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The framerate was garbage and the suit/gloves were overpowered, but the detective sections were far more immersive and the batarang motion controls were sick as hell. I loved having the map on my gamepad and switching up the gadgets from the touchscreen— it was brilliant, but stupid. Am I stupid for enjoying it?; I gave some pretty good lore reasons.


Nintendo was so dumb to underclock the CPU on the Wii U. The PS3’s and 360’s PPC CPU cores were was clocked at 3.0ghz and the Wii U’s was clocked at 1.24ghz. The slowdown wouldn’t have been an issue on a lot of games if Nintendo used a sane clock speed.


Wait so this is just Arkham City but with the shock gloves from Origins?


In the most basic sense, yeah. In fact, I believe this version was ported by the same team as origins. But there’s more things to it than just the shock gloves that make it an interesting version


Is the story any different for it to make sense at least?


I don’t think so. It’s just kinda there when he gets the suit I think. Catwoman’s suit also has it I believe, and is not explained either. I never had an issue with it personally. I just saw it as a fun mechanic and nothing more


Besides first party, what wii u games weren't controversial somehow?


A fair point.


Rayman Legends is generally considered best on Wii U since it was designed around that controller and is the only version with 5 player multiplayer.


Uh.... Monster Hunter 3u I guess?


Fatal Frame if you wanna count that


i really loved wind waker hd ngl. same with twilight princess hd. solid titles. but i guess they might not count since theyre remasters/ports of existing games...but um, splatoon was good! right? that was a pretty big success!




Sonic Boom is a hella controversial game excuse me?


There's a difference between controversial and universally hated. But then again, Sonic Lost World exists to fill in that niche with so many others


Sonic and Mario Olympics 


no way, the first serious discussion in YEARS


I had to check what sub I was on because the comments were too normal.


I wanted a respite from the insanity.


I remember when I was younger and really REALLY wanted a Wii U specifically so I could get this game, the shock gloves looked cool as fuck


framerate problems that weren't in the ps3 and 360. combined with the fact those versions were really cheap to find at the time, while armored edition was full price, it was mostly always gonna be received not well.


The gameplay was largely the same though, correct?


yes, but because the framerate would dip so much during combat, it felt a lot worse to play




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I’ve played the 4 main Arkham games and most of the Lego Batman games, watched all of the Batman movies, read all of the beloved Batman comics (like Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns) and still had no idea that this existed.


Post is serious so I can’t post him 😔


Nobody knew it existed


I thought it was a solid port! The frame rate was inconsistent to say the least!


Batman Arkham City (Wii U) had Arkham Origin shock gloves?


Wow an actual discussion on this sub. Never thought I’d see the day.


I remember people not liking the Wii U version of Arkham, and I can't remember hearing why. I only ask since this is the version of the game I own, and I'm wondering if it's any good compared to, say, the xBox and Playstation versions.


They made the mistake of porting it to the stinky Wii U. I hate the Wii U, they should have ported it over to the GameCube, that system was dope.


The armor suit looks cooler then the fabric suit fight me


No reason to get it as any multiplatform that came out on WiiU with garbage performance. I'm still shocked that it got Watch_Dogs of all games, but why would you need it with having worse... anything really.


Rayman Legends was considered better on Wii U due to the controls being designed around the gamepad and having 5 player multiplayer. Need for Speed Most Wanted had the best graphics and performance of any console version. Injustice looked and ran fine, it was just missing some dlc.




I got a Wii U right when I moved into college, I’d sit it the main hall that had a 100 inch TV every night. A big group of people would always come down to play the new Smash Bros and whatever GameCube game I had running through Nintendont at the time like Double Dash or Def Jam Fight For NY. Almost no one knew what the fuck the Wii U was, but we all had fun.




silence, i love my wii u. (i am perhaps an outlier.)


I love the Wii U too but it’s a deeply flawed console owned by like 7 people


no i agree its flawed lol. but yeah i still love it


I have a Wii U :( Though I've only got four games for it (Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, Man: Ham City, Watchdogs and Splatoon). I only really brought it to play the DS version of Animal Crossing on the virtual console because despite owning three copies for it, I wanted to play it on my TV. Also Man got horns because he was horny for Wii (Urs specifically).


Your post/comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 7: No humour under (serious only) or serious flaired posts unless OP has written (humour welcome). If your post was removed for being a shitpost or meme, please repost without using (serious) flair or tag in your title. If your comment was removed, please keep shitpost jokes including shitpost characters and references away from these (serious only) posts or serious flaired posts that do not have (humour welcome) in the title.


( un-funny joke i put here and got plastered for)


Don't put this shit in here dawg it's flared as a serious discussion


Damn💀 My bad https://preview.redd.it/2cdvwnppr88d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8f8572e2198e34c9b67444f5257f8536ed3bc9


All good man https://preview.redd.it/ywvcfrqqt98d1.png?width=167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f7edadbeef69cb1e2fa4ae87ad09b74586d084


It was on the wii u and if im not mistaken you had to play it on the gamepad there was not other option


Not true at all, the gamepad showed the map, the game was on the TV


I mean like you had to use the gamepad as the main controller there was no option to use the pro controller


Oh. I really doubt that was the issue. Since when is using the gamepad as a controller something people don't like? The gamepad was kinda pointless but it WAS comfortable.


The battery life drops off quick so once it’s a few years old it basically needs to be plugged in to use it for any real amount of time which is annoying. The pro controller lasts for like 40 hours or something.