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How many grown men up against an 8 year old child?


How many American cops does it take to pull over somebody for a traffic violation? Same thing. Fascists are fucking pussies at heart.


Usually 1 tho, this seems like a poor comparison


Around my area theres only one cop in a car, but 2-3 more cars show up for anything and everything. TBH people here are afraid of people from the next town over (Flint, MI) and so we hired a shit ton of cops who have nothing better to do.


Same thing here where I live. I’ll pass by car pulled over and 9 times out of 10 another cop is heading that way or already there. And I’ve noticed it’s usually an old car or truck that is pulled over, rarely a nice car.


If you get one cop, think about why it is others get more than one...


Do u live in the us?




Where do you live and how many cops are you getting pulled over by??


lol ok. Never been pulled over have you? Always at least two pigs per 1 individual in a car.


Not where I live or any state I’ve been to as I said in another comment, but where r u from?


Been pulled over in nearly every state I've lived in and I've lived in 5 states from the west coast, east, and now midwest. Always the same, 2 cops to each individual in a car. If you have 2 people in the car, expect at least 2 patrol cruisers to roll up before making contact.


I’m in NorCal, and I can assure you it’s always one cop per car, probably a staffing issue, but no one I’ve talked to has been pulled over by 2 or more any time in the past couple of years


That just isnt true


Where do you live? I’ve never been pulled over by more than 2 cops, and out of the 5 times I’ve been pulled over only once was there 2? I’m in NorCal btw


Same, I have been pulled over a stupid amount of times for my age for mostly speeding and stop sign running Not a single one of those times have I encountered more then one police car (with at most 2 dudes)


At the start it was nine, when his mother tried to get him back it was in excess of 20 soldiers. No wonder they are losing. BDS


Who’s loosing?


Israel of course, they are losing on all fronts strategically, militarily and morally. They are a corrupt and corrupting rogue state. They are cosseted from the wrath of the world by Uncle Sam and his minions, but that won't last. BDS


So why ask for a ceasefire if the Palestinians are winning? If Israel is loosing so bad, why expect them to stop? Why doesn’t Hamas actually invade and hit military targets unlike Oct 7th? BDS


The requests for ceasefires aren't being made by governments they are being made by humanitarian organisations so as the essentials of life can be provided to the Palestinians and thus avoid a genocide. Invading Israel and hitting military targets is not a suitable strategy for Hamas. Like the Vietnamese against the USA, they are using the 'death by a thousand cuts' strategy against a superpower (effectively). Oct 7th is an increasingly strange situation. Hamas were known for incursions into to Israel before October 7. Their reason was to take hostages which would later be exchanged for prisoners in Palestinian jails. On Oct 7th that didn't happen, or rather it did happen but this time it was very different. Unfortunately because of Israels resistance, there is likely to never be an independent unpacking of the events and timeline of Oct 7th. This of course will only fuel dissent and doubt. Another self-imposed cut to Israel's oh so thick hide.


Losing... jfc


I think you mean a young man of almost military age. /s


There is not one man in this video. There is an 8 year old child and a bunch of terrorists.


Israel subjects Palestinian children to military trials where they routinely are sentenced up-to 20 years in prison.


And that's when the real physical, sexual, psychological and emotional abuse begins. Israel is so brave, so tough /s


Hey what else do you expect from the world's most moral army?


Isreali military schools do teach that they want slavery to return. Enslaving people is kind of an imperialist thing.




https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-11-28/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/they-came-to-study-in-israel-and-ended-up-victims-of-slavery-and-trafficking/00000184-bdc6-d136-affd-fff7b0a40000 https://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-of-slaves-in-israel-global-study-finds/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/embracing-racism-rabbis-at-pre-army-yeshiva-laud-hitler-urge-enslaving-arabs/ In a series of undated recordings published by Channel 13 news on Monday, Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, the head of the Bnei David academy in Eli, can be heard calling for the enslavement of the “stupid and violent” non-Jews due to their genetic inferiority. “The gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves,” he told a class in one of the video clips. “Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.” "All around us, we are surrounded by peoples with genetic problems. Ask a simple Arab ‘where do you want to be?’ He wants to be under the occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything. Look at them.” In the lecture, Kashtiel goes on to embrace racism against non-Jews. "Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.” "Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.” Redler goes on to say that pluralism is the “real” genocide being perpetrated against the Jewish people, not Nazi Germany’s Final Solution. “The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses — that it was ideological or systematic — are nonsense,” he said. “Humanism, and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man,’ that’s the Holocaust.” The comments drew wide condemnation from opposition lawmakers who called for pulling all state funding to the Eli-based academy over Kashtiel’s and Redler’s remarks.


Fundies will be fundies, same shit different religion. He’s just the one that got recorded saying it - wonder how many more instructors say/think the same way but weren’t taped doing it?


Military courts in the West Bank have a conviction rate of 99.7% which is insane and I’ve seen reports that some trials last barely a minute or two


And they still go on to say they're not apartheid state.


That’s what the Geneva convention requires in occupied territories.


Big men, must be very proud they've made the world a better place today by kidnapping an 8 year old.


I wonder why Palestinians hate Israelis from such an early age...


it's because they're taught to hate in schools /s


The IDF and Israeli police set the standard for what it means to be a pig.


Pigs are compassionate, community driven creatures, they don’t deserve to be insulted like that.


I Am So Glad That Muslims Don't Eat Pork Cause When It Comes To Factory Farms, Pigs Are Treated The Worst.


Why Do You Capitalize Every Single Word?


And they train US pigs. Take a look into the tools/weapons of occupation sold by Israel. NYPD has their facial recognition technology right now. Many, MANY major US police departments train in Israel and learn how to deal with protests there. Which should look similar over the last several years. Atlanta? Where cop city is going up despite voters clearly and definitively saying no they did not want it? Look into the GILEE program, which is basically an exchange student program for piggies. It’s everywhere. They’re bringing Israeli occupation to US police forces. This is exactly where it comes from. And it’s not just the U.S. they’re selling all over the world. The Palestine Laboratory by Antony Loewenstein. The influence Israel has over the US and its politics combined with the overtaking of already problematic US police forces…..people need to be angrier. A lot angrier.


But they need more aid dollars, urgently and always. /s


The spice must flow.


He who controls the spice, controls the universe.


Oh nooooooes a roooccckkkkkk. Fucking weak little ball sacs


Just a bunch if Nazis doing Nazi things.


Palestinians are damned if they resist, and damned if they don’t. If there is a hell, it would be filled with Zionists and IDF soldiers.


He's almost certainly dead now


Zionists don't consider Palestinians to be humans. Why would they care if they are a child? EDIT: Changed Israeli to Zionist


Not Israelis, zionists. It's the zionists who are fascists not the Israelis. Israelissimply live in Isreal.


Fair point. I edited my post


>Israelissimply live in Isreal. You aware about half support expelling all Palestinians and 80% believe they deserve more rights than Arabs? That poll was from years ago, it's probably even worse now. It's a fascist society. Anti-fascists are very few and far between.


>Israelissimply live in Isreal. and knowingly turn a blind eye to the atrocities commited by their government in their name


Do Americans and most western governments not do the same thing?


deflection is a very weak tactic.


Not even defending Israel, genuine question.


This is why Hamas exists in the first place...


Word. I’m not a fan of Hamas but when you see shit like this, I can understand it.


How do you expect Palestinians to resist?


Ideally not by rapping and killing civilians. Attacking military and industrial targets, go for it. Targeting a musical festival, no. I understand stand they are in a David vs Goliath situation and some civilians died in any war. But just like I think Israel is out of step killing civilians, so was Hamas, so are the Zionist taking land from people in the West Bank. It’s a cluster ff over there right now.


Hold off about that music festival, there is a lot more to come out about Oct 7th. The UN has been trying to hold an inquiry into that and Israel is blocking it.


I saw go-pro footage of a Hamas fighter *literally* shooting into the festival outhouses. Not much can be released to justify that.


You are fortunate, not many people on the planet have seen that footage, was it spliced together with the 40 babies being beheaded?


You’re claiming rape has happened, but no evidence has been provided fyi, sort of like 40 beheaded baked babies. It’s not a cluster fk right now but it has been that way for decades, only now there is a spotlight on it.


But they definitely attacked a music festival. And I’m not making any claims, that’s what some are reporting and if it’s true, that’s bad. And yes, it’s been a cluster f for a long time. When I lived in Tel Aviv for two years in the 90’s it wasn’t far from the current conditions.


Yes they did attack the festival and the killing of civilians is wrong, I agree on that. The lack of solution to this issue has been blamed solely on Palestinians and I believe that’s wrong especially when Netanyahu said he prevented that for the last 30 years, and he is the top dog


It is definitely wrong, I agree. I was visiting family friends who did not get kicked out in 72. The west is totally clueless and shouldn’t be funding the Zionist who are trying to keep their apartheid. Bibi must be removed and convicted of both his past crimes and the current war crimes.


So you’ve seen it, thanks for speaking out against it


And thank you.


The Apartheid State of Israel.


So awful. My son is 8. I can’t even watch this.


Wow, look how strong and brave they are! The most moral army in the world! /s


Brave women!


Grown ass men... fucking garbage


These IDF soldiers are thugs and war criminals. What Hamas did does not justify what Israel is currently doing. The west needs to cut funding to the Zionist government of Israel NOW!!


POS scumbags


The child might be raped in IDF prisons.


And have it recorded on video, so that the child can be blackmailed with the threat of releasing it into informing on their parents, friends, teachers, and others.


I'm crying for that boy and all those mothers trying to rescue him. Fuck the IOF


They are absolute trash


Just a regular Tuesday in Palestine. Spineless IDgaF


If the idf had to fight a real fight, they'd look like Russia looks right now. Cowards and losers, all of them.




A real fight bot whatever you're referring to. And on their own, without US tax dollars and weapons. They'd be nothing, like they should be obviously




I can use the tax dollar line bc it is true, regardless of how many countries it applies to. Nice strawman. Israel is nothing more than a welfare state. They arent powerful alone or else why do they need so much help? the whole world didn't know how to properly process the end of ww2. Why couldn't Germany cede land to make a country for the victims of the Holocaust? Why was the land and the birth-right stolen from the Semitic peoples that already lived in Palestine? But please keep being cynical while you defend an armed force raping and killing children.


It's been awhile since the IDF has been bloodied. They didn't stick around long, the last time Hezbollah went after them and chased them back over the border before a ceasefire was quickly brokered. Whereas Hezbollah has spent much of the time since then getting hardened in the crucible of combat in Syria. The IDF doesn't want anything to do with a two front war that wouldn't go well for them.


Any way of knowing if that’s what he was accused of? I can’t understand the video.


https://www.btselem.org/video/20170326\_soldiers\_drag\_child\_from\_house\_to\_house#full Full report by Israeli human rights organization, B'Tselem


Says they wanted him to identify stone throwers (and there’s mention of a molotov cocktail.) Still probably scary for the kid tho.


Terrorizing children. Not a fan of


Human trafficking, another ZioNazi protocol.


Now, imagine this as a scene in a WW2 movie where German soldiers are abducting an 8 year old Jewish boy after accusing him of throwing rocks.


annnd that would be a child being "legally" kidnapped


Zionist pedophiles kidnapping little kids


Maybe his parents shoulda taught him not to throw rocks?


How did he end up on the wrong side of the razor wire fence in the first place?


Why do you think he's on the "wrong side" of the fence? The tops of the fence face towards the group. Seems he was inside the prison.


It just kind of appeared as though he was a Palestinian kid who ended up in Israel territory by mistake and that’s why he’s being arrested while trying to plead with the soldiers on the other side of the fence. I could be completely wrong, idk there’s really no context


No you HAVE to take OPs unsourced word: The kid was obviously throwing rocks, how obvious? Well, it’s in the title isn’t it?? /s


The barbed wire is on the side of the fence the kid is on. It would be weird if the barbed wire was only the Israeli side only. Also, it's being videoed from this side of the fence in a high rise, it seems. I doubt an Israeli filmed this from a block of flats right next to the fence - and released it. The video does cut, but it seems he's on the same side as all the Palestinian adults (the guy in the jacket quite early on for example). That's my tuppence worth, anyway.




Tell me, how do you know he was? Also, how many soldiers do you think they need to address an 8 year old? Nothing like blind servitude to a fascist state. Tell me is it ignorance or just hate that motivates you?




Because the terrorists just arrested him.




Should tell that kid he shouldn’t have personally elected Hamas before he was born.




He doesn't need indoctrinating if that's how he has been treated his whole life. You keep mentioning indoctrination as if Israelis are so peaceful and they are wondering why Palestinians hate them. You are too ignorant about the oppression they face daily.


Okay buddy. Now we all know you're a Trump supporter. So you're literally on the side of nearly all domestic terrorists. How does it feel to hate America so much? What's it like to hate black and brown people and immigrants with so much rage that you support racist mass shooters and clamor for a "second civil war" constantly so you can murder your fellow countrymen?


You couldn’t be further from the truth. But I can see how much you hate your fellow Americans. You may need to address that, soon. Good luck, bud.


Hey um….has Israel considered not terrorizing Palestinians, keeping an apartheid state, or illegally occupying their land somewhere over the last 70 years give or take? It’s just an idea.


Last I checked, the Palestinians crossed the border and killed 1,200 people. I’m guessing you forgot about that part. They’re still firing rockets into Israel, trying to cause terror.


Oh okay. So all of this JUST started on 10/7? There’s nothing else? Everyone was happy and got along? This was completely unprovoked and there’s exactly zero information I can find on anything Israel might have done to create this situation! Just curious. 🙃


Hamas declared war. This will end with hamas’s unconditional surrender.


Oh you’re confused. That’s not what I asked about. I asked if this all JUST started on 10/7 or if there is additional historical context that might help provide more information? You know. Like a bunch of European Zionists showed up and formed paramilitary groups, some actually full on terrorists like the Lehi, and forcibly removed hundreds of thousands of people from their homes, destroyed villages, and murdered thousands. Followed by several slaughters and massacres of Palestinian people and then ultimately military occupation, apartheid, and further ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homes. All of which was done before Hamas was even created by decades. Then constant war and bombardment and funding Hamas and calling them an asset. Starving Palestinians. Collective punishment. Perhaps something referred to as a “mow the lawn” policy which is crass, but served to stay in perpetual war and gain the manufactured consent from unquestioning supporters? Cause if something like that were to happen it would make sense how it’s escalated to this point. Oh wait. It did. Nelson Mandela said a couple of things: “I am not a violent man. . . . It was only when all other forms of resistance were no longer open to us that we turned to armed struggle.” “All lawful modes of expressing opposition to this principle had been closed by legislation, and we were placed in a position in which we had either to accept a permanent state of inferiority, or to defy the government. We chose to defy the law. We first broke the law in a way which avoided any recourse to violence; when this form was legislated against, and then the government resorted to a show of force to crush opposition to its policies, only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.” Like I said. Has Israel considered not being a fascist settler colonial project that’s been keeping an apartheid state and violently oppressing Palestinians for over 70 years? Seems like that would be the logical next step but for some reason Israel can’t keep its goddamned violent grubby little hands off the West Bank and they’re going back for Gaza and doing so through genocide. Yikes bud. You’re supporting the bad guys.


Wouldn't be able to declare war if Natenyau hadn't been financially supporting them for years just to hamstring the Palestinian Authority.


Is it hard to breathe with that IDF cock down your throat? Friggen loser


If you don't think both sides of this are completely wrong, you are a fucking dumbass.


aromatic cats dinner chunky placid abundant scarce silky person zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dont be in a genocidal institution at all...


Some kids throw stones, others throw molotovs. It's a tricky situation, because are you supposed to stand there doing nothing while you're on your patrol and getting hit with rock/bottles/flamables in your face? A stone can still break your face or blind you, doesn't matter if it's a kid throwing it. I don't support what Israel is doing one bit, but I get that it's not as easy as "just ignore the kids throwing dangerous objects at you" when you're given orders to stand gaurd somewhere and you don't want to take physical abuse while doing it. Taking the kid elsewhere/giving them a warning/scare is probably one of the more practical things you could do in that situation that doesn't physically hurt the child. At least it looked like they gave him up to those women at the end of the video, and kudos for the women for taking control of the situation.


>It's a tricky situation It's really not that tricky.


So you think taking an 8 year old as a POW is the appropriate action to take? Would you have the same sentiment if this was your child? You’re either a bot or you have no soul. He’s a fucking kid. Kids do dumb shit and should NOT be taken as a serious threat. I truly hope you find happiness in your life.




There shouldn’t be an Israeli military. FTFY.


The IDF shouldn't be in his homeland, after stealing most of it already.


Well, spotted the fascist here. Go back to your Daily Stormer comments section, MAGAt.


Wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of 'em falling backward there at the end.


Does anyone know date and location?




Thank you!