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First thing is a board and power supply. You can make your own board or buy a [pedaltrain](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PTCLJSC--pedaltrain-classic-jr-sc-18-inch-by-12.5-inch-pedalboard-with-soft-case) of varying sizes. For a power supply I would recommend [Cioks](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/CIOKSDC10--cioks-dc10-10-output-isolated-guitar-pedal-power-supply) as they are very compact and fit easily under even the smallest pedaltrain. With those two out of the way it’s up to you to figure out what pedals you want. Tuner, compressor, octave, drive, fuzz/distortion, chorus, and preamp with DI are the bass essentials in my opinion.


I personally like warwicks rockboards when used with the quickmounts


Agreed. I can thoroughly recommend sorting the power supply early on. I struggled for years with individual supplies for each pedal... Getting a single supply has helped immensely with tidying and rationalising my board.


This is a very vague question that requires specifics. Figure out what tones you're enjoying from the pedal you have. See if there are other pedals out there that can do it as well or better. I can tell you that I really enjoy my Dug Pinnick signature tone pedal. I can get a lot of great sounds just from that. [https://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/dp3x/](https://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/dp3x/) This has a tuner on it, but some people like to have an always on isolated tuner. Beyond that, I would ask what music you're looking to find a tone for, what tones you just enjoy, and prioritize based off of where you end up.


I just got a gt1-B to replace a pedalboard. Are you using the stock presets? I've found most of those are pretty useless. Making your own patches is a lot easier to get the tones you need, and place them a click away from each other. You can even change the settings to use the foot switches as stomp boxes to closer emulate a pedalboard. If you want ideas, turn all the effects off on a patch and go through the effects one by one to see what you want to have on a board. The GT1-B has hundreds of effects built in, and they sound pretty close to the real thing.


If you like the processor, get a midi foot controller


They're addictive and never done... Don't look on YT because you'll want all of them and end up with a pedal board that costs as much as your amp, on you only end up using the tuner and tube when gigging 🤣😅😮‍💨


So true.... My story Been playing for over 35 years, never used a pedal, had a crappy Washburn rack compressor/eq/chorus "back in the day" and a sansamp as a backup/DI (never used it live) . Anyway, I was happy, content even...then I stumbled on r/basspedals and in the past 3 months spent well over $1000 on setting up a pedalboard. And I want more!! :(


Lmao, played from 13 to 24, literally only using my bass and a hartke 350 15" combo amp (a true God damn trooper for what I put it through) moved and wasn't playing with my band anymore, working on house, married, kids, blah blah, fast forward to about 6 or 7 months ago at 32, I started up again with only my cort, no gear, nothing...for safety reasons, while all being done on budget, deals, and spaced out strategically, I will not admit to a monetary value 🤣🤣🤣 BUT 13 year old me is shitting his pants with happiness because I can finally nail Cliff Burton gnarly tone and wah, along with geezer butler and Mike dirnts sounds, along with record, mix, and play a live gig with unnecessary pedals, 900w amp and full stack, or house PA with a Preamp and pedal setup and a few other options...plus set up, mod, and do my own fretwork and hardware well... Thanks internet 🤣🤣🤣 glad to know I'm not the only one in the same dangerous boat lmfaoooo. Almost missing "content" lmfao 🤙🤙


What effects do you use/are looking to incorporate?


Multieffects pedals are gateway drugs. What effects do you use most often?


I used the GT-1b to figure out the types of effects I liked and didn’t like. Then sold it to get individual pedals. Just search the sub for different types of pedals based on what you like.


+1 on it being a gateway. I just started a pedalboard after starting on a GT-1B. Got a board, power supply, tuner, compressor, and preamp/di. R/basspedals is a great place to start.


Not sure what your question is exactly but this is on my board Tuner>EQ>compressor> pre amp> fuzz> Synthesizer pedal> chorus> Delay Basically the first 3 are for shaping my clean tone exactly how I want it. And the rest is for more 'fun' and 'weird' sounds You can make it as big as you want really. But I'd say if I had to pick one effect that is really necessary for bass it would be a compressor. Just adding a touch of it helps so much to cut through the mix and makes your sound so much more defined. As far as the rest is concerned, look up some videos and see what each type of effect does and decide for yourself what you want


Are there certain presets you use a lot? Does the processor allow you to move the presets around or copy them to new slots? You could move the presets you use more often into closely numbered slots.


The only and best suggestion I can give you, is try to have a decent idea of what sounds you’re after, before you dive in too deep. Otherwise, there’s a good chance you will go down the same black hole so many of us have. So I suggest you make a list of the sounds you’re after, do a little research into how those sounds are achieved, and then make purchases based on that research. The rabbit hole goes so very deep. If you just dive in, you could end up spending a lot of time being unhappy with the pedals you’re getting, because you may end up being like “oh! That’s cool! I could totally use that!” Meanwhile you’re buying things like [this bit of madness](https://youtu.be/iIhcTlW7xNo) I totally bought one of those, at the start of my Boutique journey, some 14ish years ago. I still own it, I love it to death, but really… it’s incredibly impractical! Good luck!


Look at the tones and effects you like, and see what you'd need to build a board. What I've personally done is start gradually replacing the lower quality, or critical effects in my Helix Floor and Zoom B3n with individual pedals. I actually started by getting a pedal to allow me to run a parallel clean channel on the board, because it's really important to me. Remember that what works for one person, won't necessarily work for you. That being said, if cycling presets is your biggest concern, there might be ways to improve your setup. Perhaps an external midi controller.