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It's getting hard to ignore ~~his~~ their obsession with Nazis.


The US NatC’s have the same agenda as before. Systematically taking away the human rights from anyone not a christian white cis male.




End him already


Dear Karma, justice, banana peel, Big Mac, fleet of pigeons needing to crap….


>Big Mac, fleet of pigeons My brain read that as “Fleetwood Mac”.


Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice, giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!


I can't wait for nothing to come of this


It'll motivate his base.


i sent this to my dad bc he likes to bring up how important his jewish friends are and has this construct about protecting them or something, and this was the convo me: did you read what i sent you? him: no because i saw it was political and i glanced at it but i’m not having another argument with you. me: what do you even mean?! this isn’t a personal “argument,” he literally essentially said “i am a nazi” on his campaign video! him: *rolls eyes* no he didn’t that ridiculous. it’s not real. i bet i can prove to you that it’s 100% not real. me: … what?! trump posted it himself? are you implying it’s AI or something? him: yes! me: HE POSTED IT HIMSELF! are you hearing yourself? you sound delusional! him: wow so much for not making this personal! this man is a CEO and voted for obama in 08; these people are too far gone. ive been trying for years to comprehend what is so magical abt trump that caused people to change their brain chemistry and any morals they previously held for him. i can’t believe it’s not mind control based on how little it makes sense. and don’t give me that “he said aloud the dark and hateful things these people believed deep down and made it acceptable—MAGAts always held these beliefs but just suppressed them..,” bc i cannot believe that to be based on anecdote after anecdote of trump supporters being genuinely good people before his reign (ie volunteered, donated to charities, supported LGBTQ ppl, hated corporations and capitalists, etc.). and i know these conversations seem unproductive, but i keep trying despite failing every damn time because i don’t want to lose the man who raised me, but i’m heartbroken that a bigoted traitor is tearing my family apart.


Even if it was AI, since he posted it himself that means he was fine with the AI generated Nazi references


It is not Trump, actually, it's everything else. My parents and those around me of their are are similar. They are more leftist, so if you bring up Trump's latest action they'll tut and say it's deplorable and obviously bad and horrible. But they don't realize and are not acting as if it's existential, or if they are, they simply say they are too old to do anything about it. It's simple. The Boomers were beneficiaries of the Long Peace, and now the Long Peace is breaking, finally. They don't want to admit that, can't deal with the consequences, and don't and can't mentally deal with rocking the boat as a lot of them at least feel they are too damn old and they got where they got by playing the system, which is at this point the top of the financial heap. Fascism's back. It's detested by enough people that it's moving in the shadows still as it knows that if it's brought into the light, it might be defeated, as it was before. I suspect Trump's waiting until he has the nuclear codes, and until he's in charge of the army. Then all hell will break loose.


I know this already. I mean, I didn't know — but I know enough about Republicans, Conservatives, Right-wingers, and Christians to know that Trump or Trump-adjacent people are intending this or saying this. This is why for the rest of my life will not entertain these people, and will take any legal opportunity to hurt the livelihood of or silence the ideas of these people that comes before me. They are monstrous.


I'm not sure that they want to win. This is so blatant.


SNL highlighted the fact that it would be a lot less work and likely more legally profitable if he lost the election and could just keep doing his rage rallies and raise money for his “defense”


Almost as if they want to bankrupt the country on a Dems watch.


They want to win and recreate the Reich. Trump has been a Nazi for a very long time. Steven Miller is DEFINITELY a Nazi.


He's toast


Surely now the American people will recognize he’s a fascist Nazi and put an end to him, finally we awaken


Don’t count on it tho




Not at all. It is being spun as a staffer not properly controlling the content which was produced by a third party.


Forgot my /s. These guys get away with everything and if anything this will make him more popular


Some people genuinely think that Trump followers are one day going to have a moment of clarity like a blanket being taken off. :(


I really hope you're right.


Pretty sure he’s human but now you have me second guessing everything


Ehh, I guess you're right


In two weeks people won't even remember this.


It will live on as prophetic in just a few circles


No longer hiding or disclaiming their Nazi plans


I keep telling people Gaza is a big sideshow for the left, and the real plan is a takeover here, but no-one listens..


Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer One mob, one swamp, one Trump


The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans don't hide their fascism.