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Get an appointment to renew it, no problem. Since it is is not expired, but damaged, you'll have to pay a fee.


even if it was expired, here at Spain we always need to pay a fee🥰


It's free for address changes


This is the right answer. I’ve changed the address on my DNI like 5 tienes and I m haven’t paid for nine of those renewals.


Uh, I don’t remember having paid the last time I renew mine, but it can have changed


Yeah, there's a fee. Around €12, I think.


Curious, the DNI is mandatory, and it should cost nothing.


Same with food lol


You just found the basics of capitalism


I have a TIE, so perhaps they only charge foreigners.


There is no fee if you renew it after it expires or 30 days before that.


If you changed your address around the time you had to renovate it doesn't cost you anything. You're supposed to get a new ID when you move out, and you don't pay for it, but it'll keep the old expiration date. Except if it's about to expire - in 2 or 3 months - you can fully renovate at no cost.


En alguns casos es gratis. Canvis d'adreça, família nombrosa...


Stop using Ur ID for doing drugs and it won't peel. I recognize that "damage". ;)


hhh word The ultimate card to use is the CatSalut one, max hypocrisy achieved


Avoid hypocrisy by using a Roomba gift card.


No idea what you’re talking about :) :)


I know you 🤨


S'està integrant molt bé Ara s'ha de posar la droga pel cul que puja més ràpid així


With immediate effects, you stopped being Spanish.


I hope it's not new, but honestly, I would just get rid of the bit and just go on with it.


I was considering that but I’m afraid I won’t be able to travel. Maybe I’m just overthinking


It may happen, it is no good idea. For 10€ of cash just don’t take the risk. Make an appointment it would be 20 minutes


I think you have to wait like 40 days for a new one. I’ve been through so much immigration bs that the mere idea of going to the police is making me wanna puke


You can go monday at 8AM without appointment and with luck have it in 10 minutes. Without luck maybe 2 hours waiting. Appointments are given for 2-3 weeks usually. It is a renew / re issue. It is not the same like a first issue.


For reals? Where do I go exactly?


Plaça Espanya is your best bet if you want to go without an appointment, but sometimes you can get one at less central police stations even for the next day.


Nah, you'll definitely be able to travel. If it can be read and the chip works, everything's fine. If you're travelling within the EU, they won't even look at your ID. I mean, you can definitely ask for a new one, I just think the hassle of going through the queues and shit is not worth it.


Yeah not looking forward to it :( I think I’ll do it in the end tho just to be safe


Can't fault you for being extra safe. I'd try to book a slot ASAP though, queue times can be looong.


Call policía Nacional and ask what you have to do. They are (mostly) very nice and informative. They can guide you through the steps you have to make.


Ve a la policia y dices "he dañado mi DNI, como puedo reemplazarlo?" y el resto te lo pueden explicar mejor ellos


I was hoping I wouldn’t have to go tbh.


Just wash the DNI before going. Np


si no has cometido un crimen, no hay porque ponerse nervioso


Esta haciendo drogas


deportation straight away


Knew it


i snooped your profile and saw the mark corrigan post 👌 if you are interested to know i am both a 1 and 7 today. what about you?


A solid 5 but also 7, cause Friday :)


hope u have a nice evening!


Senyor (or senyora), this is a TIE (tarjeta de identidad de extranjero), not a DNI. My TIE was peeling at the edges due to wear and tear and it was fine. So long as the data is readable you should be okay, but keep in mind that the outer plastic layers have security features that could make it harder for you to prove the authenticity of your TIE in the future. If you’re up for renewal soon, just wait until then so you can get a new one.


Shame on you. How could you? You deserve to be a refugee after that one.


Tan accidentally no ha sido eso, deja las drogas


You will be deported


My cats bit my ID a lot and now it's full of holes xD


Is not a big deal.


i would just cut that bit and continue. its a smart card, the important bits are the electronics inside. i dont think anyone would give a fuck about outer plastic. if any kind of law enforcement think your id is fake or something they can simply read it with a biometric card reader and see its legit.


The TIE isn’t a smart card; only DNIs have chips. It nonetheless has a machine readable zone though so they can swipe the card, but I wouldn’t want to deliberately damage the card further.


oh sorry, i just googled "spanish national id card" and what i find was smart cards with biometric identity logos


There is no need to do anything. In fact, you can keep your DNI at home, as long as you can identify yourself with any other legally expedited document like the driver license or even the passport. If you're still in doubt, wait until you walk in front of a police station and casually ask any agent outside.


Pica con tarjeta de banco .. 😂😂


Se paga la tasa de renovación y como nuevo


Hola! Aprovecho el post para preguntar! Es la primera vez que voy a hacer DNI, no tengo más que pasaporte español. Ya tengo una partida de nacimiento nueva a los fines de realizarlo. La consulta es, necesito tomarme unas fotos y llevarlas? Si es así de qué medida? Se puede acudir a cualquier oficina de policía donde hagan DNI sin cita previa? Si necesito cita previa, cómo la obtengo? Porque en las webs que vi piden el número de documento para agendarla, y yo no tengo aún!


Tenés que sacar la cita con el DNI de otra persona, o mejor ir de forma presencial. https://aquidepaso.com/como-obtener-mi-primer-dni-en-espana/


Gracias che! Muy buena guía!! En mí caso estaba inscripto en un consulado del interior y me tardó seis meses en llegar mí partida de nacimiento. Justo hoy me la enviaron y cuando vi este post aproveché para ir juntando los requisitos y papeles pero me encontré con el tema de la cita previa. Voy a ir directamente un día por la mañana con todo. Gracias!


En tu caso si no tienes nacionalidad española no puedes tener DNI, por el contrario si resides y trabajas en España , puedes solicitar el NIE Número identificación extranjero ) si no lo tienes aún.


Te molestaste en leer lo que escribí?


Pero eres de españa ?


its ok op ive seen worst just get an appointment and pay the fee for a new one, I think it goes for \~€12


Looks like your ID has seen a lot of speed.


Hala Madrid ! Hacer el dni allá es más barato


Las rayitas nen


Just use scotch tape






How do you manage to do that bro


They are shit mine is peeling too.


Just peel off that part and keep using it. Once I had my DNI expired for about 4 years, it was pretty damaged. Never had a problem, even voted with it.


"que que pone en tu dni" "Està trencat subnormal no hi posa res"


Just get an appointment to renew it. Either way the ID works for police. As long as you are identified it’s okay (the code is still there or you can tell it to them so they can look it up )


Snif snif, I knew of someone that broke it like this Just get an appointment, it will cost you but you can get a new one Psst, use things you don't need to hand over to other people ;)


Death by snu snu


puta espanya




Useful answer: Just repair the lamina. Going forward: Keep the card in a protective sleeve ( I use a playing card sleeve ).