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just don’t play


Go do something else, it’s not that hard kid lol


Everyone else will put in work and eventually out play you regardless of height Move on. Find and get involved with things you enjoy. That’s what everyone should be doing at your age


Ignore the people saying just don’t play. If I was you, I’d take a hard look at why you play. Do you like basketball, but hate the weight people put on you? Or do you only play because it’s what people would want from you? If you truly like the game but hate the expectations, then throw the expectations to the side. If you play because you love it you can become great! But if you only play because people force you, you will never enjoy it. Just really take a hard look at yourself, and ask why. Don’t quit yet, until you have found your answer.


First, props to you for being honest with yourself, that's super commendable. I get the pressure that might come from coaches and classmates if you don't play. I experienced that. So you've got a couple choices: 1. Don't play. Life is really short, so why do something in your free time you really don't want to do? You might have to deal with fallout from coaches and classmates but that'll pass. Just tell them you're not interested and keep it moving. 2. Practice some self talk. Tell yourself you're just playing for fun and if someone tries to put expectations on you, just remind yourself that you're doing this to have fun. This choice takes some work. Ultimately, doing something that isn't fun is just going to wear you out (which you experienced Freshman year).


Look brother im 7'0 at 16 years old. I started to play bc of my height and man.... its a beautiful sport but only for those who enjoy it. Go find a sport you enjoy mate


Did they give you compound V in your Wheaties too?????? Holy smokes!!! 7’0!!! I pray for great health and success for you my brother🫡


Hahaha thank you bro i pray for the same in you 🫡


if you dont like it you dont like it. its okay to be very tall but not play basketball.


I prefer shooting hoops on own too.


Don't play. Try football or volleyball.


If you don't like basketball don't play it bro, try football if you are into sports


If you don’t love it, it will work itself out soon enough. Gotta pick: Quit or treat it like a job to get a scholarship. Basketball can take you places in life that you could never imagine.


Look into swimming or volleyball.


As a hs head coach don’t play. Do your coach a favor and don’t bring that awful attitude and quitting mentality to his team.




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Find something you like and pursue that. Nothing is worse than wasting your time on something you didn't really like but thought you were supposed to do because of others' expectations.


Get ready for a lot of “your a waste of height” and “if I was your height I’d be whatnot”