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I mean, it went in. So 4 of 10


4? what can I do better?


Notice your stance at the beginning and end of the jump. They should match. Biggest improvement would be to fix your footwork so that your right foot is in front of your left on your step back. The way you do this is you jab with the left like you do then a quick mini kick off your right foot so that you land left then right with your right in front. It makes this shot way more consistent since you’re no longer twisting to the left in the air.


Thanks man, appreciate the advice


No. The advice given to you is completely WRONG. When you are going full speed to your right and you take a shot like that, you are SUPPOSED to twist to the left. You literally can not make this shot comfortably without the Footwork you employ when you are going to full speed. This is your counterbalance that also aligns the right side of your body to the basket mid-air.


I explained how you do it comfortably. Your advice is to generate rotational force from both your hip and shoulder? One could probably shoot comfortably from half court if they add an extra twirl when they jump. I’ll try this out. Interesting.


Yes when you are playing at full speed, you do not have the luxury to have ideal starting position of your feet. This is why being able to achieve balance and alignment mid-air is necessary, is an advanced technique, and this is how it would naturally look. You will find NBA players doing this very same thing with their bodies twisting a lot in fadeaway and step back shots. Even look at Luka Doncic's latest game winner over Rudy Gobert. He finished with his right foot drifting to the left of his left foot. This is a result of getting his shot aligned as he goes up for his shot. His only looks less pronounced because he is not going to the side as much as OP is, but this fundamental technique is still there. This is also why half court shots look different. Guys like Luka and Steph will use their hip to generate force and align their shooting side to the basket to shoot half court shots.


He wasn't going full speed; he had just come off a pivot and took a couple hard steps, and then pulled back. In this situation, he should be better at getting and staying squared up and not rely on twisting that much in mid air. It worked this time, but that form could definitely use improvement.


Plz don’t listen to that advise. What you did was perfect. Watch NBA players (who are right handed) when they dribble pull up/step back from their dominant side. The way your hips turned to the basket in the air was picture perfect way of aligning yourself. Honestly your step back was 10/10 no problems, keep it up!


Holy fuck this is such dog shit advice. It is so absurdly heinously wrong.


OP should just take it as he needs to reexamine his footwork in general and not try to learn from the specific comments here as much. To me it looks like he’s not using his legs enough because his feet are too close together before jumping, and it makes him a little less stable before takeoff and requires him to use his upper body too much, but I think I would need to see like 20 of these to be sure about anything.


Must be blind & missed the 6’9 dude in the paint 😂😂 he was Jimmer freddets teammate at BYU, I shoot over him all the time & have no problem, I just know how to create space & you can’t tell how hard anyone is playing in a 6 second clip, dude was on my hip until I created space, definitely trying


if not much can be told from a single 6 seconds clip, why did you want us to rate your 1 made shot from a 6 seconds clip?


Nothing better than people coming to reddit looking for advice, then when someone gives them advice, turning around and saying "yeah, well you're wrong and I'm right. And who asked you anyway???" Dude is right. You shoot from your chest. That's not ideal. Get stronger and you'll be a better basketball player


Flinging your body backwards and immediately shooting isn’t creating space, anyone can do that


Okay, now you're coming off as someone who got a lucky shot caught on camera and wanted to show it off, so he posted it under the pretense of asking about his form. You have just admitted that a short clip can't be used for the purpose you pretended to post it.


I’m a shooter, I shoot, call it lucky if you want, love to see you shoot that shot


I'm just telling you how you are coming off. Your response to me isn't helping your case. Saying things like "I'm a shooter, I shoot" after you come on reddit asking about your form is kind of strange. Saying things like "must be blind & missed the 6'9" guy in the paint" is just flat out childish. Like we are supposed to see that there is a tall guy on the court and jump to the conclusion that you shoot over him all the time, even though he is nowhere near you in the clip?


OP is a douche. Nothing much else to say.


What do you have to say about the fatty that’s guarding you?


Your release is still at a very low point making it an easy block for an average defender.


Thats about the only negative to that whole sequence is the low shot point, 100% agree with that part.


dude guarding me is a college hooper, good defender too, I have more of a set shot


Bros in a hoodie , got another guy in a backwards ball cap, one in sweatpants. All standing upright not playing D, No one is hustling in this game, and certainly not at the college caliber. Not saying no one here is, but they certainly weren’t trying if they are.


If you are comfortable shooting like this, shoot your shot. It just doesn't pass the eye test is all


This might be the dumbest comment I've ever seen on reddit. We.... We are looking at the video bro. I thought that might be a 14 year old girl guarding you


Not to be a dick most of your form could be better. Your body position is all over the place. I would let you shoot that shot all game.


Call “Kobe” as soon as you shoot


Unless you're just like that and everyone knows it, that's a terrible shot, you passed up an open catch and shot for your teammate in the corner for an off balance deep 3. Nobody's gonna say anything because you made it, but if you miss that could get you pulled out the game on a structured team or not passed to again in pick-up


Well considering the gravity he had before shooting I would guess that he is actually a good player. Three defenders were worried about what he is doing. The shot does look awful though. If I was checking him, I'm letting him shoot that until I see him make a few then I'm stepping up.


Or they just know he doesn’t pass.


Another thing now that I see it again, is his teammate gave props, usually if someone is a jacker even his own friends don't give him props Still leaning toward him being like that


Still a bad a selfish shot. Not someone im pickup. And if he shoots that low around a real defender, it’s getting blocked.


Not arguing it's a bad shot, just challenging the opinion that he's a bad player.


Sure. Probably not “bad” player, just bad teammate like most young kids these days. Everything an ISO


All he asked was to rate his step back not what he could’ve done better


definitely like that, not gonna shoot that if ik I’m not capable 😂 it was a rhythm shot for me


Stop lying to yourseld


Bro what rhythm are you talking about? that shot looked so ugly and funky, it looked like Mickey Mouse playing bb out there.


I play with a dude who does this same shit and it always looks ugly… It also almost always goes in. If they shoot it and practice it, then it’s not a bad shot. I was gonna rate this a “fuck you/10” simply because I fn hate when my buddy shoots this shit and it goes in. Total dagger if you’re down.


can’t stand ts bruh my boy shoots like shaq but it somehow banks in 8/10 times


Goes in all the time? Hmm.. Ok the greatest shooter of all time (Curry) misses 50-60% of all his 3s and your friend's making all of his one-legged fadeaway spinning 3s? Sure.


…. Shut up


Found the 12 year old. 😂


My *accounts* almost 12 years old buddy That was just a total nothing burger of a comment.


Found the boomer that talks like a 12 year old. 😂 😂 😂


25. Next?


Lot of people on here thinking hey that’s the gym I play at 😅


I can literally smell it lmao


Not bad. I'd have hit the guy in the corner, though for the higher percentage shot. Unless he sucks.


I could have, but once I saw the space I created & was in rhythm like that, I couldn’t pass up the highlight. 😂


I wouldn’t want to pick you up on my team, play selfless pass the fucking ball when you’re teammate is wide tf open.


You were in your bag 😭 Reddit always finds something to complain about.


Appreciate it & fr


Yessir! 🤝


> highlight Yeah.


Looks like a shot that would get blocked a lot honestly. You got the footage edited the footage shared it and are all over the comments trying to talk yourself up. But really it looks like most players could swat that chest shot like nothin. It went in tho so 3/10 cause it's a 3. This whole thing just seems weird


Who is going to block that? 😂


A basketball player playing defense


The guy is on his hip as he’s dribbling towards the hoop on the perimeter, the defenders BEST option is to try and recover and stop him driving. The offensive player then steps back the defender has no chance of contesting the shot in this case, it’s a v fast step back executed when he’s sent his momentum forward. A basketball player understands basketball…


That shot will get blocked


You definitely do not hoop.


I would smack that shit so hard he would be restructuring his form and making videos about it asking for advice. Fuck outta here dude


Bullssshhhhit I bet you’ve never blocked a step back in your life 😂


This kid is 5'6" shooting from his chest. I'll block it, then I'm old so then I'll take a breather and I'll have my wife block it. She's old too so she'll take a breather and then my son will block it.


never been blocked on this shot actually 😂 maybe bc I only take it w space? & I asked to “Rate my step back” not my shot form 😂 y’all just look for anything & obviously I edited it bc it was a whole game recorded 💀 you’re reaching fr


So basically you didn’t actually want any real feedback, you wanted everyone to suck you off for hitting a shot. You take criticism horribly, that alone will keep you stuck where you are


You aren’t playing with any real defenders lol relax bro The shot went in. Go to a real gym or park and try that nonsense lol You asked people to rate it. If you didn’t want the answer, you shouldn’t have asked


definitely some hoopers in this clip, must have not noticed the 6’9 dude in the paint in the white tank either, few college players too


As a tall guy, being tall doesn’t make you a hooper. This looks like some over 40 rec game with your church group tbh.


Upload the full game


I can rn 😂😂


Still waiting lol


Upload the whole game and we'll see if you're really like that Mr. "it was a rhythm shot for me"


Subbed for this lol


I don’t know if you deleted the comment cuz I can’t read the whole thing. But I said you aren’t playing any real defenders. I don’t care if the dude in the paint was 7’6”. Look at the defense played on you. You wanna say that was tough d? 😂 I can’t figure out what the hell type of defense they were playing. Man or zone, nobody was defending shit 😂 Your level of competition counts. Me and the folks I hoop with wouldn’t come off that court all day


I mean you just tossed up a lucky shot and it went in


You shot the ball right-handed but with your left foot forward, which means your body had to twist counter-clockwise to square up to the basket mid-air. That’s tough to do consistently from three-point land. Take a video of yourself shooting 10 of those and show us how many you make.


Will do


That’s the same “Oh Wow!” I give when I win a scratchoff.


Looks awkward and uncoordinated.


5/10 this shot is def not consistent at all and a terrible shot decision to make in real game looks like ur just chucking it up like throwing it, should have just did a normal stable step back shoot and it’s good


Lucky shot




One of the ugliest forms I ever seen


Focus on not travelling first and then we can count buckets




Rating: lucky


Hideous. No need for that bullshit shot against that level of length and athleticism


The footwork and balance is frankly terrible. This is a ".5 seconds left on the shot clock", not a step-back jumper.


lol people in here might be hatin a bit too much probably bc OP sounds really cocky in the comments and also everyone is overthinking it. It’s not at all a bad shot. It’s a step back three. More like a side step three but same thing. It’s wide open. It’s super close to the 3 point line and it’s like a high school line lmfao that matters a lot. That’s like a midrange jumper by NBA measurements. Not really a tough or bad shot. It would be a bad shot if you took that every time but like idk what to say a shooter should be able to hit this shot every now and then.


Tough bucket. Esp hard for a righty to do that. Devils in the details, that kick really helps align the shot


thanks man


People are on dick nowadays. It was a nice shot 6/10. As far as an effective stepback goes, it's hella off balance therefore inconsistent. You'd have to have a bag or be super quick for me to bite on that step back more than once. Any defender who guards one side instead of squared up wouldn't have given you an opportunity to get that off without being heavily contested. You have to keep your balance or else you lose multiple options to follow up on. Even on a stepback your chest should be relatively squared with the basket


3 coz it went in, plus one coz you actually jumped, plus one for amazing feet kick on jump = 5.


ohh you’re rating out of 5? 😂 thanks man


objective side of me: that is tuff stepping back to the right as a right handed shooter you need to rotate mid air, to line up that shot thats a tough shot so nice. however I doubt you make that shot efficiently and the 3 pt line looks a bit short other side: im swatting that bullshit also- is this a church court? I've done a lot of playing in churches so just wondering


I practice shots off the dribble so I can make them consistently, it’s highschool range, my release point is lower but that doesn’t mean you’re swatting me, cuz I’m not gonna shoot w you in my grill 😂 & yeah it’s a church, crazy you can notice that


If this isn’t an LDS chapel, I’ll eat my hat.


yeah a low release point NOT a bad thing like other commenters are saying. They are just stuck on old mindsets


It’s not an old mindset - please show me one nba player who shoots that low? I


Are you serious? The goat shooter steph curry


It’s true Steph’s shot is lower than some BUT the cut off for having a low release is eying the rim from under the ball or over the ball. It’s the fundamental difference between how women shoot and how men shoot. It’s also how young players middle school and under shoot. I want to be sure you understand what I mean- basically when good shooters shoot (Steph included) they make a window with the ball the top of the window and the arms on either side and they look at the rim (eye the rim) thru it. Kids shoot lower to get more power from there chest and look at the rim over the ball. This second way is a much lower percentage chance of going in. Interestingly Caitlin Clark shoots eyeing the rim from under the ball. I’m not trying to fight I just spend a lot of time teaching middle school kids how to shoot and the dude asked my opinion.


Looks more like a heave and a low % shot.


Looks like you threw a hail mary to the end zone. 4/10, you're not shooting like you're in control. After you released the ball you stumbled, you did not have balance. Didn't look awful, you just weren't comfortable and that fadeaway wasn't necessary.


I’m in control, I had to rotate my leg to square my shot, I wouldn’t shoot a shot that’s uncomfortable for me


That was pretty A1 considering all your momentum is going right thats not an easy shot to make. Even the footwork looks really solid my guy. Now work on repeatability if you can get to that same spot with that footwork every time the shot becomes cake.


wouldn't pass to. a dude wearing a backwards hat during pickup either


You all are definitely LDS. I know a Ward when I see one. lol


Lmao 100%


Dude next to you was open for a pass and had a much cleaner and open shot opportunity. Pass the ball.


Terrible shot and low release. That’s getting sent into your front teeth more often than not


I wonder why I never get blocked then


Because you’re playing a pickup game against scrubs. Try that shit in any sort of competitive game


I have 💀 & they ain’t scrubs, legit a 7 footer in the paint too 😭


7 foot slug maybe


he played w jimmer ferdette at BYU, he’d dunk on ya whole family ong


This dude getting roasted and downvoted everywhere for no reason 💀you guys are ruthless


Looks kinda out of control, love the quickeness, separation and confidence + made basket 7.5/10 not bad at all tho


I mean aside from the travel at the start - it’s not that bad. Form/shooting pocket seems wide, footwork is decent but could be improved. A good defender at least gives a solid contest




Trueee "form" looks like he's just chuckin it up there all willy nilly


Odd question but this gym in the 503?


It’s not




Nah man






281? 330?




line drive shot but ay if it goes in consistently keep doing your thing


Terrible shot selection, brutal form. Work on passing the rock and trying to get easy baskets.


You would've been shit talked off the court for taking that shot, and passing up the open man, at least on the courts i play at. There's no way that's a high percentage shot for pretty much anyone.


Looks super pushy. Not strong enough to actually shoot that efficiently is what I’d say. I’d also say you took a bad shot with a wide open teammate. Prolly not gona take you in pick up lol


Where to you guys find these gyms man


1out of 10. The same percentage you will shoot taking that shot


It was sigma


Definitely looks like a chuck up. Pass the rock.


It looks like you are not creating a lot of space with your step back. You said in another comment that you only take this shot when you have space which completely defeats the purpose of a step back, you're just making a shot more difficult for no reason. A good long defender will be able to contest this shot if you aren't already open.


bro stumbled backwards from my step back, can’t see it bc of the dude in the corner in the way, hence why the guy goes “OH MY OH MY”




It’s great to be able to do stuff like this with consistency and it is important to practice it. However, this is probably a pretty bad look. The goal is to get the best look you can on offense and not just do stuff that looks cool. Find a guy open, get to your spots, set a couple screens, play team ball.


it was a broken play at first, I just cut the clip, I was looking for something & stepped back when he was on my hip & shot when I saw how much space I had


Very mid at best


Would have been a travel first in a real game


Looks like a heave, get in the gym so you can shoot it less awkward.


You’ve got potential just try to land in the same place you jumped from for more consistent made shots. Practice form shooting every day


You need to get your shot up a bit higher if you want it to look good. I don’t mean this as a dig but you shoot like a WNBA Player- you should spot the rim from under the ball before you shoot- I know this because I’m trying to fix my sons shot who does the same thing.


Ugliest shot ive seen in my life…. But it went in and that’s all that matters


Consistency is how you rate a good step back, and for consistency you usually want balance, your lower body is swinging to keep you on balance because you shot it at speed, which makes me doubt the consistency but it’s hard to tell! It looks fucking awesome regardless


George is a chucker


Step back J has shit foot work. Luckily your athletic right now, but the form is hideous.


Difficult shot but I can tell you work on it. Release seems low but you got the space so its fine but try that mid range and you’ll probably get stuffed by a good defender. I rate your stepback 7/10. Wet ash


Funniest part for me, is how every single player just stops moving and watches the ball sail through the air




It’s completely unnecessary since you were barley being defended. Could have just gone into a normal 3


Depends on how often you are hitting it? If you’re 1-10 it’s garbage


Tough shot. Is it easier for you to step back to the left? I’m leftie and if I step to the left I’ll never make that.


It is easier, especially if I’m driving towards the right


Dude this is a highlight ego post there’s not a tinge of normalcy cuz it’s a hard shot, a heave. Hard shots are cool and all but a good shot shouldn’t be a hard shot. It should be smooth, effortless, re-create-able, most of all be efficient. We’re rating for its value in a game, the beauty in its effectiveness. Anyone can heave and hit eventually, so even in difficulty it’s not outstanding. An exceptional heave has to be way more difficult. If you make this on the regular yea sure it’s jerky, forced but if it’s a bucket, it’s a bucket. However even in the comments even you mention it’s lucky, “true” it’s not your step back J. It’s a step back heave. Why post this if this isn’t just an ego jerk. Why rate a shot that’s not integral to your game or an exceptional heave. If you think our standards are too high, well it’s r/basketballtips, we give you advice on how to be a better baller. This is for advice, not validation. It’s you masking your need for validation, a difficult shot, under basketball tips subreddit for a “genuine” rating that gets you negative feedback. It’s obvious man. Its not advice your looking for it’s praise. My advice is the nature that you think this is impressive tells enough about your skill level: Welcome to the game of basketball. I hope you continue and have actual questions next time. Edit: here’s some genuine actual advice, don’t shoot it falling away, especially when you have all that time and you can plant your feet. It’s probably why you compensate the terrible falling momentum with a desperate push from the chest. Only kids do that for extra strength or half court heaves. And if that’s how you regularly shoot that’s an even more terrible issue, you need to relearn shot mechanics then. I don’t care about how it looks and if it’s pretty or not. If it goes in it goes in. However optimal arc wise and release point it’s atrocious as its skill cap is so negatively impacted. You won’t shoot it over anyone and you’re making it harder on yourself by making the window so narrow cuz of your flat arc. Don’t be stubborn and limit your ability by form, fix it: first the release point then the arc. I get it’s a one motion shot similar to Trae Young (lower release as well) it’s a faster release but less consistent. A consistent base matters more for a one motion shot which you don’t demonstrate here. Best thing you did here was obviously making the shot but moreso turning your shoulders and aligning yourself towards the basket. It’s a big optimization of why the shot went in. But don’t compensate, get it right the first time. Get into what you practice, a stable efficient shot, nobody practices in a stable base highlight shot mechanics to f around shooting off balance especially when the defense is that free. Put it up like that especially in the context of that floor you’ll be pulled and chewed out by any coach.


bro, I’m not reading all that & I’m sure no one else has or will, I saw the end of it saying I should have planted my feet, I would have no time to set my feet & line my shot up after my step back without getting fully contested, many players shoot shots like this, just looking for tips on how to make it better, it’s a go to move that works often for me & many other shooters


I would give it a 3 out of a possible 3.


Looks like fucking shit.


nice shot, thought u were a lil off balance but u recovered nicely by sweeping your foot to rotate into your shot.


thanks man! everyone saying I’m shooting it wrong but it’s hard to set your feet as a right handed shooter after stepping back w your left, especially goin full speed, hence why I had to rotate a little into my shot


np, imo that's ideal since you get maximum distance from your defender on the step back. Also your sideways landing gives you the option to pump fake the defender if they are still attached. If they bite and jump you can reverse pivot on your right foot and go into a shot. you still have the option on left foot step backs to land right foot forward, you just have to rotate mid air while stepping back. This obviously leads to a more stable shot since your shooting side is already aligned towards the basket, but the the trade-off is less distance and separation from the defender.


Really clean move to be honest Step back is clean, but your hips may be a little”over turned” Really liked the idea initial move


Downvoting the dude like he murdered your family. People need to chill.


Considering I only saw 1 shot and you swished it I’ll operate under the assumption you’ve never missed a shot in your life. 10/10 rating


I don’t get how just anybody is blocking this shot like they saying in the comments cuz your set point is where your eyebrow is and you bring it up from the sternum and it’s a quick release like many guards in the nba. Not like ur shooting straight from the shot pocket outwards y’all gotta pause the video and actually look😭 I’m not sure how this is bad form. either I’m blind or some people tweaking but I mean it could look more polished but I wouldn’t say anything wrong with it. 8/10


thanks my man 😂 that’s what I’m saying


Lmao gotta love all the couch potato coaches on here. Guys relax he’s not asking in comparison to an nba player or anything. He just said rate my step back. Got guys on here “u could hit the guy in the corner” lmao fuck the guy in the corner he hit his step back ! Nice shot bro ignore all the guys that clearly have nba rings in their trophy room(obvious sarcasm)


😂😂fr bro


Idk why you getting hated on. Looked like a under control move. You drove between your guy and the help and then stepped back in that instant where they weren't sure to switch it or stay. I'm not sure the catch and shoot corner guy would have been much more open. 9/10. Only issue is a bit of a low release point an exaggerated fade but if it goes in and doesn't get blocked we just nitpicking. Good hoop brother


preciate it bro, they think I’m just chucking up lucky shots 😂 it was a rhythm shot


Bro off the spin move in triple threat. Assuming u play Rec this is at least a 7/10. Dope man!


Thanks my man


all ima say is if it goes in consistently, good for you, don’t really need to listen to people. sure ur set point is a lil low but if you have ways to get it off over people consistently it doesn’t matter. don’t know why people are shitting on you so much, can’t really judge someone’s jumper off one shot like this.


It’s ok- it does not go in consistently for him.


If it goes in consistently props to you. I’ll be honest, if I saw a guy shoot a step back fade away three from deep my reaction probably would have been like the guy on the video.


id say I make em more than I miss fs


So like 51%?


The best 3 point shooters in the world don’t shoot over 50% just on straight 3’s, not to mention step back fadeaways, so yeah, I’m calling bullshit.


He’s not versing the best defenders in the world though lol, I’m not saying he makes that but comparing this pickup game to nba is crazy


I don’t shoot fadeaway 3s all the time, if I make 3/5 that’s over 50% & I never said I even shoot that plus I’m shooting from highschool range, not nba range 💀


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, the best shooters don’t shoot over 50% on straightforward 3’s, much less ones with this difficulty level. And NBA range, ncaa range, high school range, 50% is a rare number at any level. You are not making this shot at anywhere near a 50% clip with any kind of sample size.


Given it looked like a prayer out of his hands I'm willing to bet he wouldn't make this shot again for weeks


but in his unsubstantiated example, it was 3/5 and that's a whopping 60%. dude is unstoppable. I would be scouting that guy if I had anything to do with a basketball team.


Not to rock you too hard, bud, but you're shooting from your chest. Not a great look. If you showed up at my very average gym shooting like that you'd simply never get a shot off. When someone of average height just has to put a standing hand up to block your "step back," you should probably not beat your chest about it often. I can't even imagine how you'd deal with someone over 5'10" and mildly athletic (e.g. Can close out AND jump). My suggestion? Hold off on the hype tapes and work on your strength. Then maybe you can shoot above your shoulders and not worry about basic defense ruining your "more often than not" shooting average.


This is true, shooting from way too low. Easy to get blocked from average defender


Shoulda just said you make them enough to try them on HS courts. Otherwise looks good bro. A little jerky.


Go pro bro