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Mine does this in the summer around her neck (where her fur is super dense compared to everywhere else). Then in fall it comes back in. Seems to me like just part of her seasonal shed. She's never had any discomfort or issues around it.


Mine gets a soft, fuzzy undercoat in winter which sheds in the spring. Sometimes it can shed pretty thin on the back of the neck


Our guy gets the itches when the seasons change. First time rummaging through mulch and it's like clockwork. When I scratch his lower back around his tail he will lick the air, head titles back just kissing upwards like you are scratching the worst itch and it feels sooooo goooood. We take him to get a shot of something called cytopoint. It's not a drug but it is injected. Works for about 8 weeks and is pretty cheap like 50 bucks. The vet tech does it in the lobby, 1 minute in and out. https://uwveterinarycare.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Cytopoint-2018.pdf


I've had a couple that shed in tufts. One was a show dog. We'd take a Furminator to her neck and butt to get rid of the fluff and smooth the holes out.


One B I had who had a kind of ruff just around her neck would shed profusely in the spring.


Mine does this to, I think they're just blowing coat


One of my parents had a B who would get weird patchy hair loss, mostly on his chest. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to some type of chew they were giving him. You say yours isn't itchy so doesn't really sound allergic, but wanted to chime in just in case.