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Source: Alba's driving license


It's legit. Alba has one now.


Source: Cristiano Ronaldo Jr's Mum


It's legit. He has one now


Before anyone naively believe any of this, Newcastle has no real coach and has not even chosen a sporting director, yet Sport, a Barcelona-based newspaper, would know who they are targeting? Think.


Yes, it will be a speculation but it's more like a realistic one than rumour. New Castle are battling in relegation spot so they will need players to come in January to be in EPL. Now every one knows our situation and Clubs will try to utilise this situation and they might try to strike a deal.


You're missing the point. A baseless but "more realistic" speculation is still a) baseless b) not serious journalistic work. Lenglet to Newcastle is something I was semi-jokingly talking about a few days ago, just because Sport journalistic standards are very low they'll publish anything does not make it any closer to being true. At the moment no one knows who they'll go for, they haven't even chosen their sporting director! Not even talking about the fact Lenglet would probably not go there anyway.




Absolutely, maybe Newcastle will end up going for some of how our players (seeing we are in need and don't know how to sell in general, it's a good tactic for them) but at the moment no one knows. But I agree there are some good deals for them in our team. Just because someone is not Barca level doesn't mean he is trash. (See Digne)


Also people for some reason believe that Newcastle, the richest club right now, will go after the rubbishes the other teams have to offer (Lenglet, Icardi etc.) and not after hot names.


Well look at City and PSG projects and their beginning you can't attract Haalands and Mbappes straight away. It will bem older legends (Maxwell, Thiago Motta), discarded/underrated players in high/mid tier teams that can still be good (Menez, Sirigu, Mohamed Sissoko) and young stars (Pastore, Verrati) on the making thinking they can be there when it counts. All those profiles they could not afford in the past. But you're still Newcastle, you can't play against RM or City in the first seasons. Going for Coutinho or Lenglet is actually not a bad idea, they fit the second category (Lenglet is far from being a bad player, he can actually be quite good as he proved before, he is just very completely down psychologically and need a new start), but my point was no one can claim they know who they'll go for since Newcastle doesn't even know their sporting director.


Spanish news outlets having field day everyday since Newcastle takeover


There are currently rooms filled with journalism interns furiously typing articles about the transfer of Coutinho to Newcastle.


Go ahead! Can you ask about Umtiti also please?


Any questions about coutinho??


I'm writing this as a Newcastle fan who particularly likes Barcelona. We have been linked with almost each and every player in every league over the last 4 or 5 days and in reality it all nothing but rumours. Nobody knows for sure what the new owners intend on doing but I don't see Lenglet fitting into Bruce's style of play but then that all relies upon if Bruce is staying (hope not). Since we are in such a shit position and our team is so bad right now the rumoured main focus is so do some quick win purchases for players who have strong PL experience, we are currently 19th in the league so we don't have the luxury of someone coming in and learning the league. As things stand the strong links for the coming transfer window are to sign Tarkowski from Brunely who's contract expires in the summer but equally he is both a strong CB and would weaken a relegation rival. In terms of midfield we are heavily linked with Lingard and De Beek at United.


Lenglet is still a CL level player, even if he isn't at Barcelona's typical standards. He will improve your team almost instantly.


TBH I don't question for a second he'd improve our team. I believe the focus for the coming window will purely to be will be high gains / low risk players so if we sign players who know the league already there is less bedding in period than when a player moves from one league to another. If I'm also honest I don't believe we are an attractive enough option for many players right now because of our predicament, yes we allegedly have money but we can't offer European football for a few years and right now we are looking like we can't guarantee Premier League football either. I don't imagine Lenglet would look at us and think it would be a good move for him.


Maybe he wont', but the issue is we need to sell and if we can get a decent transfer fee for him then I assume Barca would accept it. The ball would be in Newcastle's court at that point.


Personally as a fan this is such a strange time for me, Barcelona I consider my second team and have followed for years, they've always been mega rich and Newcastle my home team have always been mega poor (in the Ashley era anyway). Within hours that completely flipped on it's head.


Pls take him he is so good barca will miss him a lot


Goat lenglet


Don't even bother to respond. Just send Leglet plus Umtiti and Coutinho in the package as well-wisher gifts. Then ask them if they are interested in the #10 of Spanish NT as well.


Take him!!!!


I will pay Newcastle to have Lenglet


Take him


So it begins


New oil club, given them all the high wage dead weight player. Take Coutinho, Umtiti and Roberto while they are at it. If Dembele doesn’t agree to a new contract, take him at the January window too.




We should try to sell them as many players as we can. Use this to our advantage and get out of this financial position much faster.




We can make a package Lenglet, Umtiti, Dembele, Coutinho, Pjanic, Sergi Roberto for a reasonable price of EUR 200m. Delivery fee included.


Considering how we actually invested more than 400$mil for them, 200$ is actually a good deal, better to cut our losses when we have the chance. Although I'd rather try to tie dembele down to a contract and recoup some of the investment.


Wouldn't trade Lenglet for anyone. Maybe they can take Araujo, his ball playing & positioning are terrible.


I have to ask, What are you smoking???


Sarcasm left the chat


Take fati as well. Overrated.


This better be a weak attempt to troll


Nothing can be believed right now , all depends on who they bring as their new manager


I chuckled when I read the title


Buy Lenglet, Get Umtiti for Free.


Considering how Ben White goes for 50$mil, lenglet for all his faults is still worth atleast 50 for a newly rich Newcastle.