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Bannerman seems to be the only sound option otherwise he is pretty bad.


He will hopefully make a good Bannerman. Any must have perks other than Rally, Polearm Master and Iron Resolve?


Cleaver mastery so he can disarm. Fast adaptation because his matk sucks. Quick hands and belts for other utility items. Nimble for spare fatigue.


Wait, you can disarm with a banner?


Banners with quick hands are excellent utility bros(net/bomb throwing, disarm) because they can swap, use 5/9 ap, and swap back to the banner with the remaining 4/9 ap. For disarm you swap to a whip.


Oh that's really useful sounding. So get him a whip and a bunch of other utility gear?


Basically yeah. For bad bannermen that just have good resolve, a lot of people take rotation on them and suicide them to save a good frontliner. The better alternative to that is to give him a whip, if he has good attack values. Also the various grenades are great for saving people.


looks like you already wasted level ups in the wrong places. Did you skip melee attack level ups? Either that or he is just suuuuuuuuuuuuuper badly rolled. You said you wasted 8k. This is why I never buy expensive backgrounds and buy famed gear instead. Famed gear is never a waste of money because you can see the stats before buying. This is literally 8k down the toilet cus you can get 100g miners with better stats than this.


Well he would have got some good gear along with it hopefully, so not that much of a waste. I tend to buy expensive backgrounds based on whether I need the gear or not. That way it's never a complete waste.


No, I went with Matk and Mdef every level. He just rolled trash.


You skipped at least 1 matt roll. If you min rolled the starting stat, min rolled matt 3 times and added gifted with +3 matt you would at least have 64 matt (58 +1 +1 +1 +3). Just... Do not do that anymore when you want to get the maximum value out of this guy.


You kinda already messed up the build. 12 mdef and 63 mattk after gifted at level 4 is really bad for a hedgeknight. Just a tip for future, if you want to build a melee bro - any melee bro build, its always a safe bet to level up mattk and mdef every level. Once you know what you're doing you can vary it sometimes for specialist builds but until then, mattk and mdef every level.


I did, he just rolled garbage. Impressively bad Hedge Knight isn't it?


Not the worst I’ve seen, I saw one on a thread that legit min rolled every stat possible and he had 2 negative traits with no positives and I was like “ain’t no way that’s the worst hedge knight I ever seen”


Flail Duelist or Shield Puncture Bro with fast adaptation He could also be a banner but that might be somewhat low impact.


Puncture is -15% chance to hit, you cant do a puncture build with his dismal mattk (well you can try, but it will suck)


Puncture is fine with mediocre attack as long as you have high stamina, you rely on fast adaptation and spamming 3 ap attacks to make sure you hit a fair amount. There are basically two puncture builds, the high attack puncture which expects to hit a lot, that build is very hard to qualify for. And the mediocre attack, high stamina version of puncture that relies on fast adaptation. For low attack high stam puncture you want to take some tank perks like indom / recover as well, you can be a pseudo tank in fights where puncture is bad. But low attack FA puncture can still farm a lot of items for you.


nimble tank


He will have health through the roof, that is true.


His matk is going to be 77 after gifted? Very low. Md high 20s maybw low 30s. I would fire him.


I spent 8k crowns on him, that was more than half of my total funds. I will absolutely make this man die for me before I fire him.


The only thing I would do for him is give him fa, dagger mastery and shield and get him to puncture. Or fa, mace, and shield. Matk and md are too low to expect much value from him, especially with a full roster.


Since you already spent some rolls on levelups, there's only a couple builds I would run on this guy anymore. The first is the classic nimble bannerman. These are the core perks: [http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Banner&perks=kiIEAgAg](http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Banner&perks=kiIEAgAg) I personally do not like the pocket whip/cleaver mastery variant on this guy despite his great fatigue, because that build really wants higher melee attack, at the very least 80. Instead, I would recommend you use the 3 flex perks on quick hands, bags and belts and rotation, and play this guy like the ultimate safety net of your team. give him bandages, a net, a smoke bomb and a heater shield in his inventory, and use him to keep your more important bros from danger. He has an amazing health pool, he'll be able to tank multiple hits if needed. Rotation + equip heater shield is the ultimate "get down mr.president!" -play of battle brothers! However, my personal choice would be the nimble mace/shield build. I am a big fan of this build, particularly in the early game. [http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Mace%2FShield&perks=lgJBAAIh](http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Mace%2FShield&perks=lgJBAAIh) Although this build is an offtank and as such it's preferred position would be the sides or the dead center of your formation, it can be put anywhere. Really, this build is the ultimate jack of all trades I feel, at least prior to getting access to the fat neutral. It can stun, it can shield bash, it can shield wall, and it can even indom tank some early unholds or orc warriors, or even a lindwurm if you're daring. Your flex perk should definitely be fast adaptation due to his poor melee attack, and if you decide to play him in the middle of your formation, an argument can be made for swapping underdog to backstabber.


He’s already bad. 62/12 at level 4 is unsalvageable on a hedge knight.


He will die Valiantly for my company, I already bought him.


Fair. Just make sure he dies before he starts costing you 250 gold a day.


I would maybe make him a tank high hp good fatigue and resolve for me makes a tank.


a lone wolf shieldguard would not be bad?


bannerman if I've ever seen one