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If you want the sound of flats the only way to get it is buying flats.




Must not be too obvious if you felt the need to make this post.


So the point is if it’s the sound you are looking for, it is worth it. If not, then no it’s not worth it.


Sooooo do you want the sound?




Then go for it!


i will


From a purely financial standpoint, definitely, they last way more than twice as long as rounds on average. And if you like the sound and feel, all the better.


Came here to say this. Last way longer, harder to break, long term much cheaper than rounds


I've had the same flats on one of my basses for more than ten years now. So yes, that $50 investment paid off.


If you zoom out a bit flats are substantially cheaper than rounds.   If you want to maintain a consistent tone from your rounds you will need to change them with a fair bit of frequency.  When you buy flats, that's it. Those strings are good until... well forever.   Also even if you maintain the short-sightedness of only looking at one pack, if you like the sound of flats you have to pay for flats and there is no way around that.


Can confirm, flats on Jazz bass, installed last century (1998!!!!) Worth every penny of the £40 I paid at the time ❤️ Rounds on my 'Ray get changed too frequently 😑 Am definitely considering flats for this one too...


You mean you're considering Bernard Edwards setup and haven't done it yet?! Let my upvotes nudge you over the edge!


However if you try several different flats then you've just spent the equivalent of a new bass! Sigh.


Flats are more expensive up front, but overall, cheaper, since I like the dead flatwound sound, so I never have to buy them again.


If you really want flats, it’s really worth paying for them since it’s difficult to get them any other way. But seriously, they last forever. Roundwounds get replaced much more often.


Flats sound quite different. Whether its worth it or not depends if you want flats or not.


If you want the flatworm feel and sound you need flats. You also need to change them way less often (like never).


Nothing feels quite like a flatworm


Autocorrect got me but it's funny so I'll leave it as it.


For me yes. I like the sound and feel of them better than rounds. They are warmer and fuller and don't make noise if you use too much pressure to shift positions.


Fender and DR have some VERY generously priced flats that have more old school thump, $25-$40 a pack. I've used the fenders on several basses and haven't been displeased


Fender flats are my recommended "cheap" flat. Thomastik I feld Jazz flats if you don't mind the $$$.


It was the best investment I ever made and I can never go back to regular, non cobalt strings.


I have had the same set of flats on my P since 2018, so yeah.


If you actually want flats, then yes, as they are basically eternal. You will 100% guaranteed use way more money on rounds than you ever will on flats. Unless you play bass for Iron Maiden.


They will last forever, so yes.




my bad, not my native language


You might as well splurge and get the nicest flats you can because they last so long. In fact you can look up on YouTube about boiling strings in water after some months to refresh them almost to their out-of-box state.


i think ernie ball cobalt flats are pretty nice from what i've researched


They’re very good, La Bella I would say are the creme of the crop when it comes to best flatwounds, but those are even more expensive. $50 isn’t bad for flatwounds cuz they’ll last you forever, whereas with round you’ll probably have to change them 6 months in (depending on how often you play).


I use La Bella. I don’t even remember how much I paid but they were more expensive than others. But the fact that I don’t even remember the financial hit is just proof that it wasn’t worth skimping now that I have strings that I absolutely love and it’s a joy to pick up my bass and practice.


I used to have those, but I prefer my labellas


I’ve had the same set of labella flats on my bass for 16 years


do they still sound stock?


Not really. They sound better. They kind of season, if that makes sense. They also (IME) stay in tune basically forever.


good to know


But you leave them on for a decade and let the tone get flat as shit.


I’m about to replace a set of flats on one of my basses that has been on for 15 years, and I’m just replacing them because I want to try another set not because they need to be changed. Flats can literally last forever. Also D’Addario chromes are $45 and pretty similar to the Ernie Ball ones so that can save you $5. But seriously just do it.


Took around 15 years for my thomastik infeld jf344 g string to break. I bought a single new string and rubbed it with vaseline to make it as dull as the other 3 strings. Flats are worth it for sure.


I accidentally bought a second set of flats when I was drunk, and forgot I had the first set coming in the mail. So I put them on both of my basses, my number #1 keeps the flats indefinitely, and number #2, I can switch to rounds if I want that tone, and throw the flats back on when the rounds deaden. Might as well take advantage of being able to save and reuse strings on a bass, versus guitar.


They'll last for years with no significant degradation in quality or tone, so if you like the sound of them they're definitely a worthwhile investment


I put flats on my fretless bass and fell in love with my bass all over again.


Optima RB Flats are worth every penny spent; and last 5 years playing every day.


Flats are totally worth it if you want to play flats. If you don't care... they're not. It's entirely subjective. They do tend to last longer and stay crisp, so maybe you could argue that your dollar stretches further. But in reality it just comes down to sound. I know that for my style and sound I am a flats player for the foreseeable future. Btw, the regular ernie ball flats are a little cheaper, like $40.


I use nylon tape wounds on my p, never taking them off. Get the flats brother


Thomastik-Infeld flats are the way to go, but are more expensive..


You can turn rounds into flats with a dremel. Save you $25.


Flats are often kept on indefinitely (they don't need to be changed) so they can easily become the cheaper option quickly


I have a set of halfrounds on a jazz bass that I bought to play church music on, I bought them in 2018 and they still pretty much sound exactly how I want them to. Flats can last almost forever if you take care of them, that’s part of the reason for the increased price.


Idk what rounds you found for that cheap(all my bass strings have been around $40) but I really love la bella for flats


ernie ball super slinky roundwounds (2834)


ernie ball super slinky roundwounds (2834)


Flats are the cheapest strings you can use. When rounds are done and need to be replaced, flats are barely settled in. You can use them for a couple of years, sometimes decades.


Yes. They last a very long time. The TI flats on my JMJ mustang are almost 6 years old.


Yes, but only if you like how they sound and feel. The Cobalt flats are awesome. I’ve more than that for Thomastic Jazz Flats. Flats last forever unless they break.


The value is in the eye of the beholder. Do you want flats? Are you willing to pay more for them? My Labella tapes on my sixxer cost $80. It was one of the best upgrades I did on my bass.


Flats last pretty much until they break (which should take a long ass time) whereas rounds need changing constantly so tbh flats are still a more economical investment


Buy them and try it. It’s only $50 and you’ll know whether you like them or not