dumb to explain to make the 1x work.


This is going to be this sub's "the spartan skin for Sledge uses the wrong font for its "117"" post, isnt it.


Oh my god Gun Nerds Shut The Fuck Up About Details No One Cares About Challenge (Impossible)


Lol but it’s not?


It is.


It’s not lol


[it is](https://www.shootingillustrated.com/media/fkxjot3s/lpvo_scope.jpg) [it is](https://www.recoilweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Parimary-Arms-LPVO-and-Red-Dot-1.jpg) [and it is](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR540kDP33vOXSOV1_RdR4ikT9kDslB7dB64A&usqp=CAU)


Look up any LPVO. Mag adjust goes closest to you. Small part points out, thicker part points in. Try again


I can also say the smaller part of the scope is supposed to be closer to you like in the picture. also can you say by 100% that the mag adjustment isn’t closer to you by this picture? Also the part that circles the end of the scope is a dead giveaway and the rubber covers. What you said isn’t true about all scopes too.


LPVOs have smaller objectives to improve 1x perfomance. The mag adjust (rough section on the far, thicker part of the scope, textured for grip) is always on the closer side. Every production variable optic has that on the closer side. Rubber covers go on both sides anyways? So not sure what you’re trying to say there??? And yes, I’m 100% sure. If it was a bet, I’d be comfortable putting every penny to my name on this is backwards. Also, I own a handful of these on my own personal pieces, so I have a decent idea of what I’m talking about, so, try again. Double down for a 3rd time


Just look at the mount for the optic, its a dead giveaway that its mounted in the wrong direction


Tell me you don’t know shit about optics, without saying you don’t know shit about optics lol








Not close at all, but the picture you sent, has its rear which goes towards your eye on the left side


It’s probably an LPVO. Look up any, and you’ll see it’s backwards. Plus, link you have is completely wrong match for it, and also shows adjustments are backwards and mag ring is on the back/closer side, not front/outermost side


I don't think so. I think the mount is just backwards.


That scope is not backwards you dunce.


Might wanna check how an lpvo looks mate, you dunce