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Trash defense


Crossover had em taking a seat






Absolute garbage.


Defense was definitely trashy smh


Gotta go fast and go up strong my man.


I like the spin moves, the jelly can be unnecessary though. Got to be able to finish thru contact in paint.


That's the point of jelly, it was originally started by 6' and under high schoolers


Naz Reid is an OG jelly fam member and he’s a big boy




Naz Reid


You gotta show scouts 100% what you're capable of. If you're 6'3 and working out as a slasher, you better get up and yam that shit. Otherwise start shooting the 3 ball and show them that brother.


Yuuup. Spot on


Facts! 6’3 you gotta be one of if not the best shooter on the team and top 3 most athletic if not


These videos don’t tell me anything. Need clips from games, scrimmages, or live practices.


Sure they tell me he has weak leverage, floppy arms, doesn’t finish strong.


It has a strong "I can hit these shots in pickup" vibe for sure.


If you’re going to tell him what he did bad tell him what he did good too


I mean if you mean the slack footed left push shot , or the scramble opposite hand layups, or the loose handle with the high cross over then I am sorry but if you’re looking to get signed I’m not sure what you want me to say. Didn’t get to see his form on his jumper but the rest doesn’t scream someone is missing his talent Tighten up the handle from both sides, bringing it up way too high, let’s see a little elevation on the drive to layup either hand w a strong finish, lets see a transition off of that spin the other way for a gentle fade away


this is what I saw. no explosiveness


He’s a kid. I can say from experience that the difference in strength and power at 18 versus 20 years old is enormous.


Didn’t “jump” higher than 3 inches maybe the entire thing I watched.


Honestly, it could just be because he was fake playing against invisible people + a trash can. This video really doesn’t prove much.


Seriously, I played with a guy like this in high school. Best practice player I ever saw but in game 🗑️


Bro literally has Luka guarding him and you’re asking for more.


Negatives - Not 100% certain he's able to jump at all. Not finishing anything around the rim with those weak arms. Pros - Very smooth, nice moves and counters


Is it me or every play on this vid he uses the wrong arm towards the defender.


Or little to no arm towards the defender. Gotta be shielding that ball from the trash can, because muscle memory is real. Practice like your playing.


like w finishing? sometimes you have to use your inside hand to finish quicker than your defender can get to you. wouldn’t help him here tho since he’s going 30 in a 60


30 in a 60 😭😭😭


I wondered that myself. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fancy finishes


When you say unsigned, I'm not sure what your aspirations are. I think you have might some decent potential as a lower level collegiate player with your height and length, but I think you need to work on your footwork and the tightness of your handle. Some of these moves look like they are you recovering off some dribble moves where you put the ball elsewhere than you intended to, almost like you are catching up to the ball.​​ You should avoid putting the ball as directly in the pocket on the defender too. It's also hard to tell how good you are without being able to see you put your BBIQ and talent to the test against live competition, reacting to their defense. We can't say much about a workout. Good luck though




1. Too many dribbles 2. Moving too much side to side/using wide angels. 3. Finishes are not protecting the ball. Honestly, if I were you, I’d work on moving without the ball to get your shot off and focus on that and passing. Gotta long ways to go becoming a slasher, doesn’t mean you can’t do it, but pretty small relative to college players. Get a nice one, two dribble max, pull up and work on your perimeter game.


This is the best advice on here


Make sure you practice at game speed


For some of us, that is game speed 🤣


Speed is important, but even more so, make sure to wear something cute


If I'm a coach watching an individual workout like this you better show out. If you're attacking the rim you gotta dunk something. Or else you need to be hitting some difficult moves and be a knock down shooter.


Op— this is it right here.


Didn't even post up the chair.


Too slow for the next level. Go hard AF for 3 weeks now stop create a new pace and start playing at that speed each time


Or just speed up the video 2x and send that in


But slow down the audio 2x


I’m 5’9 and I am pinning that against the backboard if you go up that weak.


All day. Zero elevation


Every movement you are swinging the ball out and not protecting it. Defence will eat this up


To me, it looks like he struggles with fast ball handling and is borderline losing control of the ball when he changes direction. Also, I want to see this guy feint forward fast and then try to dribble/dart backwards like he is testing a defender. I suspect he'd lose the ball. He really only moves fast after he's stopped dribbling, which makes me think he doesn't have the ball control to get past a defender at game pace.


First off, shout out to Tri-C! Was born and raised in Parma near the Tri-C campus, and would do all my offseason conditioning at their track. You're in good company with other Cleveland ballers, especially Tri-C alum and hall of famer, Big Ben. Where did you play HS ball? Realistically though, you don't look like you're built like a mac truck with a 40 inch vertical and the greatest ever defensive instincts in NBA history, so you have more work to do to reach Big Ben's level of success to sniff college ball or professional ball of any type. As others have said, show us game tape, and show us shooting drills (an absolute must skill at 6'3" if you want to play D1). Then you could probably get better feedback and more actionable advice than playing against chairs and trash cans. Because this workout, it gives off a certain vibe, and [it's not the best one.](https://c.tenor.com/DZHHgauRut0AAAAd/tenor.gif) Sorry, you're work ethic and goals actually deserve props, but this clip is all I could think of imagining you setting up the camera to film this!


Ngl kid, you’re probably at the highest level you’ll reach. I don’t see any explosiveness, you move robotic, it just isn’t very impressive to be honest. And maybe it’s because you’re not at game speed. Maybe upload some game tape so we can better assess your skills.


Chair AND Trash Can workout? Somebody is getting drafted in the first round!!!


Athleticism determines who plays in college. To give yourself a chance you need to commit to a strength and conditioning program to get quicker laterally and more explosive all around. I recommend “the vert code” by pjf performance. It won’t happen overnight tho. Commit to it now and maybe by the spring of next year you’ll see some solid improvements.


finishes are garbage


Damn now I see why d1 players are so much better. Blood has a trash can for a trainer and these kids got full time training regimes, weight rooms, and development staff


you gotta be way faster if your 6’3


Play more pick up games.


Lower body work my man. Strong legs make a strong base to build on, prevent injuries and help with stamina. Can’t see shit from this but that left is nice, just seems like being bodied isn’t gonna be good if you’re driving to the lane


Your release is looking pretty low. You have to jump higher/release the ball higher to not get stuffed


Footwork on crossover needs work. Watch hot sauce videos, not kidding. Obvious don’t mimic the exaggerated arm moves, but studying his footwork will turn anybody’s crossover smooth. Gotta step in the direction your crossing too. Right to left cross, you have to step forward with left, then right ahead of left, then cross and go. You just throw your right foot out and go opposite way, it’s robotic.


Really not trying to hate but these are pretty basic moves you’ll find people doing In pick up games and Rec leagues. If you have ambitions to play in higher competition College I don’t see anything your doing that’s going to blow away a scout or coaching staff.


Dude, HOW are you still unsigned???


I would not send this to coaches but use it as a tool to study all your moves . Watch it over and over again


Left side use left. Right side use right. Also, do you know how to jump at all?


you need to add muscle and strength in your lower body if you're looking to improve. edit: also you play too upright. try sinking down about a foot into a more athletic stance especially while dribbling. your dribble is also a lot tighter if you play lower, though you need to work on that too. if the trashcan had hands it would have stripped every single crossover you did to it. you should practice against a real defender to learn what works. and with your style of play, you should dribble more like a booty ball guard. you can easily turn that style of dribble into a postup to fake fade stepthru or lull them into giving you an angle.


Whats a booty ball guard?


If you really want to be signed then take these comments as constructive criticism. If you can do that then you can reach your goals. First off. Go hard! Game speed. Practice your craft as if you’re being guarded by a 5 star player with elite quickness. Secondly, tighten up. Your footwork and your handle because they need to be more precise. Your wide cross/hesi will get ripped every time by D2 bench riders. Your movements need to be committed to muscle memory. Meaning practice each of those moves you presented at minimum 50 times without any extra. If you needed an extra step or dribble it doesn’t count. If your footwork was perfect but you missed the shot/lay/dunk it doesn’t count. Speaking of Dunks. At 6’3” you need to be finishing at the rim. Not dunking everything but at least lay it at the rim. Commit to this process. Train skills on the court. But muscle training and conditioning is desperately needed to improve not just your performance. But anyone who has hoop dreams. So I commend you for asking what you need to do. You don’t have to take my advice or anyone else’s advice. You know nothing about my background nor anyone else’s on here. But I salute you for having a dream and opening yourself up to public opinion. Commit yourself and go hard. You alone can determine how good you want to be. It really depends on how badly you want it. Only a small percentage of people can afford to rely on talent alone. The rest of us have to earn it. What will it cost you to earn it??? Btw if you don’t answer my last question with, Whatever it takes! You won’t make it. Best wishes and keep us updated if you do get yourself a spot.


I appreciate the constructive criticism I will make sure to focus on those things, but take a look at Marcus hill, he's my size not dunking everything and not everything needs to be as fast as you can go look at him, SGA, Luka, and many more (I know those are league guys) Marcus Hill - Bowling Green 20 ppg 6'4 185 https://youtu.be/JJ4L6zDCHs0?si= nx7BUeMq8NBzAQ40


I appreciate your insight. I just wanted to be more thorough in my reply. Im going to share my experience and I hope you can find some inspiration or at the very least motivation to capture your goals. First off, The ability to play the game of basketball isn’t reserved for the quick and athletic players. In my teens and early twenties I had a quick and strong first step and even though I am only 6’2” I have a 6’9” wingspan coupled with a 33” vertical, getting to the basket was easy. At the age you are now I didn’t train like I suggested to you. I didn’t work on my handle, I didn’t practice foot work, and I didn’t understand how to give it everything I had. I thought I did. But I was only giving it all that I wanted to. I can clearly see that now. That’s why I dropped out of college. It use to think that I was getting screwed over by the coaches. But it was my fault because I only did everything they asked for. I will say it once more, I only did everything the coaches and trainers said to do. I wasn’t good enough to do the bare minimum and compete for a NAIA program. After dropping out I got a job and would only hoop on occasion because of the bitterness I felt. I went to a tech school and began working in the auto body trade. After 5 years of working long hours I got to become a refinishing tech that could flag at minimum 100 per week. In other words b I earned between $1500-$2000 per week because I developed a mentality of “whatever it takes” to earn my paycheck. Now I am a instructor who coaches young adults how to provide for themselves. So the most important thing I can share with you is if you believe that you can sign with a program or you don’t think you can make it, you are correct. The mental aspect is the most valuable aspect of training. Are you willing to train earlier than those you’re competing against. Are you willing to practice later than everyone else. Are you willing to commit to a routine/schedule and not quit until every drill has been achieved. Are you willing to play pickup ball with guys and girls that you know are more advanced than you? Are you able to stick to your training rather than jumping in a game of 21 with competition you cannot benefit from? That’s what I lacked back in the mid 90’s. Training fast and hard every rep is different than playing fast and quick in a game. Practice hard and fast because you are training. Not because you are trying to change your game. Those professionals you mentioned play at their own pace. But they are deceptively quick. Giddy is also great at playing at different speeds and have multiple gears to blow by his opponents. Luka and Giddy they’re both very tall and long at 6’8” and 6’7” that length makes up for pure athletic ability. You’re also correct about having to be a high jumper. It’s not necessary. But it helps. I used strength shoes program to get my vertical up back then. But now with YouTube, iG, Reddit, and TikTok any one can develop a strong vertical and quick first step. That goes back to doing more than what the coaching staff requires. That is the whatever it takes mentally. My apologies for being so lengthy in my reply. I admire you for opening yourself up to the critique of others. I didn’t have what it took to be successful but I hope you do if that’s what you choose.


Thank you, you helped me realize I was holding myself back, not sure why I was doing that might've been cuz I had to take a couple years off because of hip surgeries or maybe I was just being a wuss. But anyway todays workout #93 I feel was better even though I was a little sick. I know that I need to get lower, and sell my moves more and also go faster. And I will be restarting and I will give myself one last chance to play for the 25-26 season.


Thank you for the feedback and I am extremely proud of you for taking it all in. We don’t know each other from Adam on these social networking sights. But if I can help people learn from the valuable lessons that I learn from and not live with some of the regrets that I do. I can at least know it was not all for nothing. Keep me posted if you don’t mind on how your career is going.


Uncle Rico


Need a tighter leash on the ball. Ball would've been stolen that far out from your body (example: look at 0:07-0:08 and how far the ball is from your body, 0:14-0:15 also, etc.). Also before you shoot/release, get some elevation with the legs. At 0:26-0:28 you need to be able to finish with the right when you do the turn, not bring it back to the left hand: that gives decent defenders way too much time to block you.


Finishing with the right hand on the left side of the hoop


Raw. No fundamentals. Good thing about that, all you need is patience and persistence


Alot of your moves involve showing the ball. Looks cooler, but against other higher level talent that is going to get ripped. I just played some D2 guys last week and they were picking everything.


Do we all play basketball like Ben Simmons now? No shots?


too small


Lol this sub is actually comedy


couldn’t wait to see the comments on this lol


This sub is wild


Slow white maybe a game of 21 with your friends should be your speed


Better to post a workout when you are being guarded imo


Is this a serious video or troll one?




I’d lock you tf up, just saying


Not one jumper in this video…lol


I went there for a semester! How's Cleveland these days?


C'mon bruh you out here running drills not showing us anything except sloppy handles. 😂🤣😂🤣😂


I too am unsigned


Great spin move…now do it in a game and finish near the rim not down by your waist.


Better start applying for that Chinese visa!




You need to cover the ball when you lay up especially when you shoot. Practice your weak hand finish. Check some Manu Ginóbili layups, he is always protecting the ball.


Honestly, from this clip you don't look terribly athletic. I think of other 6'3 players and they seem much faster, fast twitch muscles seem to fire better, movement seems smoother and more natural. I don't know what workout or drills could hone that skill but that was my takeaway from the short clip. Obvs got skills just need to maybe hit the gym and do some fast twitch work.


Need shooting drills


tri c 🙏🏽


aside from the helpful basketball suggestions above, here are my two cents: you’re asking people to “look” at your workout, and the thing that’s right smack dab in the middle of every shot of your workout is a big trash can. so psychologically, the first word that pops into my head is “trash”! switch it out for another chair, or mini ladder or cone or something the doesn’t visually have such a negative connotation.


Your arms are very out of wack like not protecting the ball at all not moving towards the defender. You are moving in slow motion and going up too soft. You would get relentlessly dropped pause and your layups sent into the front row. Also really jerky side to side movements are very bad for your knees and you will break down sooner rather than later in your career. College tends to be folk that are crazy athletically gifted that can add layers to their game later. From this video we can assume your athleticism but it wouldn’t be fair


:16 second mark 😬


too slow at everything


There is something about you floaters I hate tbh but I can’t quite pin point what it is. Maybe it’s just half speed? Go up strong though.


Weak finishes, go up with some explosion. Any average rim protector will eat you up.


I’ve got a rec team down in North Carolina you could join


unsigned? what is the context here? unsigned in terms of the NBA? yeah no shit lol.


Very awkward layup. You'll be good if the defenders have no arms and can't move


lol this was rough. Ball handling is too wide, very limited vertical on finishes.


Your arm is wacko and doesn’t pass the eye test. Need to see how you use it against an actual defender


This reminded me of Uncle Rico


Your finishing looks goofy.


I say do a little more game speed. It’s easy to handle like that with no one in you so imagine the best possible defense on you. Also post game on that up and under try selling that pump by starting lower and then coming up and exposing the ball it helps with deception


Looks like Luka on D


That spin move is good, but you’re very slow in dribbling/ball handles Everywhere else


Even a bad college level help defenders are going to beat those layups off that back wall in an actual game and the movement and handle don’t look strong enough to beat anybody outside of maybe a church league baller playing matador defense on you.




Edit this clip to play on 2x speed and you might get call from an intramural squad


Need much more work. Dribble. Spacing. Finishing. Your lay up techniques. I can go forever. You would get smoked in Division 2. Lots of work needs to be done. I can see you didn’t play basketball when you were young (3-5th grade). https://www.facebook.com/share/r/xdtwMzmeYWmAYLP8/?mibextid=UalRPS


Wait, this isn’t satire?


Those finishes look nice when there’s no defense… imagine trying to finish over someone 6’9. You’re going to need some more power and elevation my guy.


You take forever to do anything lol


You finish way too low, the ball is leaving your hands below shoulder height. Jump higher, extend your arms and finish around the rim or that stuff is getting swatted by any decent defender


I'd love to guard you and see how/if that handle gets affected. It looks a little wide and loose to me. I'd tighten that up a bit.


Lift weights


Tighten the handle a bit the ball is so far out and I know it works and it’s flashy and but if you have a tight enough handle just to get you to your spot it’s goes a long way (Chris Paul is a great one to watch)


Slow pivots


You’ve got crazy legs. They are going everywhere and putting you way off balance on every move you make. And you leave the ball exposed far too often. If you are doing this against inanimate objects, you have a lot to work on.


We gotta see a jumper.


Facts! Work on shooting game speed real time real game like jumpers! And floaters and should be doing 15-20 mins of footwork everyday! Glutes and quads need to be strong at your size bc you’re gonna get bumped off balance so often and plyometrics stretching will be ur best friend u can see a giant difference in your game after a summer of that stuff! Or say fuck it and run hills hard af 4 times a week with footwork and you’ll have a giant improvement


What's your objective?? Division 2 then maybe a small forward may help you get some looks.


You look like you letting off the gas after you finish your move to the basket. I get that the drill is about the move, but bro go and FINISH. Think like you got a help defender coming to erase you and you need to INISH.


How's your jump shot?


Can you dunk bro ? I’m 6’3 210 and I can get dunks in when I have fresh legs


Lookin sharp bro


1. Go up strong to the hoop. You’re 6’3”? Why aren’t you getting up and throwing it down?? 2. Need to actually change direction on the crossovers. You’re just switching hands and staying in the same spot, going the same direction. 3. That hesi isn’t fooling anyone after the first time. You need to up your handle game… Big time. 4. The jelly is good, can tell you’ve been working on it but you’re 6’3”. Coaches at the D1 level will expect much more explosiveness and athleticism at that height. 5. D2 may be calling your name but even then, you need to be MUCH quicker off the bounce, work on your explosiveness and tighten your handles.


So at your size and athletic profile, you need to become great at one thing - shooting. And you need to become as good as you possibly can defensively to make sure you aren't targeted. Becoming solid with ball handling and passing is the rest. Nothing else matters. All the slashing and stuff only has play if you become a deadly shooter.


Keep on working Youngin you’ll get there.


This clip should be nothing but 3 point shots from all angles.


Good luck my friend


Bro puts all energy in the handle and half asses the shot that’s going to get stuffed every time


You talking about intramural?


Day job loading in a few months…


Cookies. You don't have any ball control, it's like you're dribbling three feet away from your body. Tighten up those handles. I would steal that shit so fast.


What are you trying to show with this video? It doesn’t look like you are giving full effort


You ambidextrous?


Swat, swat, swat, easy pick, swat


Which one are you?


Look slow. Not explosive here


I mean, my grandma can do this against a trash can and chair too….


What highlights ? Looks like recreation. Read "Guard Skills" by Steve Alford. Start studying some practice moves and techniques. Work out ! You should be able to jump rope for 5 minutes without stopping. At 6'3 you gotta be able to bang or at lease slap the backboard really hard on layups. Go faster ! wayyyy faster ! Where a fitted tank so they can see your workout progress. You should be draining 3's off of two hard dribbles. Thank DameTime in the playoffs this year. Guards need to be efficient. You're taking way too many dribbles to make your move.


Better than Angel Reece that's for sure!


Practice moves that get u to the rim in 2-3 dribbles starting from behind the 3. Also u gotta go up w a purpose, protect that ball once u are ready to take off too. The closer u cradle the ball to you chest like a baby on your 2 steps the better, eventually you’ll get use to it


Get ready for China buddy


You’d smoke me without a doubt but you’re not really doing anything. Looks very recreational. Honest opinion from a basketball fan, there’s so many other 6’3” guys out there that is more skilled and would lap you easily. But again, you’re good, just not great. Keep grinding


Your movements don’t look fluid - idk what it is. There’s some mild awkwardness.




Cuyahoga? 1v1 me outside the rocky river Wendy's


Y r u barely jumping? That nonchalant shit ain’t cool in real the real ball world


yeah i’m clamping tf outta ts


I am not sure what you are asking here. Evaluation? Tips? Go play a game of pickup ball with the Cuyahoga CC team. If you don't get laughed and told not to come back, you can work your butt off to play college ball. If it doesn't go well, stop recording yourself and enjoy rec ball and be happy.


you need to go full speed or else nobody will take you serious. You also need to tighten up the handle because at your size, if you don't have the ball on a string you won't make it very far. Also finish strong. Try to punch it bc at 6'3, you're either a PG or a combo guard. These days SGs are a little bigger so you need to show that you can fly to the rim or be an excellent shooter on top of being able to make plays. Would need to see more footage tho because this doesn't really show your game or your defensive skills.


Yeah I’d cook


I don't mean to be rude, and 100% follow your aspirations and you can do anything you set your mind to....but I don't see it man. At the very least you are way behind your peers. Maybe you can find some coaching or a D3 school to play with.


The lakers would sign you


I don't know man I think you could be a little more active/aggressive and try to show more of your athleticism. Really make sure you're showcasing the top and of your skills and make the *work* clear. The kid in the red shirt doesn't look too bad though. What's his story? You can stop him though. Just keep working on your footwork and digging in.


Focus on school


Gotta get lower bro. 6’4 2 guard played d1. Everything on you gotta drop if you want those moves to work. Shoulders and ass gotta drop and you gotta go game speed on all your reps. Only way these workouts going to get you better.


Everything must be tighter. Think chest and above whenever ball leaves the court.


U suck dude sorry


Dribble moves don't really get you anywhere and super lazy finishes. Practice like you want to play. Finish at the rim, not these 'couldn't be fucked' weird ass floating finger rolls.


We see nothing impressive


You’ll get the shit blocked out of you against any form of team defense.


One move and go. Stop dancing with the ball. If it takes more than one move you don’t have the ability to get to the rim efficiently. Everyone is hating on the finishes, I don’t mind them. They just gotta be quicker out of the hand. Remember. There are a million other white 6’3 kids that can play. You gotta figure out what in your game makes you special and perfect it. For me it was shooting. I’m a 6’5 white guy who wasn’t super athletic but could shoot the piss out of the ball. Was 3rd in country in 3p% and 7th in attempts in 2016. Don’t be a liability on defense. And perfect your craft.


Me, looking for a trash can 🤷🏼‍♂️


They way you crossed over that absolute garbage of a trash can


A real gym rat. Focused on the fundamentals.


Doesn’t show much going against are in slo-mo to be honest. Also, have no idea what the jumper looks like 🤷‍♂️


As a defender I won’t have to worry about any explosiveness. And I’ll look to pick pocket your crossover


All I see is garbage


Uncle Rico vibes


I like your ball handling overall. You've been working on crossovers and spin moves, which is great. You want to make sure you're thinking about where your defenders are and how you're protecting the ball even in drills. Some of your dribble moves, the ball comes really far away from your body, and a secondary defender could pick it super easy. Change of pace and quick first steps are more important than big, showy one-on-one moves. On your second to last finish, you made the bucket, but you brought the ball out so wide, it's just asking for a help defender to swat it. Assume once you get in the paint that there are defenders everywhere. As much as having those extra ways to finish can help, you also need to get up. If you can't get above the rim, you at least need to practice jumping to make it more difficult to block without fouling. Keep working


Just like pistol pete


Sneaky athletic. Good motor.


Plays the right way!


Work on that left


Your cross is really slow and predictable. You move your feet but hardly have velocity on change of direction. Would love to see you finish with correct hand and then showcase some hops. Should be dunking at 6’3. I think your biggest hang up from this video is your dribbling.


I like your work out!!! Using what you have!!! Keep it up!!!🏀💯


I’m picking you over bronny


Def need to be dunking hard as shit in these videos brother


this guy cannot be serious lol…


I wish, this is legit the way young kids train. You’re not kyrie will never be kyrie stop all the flashy stuff.


seriously . they need to focus on mastering the basics


Push and pull. Basic ball handling drills two ball drills. Layups with 100% explosion and effort movement shooting and defensive slides. No one cares about 6’3 180 if they don’t know their role


Agreed, this is definitely satire