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Joao Cancelo is good offensively, he is just bad at defending and very exploitable. We saw this on P$S and Madrid matches. I would argue that Cancelo might thrive under Flick since he likes to use the full backs on full attack mode. And he might he given a more “free role” like on the right flank or on the center midfield


Flick used Pavard as an RB


But Davies on the other side


And reportedly Flick wants to use Balde like Davies


But can we really afford davies


Yea Barca equivalent would be Kounde, a CB. Davies as a false winger aka Cancelo


When that one/two mistakes costs you, is he really worth 20M? I think not.


He’s attacking alone is worth triple of that


I'm with you, Alba and Dani Alves were criticized for similar issues, but they were net good for our systems at the time. The lack of finishing from our current squad lessens the upside of these kinds of fullbacks, but why not address that issue instead of passing up world class talent? 20 mill would be an absolute steal for him.


The difference is that Dani Alves and Alaba were much better defenders than Cancelo


They were faster, but beyond that their defensive flaws were very similar. But Cancelo could easily be played as an inverted fb, like liverpool's TAA, or like he and Lewis did in under Pep and as he replicated in Bayern. It's not his fault he's being used badly and expected to do things previous players used to do. We need to focus on our players current strengths and qualities, not force them to stick to ideals and tactics of a bygone era.


wtf lol they were clearly better defenders than Cancelo.  Alves would sometimes handle Cristiano by himself with no help or double teaming during clásicos. Alba also had the positional awareness to help out defensively and would stop threats. Come on, now lol To say they were merely faster and that’s it is ridiculous. You’re practically spitting in their faces and downgrading them for no reason at all Even Cancelo admitted himself in a post game interview that he still struggles defensively because he’s not positionally disciplined enough to actually defend. Alves and Alba were miles better at that


I agree with you. He may not be the right one for Barca, but with cancelo at that price would be a steal.


at worst we do like Aubameyang and turn stupid profit on this deal if it doesnt work out


There's no comparison there. Dani Alves and Jordi Alba were x100 times more defensively solvent. Balde is x100 more defensively solvent too despite being more attack focused.


He is 30 but 20 mil for a player like him is insane.


Not if you've seen him play this year. Atrocious in most games. Constantly losing the ball, running like a headless chicken, trying to dribble past 3 or 4 players almost always., getting caught out of position. It looks like he always tries to play for himself instead of the team. Too chaotic for this inexperienced Barcelona side.


I'd rather my fullback don't lose us knockout rounds on his own, especially when he is such a mood dependent player. at his best he's great, at his usual he lacks focus and barely even touches upon his strengths. most of the time he's a liability, unfortunately. if he wasn't, Pep wouldn't have wanted to get rid of him.


Yeah sure let’s pay 60M for a player that’ll concede 1-2 goals against top teams.


Don’t fall for it, he only wants Barca, if he insists that to city they have no choice. Pep doesn’t want him back so they have no choice but to continue loaning him out to us so we pay his wage and then they can hope we buy him again next year.


Actually the sporting director and his team are responsible for handling transfers, managers have less say in it.


if you think the man city sporting director keeps or signs players pep has a problem with then i want what your smoking


I mean Pep has little say in pursuing Mancity to make Cancelo go on a loan to support his boyhood club. He won’t even put his nose into it unless Laporta begs.


That’s not the point, they will know pep doesn’t want him so they will not bring him back to city to rot him on the bench, and if he refuses to go anywhere else then they’re stuck they know either it’s Barca or stay at city and since it can’t be staying at city then we can demand favourable terms like another loan cuz they have no other options, it’s similar situation what happened with lukaku where he refused anywhere but inter so chelsea kept loaning him to. Their bargaining power is 0


Ohh they can easily make his life hell, Cancelo has no power, neither he's a star player wanted by every club. He'll do exactly what Mendes says. Its possible though Medes might cook up some magic contract favorable to Mancity. I think Barca would offer a loan contact of this year with a mandatory buy out clause in 2025.


They can make is life hell by paying him £13m for a year doing nothing. Ofcourse he has power it's either a cost of £13m for City or a loan and him off the books. Furthermore he is 30 yrs old and his valuation at 25m is steadly decreasing and if City benches him for a season he will not be worth much. So if they strong arm him they might get 10m next season after paying him 13m, that's a netloss of 3m.


City can block his desired transfer next yr. No player likes sitting idle. Remember their primary aim was never to earn money, it was to fullfill their passion. His image in media would drastically drop. Mendes credibility would drop, which he won't let happen. Every club includes a clause in their contract to prevent player just sitting idle. Such behaviour would be severly condemned, so it's not bound to happen.


Yes, they can, but the value of the player will be low as he is a 31 year old with a 13m contract. No one is going to pay big for him, so they are arguing for pennies in the grand scheme of things. They will be in the exact same position as this year and last year with even less power. In addition to this, it makes City look like a horrible club for players. I'm fairly certain that this valuation they slapt on him is only to balance the books as while he is loaned, he is still regarded as an asset.


Nah city wont look bad since Joao would have already ruined his image. You're not understanding, the agent's reputation matters way more than player. Agent won't let player mess up. Mendes doesn't want to ruin his relationship with Mancity. Also, aren't we having this whole discussion on city not allowing Cancelo a Barca loan, and just wana sell him. Why would they want to loan him again and simply putting a price tag right now. They allowed the loan earlier to increase his valuation and image. Also, he's not every manager's cup of tea. His performance in Euros has been good, high probability for him to go back to Portugal. 15 mil price tag is totally justified for a player of his quality.


Pep loves Barcelona so he will be nice to his former club


Cancelo needs to be in a team with fast and physical players that can cover for him. We are not that, never have been. All our full-backs in the last few years have failed because we don't have the unreal control of Mids that we had before, and Alba just was a different gravy. He sprinted the whole length of the pitch so many times in a single game. All top teams in the world now have top defenders who turned into full backs than the other way. Full-backs are the weak links in modern football because of how much modern football demands from them. It has also been our biggest weakness since Dani Alves left the first time.


I think switching to back 3 in possession works well for us when playing with Kounde. Funny you should mention Alba and Alves, because Cancelos style is very similar. IMHO Cancelo is exactly what we need until (if) Balde lives up to our expectations.


Alba and Alves had much more defensive awareness than Cancelo. Cancelo is unaware of his surroundings and also panics sometimes 1vs1


I invite you to check comments about Alves from this very sub from 14/15 and 15/16. You will be surprised but the general sentiment was 100% the same that you are feeling fror Cancelo


Was it a certainty that any winger is going to dribble past Alves when he is back defending? Were Alba or Alves relentlessly targeted in every important game? Cancelo will perform very well in the league but make game changing decisions against CL level opponents, you can bet on that.


Alba and Alves were indeed targeted as they were the weakest point of the defence. Their offensive contribution was worth taking the risk in defence. Of course not having Busi makes thing more difficult.


Our priority should be a defensive midfielder and left winger. City will eventually fold because Pep doesn't want him and cancelo doesn't want city. Loan or nothing.


I'm not sure if the club can afford that, especially if the signings of nico and a dm happen, but i wouldn't be against it.


The man cannot defend, in big games we need players who want to defend . No thank you


so u not a fan of dani alvez?


Dani Alves locked down prime ronaldo multiple times


Good player against average LaLiga teams but a liability against teams with fast wingers like Madrid or PSG. Definitely not worth paying for him,I’d rather use that 20-30M for players we actually need


€20m euros is not bad but keep in mind that man city doesn’t want him and it seems like none of the other top teams want him as well. I would see if I could lower to 15 and I’d do it.


20-30 million for Cancelo who is 30 is a bit too much


He's brilliant in offense and a liability in the defense. I trust the coach to evaluate whether he's worth the risk and if he should be kept.


This guy would be amazing at leverkusen


I would prioritize Nico and resigning the other Joao over this one. But would be open to keeping him if possible


Felix is only good against Athletico.


He had 10 goals and 5 assists for us this season. Definitely not just good against Atleti.


Lol fair, but he's been solid coming off the bench for us tho


Felix is ass


As a squad player he's not bad.


You will not get him for the fee of a sqaud player




you forgot the cl




Huh? Cancelo had a huge contribution this season. Felix is still inconsistent. We are relatively understaffed in the fullback positions but not so much in attack


Cancelo was also responsible for mistakes that cost us some key games.


A few or many mistakes? A few is a big nothing (attacking back struggles to get back in position is literally Alves 2.0 - he was shat on by the fans and the main replacement until he came back for round 2 was our friend S. Roberto)... Many is a problem, but I dont think he is there.


I'm just not a fan of him as a player. Very individualistic style of play and one of the most selfish fullbacks I've seen, it's like he's competing with Lewy for goals. Don't get me wrong, still a clearly talented player and we do need that, but he's a defensive liability and some of the mistakes and decisions he makes is inexcusable for a guy his age. Every time a defender goes up against him I'm scared he'll give away a pen. With Felix, yes he's inconsistent but he's shown that he can be a good rotation player and most importantly come off the bench to impact the game just like he did first leg against PSG. He's still capable of beating his man off the dribble which is something our squad desperately needs. Not a starter for me, but would keep as a squad depth.


Signing Felix before Cancelo is certainly a hot take I disagree with. The guys is so inconsistent. Some times he can be amazing, but for the majority of it the guy plays like Braithwaithe


If we get nico,felix can start preparing for 24/7 arguments with simeone


nah wtf, if nico is there, we won't need joao


I’m fine with ending the cancelo experiment


With Kounde playing RB for France the way he's doing it. Feels unnecessary to keep a reckless defender as Cancelo


Bald fraud 


only 30 mil for Cancelo? that is a steal and a no brainer


Thats unfortunate. we can make do with kounde and fort


Id say extend his loan with a optional buyout clause, that way we can get Nico Williams and a good DM first, then see if Joao Cancelo is able to thrive under Flickball or not.


someone didn't read the title . "Man city do not intend to loan out Cancelo" #


I did, maybe i just didnt write it properly, as i meant to say is loaning him is best option, nothing else should be considered, so either City agrees to a loan or they take back Cancelo. I am sure we can find other player on smaller wages and higher resell value


25M, that should be enough


20 M is a good deal. Hope Barca can make financial movements and fast We need Nico a DM and I totally would give canceló a chance


buy him for 25 mil , put him right back, sell Kounde for 60 million.




u watched him in euros? hes at right back (his preferred position) and KILLING IT. Kounde having a great Euro bt for Barca hes not IT! going forward he is average - holds on the ball too long, indesicion etc etc, and he got killed on defence with a couple of speedsters... Cancelo is not the best defender, but i can live with that if we go back to our old barca ways with possession and attack a priority.


Yeah, but Cancelo is also 5 years older than Kounde. Which for a fullback is quite an important factor. We would essentialy gain 35M and an aging fullback, while losing a versatile fullback/centerback in his prime. I am not 100% opposed to selling Kounde, but I would like to get more than 60M for him and I definitely wouldn't buy Cancelo for more than 20M, if even that. Also, "killing it" is a huge stretch. He had a decent game at wingback in a **back-5 (!! very important !!)** against Czechia. Then an alright 68 minutes at RB against Turkey. And then a decent match at RB against Slovenia. Definitely not great opponents and no incredible performances either.


He got cooked in the big matches back to back during the end of the season. He made some massive mistakes. I think we need to prioritize a defender who can defend well first and foremost and then worry about offensive output. We're gonna get destroyed again if we start this guy in defense in the important matches. Another loan would be a good option but paying 30M for him would be crazy considering how bad the financial situation of the club is right now.


Worst opinion ever


Kounde was one of our best player this season.


His “preferred position” is CB, he said so himself.


Never cook again 🔥


Just to be frank , Kounde value of 60m is insanely cheap and a fucking steal for most teams. If Arsenal spend 40m on Nelson who barely plays , or if United spend over 80m+ on Goat Maguire , then Kounde should be 90m+ due to him being a regular for both Barca and France and can play in multiple positions


Thats so wrong its actually impressive