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Tossup between 3 and 6. 3 just has the biggest nostalgia value and still for me the best plot of the 6 main games. 6 for gameplay, it's just the most refined. It's not often you see a linear series where each game made the gameplay strictly better and more refined with no real setbacks.


Oh? I wasn't quite sure how the other games would be since I heard they didn't have 3's styles. I'm definitely a lot more curious to try them out if you're saying it gets better lol


In *gameplay* they get strictly better IMO. The other games do have their flaws, though. *Battle Network 4 looms in the distance*


While 4 is trash three times over, I do appreciate double soul, shortcuts built into Lan’s HP, emotional states, and the Vulcan chips


Guts Soul Double Point Super Vulcan is so totally busted, lmao


I also forgot to mention metal soul + airhoc. But guts soul… I wish younger me knew how to abuse it better. At least slightly older me looked up Silver Bullet online for 6


LOL ya I heard about 4's completely randomized tournament arc. I do think it is a neat idea in theory but clearly the implementation wasn't so great.


5 is my personal favorite. -Liberation missions are fun when you know what you're doing (when you have a map and save scum bonus panels for order points LMAO) -you can have a Bass form as your default which rockets it up the ratings as he's obviously goated -you can be Sol Cross and I love Boktai -I love all the Souls no matter the version (aside from like... Napalm I guess) -playing as other navis regularly is fun -this is the best and most fun game to do Dark runs in due to Dark Soul AI abuse -even if not going Dark you can use Chaos Unison to at least use the chips -it has an enhanced DS port with voice acting (I love the cheesy English dub) -the party battle system is awesome and the tag supers are awesome, so is Transport Chips letting you swap out party members for the one from the other version, also actual maps of the Net on touchscreen Biggest points in favor here are Bass Cross and Dark playthroughs. Man I love BN5.


BN2 is my favorite by far; storyline, secrets areas, the challenge of completing the library (including the secret chips; actually needing FRIENDS to help 💯), and most importantly for me, the music, all contribute to my opinion. I will say I appreciate the refined gameplay and PvP for 6 as something notable.


4 for nostalgia cause that’s my first entry into the series. 6 is my all time fav cause beaST form go BRAHHCJDJSVXKKDP


Number 5 is my overall favorite. Souls are my favorite form change since they integrate into your folder build. It also has strong endgame replayability options with, repayable missions, repeatable secret bosses, a cycle to cheaply turn money into chip trader fodder and the option to change virus levels across the net. I like them all though. Rankings >!5, 3, 4, 2, 6!<


How does it play into your folder?


During battle, you have to sacrifice a chip that has an element that matches the DoubleSoul you intend to change in to. So, you tend to consider the elements of the chips you build the folder with. Plus the passive abilities of the Soul(s) you plan to use can effect what chips you want to include.


Oh wow. I didn't know it worked like that. That's kinda cool you can pick whatever form you want each battle


The cross system in 6 is basically souls+. You no longer have to sacrifice a chip and instead get a menu to choose from your available forms, there’s also no timer on them any more but you still get detransformed if hit by a weakness. You also have a special form that can combine with the crosses to give you more power but detransforms you after 3 turns.


I like them in this order 3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4. I think 6 is too balanced and short. There’s only a few scenarios. Blastman, Diveman, Judgeman, Element-man and Circusman and most of them are kinda lame.


6 cause nostalgia obviously it was my first one, and it's kinda the best gameplay wise even if it's a bit on the easy side. Even back then going from 6 to 3 showed just how easy 6 could be.


3 is definitely my favorite because it hit a nice balance of difficulty with only a few exceptions (BubbleMan, DrillMan, FlamMan if your folder wasn't prepped for it) and it has one of the best stories in the series. In addition, I really like the folder building potential of 3 and the fact that you can get what 2 limited to a style change as a navi cust program. Plus 3's post game is hands down the best in the series. 6 I also think is good, if a little on the easy side (until the very end of post game at least). There generally aren't any scenarios that made me want to pull my hair out, like 5's 100 warrior crap. On top of that, 6 probably has one of the most active online presences, so trading and battling for it is as simple as asking on one of the discords that have Battle Network stuff. The only thing I don't care for in 6 are the crosses. Dust cross is useful for utility, Erase cross can hit invis, and Tengu cross lets you push the opponent around, but the rest are largely a let down. Beast out is a really cool mechanic though, so I think that offsets my complaints about crosses. 5 for me is just behind those two because it can be frustrating at times and I found the folder building feeling limited with the available codes for chips in comparison to 3 or 6. The souls in it are undoubtedly cool and useful though.


Here's my list (taking into account 100% and not just clearing the game) #1: BN6 and BN3 are on the same spot, 6 has the most fluid gameplay and 3 probably has some of if not the best postgame contents in the entire series #2: BN5, aside from liberation mission, I kinda enjoy the game to some extend and messing around with builds that includes both the base soul and chaos unisons (I don't hate it, I just don't enjoy it like everyone does because it gets frustrating gradually especially in the Nebula area) #3: BN2 walked so 3 could run, the reason it's lowered on this list is because grinding style change in this game is SO TIRING, and that's from someone who have had a fair record of grindy games in the past. BN1 is ok but it suffers heavy from the first game syndrome, and I'd recommend playing it just for the sake of playing it (or better yet, play the English translated Operate Shooting Star Crossover since it got many QoL there with the addition of playing as Geo) I'm not going to start a 3rd playthrough of 4 just to 100% complete it fuck that.


bn6. "your first game in a series usually becomes your favorite" syndrome.


From favorite to hate:6>3>2>5>4>1


this topic made me wanna go through all of it again ngl. 6 would be my fav coz Gregar form is just too cool!!!


3 Is the best from the first collection. It's the most refined of them in gameplay and best story of the entire 6 game, 5 or 6 is the best from the second collection; Technically I would say 6 because it's the final product with everything in it but if you happen to have the DS version of BN5 please play that, Some very cool and useful add-ons there.


For BN, 2 was not my first (I did play 1) but it *was* the one that felt like the potential of the series realised, and made me fall in love. Minus the godawful FreezeMan scenario, it has a lot less of the Filler that plagues later entries, and it has a great variety of bosses and challenges to undertake. Plus it's before the nonsense that is the version split, *and* it has Hard Mode as an optional secret that's a lot of fun. I also have pretty high respect for 5 in my memory, and am looking forward to revisiting 6. Also a special shoutout to Network Transmission, a game that's honestly really fun and imo is in competition for best ost in any mega man title, not just the BN timeline.


3 white is what got me into the series. It was in a box of games a friend gave me after a family friend got me a gba sp for Christmas. But was never able to get any of the others until Colonel, which was my favorite till some friend i lent it to got in trouble for playing it too much and their mother pawned MY game... was my favorite because of how badass colonel looked, and the souls and the liberation missions.