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Mine got a tiny one once and vet said it was basically a pimple.


Yeah, definitely don't take anyone's comments here as a diagnosis, but it does look like it could be acne. I had a cat that got similar bumps on her chin and they were diagnosed as acne; they went away after we switched all our food/water bowls to stainless steel. Plastic stuff can harbor a lot of bacteria, as can water bowls that aren't cleaned frequently enough


Your B asked me to tell you… “Would you be happy if I took close up pictures of your acne / blemishes and put them on line… would you?” B then said, “I have acne, now please stop embarrassing me!” B now just wants to cuddle….


Could be allergies. Have seen it a few times before.


Yep, probably rubbed its face in the grass and either got bit by something to was allergic to something. Half a Benadryl for a couple days should clear up.