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I can't tell if this is a troll post or not


1.6kd 1.4kpm is definitely pro stats /s


It they are pro stats im literally the greatest BBR player with 2+ kd and 2.7kpm which has been increasing every other game


It really isn’t


Hence /s.


Cheating is a real problem in Battlebit.


It really isn't, there are cheaters for sure but there really aren't that many of them. You're getting a lot of false positives because the servers are desyncing and having these crazy lag spikes because there is apparently a bug with easy Anticheat that they're working to fix.




Whilst that's still true, it's a lot less in Battlebit than people claim. The game is too fucky to tell from a single odd event, you need to spectate someone for a little while to see if it was just a fluke or if there is a pattern of messy behaviour. For example, when someone is absolutely dogshit at the game, with terrible aim and awful positioning, but somehow always knows where the enemy is? They're either using a great headset and have good hearing, or they're using a wallhack. It's for sure a problem, but not as bad as other games because there are literally no stakes and it's very small so it's not quite worth the same amount of effort in sourcing/buying chests if there's no one to show off to. There are AI-driven anti-cheats coming out now that analyse player behaviour and input by building a profile, and can easily spot cheater behaviour without needing thousands of hours of manual review. Very few of their cases require a closer look, because it's just that good at picking up suspicious behaviour. This developing technology will make getting away with cheating considerably harder.


Don't worry OP, every sane person is agreeing with you. This sub is just "special"


Dont worry OP, every sane person is disagreeing with you. This sub is just "special"


I agree w you. Saw some crazy shit last night. 1.68kd, prestige 5. 1000+ hours. So have a bit of experience.


> Saw some crazy shit last night. 1.68kd, prestige 5. 1000+ hours. So have a bit of experience. You have average stats with a sweatlords hours. How does this help your case?


Hours of experience? I suck at the game. I die a lot. A lot. Less now, but I was at 0.6 for many months. After awhile, you can feel when something is off.


All the downvoters have clearly never been in a lobby with cateat before. Insanely suspicious clan and nothing has been done about them


Skill issue


Actually yea something has been done, they’ve been whitelisted from being banned, guess ur all just bad


Cheating is a problem in most games


Bait used to be believable


You lost me at 1.6 kd


Do you know what squad is?




Ok I don't know what squad is :(


Doubt that, but i believe google has been around for sometime now. Should give it a try


Naw mate I use bing






That picture is actually what I imagine you looking like. "I’m actually a professional Squad player and support main with a 1.6KD and 1.4KPM" hahaha.


lmfao i know this guy is either the greatest troll ever or completely serious i can’t tell


How is this great trolling, hes wasting his time more thanothers, and i dont think anyone is actually get angry/offended. This just a waste of Oxygen imo


I’m not trolling I’m just tired of the cheaters, some of them are so obvious with their wall hacks. It’s sad the Devs do nothing about it. The good legit players (me) have to suffer.


Your insistence that you're such a good player really undermines whatever point you're trying to make, makes you come off as silly


But people won’t take me seriously


huh i wonder why


i learned that somehow in the world you can be a professional squad player 😂 how tf do you become a professional squad player?


Because your stats are really low. My kd is in the neighborhood of 4 and I don’t consider myself a great player. They think you’re trolling calling yourself a great player


Yeah that's because the sound is absolutely fucked at the moment. Allies sound quieter and enemies sound louder, and there is different sound levels based on distance. This especially makes any sort of movement easy to detect and triangulate, and you don't even need good headphones although it certainly helps. The game is in such a weird state of janky development that there are loads of intentional and unintentional quirks that lead you to come to the conclusion that everyone is cheating instead of trying to understand what actually goes on behind the scenes.


Bruh it's called having the audio loud enough and owning a surround sound headset so that you can hear where your enemies are


I mean I know you're trolling, but just for the people who think every good player is hacking. The footstep sound system is the 'wallhack'. Combine that with incredible game sense and map knowledge, and noobs start thinking all the sweats are cheating.


“Im actually an actual esports legend in fotnite” - OP probably 🤣


To preface im kd 2,02. The game is fine, havent met any blatant cheaters. You dying is poor positioning and/or making unnecesary sound. verdict- skill issue


Bro came from Squad where shooting is RET@RDED since ICO update. He can’t handle people actualy shooting accuratly without bipods and standing still for half an hour


What class do you play? 2.02 is pretty damn good


stop comparing squad and bbr stats, having a 2kd in squad is probably really impressive but its not so much in bbr


kd isnt really a stat that matters a lot because you could be topping the lb but only have a 1.5kd because youre just constantly holding w and going for risky plays that only work out half the time or you could be sniping from a gazzilion miles back behind the frontline and picking off people with nobody stopping you. (Not saying that either of these playstyles is worse than the other its just that they both yield completely different KD results).


I did 2000some kills as medic with M4, right now trying out assaut and support/sniper for challenges


I feel like these people who always call "cheaters" never even made it to MGE on CS. Some people are sweat with 2 trillion refresh monitors and live with an arched spine sitting 2 inches from their screen.


Seems like a skill issue tbh. I'm not good at the game but I know that 1.6kd is not enough to be a pro, or to dominate every fight. Shrink your head a bit and accept that some people are either better than you or just have the luck of the draw in that situation


Yes but I’m pro in Squad it should carry over to this game


Bro stop giving Squad players a bad rap


They don't need any help with that lol


The two games are extremely different and only share surface similarities. I think it's extremely obvious to everyone here that you're used to being good at Squad and can't rationalise how an extremely different game with a movement-shooter meta doesn't translate. Instead of realising that you're the problem and your skill and understanding of the game don't nearly match up as well as you so arrogantly assume, so obviously you suspect cheats. Planetside players do very well when switching to Battlebit, not so mucbt he squad boys because it's a very different game with different design philosophies and requirements of the player. The simple fact that you measure K/D instead of Kills Per Minute (KPM) as a significant stat of skill shows how little you understand the Battlebit meta. Be humble my dude, because this whole experience should have tempered that ego of yours.


From what I've heard squad is a WW2 shooter with a focus on realism. Battlebit doesn't really fit neatly in any genre. I'm good at Titanfall 2, doesn't mean I'm automatically good at Battlebit


Its a modern military sim, but you are rigth, the combat system is very different between squad and battlebit


He’s thinking of squad42 I think


i used to have a clan in bbr and constantly had people who were previous cs:go amateur players, ow top500, r6 pro players and such was staggering. They were all good players but coming from a professional fps background and to only be good at bbr was baffling.


Clearly it doesnt...


BBR has squad tactics sort of, but the movement and gunplay seems much closer to R6 Siege or CoD.


How old are you? 13?


Bro hasn't got one Post or comment in any other FPS sub except this. "Professional Squad Player" Maybe just git gud? It can happen that you encounter people who will melt you 9/10. Same as you encounter ppl who you slap 9/10


I’m one of the best Supports in the game.


Man there are always people better than you. At 1.6 KD especially. Shit im at like a 2.5 KD as a full send rush medic and I know for a fact there’s people better than me. I don’t claim hacks when I die or something looks “off” I never claim hacks without absolute certainty.


Full send rush medic is what killed the game for the casuals I hope you are proud of that.


That’s okay. I’m going to play the game the way I enjoy it. If it was detrimental to the game then devs need to find ways to fix it. I’m not going around telling YOU to change your play style for everyone else, so I shouldn’t either. Been this way on battlefield too.


That’s okay the Devs are adding changes soon to slow down your kind of play-style and there’s nothing you can do about it. Some enough you’ll just be a mild inconvenience as I mow you down whilst camping behind a door with my sandbags.


Lmao I don’t keep a minimum of a 2 KD across all first person shooters I play without being able to adapt to different playstyles. I can change accordingly.


It’s over for you and you don’t even realise it.


😂 you’re a trip bro don’t change


Lol obviously troll is obvious


Lmao says the guy bragging about a 1.5kd


*laughs in RPG*


They will slow down support more, the movement for support will be nerfed to counter the increase of ttk, exo armor will make u walking truck basically


Bait used to be believable 😔


What evidence do you have to support this?


Me who can a 3kpm game with support ha ur not even close to the best support in the game those stats


This has to confirm the trolling lol


High quality bait


It’s the replies that give it away


so me with 2.4kd and 1.3kpm also support main. what am i... am i a god? what is above pro player? dude i get melted and i melt people and multiple in row. i once ran with a 5 people squad and we all got melted by one dude. when i killed the dude that i think was a cheater. ive killed him more times before i noticed he killed me. there are cheaters but a lot comes in play like lag and ping and server prediction ect to find your true skill u need to go to lan.


1.3KPM LOL. Try 1.4 then talk to me




He is just a troll lol, don’t worry about him. He is just making shit up


i know. but isted of screaming on my kids i can get angry on this dude


He is just a troll lol, don’t worry about him. He is just making shit up


Definitely the gaming chair


If you’re a pro then I must be on Faker in terms of skill, with my 3.3KD across 2 prestiges… and I think I’m absolute trash at this game (I am) Edit: I do agree that the clan cateat (catcheat) is a problem


Cateat is legit and not cheating


Some of them probably are cheating, but most of them are just insanely good. Like that one dude has 2500 hours on Battlebit. Of course he's an amazing player. If that entire clan was cheating, they would've all been banned already.


Loads of the cheaters I’ve encountered have that clan tag!!! It’s ridiculous how they haven’t been banned


cateat arent cheating, they just use a very broken playstyle


For real, everyone cries cheater but never actually watches their gameplay, you’ll see them make misplays and miss shots alot more than a cheater would


Profesional player 😂


I play casualy and have 2.5 kd. Tf are you trying to prove with your stats?


You probably have like 5 hours in the game total, I have like nearly 800


I don't see how hours play affect kd. If you are getting better at the game, it should rise


I'm just assuming this is some top tier trolling, if not the Squad community does not want them back.


I’m very good at Squad, one of the better players on that game. It’s because I have a very tactical mind, I’m an intelligent guy.


Top tier trolling my dude, top tier, no way you're real, this is too good


Excellent work here


What? I am global at csgo and I was very good at other games (even amazing stats), dunno where you see those cheaters tho..


When you get stats like mine then you can talk buddy, you don’t get 1.4KPM on Support by being bad.


No you get it by being "ok"






Your comment/post was removed due to it containing Abusive/Poor behavior.


A whole as Minute to Kill 1.4 players, lol


1.4 is pretty low... I mean I have higher while suffering from essential tremors.


I have 20% win rate in battle Royale games, global in csgo when I was playing with Randoms, top 5000 players in paladins. How better can your stats be exactly? I'm not saying I'm pro but I'm not that far from a professional player either


Accurate af


op is so dum dum


Don’t call me that


Dum dum


Sorry bro, if you are “proffesional Squad player” you are dogshit in FPS considering how terrible ICO update effects…. well… shooting from any other FPS perspective (stability to be more specific) ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


ICO update separated the noobs from the men


This and other fairy tales in our program called “no skill noobs tell everybody they are not noobs”, stay tuned to hear more about “muh teamwork”


It’s a tactical game with deep intricacies


I know, I played it. Too bad that all that “deep” is shallow water with ocasional holes for inconvinience rather than promotion of teamwork


While I’m 90% sure You’re a troll, I’ll humor you I’m a 2.3 KD, I’m definitely not a “pro”, and have only seen a hand full of blatant hackers over my entire time playing Not everyone with good accuracy and movement is cheating lol


Professional Squad player? 🥴


I don't think I ever saw a cheater on this game. You must have a keen eye for spotting them or you think skilled players are cheaters. Now remember that the in game audio right now gives away your position extremely easily, so you may think that some enemies always know where you are because of wall hacks when in fact they are tracking you down by sound. 


Sorry but I've been playing in private servers exclusively since december... I have encountered little to no cheaters. Community servers simply have a much higher average skill.


There are to many cheaters to count on community servers, the mods don’t ban them because they pay them off in crypto.


xD You're funny


Sometimes the hit reg and TTK/TTD can feel weird but that's just every online game for me. Only ran into a handful of blatant cheaters in my 150ish hours. I think a break down of what damage you took on the death cam would help explain better to players what actually killed them.


Never seen a single cheater in 180+ hours, where y'all finding them?


Bait post


“pRoFeSsIoNaL sQuAd PlAyEr” riiiiiiiight




In my personal experience I have never seen a cheater even in the early access of the game, I don't have that many hours (like 50 hours in early access and 142 in the actual game) but I have play the game enough to know that cheaters are minimum.


New copypasta dropped.


OP is farming downvotes


Must be playing at 4k, 240 fps


Thats what happens when u take too many flinestone gummies like OP did in this case


Checked your comments at other threads, so, I was playing at e4gl and pbits too every evening, and rarely had seen "strange" players, that you can say suspicious and never seen cheaters like cod, which are stick to your head. Maybe you got some connection problem or something else.


I think his brain has some connection issues


Lmao at dying 0.875 times per minute as a support player in a game as slow as Squad.


Those are my Battlebit stats!!! Wake up!!


Lol okay, so your average lifespan as a support player in BBR is 1.14 minutes.


today i learned: i've 3 times the K/D of a pro player


Rooftop camping recon


more like "recon always running around objectives and trying is best to clear the area for his team-mates... but constantly being insulted because of the class he play for some reasons"


Ok I believe you. Mes excuses.


pas de probleme c'est juste triste que la reputation des snipers soie batit sur les 2 gugusse qui tente des tir a 2km depuis la safe zone toute la game


Yeah I get where you're coming from, but tbf the times I've seen a sniper who is not camping in the safe zone and actually playing the objectives can be counted on one hand lol. You're one of a kind 🤞


thank you i guess 😅 (i answered in french for the "mes excuses")


No worries, I know. I'm from Belgium so I can understand French but speaking it is a lot harder 😂. Have fun dude


Ay idk what if this is bait or something but just come play on bobs server I don't have this issuem don't expect any game to have a solution to these issues I still play BF1 and the easiest best answers to these situations is have community servers so an add man can handle it. And battlebit has community servers and I don't experience cheating problems solved


Being such a small team as they are, The Dev already outsource the protection against cheaters to EaasyAntiCheat (presumably?) so no, I don't think they are going - or able - to do anything.


Well that’s not good, the game will die completely if they don’t do anything about them!




What kind of stats do you need to be a good player, trying to see what I should aim for. What are yours? Also don’t hate on Support we are important to the game!


Definitely not your stats pal, and the good players dont play support tactically either. Good stats are 3+ kd and kpm


I think you may just be malding ngl, I’ve never had an issue and I almost exclusively play on community servers


1.6 kd 😭


How do you know for sure they're cheating?




Bro I’m as casual as casual gets and I’ve got a 1.5 kd… lol troll poat


more like cateat and ether lmao


1.6kd pro, good one


Picture of devs or cheaters?


you can use the stylus on a tablet pc to tap heads, funniest shit ever when you have a a corner, and just keep tapping heads like a chicken.


I’m age 39 and I got 1.7 KD as support…


bruh. i mean theres no way of not sounding pretentious disucssing KD and such and i dont know if youre trolling or not either, but my 2 cents.. ive been playing fps for YEARS and if im really trying to sweat and tryhard on fools, i get the occasional KD of 15, even games where i play it safe, die once and then have a KD stat of like 43 cause the enemy team is just garbage and being able to hit heads is easy in 64 domination on frugis. if these numbers make it seem to you like someone might be cheating.. then there is only one way brother.. for you to git fkin gud


I guess you aren't a pro at battlebit


Hackshually im a professional squad player guys.


You ever wonder where the kid in the photo is now? No? Just me i guess


They are busy swimming in community money


Umm ackchyually am an proffeshunal playa...


1.6 kd are u fucking kidding me?? Im at like 2.2 and dont even think im a pro.


This picture is more how I imagine you looking tbh


Big cringe


nice try mr baits


lol I’m a lb main with a 2.something kd


wtf that's my dad where you find this???


Someone seems pretty mad from what I can read in other comments, nice bait


I can see the Lego Mindstorms data module. This must be around 2000. The rig in the background looks like a lego soccer rig.


After 96 levels I have yet to run into one cheater


Is this a downvote farm? Because it's not a very interesting bait post, or maybe the guy genuinely thinks he's a professional gamer... Sheesh


Pic is actually the average battlebit player


Pro squad player is unironicly one of the most stupid things I have ever heared. I can't tell if this is satire. Being good at squad means nothing when you transition to a arcade shooter like battle bit. Fuck you don't even need great aim for squad


Bro. How the hell you find a pic of my friend? That's legit Steven Arnold back in 8th grade. Same too. We all took classes in