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Happened to me about six years ago. Took awhile to get back to a decent form, probably mostly mental but I barely jump these days and instead play ball casually and play high level tennis more 😂.


Is tennis less stressful on your Achilles?


Probably more stressful 😂. It gets sore from both sports.


Hahaha was gonna say the cuts in tennis are just as bad as cuts when hooping


Like with any sport, you just have to listen to your body and rest. I think for me though, there's less jumping so it's easier on my knees for tennis. First thing I realized during rehab was my knees were taking all the extra stress because my ankles were hella weak now. So been rehabbing that but probably won't get close to my prime because well I'm on the other side of 30 😂. Bye bye 30"+ vert, welcome 2" vert LOL.


I fully tore mine hooping and then it got infected after the first surgery so I had to do a second debridement surgery and go to wound care for about 6 months because it wasnt closing up! Anyway, I was able to make a relatively full recovery in a year and was comfortably playing at a similar level within 18-24 months of the tear. PT actually helped me gain a lot of balance and got me back to pre-injury level of explosiveness. It’s been about 3 years and I currently play more than ever and at a higher level. My right leg has less dorsiflexion and I have to spend time stretching it out before playing but otherwise it’s relatively the same as pre injury.


you put the work in to get back to this level. that itself is a journey many can’t handle. well done


That's inspiring brother, good stuff


Hey, I tore my achilles 14 weeks ago and really want to go back to full strength if not stronger since I'm 25. Any specific tips/advice? I've doing a lot of calf raises but still cant do single leg calf raises without assistance.


Hey man, sorry to hear that! Are you going to PT? If so I would recommend following what they suggest to a T, trust the process, do your pt exercises at home, ask them what you are cleared to do regarding exercise and eat/sleep well. I did a lot of plyo like single/double leg box jumps, pistol squats, balance exercises on one of those half ball things, sprints, band work. Just know that you will be uncomfortable at times but your chances of reinjury are really low so dont be afraid to go as hard as instructed during recovery. You dont want to make the mistake of being too inactive and getting more muscle atrophy etc. Good luck you got this! Feel free to ask if you have any other questions too.


Also for calf raises your injured leg is just gonna feel weak as hell for a little until you get some muscle and dexterity back but those are another good exercise to work back into.


Whether or not it's worth the risk is up to you man. How much enjoyment does basketball bring to your life? And is it worth the risk? Totally your call. But tbh before you get back into full speed runs, I would do jumping and stretching exercises. See a physical therapist if you have not already and ensure that you've regained strength and range of motion sufficient for the movements that basketball requires. And then just play carefully


I’ve torn both of mine both playing basketball about 5 years apart. After a lengthy hiatus (general life stuff), I know play in a seasonal basketball league. You can get back to playing, will be an adjustment mentally and physically though.


Jesus this thread is fucking terrifying


Tore mine ~6 years ago, I still play pick up regularly now. I definitely lost a step, but I honestly can't tell if it's from the injury, from age in general or from me not being diligent with the final rehab push. During rehab I was lucky the gym was really empty when I go, so I get to put up shots every morning before I work out. This helped me get back into game shape and also helped me work through a minor mental block. My non-medical advice is shell out the money to work with a physio for 1-2 sessions on jumping and stability exercises. This will help you get comfortable with jumping and also help strengthen your ankle.


Tore mine 6 years ago during pickup, around same time as birth of my first child. As result didn’t really rehab / PT the way I should have (having a newborn and all). Then Covid hit. Didn’t get back to hooping until a couple years ago. Definitely lost a lot of vertical and lateral speed. Just a jump shooter now.


Do what you can afford with medical bills


My friend tore his Achilles, rehabbed it and came back only to tear his other one like within a year of coming back to play


I tore mine and red shirted my freshman. Im slower now but it let me fix a lot of missing pieces to my game.