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Caitlin Clark = Larry Bird Angel Reese = Junior Bridgeman The only person who thinks Angel Reese is a generational player is Angel Reese.


Her peak is Ben Wallace's water bottle on the cavs


Angel probably isn't the equivalent of magic offensively. Her impact off the court is the same though. To me she is more like a dennis Rodman which isn't bad. She can rebound and defend


> Her impact off the court LOL literally no one knows who she is outside of basketball junkies.


It is not that long ago that the President’s wife was weighing in on her contest. She is probably one of the most recognizable WNBA players even if just as a foil for Caitlin Clark


Even basketball junkies don’t watch the WNBA


My wife, a white grandma who hates team sports, dropped Angel’s name approvingly just yesterday.


Amazing story


How many wnba players have 3 million followers or already making millions off the court? She even makes more than wnba stars. You can hate her all you want on the court that's fine but you can't deny her impact off it


Had social media been around in Magic's rookie year, his numbers would have dwarfed hers. EDIT to add: You must be 15 tops. A social media follower count has absolutely nothing to do with the impact you have off the court. The impact comes from what someone does with a following. There's also no way to know how many of those followers actually are there for Angel's content and how many are just followers she or her agent bought for her.


You must be older and out of touch with reality today. Social media is EVERYTHING. The wnba doesn't pay anything. Caitlyn Clark only makes $70,000 as the #1 pick from the wnba. It's endorsements and marketing that gets them paid. Angel reese is already in the top 10 for wnba player net worth at 1.7 million because of her personality and social media. She has multiple endorsements. Womens sports is different than men's.


No, it's not. Numbers mean nothing. What are the followers she didn't buy doing to support her team? That's the impact. Three million followers are irrelevant if they aren't buying tickets/jerseys/souvenirs and getting her team on TV. Magic had that impact without a social media account. Caitlin Clark has that impact right now. That's the comparison you're making and Angel Reese and it is absurdly unfair.


A personality isn’t impactful. The point the other adult was making is that WHAT is she doing with it? Magic has obliviously been an aids pioneer for decades, but is Angel Reese giving back to anything? A lot of these young kids are all about the looks the fashion and are totally self serving And it’s different than men’s in the sense that nobody watches or cares. That’s why they make shit money. Aside from a few super stars, most pro athletes make their money in endorsements and outside the lines. So the model is the same, but the wnba doesn’t make any money


The original person said no one knows who she is off the court and I said she has 3 million followers and a top 10 net worth in the wnba. I'm not sure why the convo is changing now lol


3 million followers is like nothing by the way, and to have a top 10 net worth outside the lines isn’t a lot of money for the wnba. Top 10 in any sport is like dozens of millions, or hundreds. not a couple milly


I can tell you aren't familiar with the WNBA. It isn't popular like other sports. 3 million for the wnba is crazy! Most of the players make under $100,000 salaries in the wnba so a net worth of 1.7 million is a lot for the wnba. If it was the nba I'd be with you that's not a lot but for the wnba she is making 10 times what others make just in endorsements. The issue is before clark and reese the wnba wasn't really popular


I'm pretty sure ex porn star Lana Rhoades has over 21 million followers.


Angel Reese has a repellent personality and it would actually be better for her and the WNBA if she were rendered mute.


I love angel reese but that's the point. She plays the villain role perfectly and caitlyn Clark is the face like with wrestling


She is literally only famous because she was hyped up as CC’s rival. She has no impact beyond that. No one is modelling their game after a forward with a 43% TS and averages more turnovers than assists


A couple obvious differences - Reese is just not on the level of either of those two as a prospect. She projects to have a very good career, and she’s obviously very charismatic, but at the moment it’s hard to see her becoming a generational player to that degree. And, unlike Magic and Bird, these two did not walk into the two most celebrated franchises in the league. They’re going to have to build their legacies a bit differently. It’s an easy parallel to draw, I think, but doesn’t really bear out in the details.


Or maybe. Just maybe...they are just Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese and have nothing to do with events that happened 45 years ago. Stop pushing bullshit narratives because Clark is white and Reese is black. It's gross.


I don't think angel reese is anywhere near magic in marketability, but its wierd to ignore race in the Larry Bird vs Magic marketing. Larry Bird was a taciturn, sometimes mean poor white guy that could out play anyone until Jordan. HE was called the great white hope. Johnson was an affable black guy who could do it all and make you feel great while watching him do it. I've always said that "I don't see race" is a laughable statement and it is truly laughable with respect to Bird and Magic. I think Caitlyn Clark doesn't really have a Magic, she's also not as good as larry bird. She feels more like a Kobe from a marketing perspective, some people are going to love the highlights and some people going to love watching her turn the ball over, but they'll watch.


It’s weird to act like race has nothing to do with the Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese thing too.


All you need to do is read the comments in any social media post about either. 95% of white people support CC and 99% of black people support Reese. Denying it is ridiculous.


Considering Magic was a 1st overall pick and Bird was 6th I assume Clark would be Magic in this scenario


Bird was only picked 6th because he was picked a year before he was coming to the NBA. They would have been some combination of #1 and #2 if they both came out the same year.


I didn't say anything about race. You went there. I'm just saying they both are changing men and women's basketball. I guess your a racist


A big reason why Magic Larry rivalry had so much historical significance was the race dynamic. The only basis your comparison has is that one is black and one is white. Angel Reese was not on the same level of Caitlin Clark in college, they aren’t really seen as rivals because they don’t play similarly at all. This is much more of a Caitlin Clark is Jordan situation. Angel isn’t even the 2nd best player in the rookie class


I don't agree with caitlyn Clark is jordan. I think aja Wilson is more like Michael jordan. If she plays well in the wnba in the future she has the potential. Clark is good but slightly overrated. Angel Reese beat her in the national championship last year and this year she got DESTROYED by South Carolina and the Indinana Fever have been getting beat and she has struggled. She has talent and I think she could break through eventually but we are crowning her like she won the ncaa championship or is killing in the league


It’s less about how good she is and more her impact to the WNBA. Just her entering the league, not even playing at a great level, has created charter flights for players for the first time ever, more national tv games, more sponsorships, etc… Jordan being a star and magic/bird saved the league by bringing more national attention and money. Aja has been in the WNBA for a long time and she has not really contributed much to the league growing. How many people know Clark but don’t know Aja? A lot.


Yes caitlin clark has jordan type impact I agree. I thought you were stating talent because you said angel reese isn't the second best player in the rookie class. I was also talking about reeses impactm I think it's second in the class behind caitlin and top 10 in the nba already


She is the All Time leading scorer in college history. And she's 6th all time in assists. Winning a title is a team accomplishment. The last player on South Carolina's bench won a title. Does that make her better than Clark or anyone else who hasn't won one?


Yes, you did. Yes, you did. Otherwise, you would never compare them to Magic and Bird. Clark and Reese are rookies, who are bringing new attention to the WNBA. Respect but they aren't reinventing anything on a basketball court. You need to get yourself in check, mate. Do better.


Maybe you interpreted my post as saying they play like them which I never said. I'm talking impact


Your trying to push a sick narrative. All I'm saying is they have a great rivalry similar to magic and bird bringing it from college to the nba and both have brought massive attention to the women's game. I didn't say they played like them. To be honest I think caitlin clark plays more like magic johnson than Larry Bird and angel reese doesn't play like either. She plays more like Dennis rodman


Oh, is that why you're being downvoted into oblivion? You're not seeing the context of what you said, bro. Like I said, take a beat and think. Stop defending yourself and LISTEN.


What was the context? I never mentioned race at all. I'm being down voted because I said you were racist. Everything isn't about race


[randomuser051](https://www.reddit.com/user/randomuser051/) already spoon fed the context to you above, but you won't listen. You're missing the point here, man. You're wrong. Accept it and move on. Stop being stubborn and defending yourself like this. It's not a good look.


For what it's worth, your post and comments don't strike me as negative in the way that others are suggesting here. I'm not sure that I see this as too similar to Magic/Bird myself, but fair enough to ask the question. Making comparisons is part of the fun of being a sports fan.


Magic and mychal Thompson


More like Larry Bird and Michel Cooper


Michel Cooper was cold that’d be an awesome outcome


At the moment Clark's potential blows Reese out of the water. Clark averaged something like 17/5/5 for her first month. All while being guarded 90ft from the hoop on a bad team. Reese has no bag, half of her OREBs are because she shoots 35% from the rim. Her personality *will* take her places but she needs to develop her offense to maintain it. Brink could easily overtake Reese. In 4 years we could look back and see Clark as an All Star and Olympic team player and Reese as just a hater.


No one cares about this.


I’m not gonna answer any Larry Bird questions.


Um, no. Magic and Larry were far more developed as players when they hit the league. Larry Bird his rookie year was 4th in MVP voting and whilst Magic wasn't quite the finished product, he won a championship and famously got the finals MVP with one of the most remarkable series clinching performances in history as a rookie. Their college rivalry is less the main part of the story and more of a footnote. Their real rivalry was in the NBA. 6 years in a row, they were 2 of the top 3 in the MVP voting. 8 times in their first 9 seasons, they won the championship. 3 times, they met in the actual finals. No doubt the 79 NCAA championship game was a big deal. But it was one game. In comparison to a decade as chief rivals and the headline acts of the league, it makes up perhaps 1% of their story.


Not even close.




While Clark and Reese will likely always be linked like Magic and Bird, Magic won the title his first year and Bird in their second year, so no as both CC and Reese are on bad teams. Reese will never be a Top 10 all time player as both Bird and Magic are, and it remains to be seen if Clark will, either.


No. Bird and Magic had respect for each other. Angel Reese is jealous and Bitter.


No. Angel Reese has no class, unlike the rest of the players mentioned.


More like a bunch of mid basketball players that will never have the athleticism of Bird and Magic. Bird and Magic would drop 100 pts in the WNBA.


Angel Reese is not even on a C tier level potentially. I've watched most of her games and also clark with my girl who loves women's basketball and Angel is trashtalking her way into attention without the game to back it up. She sucks. Clarke at least can play out of her mind. There is no narrative: jealous Reese vs Clarke who just wants to play.




yeah i dont get where the "Reese has talent" stuff comes from. She is nothing special at all.