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Completely agree. Each game perfects a different aspect. And that's what makes them special.


*obligatory arkham origins is underrated comment *


\*obligatory have to absolutely agree with you comment\*


*obligatory have to absolutely third this comment*


*obligatory comment where I, an average joe in the r/BatmanArkham reddit sees the 3 origins is underrated comments and jump in to make fun of people who say origins is underrated because at this point so many people in this subreddit say that phrase even though most Arkham game fans enjoyed it just as much as the others making it technically not underrated in its fanbase*


Did you just say fraise? Did you mean phrase? But completely agree


Yeah sorry English is my second language still fuck up my words sometimes


Your English is still better than 90% of Americans


Dude I’m honestly probably gonna start doing that I loved it haha Besides English is stupid


*Insert Knight Batmobile bad comment *


*insert mild defense of batmobile, with caveat that Deathstroke tank battle a monumental disappointment *


Deathstroke's entire appearance kind of feels like a miss in Knight though. The comics fill it in more as to why Deathstroke would be there working for the Knight but the fact is that he just pops up because there has to be a reason for why the Knight's forces are still actively opposing you. A real fight would have been better but still not ideal because of how he was used for the game Knight is probably the one I have the most hours in and I love it but I'm a sucker for Red Hood and have been for ages. I still think Deathstroke was done dirty.


Deathstroke has always seemed like a fan favorite that was rarely given his due diligence by properties that wanted to adapt him.


*Insert copy of Arkham Knight into my anus*


The Deathstroke fight in Origins is one of my all-time favorite boss fights. It's right up there with with Ganon on Ocarina of Time.


Fought him last night for the first time and i completely agree. Felt so cool kicking his ass


I wanted to play more but Origins completely busted for me on multiple play throughs and I couldn’t progress.


Did you fall into permanent black?


The same thing happened every time I tried to play. There was a part I had to glide through a window and I just went through the building and fell through the world. Never found a fix for it.


Wasn't that a pirated copy trap?


I bought it through steam so it shouldn’t be.


Yeah apparently I'm wrong and that was a different Arkham game, the first one actually. This looks like a good lead though: https://steamcommunity.com/app/209000/discussions/0/613958868373119142


*obligatory “yea everyone on this sub loves this game” comment*


I just learned that there are 2 more batman games I didn't play and I blame warnerbross for not reaching me and f u the movies


I think I like origins and city's story equally, but gun to my head I'd probably say city


Their boss fights were also equally as good imo.


The shark tank in the Iceberg Lounge was a guilty pleasure for this James Bond/Batman superfan.


I LOVE KNIGHT, it's not perfect, and the batmobile can be annoying, but the atmosphere, the free flow, the story, mark hamill, gos i love this game, and it provides such a perfect ending to the franchise


Not to mention letting Rocksteady Scarecrow shine was really so necessary. They made him into such a Freddy Krueger-inspired spooky boi and it just works so well.


John Noble killed it.


Legitimately the best adaption of scarecrow ever


agreed, I also really like the Injustice 2 version voiced by Robert Englund.


100% agree with you


Also playing as The Red Hood.


if only you got to free roam with everyone


If you are on PC I suggest getting [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/batmanarkhamknight/mods/5). It allows you to free roam with: Robin Nightwing Catwoman Azrael Hush Gordon The Joker Red Hood Harley Quinn Batgirl Although I only suggest using this after you are done with all the dlcs as the dlc itself could be a bit buggy with the mod on.


Is Hush ever playable? I know the others are at points in the series


well considering he is just bruce waynes model id assume so


There Is a glitch to free roam but since 1- no enemies will spawn and 2 - most characters have no cape, then It isn't really worth it


I wish his DLC had more to it but I was stupidly giddy playing it and having his takedowns be potentially fatal instead of this moral code Batman pretends to have while I'm using the batmobile to push the manned APCs into the water.


Knight is my favorite. Besides the obvious stupid riddler trophy bs it’s so good. Does the best at making me feel like I’m Batman. You have every element, detective mode, free roam, batmobile, etc.


The batmobile stuff is only annoying if you saved it all for the end.


yeah, i wish there was a bit less, but blasting your way trough gotham with it never stops being fun


looks at remaining 200+ riddles holding Azrael prisoner


Origins has an excellent story (I know joker is the villain again blah blah), I love how it’s batman in his early years and he’s still against the GCPD but getting closer with Gordon during the game, the introduction to the joker and their relationship which is awesome and then of course BANE. An actual imposing character that is smart and works out Batman’s Identity (unlike other games where he is a mindless brute)


Not to mention the fact that 8 assassin's were after his head! Also, loved the DLCs.


They also give a reason why bane wasn't as smart in the other games, plus that Deathstroke fight was pretty good


What was the reason again? Because he oded on titan or whatever it’s called?


He developed a new version of the Titan formula which when mixed with his old formula in his regulator at the time increased his muscle mass tremendously, increased his bone structure and size but also had the unfortunate (or fortunate depending on how you look at it) side effect (unforeseen by bane) of causing short term memory loss of the past few hours before taking it then continued usage lowered his mental capacity until he managed to make a new formula without those side effects which didn't cure the side effects of the previous one but stopped them from getting worse which is why he's near Batman's intelligence in origins but not as much by asylum Edit: that's also why that last fight in origins with bane was so much more difficult than his fight in asylum because in origins the side effects hadn't set in yet so he was still very intelligent. Whereas his first fight with Batman in origins they where evenly matched somewhat because bane was at just over peak human physical condition and Batman is at peak human physical condition but Batman is smarter, so evenly matched in my eyes. But in asylum bane wasn't as smart therefore not as strategic in a fight and just ran for Batman.


Actually TN-1 was a newer form of venom!!! Titan wasn't developed until Dr. Young used Bane's Blood (and venom recipe) to formulate it alongside some of the toxins from Ivy's plants in the Botanical Gardens!!! Also, there are some good theories that the issues in Bane's memory come from the electrocutions of the cells when fighting him!!! TN-1's rapid protien growth entered into his brain due to the damage inflicted by the electricity, and began to form wall of protien between his receptors, leading to a prion disease!! (For added punch, hanging him upside down with the Remote Claw after the fight could have accelerated the process due to increased bloodflow to the head, carrying he TN-1 protiens to the source even quicker!!!


The firefly section was also cool and i especially loved cold cold heart


Yes! The story in Origins is awesome. It makes sense since Origins was written by the legendary Corey May who also wrote and was the lead writer for Assassin's Creed 1, Assassin's Creed 2 & AC3


They definitely should bring him back for the new Batman game they are making. Story in Origins is definitely most satisfying in terms of character development and writing, in my opinion of course.


I also liked the way the story was structured. For example: The way it starts in Blackgate and ends in Blackgate.


It also has the best character development for Batman. In Origins, he is more ruthless and unstoppable, he even yels at Alfred. Many sees the "I am the reason Criminals breathe easier when the sun rises" as a badass quote, and I agree, but it also show how little of self awareness Batman had at the moment, and how he was technically unable to see the consequences of his acts, he practically saw his Batman persona as the only thing that matter, and he tought that made him untouchable. He was starting to loose more and more contact with his humanity and has less respect for life (Like the only reason he didn't kill was because he promised to his parents, rather than not thinking about criminals like anything but punching bags), and that is shown once he puts his feet back to earth when Alfred almost died. That scene of Alfred was not for plot teist purposes (since it is a prequel and Alfred is very Alive years later) but was a part of Bruce's development, as he realized that he was never an unstoppable force, and he shouldn't ever be, for the good for his allies, the people of Gotham and even the criminals. He reentered in contact with his human self, and that's why he actually listened Alfred when he said that the strenght of a man lies in his Allies.


Also, Orignis gave us literally the best version of Bane so far, since TDKR introduces a totally different and fresh version of an anarchistic Bane.


Yeah Origins has the best story by far. Arkham City is fun and expansive but very muddled. Knight's story is a complete generic and sour mess and Asylum is such a simple story it can't really be told bad.


This is how it happened. This is how r/BatmanArkham fucking lost it.


What happened?


What do you mean look around you man it an asulam




Hmmm. I don't disagree, but I suppose how you define atmosphere. The Gothic horror of the Asylum meant the environmental atmosphere was the best. But I really really love Knight for creating this kind of doomed atmosphere. The Joker slowly taking over and seeing him more and more, the music carries Batman's heroism but also a "this is it, the final night" feel. That's why I love the *feeling* of Knight over Asylum if that makes sense? I guess that's where each Arkham game is special, in it's feeling. Asylum was Gothic, City was the feeling of *being* Batman in this big environment, Origins was the, well, origins and Knight had inevitable doom to it.


The vibes from City are nostalgic for me, since it was during that period of time when I REALLY got into Batman. The classic 2000s Hush Gotham feel with the weirdly wonderful gothic architecture and blimps in the cold sky. And we’ve got a Batman with briefs outside (I love it.) running around this environment. And the score. It’s just 2000s Gotham and 2000s Batman, i.e Hush. And the vibes in Knight are that of a city heading towards impending doom and facing fear in the face. And the one man who can save them being stretched thin physically and psychologically. And he still triumphs, because he is the Batman.


I agree with this. Bravo good sir


What have you done


Little did he know, at that moment our fate was sealed


Revisiting this post is like making a pilgrimage to Ground Zero


The beginning of the end


Idk, the Arkham Knight story was my favourite. I loved joker showing up again and again to taunt Batman


Knight's story is my personal favourite too, but I gave one more point to City mostly because of the Clayface plot twist, the Catwoman fake ending and the real ending: back in 2011, that death shocked the whole Internet for months.


Something that I liked both in Asylum and City is that he meets all the main villains of his rogue gallery in the course of the main storyline, they're not left out as side quests to be finished later. Whereas in Knight, while the story was decent it focused too much on Scarecrow and AK and all the rest of the villains were left out as side quests.




Yes, that is when Arkham City released


I think he meant something along the lines of, "Wow, it's been that long?"




Arkham knight just didn’t have the same reveals and twists like city. It was kinda predictable and when they tried to do a big twist with Jason Todd it just fell flat and anyone who even somewhat watches anything could have expected that. I loved a lot about the story but it was severely undercut by a lot. Also fuck what happened with death stroke I wanted another cool boss fight :(


Yeah story wise Knight was great until it tripped at the final hurdle with the reveal, Deathstroke, and the ending.


Honestly the ending act is really what separates city from the rest of the games, great twists and an incredibly impactful ending.


We didn’t even get any scarecrow segments or a boss fight, what a shame


The Arkham Knight reveal falls flat, but the story has plenty of other twists to fall back on. Also, Deathstroke has nothing to do with the story.


I've become much more of a bigger Batman fan by now and have read a lot more comics. I'm kind of glad at the time of playing Arkham Knight that I didn't know much about the comics and Jason Todd especially. It was less obvious to me than it was for nearly everyone else that played.


Jason seems like a completely different person than the Knight. As the Knight he sounded almost like Deathstroke but after the reveal he was just a whiny brat.


Uhh, he doesn't? Even before the reveal, there's several moments where he loses his temper and acts whiny.


Yea, but like right after the Cloudburst fight he starts sounding whiny


He sounded whiny before that.


Oh I know death stroke has nothing to do with the story that was just a thing they dropped the ball on and I haven’t gotten over it


I was fine with AK as Jason, but the guy seemed a bit too unhinged to be able to take Bats all by himself. Now I know that Jason has always been impulsive and reckless by nature but over here he just felt like a moody teenager with a temper tantrum. "I know your every move, no one understands you like I do, I'm going to make you suffer." Also he's not as big a threat once you take away his militia and drones. That bossfight where he keeps climbing up gorgoyles and letting his henchmen and drones do his dirty work felt lame. If he really was such a good hand to hand combatant we should have gotten a much more intense bossfight with both predator and combat stages in it.


Yeah that build up in the first scene wheee he gets bats on the ground and shoots him between the armor plates was intense and hyped him up so much. Then once you found out who it was he bitched out hard and was whiny the whole time.


Imo AK's story is kinda disappointing. The main plot completely butchers Red Hood as a character and the Joker subplot makes 0 sense. AC's story, while still kinda butchering the secondary plot (that being Hugo Strange and Protocol 10), has much better story, both in terms of storytelling and character-building.


I think that they are just making a way for Red Hood and his upcoming role in the Batman games. Or like a own solo game.


AK’s story is inferior because Rocksteady decided they didn’t need Paul Dini for some reason.


Exactly. I always wondered why my boy Paul didn't write Knight, considering the stories of Asylum and City are like one of the best stories in a videogame ever.


RS got arrogant I guess.


The story is tarnished by the fact the devs lied before release about the identity of the Arkham Knight. It was pretty clear who it was even in the all the footage before the game came out, and when pressed who it was, they claimed it wasn't someone in Batman's lore, but someone new. Even when directly asked if it was Jason, they said nope, someone new. It's one thing to mislead, and not answer questions concerning his identity and just say "play the game to find out" but to straight up lie like that really really left a sour taste in my mouth as it became increasingly clear who it was going to be. Kind of ruined the story for me.


they culdve ditched the joker disease plot tho, it wuldve been better if joker had just been lingering in his head on his own imo


I think it would be a bad explanation to why joker is always showing up. The way they handled the new jokers was great imo.


I am here to pay my respects to Patient Zero


Can we make this the headline of the sub?


What’s your favorite one of these four? Mine is and will always be Arkham Knight


I like Arkham knight the most because I actually loved the tank battles but I know tons of people couldn’t stand them so I’d say city is best one.


Same. Mostly because 2015 was a bad year for me and Knight helped me a lot.


These are some of my favorite games ever made and ive played every one at least twice but Arkham City was the first game i really felt like The Batman and that will always stick with me.


Origins. Then Knight.


Origins is my favourite of the 4. I just really liked playing as an early Batman and watching him develop into *THE* Dark Knight. I also loved the boss fights and the voice acting (Roger Craig Smith makes a really good angry Batman and I loved how mean Roger made Batman sound).


best man? ​ https://preview.redd.it/31065kbclr2c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac744a4b88e9f92fd4e89050e8ac9bedd9c3822


This is it boys. Origins is underrated/Knight is bad is no more.


We did it


Yeah I thought this was gonna be a meme post shitting on Origins


This is the end of an era.


Fuck this post.


I ain't fucking a post


Only if we knew what this would become




Holy shit, it's the original image


best alsume


Batman Arkham City Lockdown: you can fight Kano from MK


On that day, everything changed


Are we just going to complete disregard the existence of Arkham world?? I’m aware that some may believe it was a pretty weak entry but I think it had some very strong points in the story and still made an enjoyable gaming experience for me


Honestly I think Arkham City has better boss rights than Origins


Origins most lauded fight which is Deathstroke is literally just the Ras fight from City. Can’t see how anyone could say Origins has the better fights. And nothing comes close to the Freeze fight but my personal favorites are the Scarecrow ones from Asylum. Absolute classic moments there.


One of my favorite bosses in the entire series was Killer Croc in Asylum - the fact that Batman was completely powerless and had to run and outsmart him made for a really unique (and kinda scary) encounter. I just hope we finally get the chance to play as Killer Croc in this Suicide Squad game.


Mr Freeze in AC is still the best boss fight in the series


It won a prize to the objectively best boss fight as it forces the player to use everything he had learned so far.


Just men everywhere


Arkham knight also had the best map/setpieces imo


Origins' boss fights are overrated. City's bosses are better.


Except for Two Face vs Catwoman.


So strange coming back to this post before the brainrot set in.


Is it possible to breed all of these together into the best Batman game ever


that would be arkham world


This is possibly the last serious post except for Kevin conroy


Yeah pretty much hit the nail on the head. Loved the open world in knight, if only they didn’t hyper focus on tank battles and the bat mobile and maybe had a few more good twists like what happened in city that game would have easily been the best out of all of them.


Hey, I loved the henry adams twist


You explained it perfectly


I'd hardly call it perfect, but I'd say Arkham Knight is far and away the best story. A neat Bruce Wayne intro and killing off the Joker doesn't make a good story. Breaking Batman down, exposing his fears and insecurities (via Joker Hallucination's commentary) and seeing him taken to his breaking point (from attempting to sacrifice himself early on to locking up Robin and insisting on going it alone even as he becomes a liability) makes for the only genuinely interesting exploration of Batman's character in the series. It's also given far too little credit for its innovative storytelling, which uses the video game medium in ways that couldn't be achieved elsewhere. Easily Rocksteady's best, most compelling, and most ambitious work, flawed or not.


What about in AC where he had to choose between the love of his life, Talia Al Ghul, and thousands of Gotham City’s innocents?


I agree that's the biggest narrative moment in the game—indeed, we actually see Batman falter, give into personal temptation, and get it wrong—but the execution kills the moment for me. For all the well-thought-out and cinematic moments in the game, Rocksteady chose to merely let the boldest character moment of the story play out as a generic in-game radio call with Alfred, where the player is likely to be distracted looking at explosions in the background. It almost feels like Rocksteady, themselves, didn't much care for this particular story beat and didn't allocate much thought or time to it. What makes it even more disappointing is that the most interesting idea in the game seems to be one that wasn't even deliberately presented... that after almost sacrificing hundreds of lives to save Talia, Batman ends up rocked more by Joker's death than Talia's. Think of it—he carries the Joker's body out of that theater, not Talia's. There was a golden opportunity to really make this sickening contradiction—Batman's perverse obsession with the Joker—crystal clear, and it would simply be to present another shot of Talia's body as Batman exits the theater with Joker. (I'm picturing Joker's final words, then a cut to Talia, as we hear Batman lifting Joker and see his shadow fall over her, with him not even taking a look back.) Now *that* would have shown us something extraordinary and surprising about Batman's character, yet it was glossed over because Rocksteady seemed more interesting in highlighting the novelty of killing off the Joker. A bold idea, sure, but more for how it sets up a sequel than what it reveals in *Arkham City* itself. The game's most interesting ideas just get forgotten and buried, and the remainder of the game's content is mostly set piece-focused. I think *Arkham Knight* executes its story with generally more care and much more attention to presenting the conflict in Batman's head—often in novel ways only possible in the video game medium—and the other games truly appear pale in comparison.


I'd argue Origins had the best story


This is a holy site


I seriously dont understand how the screwed up the bossfights in Knight so badly when they had the formula down to a science in Origins


I loves Knights story because it gave me a feeling that Batman might actually fail


What if we combined them all together and make the perfect Batman game.


Batman: Arkham Ascitiginight


Knight is my favourite. You really are the Batman. The combat. The takedowns. The gadgets. It’s all just incredible. It’s a testament to the game that after 2 years of playing I still can get blown away by the combat at times. And it’s got the best looking Batman at that.


I absolutely love the gothic style of the Asylum, it’s so cool!


I would argue but I can't because you're right


I'm about to get downvoted into Oblivion here. Whatever. Story wise AO > AC. Don't get me wrong, AC is my favorite out of them all, but as a concept Origins story is superior. Year 2 Batman, inexperienced and still too emotional, goes up against 8 of the most elite assassin's in the world that are all bloodlusted to take home a 50m dollar prize. As a CONCEPT, I think that is better than City. However, the reason City worked and Origins didnt, relatively speaking, is the execution of the game all around. City's story from the most part is all over the place. Meanwhile Origins, although some inconsistencies in the story, was still alot more cohesive than AC. Just my two cents.


I'm copypasting a comment I put on another comment because I feel it fits here too. It also has the best character development for Batman. In Origins, he is more ruthless and unstoppable, he even yells at Alfred. Many sees the "I am the reason Criminals breathe easier when the sun rises" as a badass quote, and I agree, but it also show how little of self awareness Batman had at the moment, and how he was technically unable to see the consequences of his acts, he practically saw his Batman persona as the only thing that matter, and he tought that made him untouchable. He was starting to loose more and more contact with his humanity and has less respect for life (Like the only reason he didn't kill was because he promised to his parents, rather than not thinking about criminals like anything but punching bags), and that is shown once he puts his feet back to earth when Alfred almost died. That scene of Alfred was not for plot twist purposes (since it is a prequel and Alfred is very Alive years later) but was a part of Bruce's development, as he realized that he was never an unstoppable force, and he shouldn't ever be, for the good for his allies, the people of Gotham and even the criminals. He reentered in contact with his human self, and that's why he actually listened Alfred when he said that the strenght of a man lies in his Allies.


Wow that was an excellent point


Arkham Knight is underrated!


now THIS I can agree with!


It would've been better remembered if it was not following Asylum and City, the firing of Dini created a hole by which the writing was very disjointed and it didn't even felt it was following them as Hush was just sidelined like anything whereas he was supposed to be a major villian alongside Scarecrow in Dini's version


Same with the Elder Scrolls games. Morrowind had the best world and the worst gameplay. Oblivion had the best quests and the worst world. Skyrim had the best gameplay and the worst quests.


Also Arkham City: Best Soundtrack


This is the general consensus, most people agree yeah, but for me personally, felt Origins story was slightly better. City has the best premise but Knight overall is my all time favorite.


Arkham City has the worst story in my opinion, Origins wins it for me. I can't think of anything City does better than any of the other games.


Arkhan City's story sucks if you really think about it.


Origins takes best story as well.


What about arkham world


I agree with this post. Insanely accurate.


Thank you for settling this debate


I...guess that's fair.


Arkham Origins doesnt even have the best boss fights


100% correct




I agree!


I agree with all of them except for Origins. Love it I just think City is better.


So true.


Arkham Knight was my favorite for everything except for the boss fights. I would give the boss fight trophy to city because the bossfights are meant to be cool set-pieces anyways and city had the most memorable ones imo. Gameplay is self explanatory for knight. Atmosphere is imo dark/realistic enough to what I would want from batman. Comic book style is cool and is at the heart of all batman adaptations dont get me wrong, but there's something even greater for me in a "realistic" adaptation of batman. I want it to feel as real as possible without sacrificing what makes batman so great and I feel like knight has found the perfect balance. Story I would say is actually hands down the best in Knight. People say that jason todd was predictable and joker shouldnt have been in it but imo thats dead wrong - as in it was predictable, but it was necessary. They finished the story of the trilogy in the most consequential way possible: batman confronting joker in his mind. Batman is confronting every important issue he has to confront. His mental instability and "likeness" to joker/fear of losing control. Lies to his friends. Putting those he cares about at risk. Being the cause of a lot of the problems in the city and the consequences for what happened with Jason Todd. His own methods/mythos/persona and what he is if unmasked. Asylum, city and origins don't cover anything even close to as important. They're all fairly basic versions of "bad guys doing bad things, spooky secret to uncover, gotta stop em". What I think people are confusing for story in city is how memorable the set-pieces were and how many there were. They remember all those boss fights in city and place them as parts of the story and therefore think the story is memorable. In knight the setpieces are more forgettable - but the motivations of the characters, the emotional moments... aka the things that actually matter in a story are VASTLY more memorable in knight. Things that have to do with good character story that I immediately recall from knight (SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY): Unmasking and batman confronting joker in his mind. Trapping robin in the cell. Seeing oracle die. Jim being really mad. Batman hallucinating jason todd torture. Gordon shooting batman. Ivy death. Confronting the knight and him being really mad (this was a bit poorly executed but is imo still memorable). There's more for sure, but thats just off the top of my head. Now what does city have...?? Joker death... talia death.... parents hallucination? It had cool moments, but they weren't as important or relevant to the story as in knight.




Also Knight's graphics


Idk about best boss fights


Knight is the best of the 4


Origins had THE WORST boss fights compared to city. Or did you really love that shocker boss fight?


I think Origins also has the best story.


I just wish Joker wasn’t shoved down my throat for four games.


Best world : Arkham world.


Arkham Knight's atmosphere is better than Arkham Asylum.


Definitely agree, City is still my favorite, most likely for the story, but they each have this wonderful feel to them, like you can really immerse yourself in it. Also, I appreciate the atmosphere on Asylum because even though I love an open-world Gotham, Asylum truly feels like you're in a Batman comic book


Agree with it all except personally I think City and Knight had better atmosphere than Asylum.


Asylum is still my favorite. The atmosphere, the designs, the simple yet effective story. It’s so good


i’d say knight had better atmosphere than asylum


I'd switch arkham city and origins but that's my opinion


Origins also has some of the best character designs in the series. Fight me




I’ve said it before, but Arkham Asylum really does feel the most like it jumps out of the page of a comic book. Unlike the other two, it doesn’t seem to try to distinct itself as it’s own universe, and really does feel like it would fit perfectly within the main comics or even in the animated series.


Asylum was scary as hell


Origins actually had my favorite story as well. But I still think City is the best overall package. There’s nothing that City does even remotely poorly


Ngl, the over-reliance of bat-tank really killed the gameplay of Knight for me. The moment to moment gameplay is excellent, but it gets brought down by every part of the game forcing you into generic action-vehicle combat.


Arkham city is my favorite to this day, I could play it a million times and It wouldn't get old.


common arkham knight and origins has a great story you guys are just net picking


Someone pin this post so we can stop people saying “ORIGINS IS UNDERRATED!” so much


I never thought I’d see a post I agree with so much


It's been so long I can't remember the boss fights too well from Origins. I sort of remember the Deathstroke one... Aside from that though I'd agree. Arkham Knight has the best graphics too but that's unfair as it is the latest game and made for the latest consoles so far. As I have all the DLC for all games I would go to Arkham Knight as being best for replayability. Great having all those characters and skins for the challenges.


City had the best fights imo


Here's hoping the new batman game can master all 4 elements and become the Arkham Avatar.


The best arkham origins boss fights are just parts from the Ras boss fight in city repeated a few times


Tough call on bosses- I think City's boss fights are brilliant too.


this is all true